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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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You guys are calling NH for Obama with 1% of precincts reporting? :lol Or did dailykos accidentally call it and then change it back? Because I see 0 on the tally atm.


Junior Member
Tamanon said:
If California is needed to decide this election, we're doomed. It might be 1-2 before Prop 8 is known about, though.:lol
It may be that late before some key states like Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Texas, California, et al get decided unless all this extra turnout goes to Obama exclusively. But you wonder about fear driving some conservatives to the polls at the last minute.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
BakedPigeon said:
CSPAN has live streams of both candidates shin digs going down tonight in chicago and phoenix inluding behind the scens shit. Kinda interesting, not a whole lot of stuff going on but something to look at.

I'll add it to the list:

C-SPAN1 (Direct Link) | C-SPAN2 (Direct Link) | C-SPAN McCain Event Election Cam | C-SPAN Obama Event Election Cam

CNN.com Live | Direct Links: Stream 1 | Stream 2 | Stream 3 | Stream 4

MSNBC (MSNBC Election Day Online coverage has started....Link is streaming live MSNBC right now!); if the link is changed or it goes down, the frontpage of MSNBC.com will have the new link posted when it goes back up.

ABC News Now (Not to be confused with ABC News)

Thanks to Baked Pigeon for the Election Cam Links


echoshifting said:
You guys are calling NH for Obama with 1% of precincts reporting? :lol Or did dailykos accidentally call it and then change it back? Because I see 0 on the tally atm.

No one is calling anything.


ItsInMyVeins said:
So, uh, I'm watching this clip and I don't know. I mean, I'm probably the last one to agree with Joe on anything, but I'm not seeing what Sanchez is trying to say? What's his point? Joe says he doesn't think people earning over 250k a year should be taxed more than someone earning less than that. And then it seems like Sanchez is trying to turn into something like "aha, you want the people who earn less to pay more?!", and I don't see where that comes from at all. Someone care to explain?
Joey P's argument from his first response is essentially that progressive taxation is unfair. One possible response is to ask the practical question of how we're going to pay for our current government services if we take him at his word and suppose he supports abolishing the progressive tax structure. There are only two possible ways of coping. One is to lower EVERYONE's rate to the lowest rate, which essentially bankrupts the government, making it incapable of even the barest services. The ONLY other option is to set some common rate for everyone (higher than the lowest, lower than the highest, and sufficient to fund whichever services we want to keep), which MUST raise taxes on people currently in the lower tax brackets.

Those are the practical implications of denouncing progressive taxation. I'm mystified why a reporter must point it out.
pizzaguysrevenge said:
How'd you vote on K?
speculawyer said:
Didn't you love the way McCain said 'San Francisco' with such disgust in his voice the other day. The GOP hate us for our freedom. :lol
It's obviously because SF isn't part of real America. I'm too busy taking handouts and plundering diseased butt holes while I smoke meth with my tree hugger friends to "really" be considered American. If it were up to me we'd kill kittens for fun and apple pie would be outlawed. That's just how un-American I am.


lawblob said:
Gotta be a typo, no polls are closed yet. They probably accidentally flipped the switch on some random 4 EV state.

Either that, or some kind of Jewish cabal / ACORN / Black Panthers / New World Order

It's the tally from those 2 towns that vote at midnight in NH.


matthewhadick said:
hah, I'm in Benicia.

Err, which is near Vallejo. Quite a few "YES ON 8" fucks in my town (for a suburb of SF, at least.)

Seen a lot of them in San Bruno too. But Benicia is pretty far out there, I think it has more in common with Sacramento than San Francisco.
matthewhadick said:
Fox News' Top Story

The thought of a black guy being the 'commander in chief' of the racists in the military would be so satisfying. :lol

EDIT: I did not mean to imply that the military in general is racist. It is not, it is one of the most integrated workforces in our country. I just mean those few racists that are in the military may now be under the command of a black commander in chief.


If you are in Philadelphia, PA and you click the box for Obama, and then click straight Democratic ticket, it will cancel out your vote for Obama. No one is quite sure why, but it's happening . I just talked to the Obama campaign , and they are urging folks either to just vote straight Democratic ticket , or to choose each candidate individually- but not both. Please Digg and spread this piece of information to anyone widely. My understanding is there are Obama folks in Philly trying to work through this problem, but please let anyone who might be voting know as well. Sorry for the shortness of this diary , but I just wanted to get the word out there.
What the fuck.



helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
lawblob said:
Who else is not nervous at all?

Am I the only one who is not the least bit worried about this thing going for Bams?
Not worried one bit here for Obama. Scared shitless over Prop 8.
Fuck Rick Sanchez. That was a pretty dumb "interview". He kept asking the same question, putting words in Joe's mouth, and then started bringing up personal details. Joe is an asshole obviously but the way you deal with that is by hammering him on the issues. Sanchez only mentioned the progressive tax system in passing, when that should have been the main focus on the interview: Obama is not doing anything revolutionary, the system already taxes people more if they make a lot of money.

Letting him get away with that bank robbing analogy also made me roll my eyes


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These next 4-5 hours are going to go by SO FUCKING SLOW...



Got a ticket from a black cop an hour ago. No sense of history. Didn't matter I had my "I voted today!" sticker on either. Motherfucker. PEACE.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Speevy said:
Give Guam some electoral votes already!

I still don't understand why Guam and Puerto Rico can vote in the primaries but not in the actual election... seems very counterintuitive.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Tamanon said:
Well, a flat tax would entail those making less to pay more. Unless we do a DRASTIC change in the amount of spending. Either way, Joe's point about the rich paying more is useless since neither candidate supports anything resembling a flat tax.

I'm not getting this at all. Walk me through this.

Joe says that rich people shouldn't pay more than people with less money -- I assumed on a tax percentage basis? I.e., everybody has got to pay the same percent of their income in taxes? That's not what he's saying?


Professional Schmuck
Has there ever been more air time given to someone less important (or less qualified) to answer the most important questions of our time?
sonarrat said:
Seen a lot of them in San Bruno too. But Benicia is pretty far out there, I think it has more in common with Sacramento than San Francisco.

we're pretty much right smack-dab in the middle of SF and Sacramento, both geographically and ideologically. we've got out fair share of religious conservatives, but quite a few old retired liberals. jack london used to hang out here for christ's sake.


speculawyer said:
The thought of a black guy being the 'commander in chief' of the racists in the military would be so satisfying. :lol

Uncalled for bro. Lots of GIs are Democrats and anti-Iraq war.
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