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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Indiana's tightening.

Important things to remember:
Florida's panhandle is not closed polling yet, so the numbers there will end up better for the GOP than they look right now.

Virginia is reporting highly rural, highly republican areas, so don't get upset there yet.


Unconfirmed Member
Kusagari said:
Miami-Dade already reported which is why Obama's dominating now in Florida. He still has Broward and palm Beach to go too!
Miami-Dade is reporting, yes, but it's not even 1% of Miami-Dade precincts it would seem.


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RiskyChris said:
Like 5 rows from the stage in Chicago. I was on fucking CNN seen running to the stage!
Soooooooo jealous


East coast south of Pennsylvania and north of Florida is showing strongly to McCain. No big surprise, but disappointing.


I'm watching CNN and I see no holograms? :S I see Anderson Cooper and a bunch of other dudes. I'm watching on my actual TV, not the stream though.


Kevin said:
If McCain beats Obama then I will be convinced that the elections are indeed being rigged every single time. Specially considering how well Obama has been doing in nearly every poll leading up to today.

Me too. My friend.

Actually let's riot!!! Like they do in 3rd world countries!!! Then have a re-election!!!


Kibbles said:
I'm watching CNN and I see no holograms? :S I see Anderson Cooper and a bunch of other dudes. I'm watching on my actual TV, not the stream though.

That was a while ago. They'll probably do it more throughout the night, though.


Hmmm should I pop the champagne now purely for the anxiety reducing effects of the alcohol or save it for Obamination later tonight? Decisions, decisions...
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