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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Red Scarlet

Amir0x said:
are you a big Persona 3 fan now? Noticed you've been digging on it avatar-wise and such

Well crap, hosting page is down so I can't post my 330 hr time for the first time I finished the game. I played quite the hell out of it (3 times through) last semester.

Hmmmmm, it's RubxQub. Didn't the Redskins lose yesterday??


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Obama keeping this shit tight in Indiana is extreeeeeeeemely encouraging. If this puppy stays around 50/50 before Gary results start kicking in, you can whip out your blue brush and paint that bitch.




kkaabboomm said:
good thing about the Jefferson county/Lville numbers: only 42% of the precincts have reported, and Lunsford is up 53-47. slight hope remains, especially with fayette still 100% out.

Democrat/Republican trade off doesnt exactly work on the state level like it does nationally. The entire state will generally vote more Democrat than you think with Governor/Senate elections. So this margin isnt a terrible sign for Lunsford.

Saying that I hope the bastard loses. One of the most corrupt men I have ever had the chance to meet.


Just as I thought: Vermont for Obama, Kentucky for McCain. Surprised that they're not calling S. Carolina.


Honorary Canadian.
wtf? Michigan had some SWEET proposals this year. i'm so pissed i transfered my citizenship to illinois over the summer. LAME.

i voted on constitutional convention and recalling elected officials.

but if i were in michigan i could avoted on stem cells AND medical marijuana AND obama on the same ballots. BULLSHIT.


Virginia - Please, if there is anything out there beyond our objective reality, you as a state will not fuck this up.

This thing is over as soon as Virginia gets called, please god in heaven, don't let a planet down.
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