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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
ItsInMyVeins said:
I've got one small question; how come the election is on a Tuesday? Why not a Sunday or something?

from http://www.infoplease.com/spot/electionday1.html

For much of our history, America was a predominantly agrarian society. Law makers therefore took into account that November was perhaps the most convenient month for farmers and rural workers to be able to travel to the polls.

The fall harvest was over, (remember that spring was planting time and summer was taken up with working the fields and tending the crops) but in the majority of the nation the weather was still mild enough to permit travel over unimproved roads.
Why Tuesday?

Since most residents of rural America had to travel a significant distance to the county seat in order to vote, Monday was not considered reasonable since many people would need to begin travel on Sunday. This would, of course, have conflicted with Church services and Sunday worship.

Why the first Tuesday after the first Monday? Lawmakers wanted to prevent election day from falling on the first of November for two reasons. First, November 1st is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation for Roman Catholics. Second, most merchants were in the habit of doing their books from the preceding month on the 1st. Apparently, Congress was worried that the economic success or failure of the previous month might prove an undue influence on the vote!
Obama needs better ads to get the undecided GAFfers. I present:



ItsInMyVeins said:
Ah, alright. Seems reasonable, although it probably should be updated for, you know, the 21st century ;)

Dumping the electoral college is probably higher on the list of priorities. :)

Seth C

Here you go PoliGAF, some photos I took at the rally in Cincinnati tonight.


This one is just me standing out on the field before the rally, holding my sign.


Some huge letters people made and passed out. If you watched on TV you probably heard Obama comment on them and asked folks to be careful and not drop any of them.


Obama comes on stage.


Throwing gang signs. No really, he was talking about "two more days."





AniHawk said:
You know who's awesome?

Ron Paul is awesome.

I hope Obama takes the state because of Ron Paul.
PPP actually said Paul is winning 2% of both registered Democrats and Republicans, while taking 9% of the Independents. If more Independents would be leaning towards McCain without Paul, then you'd be right. Otherwise, it looks like he's playing more of a neutral role and Obama is just pure beating McCain in Montana.


speculawyer said:
Fuck yeah!

C'mon Montanas . . . do that protest vote!

Do you know why Ron Paul supporters even support Ron Paul?

A third-party vote is much more likely than a "protest" vote for someone who is polar opposite to Ron Paul.


voodoojohn said:
PPP actually said Paul is winning 2% of both registered Democrats and Republicans, while taking 9% of the Independents. If more Independents would be leaning towards McCain without Paul, then you'd be right. Otherwise, it looks like he's playing more of a neutral role and Obama is just pure beating McCain in Montana.


Well that's interesting, then. Isn't that kinda what Ross Perot did (equal number of Democrat and Republican support, but most people believed he stole the winning Republican vote)?

Red Scarlet

Seth C said:
Here you go PoliGAF, some photos I took at the rally in Cincinnati tonight.


This one is just me standing out on the field before the rally, holding my sign.

How'd you get out onto the field like that, anyway?

AniHawk said:
I think it was back in August. He's also on the ballot in Louisiana IIRC.

Oh, no one's ever mentioned it at school. Thought it was recent.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Obama has got to be one of the most photogenic presidential candidates in history.

And it has a large part to do with the design of his campaign as well; the neat blue signs with white text and a hint of red.

We're going to miss those astounding visuals once he's actually President.

But then again... if he hasn't already spent all the donation money, he should use that money to redesign the white house graphics and media for the new ipod government that he's proposing.

Seth C

Red Scarlet said:
How'd you get out onto the field like that, anyway?

They were handing out yellow tickets to some people as they came in, and letting them go stand down on the field right in front of the stage, as opposed to up in the stands. I had a good seat (to Obama's left, third row) anyway since I got there 2 hours before the doors opened and 5 hours before Obama was scheduled to be there. Still, I saw a guy offer an extra yellow ticket to a lady and she turned it down so I jumped in and quickly asked for it. He handed it off to me and I got up and was allowed to go out on the field.
AniHawk said:




*masturbates furiously*

Tomorrow will either crush my dreams, or give me faith in America again.
Haven't seen these posted here, but Zogby's battleground polls:

O: 53.7
M: 40.0

O: 50.2
M: 43.9

O: 50.7
M: 44.6

O: 50.7
M: 42.9

O: 47.5
M: 46.2

O: 47.4
M: 45.7

O: 47.7
M: 49.3

O: 43.9
M: 49.1


viciouskillersquirrel said:
At one point, he actually backed Joe Liebermann for President:

March 2006: Barack Obama goes officially insane.

Not for president. He backed Lieberman against Lamont, for the senate. Still a lapse of judgment, of course. I do remember Lieberman promising, after he was elected, to campaign for whoever the Dem nominee for president would be. Yeah that turned out well: the nominee was actually someone who backed him in '06 and he still went with the Republican.

BTW, can the roll-eyes smiley be standardized, specifically for replying to this Dax01 kid? Just askin'.


Can we officially stop sending me 400 flyers on my car, stuck in my door, mailed in mass to my box?

Least I don't have to wait in line. Mail-in ballots bitches!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jackl said:
Can we officially stop sending me 400 flyers on my car, stuck in my door, mailed in mass to my box?

Least I don't have to wait in line. Mail-in ballots bitches!
Another Oregonian?


reilo said:
Another Oregonian?

Indeed. Sent it off last week. Glad after nearly a year of election mess its finally over.(Unless another Florida fuck up happens again. Then we'll never hear the end of it.)
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