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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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pakkit said:
We prefer those European kisses, ;)

LOL at the people freaking out as if the results have been announced for VA and FL.

We can arrange that. Make Obama your president and the country of Sweden will celebtrate tomorrow with hamburgers and freedom fries and whatnot. We might even listen to Elvis. And then you can come here to Sweden this summer and get kissed by men/women/animals/whatever you want. Trust me, it'll be worth it.

And this time you wont have to tell people you are from Canada to get accepted.


Stop freaking out and look at the county breakdowns. My god, guys, it's like you all expected everyone to call it for Obama at 7:00.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
These tilted pictures of McCain and Obama are crappy. They both look bad.


Please, take it from a Canadian. Just relax. I don't know why you need to take it from a Canadian. But we seem to be a shit ton cooler then you guys. So just calm down.
Chitown stand up

So i just took my sister thats +4 Obama for my family that i know of. havent talked with my other 2 sisters today. I voted democrats all across the board

not that we're hotly contested, but i refuse to stand on the sidelines of history


Honorary Canadian.
are any of you worried that obama might lose? I mean, if that happens... i don't know what i'll do.

i'm trying to stay even keel here for awhile.


Red Scarlet said:
Well crap, I guess it's not starting till 7 my time. So time to order a pizza and bug you guys!

:lol they are suggesting Alaska going to Obama.

Alaska would be amazing!!

I can't believe the chicken littles in this thread. You people need to chill the fuck out. He's got this!!


whytemyke said:
are any of you worried that obama might lose? I mean, if that happens... i don't know what i'll do.

i'm trying to stay even keel here for awhile.

Dude, you keep posting the same damn thing.
Damn the fucking power company decided to repair the pole that is right in front of my house, while its a blizzard outside and during this heated election... trying to catch up now.


sp0rsk said:
Elections take time. Is this your first time? Did you follow the primaries?

Really? I was completely oblivious to the percentage of precincts reporting...I thought as soon as polls close the results are insta-counted....No, it's not my first time...I voted in 2004, hence my caution...and Yes I did follow the primaries...this is my first time reading/posting in PoliGAF to this degree however.

Geez, i'm allowed to have a cautious "i'll save my celebration for the actual goddamn celebration" mindset...doesn't mean i'm tracing cut-lines on my wrist. I sip my hopium, not chug.


typhonsentra said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Pasco County (Where I live):

Obama 54,433
McCain 6

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I'm willing to bet that 5 of those 6 accidentally voted for McCain.


Obama's SO going to win Florida and Ohio... to all of you who talked about wanting these two states removed from the nation, all I can say to is: Ha ha, we're redeemed.
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