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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Evlar said:
I most every Western RPG you can build a black avatar if you want to.
Not talking about the American/Eurpoean ones. Those characters are always generic.

It's them damn Japanese ones (that I love but...) with the blonde haired blue eyes 16 year old boy that looks like a girl that's the lead for every single RPG.

Time to "CHANGE" shit up Japan. :D
WaltJay said:
Hey now, we gotta start somewhere. There's was Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton before there was Barack Obama. :D
But before Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton there was Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X :(


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Fox318 said:

:lol :lol

I had to think about what this picture meant for a second.


Marvie_3 said:
"When someone called me a redneck woman once....I said thank you"

Can we stop encouraging this fuckin "redneck" culture bullshit? This "war on intelligence" is pissing me off....

I'm so sick of this shit as well. All this fucking "Joe the Plumber" shit needs to die once and for all.

I fucking hate right-wing populism, nothing but a bunch of idiots consciously supporting outdated ideas and beliefs about the world, just because "Joe Sixpack" never went to fucking college. FUCK the "average man" bullshit if it means that one must deny common knowledge about the world and where it's heading.
Dark Octave said:
Not talking about the American/Eurpoean ones. Those characters are always generic.

It's them damn Japanese ones (that I love but...) with the blonde haired blue eyes 16 year old boy that looks like a girl that's the lead for every single RPG.

Time to "CHANGE" shit up Japan. :D

Well to be fair there's not many "Asian" heroes in JRPGs either. So... maybe they just like white people?
worldrunover said:
Well to be fair there's not many "Asian" heroes in JRPGs either. So... maybe they just like white people?
:lol Technically, they are spossed to be Japanese...I guess...or mixed white and Japanese...

Self hate? Their idea of the perfect human? I dunno.

/topic. Don't want to derail.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?
Watching GAF get its pedo on as his little girls mature in the next 8 yrs? All I can think of.


worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?
That he won't match style with substance. This is the most important shift in the political landscape since at least Reagan. He needs to set a tone for the next couple decades, a set of ground rules others will play by long after he's left office. That's what Reagan did (with tons of help from ambitious young Republicans). He must do the same, set the agenda and frame the debate, validate a certain kind of politics and discredit others.

He needs to avoid being another JFK... a President that inspired millions with his message of transformational politics then failed to deliver anything beyond a cult of personality, partially due to political ambivalence and partially to circumstances beyond his control.
Haven't posted much in Poligaf threads, but I'm sure going to miss coming to these threads and injecting a little hopium into my life. Thanks to all the major contributors, and may the change we need begin on Tuesday night...


Evlar said:
That he won't match style with substance. This is the most important shift in the political landscape since at least Reagan. He needs to set a tone for the next couple decades, a set of ground rules others will play by long after he's left office. That's what Reagan did (with tons of help from ambitious young Republicans). He must do the same, set the agenda and frame the debate, validate a certain kind of politics and discredit others.

He needs to avoid being another JFK... a President that inspired millions with his message of transformational politics then failed to deliver anything beyond a cult of personality, partially due to political ambivalence and partially to circumstances beyond his control.

this... i'm worried that there is so much built up expectations that he has no chance of delivering to everyones satisfaction. You pretty much said everything i was thinking. He has a chance for at LEAST 2 years, to make some big changes in this country, i'm hoping the chances dont get blown and the Dem's keep the big majority in 2010. He needs to avoid having the year of "break in" time, and hit the ground running in Jan.

Chrono said:
Do states announce the winner immediately after their polls close?

no, some networks do when all previous polling and then exit polling shows it will be a win.

There is a good portion of the country that will be called right away. (See CA, TX, NJ, NY, etc)


Shawnwhann said:
Haven't posted much in Poligaf threads, but I'm sure going to miss coming to these threads and injecting a little hopium into my life. Thanks to all the major contributors, and may the change we need begin on Tuesday night...

I will gladly say goodbye to this thread as long as its followed by a celebration of all we've hoped for all these months.

BTW-- This crowd in FL at Obama's rally is really rowdy. They make noises after every sentence. They're bitter the last 8 years, or still sour of being called Ohio :-D


Evlar said:
That he won't match style with substance. This is the most important shift in the political landscape since at least Reagan. He needs to set a tone for the next couple decades, a set of ground rules others will play by long after he's left office. That's what Reagan did (with tons of help from ambitious young Republicans). He must do the same, set the agenda and frame the debate, validate a certain kind of politics and discredit others.

This is what I want most from Obama. If he leaves office, and the political landscape of this country is not changed, I would be very disappointed.

I want "conservative" to be as damaged a word as liberal has been.

I hope that "universal healthcare" goes back to being called what it truthfully is, socialized medicine.

I want anyone that still doubts evolution in any way at all to be looked at as a fucking lunatic.

Things like the patriot act need to be viewed as too close to 1984, and that needs to be the end of the argument. None of the wishy washy, trying to play both sides crap.

I'm SICK of the fucking neo-cons and every thing they stand for. Reagan represented everything I dislike about the US.


worldrunover said:
Ok, question: What's the most worrisome thing about an Obama presidency?

The most worrisome thing would be if he turns the economy around and all is well in the world then the conservatives will switch back to social issues. AKA Intelligent Design, abstinence, and oh noez the gayz!!


Chrono said:
Do states announce the winner immediately after their polls close?

I think they keep a running tally by state, and when it's statistically impossible for the losing candidate to win, they call the state for the winner.


Dax01 said:
Wouldn't you be after 21 months of campaigning?:lol

Funny fact: Obama announced his campaign for president on MY birthday. February 10th, 2007.

Holy crap, you're not even 2 years old and you're posting on the Internet already?! Are you the baby from the e-Trade commercials? :D
gcubed said:
this... i'm worried that there is so much built up expectations that he has no chance of delivering to everyones satisfaction. You pretty much said everything i was thinking. He has a chance for at LEAST 2 years, to make some big changes in this country, i'm hoping the chances dont get blown and the Dem's keep the big majority in 2010. He needs to avoid having the year of "break in" time, and hit the ground running in Jan.

no, some networks do when all previous polling and then exit polling shows it will be a win.

There is a good portion of the country that will be called right away. (See CA, TX, NJ, NY, etc)

at some point he needs to have a serious talk with americans and level with them somehow, I don't know how. But people need a serious attitude adjustment, we've become so spoiled and someone needs to tell them that sacrifice is need if we are going to get out of this Republican shithole Bush has made.


WaltJay said:
Holy crap, you're not even 2 years old and you're posting on the Internet already?! Are you the baby from the e-Trade commercials? :D

Obama always has been great at gaining new voters.
May God help Obama win

May Allah bless the voters, to soften thier hearts and let them vote Obama

May this be the end of hatred, bigotry and a new time for change. change for the people of the world, change for better health care, change for a better image of the US around the world, change for a better economy. change to bring back the feeling we all had when Clinton was president and everything was Good.

Change. May God bless

and May God Speed.

artredis1980 said:
May God help Obama win

May Allah bless the voters, to soften thier hearts and let them vote Obama

May this be the end of hatred, bigotry and a new time for change. change for the people of the world, change for better health care, change for a better image of the US around the world, change for a better economy. change to bring back the feeling we all had when Clinton was president and everything was Good.

Change. May God bless

and May God Speed.

Don't let Fox see this post.


worldrunover said:
As Colbert put it, DC is the chocolate city with a creamy white center.

Ah I see, I guess I'm just used to seeing the white tourists. That and I guess none of the bizillion lobbyists actually live in DC I guess.
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