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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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SpeedingUptoStop said:
hey guys, look like Obama won.

We're good people.


more money than God
lawblob said:
Personally, I don't think taxes should be raised on anyone. If I was king of America, I would just slash military spending by 20% and rain cash down on all other deserving sectors of the Fed budget... and we would still spend more on military spending than anyone else by a huuuuuuge degree.
Oh yeah, I would definitley cut military spending, as well. Focusing less on useless military-industrial contracts and more on gear and training for the servicemen. But I still say raise taxes because I don't think the cut in military spending would be enough. Plus, nationalize a big industry like oil, use the profits to fund various programs. Plus, nationalize a huge company like GM and provide discounted cars to Americans.


greepoman said:
You forgot that all undecided go for McCain and also 5-10% Bradley effect. So actually McCain wins!!!!

Something tells me that Xbox Live is not a place where people would lie about racism, so there's no Bradley Effect there:p


lawblob said:
The DOD is also probably the single most inefficient spender of Fed dollars. Defense contracts are notorious for being pork-laden, bloated, unnecessary and wildly over-priced. The DOD is probably the single most wasteful part of the Fed government in total dollars spent. Some people would inevitably lose their jobs, but its necessary to curb the insanity that is wasteful DOD spending.
All true but I think you underplay "some people would inevitably lose their jobs". We built this vast military infrastructure and our internal economy has inevitably become dependent upon the products and services associated with such vast, consistent spending and employment. Now it's choking our economy and no one in political life can even hint at the problem for fear of threatening those jobs. It's a fine mess we're in and it won't be easy to fix it.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
The Interrobanger said:
What the fuck?

Joe is a moron. Joe has no idea how anything works in the government. Joe has become a spokesperson for McCain. Joe is asked to explain why he is condemning Obama's tax policies, even though they don't apply to him. Joe says that they are unfair. Joe is asked what he proposes. Joe explains that everyone should pay an equal percentage of taxes. Joe is asked to clarify his response since it's retarded. Joe does not understand how this system he proposes, while an ideal system in theory, would not work.

Rick Sanchez is a moron as well. After the "I think we both know who we're talking about" incident, he thinks he's some sort of ball buster interviewer. However, I don't know how anyone can look at this interview as anything but idiocy by Joe the Plumber.

Well, I agree that it's retarded, I just didn't think that many americans would :lol

Seriously, I thought such suggestions were kinda common. I guess they aren't.

Evlar said:
Well, the suggestion of abolishing stoplights would be welcomed by a lot of americans, too. Unless you actually did it.



syllogism said:
We aren't going to learn much in 1h. The most democratic part of Indiana won't close until 7pm et. I'm sure gaf is going to freak out though.
Yeah, I don't think they're even allowed to release results until the whole state has stopped voting.

Deus Ex Machina said:
What states stop voting at 6pm?
Eastern Indiana and eastern Kentucky.
Lost Fragment said:
Just woke up. Can someone give me a quick recap of the day so far?


538 has Obama's win percentage at 98.9%.

and Sanchez tore Joe the Plummer into little Joe the Plummer pieces.


As a lifelong conservative, I'm not too thrilled with McCain, but I certainly wasn't going to vote for Obama. But based on the polls, and the high excitement level for Obama, it certainly looks like I will be in the minority.

Am I the only Republican in this thread?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Gregory is a loser. A LOSER!
Xisiqomelir said:
Honestly, I have no faith in us. I have some faith in parts of the Valley, but every other part of the state is so ridiculous.
Yeah, but nobody except for, like, roving bands of Mormons live outside of Tucson and Phoenix. (And Yuma and Flagstaff, I guess.) I really think Maricopa is the decisive county; Tucson is one ultra-blue CD and one barely Republican CD. WE CAN DO IT.


speculawyer said:
Email to my brother in Minnesota:
It's too bad you can't vote against that crazy lady Michelle Bachman. I want her gone.

My brother's response:
If Bachmann was in any other of Minnesota's districts, she would be gone for sure, but she is running in the pro-American part of Minnesota.

I did my part to vote her out of office...


Evlar said:
All true but I think you underplay "some people would inevitably lose their jobs". We built this vast military infrastructure and our internal economy has inevitably become dependent upon the products and services associated with such vast, consistent spending and employment. Now it's choking our economy and no one in political life can even hint at the problem for fear of threatening those jobs. It's a fine mess we're in and it won't be easy to fix it.

Yeah, that the dilemma, and the reason my plan will never become a reality. :lol

Its funny, whenever I quote statistics about the size of the DOD budget, people always think I am joking. The average American really has no idea how much money is spent on 'defense.' It really is, IMO, one of the biggest crimes perpetrated against the American people over the last 50 years.

Granted, defense spending does promote technological development, jobs, national security posturing, etc... all that is well and good, but the sheer bloated nature of the DOD is something most people don't know. We literally spend $10 billion dollars developing a new tank that we actually know has no chance of ever working, but the shit still gets developed... all while Congress openly quibbles about spending an extra $1 billion on medicine for poor kids. It is criminal...


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Slaylock said:
As a lifelong conservative, I'm not too thrilled with McCain, but I certainly wasn't going to vote for Obama. But based on the polls, and the high excitement level for Obama, it certainly looks like I will be in the minority.

Am I the only Republican in this thread?
You're certainly the only one with an illegally sized avatar in this thread, you TOS breaker.
Slaylock said:
As a lifelong conservative, I'm not too thrilled with McCain, but I certainly wasn't going to vote for Obama. But based on the polls, and the high excitement level for Obama, it certainly looks like I will be in the minority.

Am I the only Republican in this thread?

the silent minority.


matthewhadick said:
and Sanchez tore Joe the Plummer into little Joe the Plummer pieces.

Please. Sanchez rips Joe for thinking the taxes should be the same rate across the board. Then, Sanchez says that he believes the flat tax is a remarkable idea. WTF?


Deus Ex Machina said:
What states stop voting at 6pm?

Most of Indiana and half of Kentucky. But some polls here in Indiana will still be voting for a while after they close. They also have to count absentee ballots.
Slaylock said:
As a lifelong conservative, I'm not too thrilled with McCain, but I certainly wasn't going to vote for Obama. But based on the polls, and the high excitement level for Obama, it certainly looks like I will be in the minority.

Am I the only Republican in this thread?
The only one. Except, you know, for all the other people who've posted "+1 McCain" and the like.


Slaylock said:
As a lifelong conservative, I'm not too thrilled with McCain, but I certainly wasn't going to vote for Obama. But based on the polls, and the high excitement level for Obama, it certainly looks like I will be in the minority.

Am I the only Republican in this thread?

No, no you're not the only LOSER in this thread.

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