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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Fenderputty said:
Thanks ... I was actually hoping for some sort of a small re-cap. I can't get youtube at work.

Just say yes or no to Joe looking like a fool. :lol

Not as satisfying as I was hoping it would be but still pretty damn funny.

"Principles man! Principles look up principles in Webster's." w...t...f...

The best part was probably Sanchez telling Wurzelbacher point-blank that the media has every right to criticize him directly and to point out things like his debt, his lack of a license, etc., because he has thrust himself into the limelight and endorsed John McCain. Other than that they just went back and forth on the tax issue and Wurzelbacher managed to not really answer the question for 6 minutes.


Junior Member
Election officials predicted turnout rates as high as 80 percent in California, the country's most populous state and the highest holder of electoral votes. In Virginia, State Board of Elections executive secretary Nancy Rodrigues said she expected 75 percent of the state's registered voters to cast ballots by Tuesday night.

may be after 1-2 AM before this election gets decided.

Man, I'd so love to see AZ go for Obama. I've got a good feeling about it, but won't be bothered if it doesn't happen considering that this is (or was?) McCain country.
For a guy who didn't want to be in the spotlight, Wurzelbacher seems determined to continue embarrassing himself every time he gets an interview request. I'll be glad when the guy slips back into obscurity where he belongs, although it irritates me that he's going to get a juicy book deal out of it - hey, maybe he'll end up having to pay Obama's top tax rate after all :lol

Frankly I think news directors should be embarrassed for allowing this idiot on their air. "Look up principles in the dictionary" - what a fucking moron.


+1 in Arizona.. will be happy if the state turns purple.

I had to go back home and get some more ID because my ID had my old address, no provisional ballot for me. The line was only about three or four people when I got there at 9AM.


Hail to the KING baby
MightyHedgehog said:
Man, I'd so love to see AZ go for Obama. I've got a good feeling about it, but won't be bothered if it doesn't happen considering that this is (or was?) McCain country.

WAS. Polls have shown Napolitano would absolutely annihilate McCain in a senate race today. Should be within 5 or at least 10 tonight, which would have been unfathomable even a few weeks ago.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
ItsInMyVeins said:
So, uh, I'm watching this clip and I don't know. I mean, I'm probably the last one to agree with Joe on anything, but I'm not seeing what Sanchez is trying to say? What's his point? Joe says he doesn't think people earning over 250k a year should be taxed more than someone earning less than that. And then it seems like Sanchez is trying to turn into something like "aha, you want the people who earn less to pay more?!", and I don't see where that comes from at all. Someone care to explain?
I agree. The reporter man was reaching or didn't pay attention to what mr. plumber was saying. In my opinion they both came out looking like silly nillies.


Whenever I don't know shit about what the fuck I'm talking about, I'm gonna single out one word or phrase and tell the person I'm arguing with to "Look it up in Webster's!" :lol :lol :lol

Fucking Joe The Moron. Fuck you, Joe. Today you are scrubbed from public discourse once and for all.


_dementia said:
where is the 4 EV info coming from?

Gotta be a typo, no polls are closed yet. They probably accidentally flipped the switch on some random 4 EV state.

Either that, or some kind of Jewish cabal / ACORN / Black Panthers / New World Order


ItsInMyVeins said:
So, uh, I'm watching this clip and I don't know. I mean, I'm probably the last one to agree with Joe on anything, but I'm not seeing what Sanchez is trying to say? What's his point? Joe says he doesn't think people earning over 250k a year should be taxed more than someone earning less than that. And then it seems like Sanchez is trying to turn into something like "aha, you want the people who earn less to pay more?!", and I don't see where that comes from at all. Someone care to explain?

Well, a flat tax would entail those making less to pay more. Unless we do a DRASTIC change in the amount of spending. Either way, Joe's point about the rich paying more is useless since neither candidate supports anything resembling a flat tax.
Fox News' Top Story

GrotesqueBeauty said:
San Francisco, home of the evil librrul SF Chronicle.
Didn't you love the way McCain said 'San Francisco' with such disgust in his voice the other day. The GOP hate us for our freedom. :lol


+1 in California! The polling place was pretty empty though, lame :( I guess I'm going pretty late though. Not that cali won't go dem, but I'm worried about prop 8


Hail to the KING baby
speculawyer said:
Didn't you love the way McCain said 'San Francisco' with such disgust in his voice the other day. The GOP hate us for our freedom. :lol

:lol yeah that was awesome. What a uniter.
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