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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Connoisseur Of Tedium
I fell asleep again while I left the TV on with the McCain rally. Once again I had a dream about it. At least in my dream someone threw an apple at Palin's head. Anyways +3 for Obama in my household. My parents finally came around.


Joe the Plumber needs a good snaking, b/c he's full of shit. Is Rick like this all the time now? Sounds like the early-afternoon is actually watchable. PEACE.


omg rite said:
My 52 year-old dad just told me he voted for the first time, because he saw how involved I was.

(He voted Obama, btw.)


It's funny that both sides are freaking out about not listening to exit polls, not giving up on voting, and not listening to the media.


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GhaleonEB said:
Wow. I just got back, and had to catch up on 2,000 posts. :lol

Are we terrified? Yes we are.
This is the ultimate litmus test for America.

We're either:

  • Fucking morons that deserve our impeding apocalypse
  • Amazing aware of the change needed for our nation

...something like that.


more money than God
Am I the only one that supports increasing taxes for everyone (except the very poor) so that we can be more fiscally responsible while also increasing entitlements and providing better healthcare and education.


ItsInMyVeins said:
I'm not getting this at all. Walk me through this.

Joe says that rich people shouldn't pay more than people with less money -- I assumed on a tax percentage basis? I.e., everybody has got to pay the same percent of their income in taxes? That's not what he's saying?
poor people pay little to no taxes right now, the rich pay a marginally higher rate of taxes. If you installed a flat tax of say 30% across the board, all of the sudden the poor HAVE to pay 30% in taxes and those in the lower tax brackets taxed at say what is now 20 to 25% have to pay 30%. and then those at the highest marginal tax bracket paying 35% on everything over 250,000 will see a decrease. Yes it would even things out in terms of everyone paying the same amount regardless of the marginal bracket you are in but a person making 30,000 a year and having to pay 30% in taxes hits them a lot harder than someone making 900,000 a year. Especially when you consider Joe also wants to get rid of any sort of welfare for the poor.

Even Milton Friedman said you cant tax the poor in a flat tax system because it would create a permanent underclass. joe is stupid and doesnt understand what he is saying or the ramifications of what he is proposing.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
SoulPlaya said:
Am I the only one that supports increasing taxes for everyone (except the very poor) so that we can be more fiscally responsible while also increasing entitlements and providing better healthcare and education.


Junior Member
KRS7 said:
Interesting tidbit about Guam's presidential vote:

From GuamPDN

Guam gets no Electoral Votes. But, unlike the results from Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, New Hampshire, Guam has been a reliable predictor of the outcome of the presidential election:

* Before President Reagan crushed Walter Mondale in 1984, he won by a landslide in Guam.

* George Bush won in 1988

* In 1992, Guam's straw poll said President George H. W. Bush only deserved one term.

* In 1996 Guam re-elected President Clinton by a wider margin than the states.

* In Guam, George W. Bush barely snuck past Al Gore in 2000.

* W beat John Kerry with ease in 2004.

Again Obama won a landslide in Guam with 62.7% of the vote.

Time for some tropical Hopium.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Tobor said:
First of all, Joe's a moron. He doesn't know what he's saying. The McCain campaign gave him a list of talking points, and was expecting Sanchez to blow him for three minutes like everyone else.

The thing is, I didn't think that someone saying people should have the same tax bracket would be any issue in the US (well, there you go, that's how much I know!), quite the opposite -- at least as far as republicans go.
And that whole interview was kinda crap. Sanchez brought up totally irrelevant points (what Joe earns and etc) and it's pretty obvious what Joe think. Instead, what Sanchez should have talked about is how Joe thinks that would work, with schools, roads and etc.

I mean, I'm totally for different tax brackets depending on what you earn and all. Didn't know USA was that socialistic, though! :lol
RubxQub said:
This is the ultimate litmus test for America.

We're either:

  • Fucking morons that deserve our impeding apocalypse
  • Amazing aware of the change needed for our nation

...something like that.
Something like that...yes.

Actually, exactly like that.


Socreges said:
just remembered this conversation i had earlier with this american chick at work:

her: "i don't really care that obama's a muslim..."
me: "what? no he's not.."
her: "....he was."
me: "...what?"
her: "yeah, he used to be a muslim"
me: "......first off, that shouldn't matter. secondly, no, that's not true."
her: "but it is *blank stare*.... let me find it.....*turns to computer, never finds it*"
me: "...."

so is this the kind of shit you guys put up with?

Yeah, I live in the middle of corn fields in Illinois.

It's either:

"He's Muslim," or some veiled excuse that equates to "He's black."

I'm jealous of you people who were able to change your parents' minds. I failed miserably and got some nice shit for it.


SoulPlaya said:
Am I the only one that supports increasing taxes for everyone (except the very poor) so that we can be more fiscally responsible while also increasing entitlements and providing better healthcare and education.

Personally, I don't think taxes should be raised on anyone. If I was king of America, I would just slash military spending by 20% and rain cash down on all other deserving sectors of the Fed budget... and we would still spend more on military spending than anyone else by a huuuuuuge degree.


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Dax01 said:
Are all the PoliGAF regulars here?
We don't know, because WE DON'T HAVE THE LIST!!!

/glares at GrandJedi
Dark Octave said:
Just happened to me today at work.

Says he switched to Christian right before he started running for president.

And this is a grown ass man in is 50s telling me this. Not some kid like most of us.
And did he also complain about how could Obama have sat in that church for 20 years with that Rev. Wright? :lol


Baby steps SoulPlaya. Gotta wean America off this Center-Right shit first.

Maybe 2nd term we can raise middle class rates to 80-90's rates levels as well.


Junior Member
RubxQub said:
This is the ultimate litmus test for America.

We're either:

  • Fucking morons that deserve our impeding apocalypse
  • Amazing aware of the change needed for our nation

...something like that.

Or the sun rises in the east and we go to work/school/etc.
Dot50Cal said:
Can someone explain to me what exit polls are? I assume all the votes up to a certain point before the polls close?
It works the same way as regular polling, except as they are leaving the poll. You ask someone who they just voted for, and also several issues concerning why they might have voted for that person. Like other polls, you try to target certain areas and demographics in regards to who the pollsters think will decide things.

Again, it's all just samples, so it can't be regarded as anywhere near as accurate as actual tabulations of the vote. Still, it's all they have to go with as far as satisfying curiosity prior to actual results coming in.


So, what network is everyone going to be watching tonight? I'm going to be flipping between CNN and MSNBC.
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