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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Justin Bailey

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Vennt said:
Yeehawwww! Back home off tour just in time for the fun'n'games.

I take it there were no major game-changers over the last 2 weeks then?
Joe the Plumber endorsed John McCain, it's all downhill from here.


artredis1980 said:
MSNBC forgets to mentioned alot of states where republicans could vote in Dem primaries, most voted for Hillary especially in Ohio and Texas

listen, we cant take facts like this... I cant believe you brought this up... people are racist! thats the reason!
Evlar said:
I'm clinging to a wild dream that, post-election, the nation will look back at the fear-mongering of the last month and collectively decide "Know what? This socialism thing isn't so scary."

repost for great justice:



Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Wes said:
Staying up all night over in the UK here to see how this one goes. Can't wait!

I'm not in the UK, but slightly to the east of you guys. But I'll be doing the same here, I think. Depending on how long it will go on.
SteveMeister said:
I don't want this to happen, and I hope it doesn't happen, but I have a feeling McCain's going to pull this one off. Here's why:

People respond more to FEAR than to HOPE.

The McCain campaign has been doing what the Republican party has done for years -- telling people they should be afraid of an Obama presidency. He's not ready to lead. He's never been in charge of anything. He has no experience. He'll raise your taxes. He'll spend $1 trillion by raising your taxes and wreck the economy. He's a socialist. He's a liberal. He pals around with terrorists. He needed his faith in America vindicated, while McCain always had faith. McCain has served his country while Obama has served his own interests in a "quick rise to power." He and his "liberal congressional allies" will ruin the economy and make the nation less secure. Etc.

I think that it's going to make a difference. I hope it doesn't, because it says a lot of bad things about Americans.

So, here's hoping that HOPE wins out over FEAR, and that my own fears are unjustified.
Your feeling is wrong.
Underperforming in the primaries, well...Hillary Clinton is a household name and Barack was still relatively new at that time. Plus, hillary was a much smarter opponent than McCain (lol), and she had some fuck ups (snipergate), but nowhere near as monumental as McCain's fuck ups (Palin, suspending his campaign, etc.). This time majority of Americans know Barack better, so I think he will live up to the good polling.

i hope.


crowphoenix said:
I'm really looking forward to casting my Obama vote into the Alabama Pit of McCain. I've been doing well so far in keeping my stress down as I followed the election, but I think the tension and the political ads of my state are starting to get to me.

Fellow Alabamian about to do so as well. Sucks that there is no early voting here.

Seth C

woeds said:
Ok, cool. Just wanted to know when to head home from the pub, I'm at EST+6 here.

Ah, okay. Well if you get home by 19:00 EST you will be there when the first important states have their polls closing. Nothing exciting will happen before then.


ItsInMyVeins said:
I'm not in the UK, but slightly to the east of you guys. But I'll be doing the same here, I think. Depending on how long it will go on.
Same here, and I took Wednesday off from work. I'm not going to sleep untill I have my answer :D


Part of me wants to pop a few xanax, chase'em with tequilla, sleep until tommorow, vote, repeat the process, and hope I wake Wednesday morning to a world of change & hopium. I'm really getting too fucking anxious. All of these doomsday scenarios keep filling my head and it makes my heart sad. If things go bad tomorrow I'll never be able to look at this country & the people in it the same way.

Work is going to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag today. I might have to bring a mini bag of hopium for break...Someone help me!
Nameless said:
...hope I wake Wednesday morning to a world of change & hopium. I'm really getting too fucking anxious. All of these doomsday scenarios keep filling my head and it makes my heart sad. If things go bad tomorrow I'll never be able to look at this country & the people in it the same way.
Reflects my thoughts exactly.
Cheebs said:
Obviously sarcasm, but as long as everyone in this thread votes there is no reason to run around scared shitless over week old polls. I can't think of a single thing to be worried about.


Cheebs is calming people down? I have seen everything! :lol
Hey guys, so i heard McCain is coming back in the polls, and that no poll showed him winning in New Hampshire but he somehow managed to pull out the W, and so that means the polls are wrong and McCain will finally achieve his lifelong ambition to become president, right?


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
how many hours is it till it's likely to be called? I have no grasp of reference to EST and I can't find any reference online :( I'm going to work in 7 hours, will it be called during the next 12 hours?
kkaabboomm said:
Hey guys, so i heard McCain is coming back in the polls, and that no poll showed him winning in New Hampshire but he somehow managed to pull out the W, and so that means the polls are wrong and McCain will finally achieve his lifelong ambition to become president, right?
Well, I guess that wraps it up.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artredis1980 said:
University of Cincinnati Poll:

OH: Obama 52, McCain 46 (UCinc-10/29-11/2)

edit: this result is WITH the undecideds allocated to who they are leaning for

WOW!! Remember dude give us the LINKS!!!


lawblob said:
I was debating whether I should have specifically mentioned him, since he was the only one I could think of. :lol

Heh, same here. I always thought he was black, and apparently the Internet agrees with me. He's the Jackie Robinson of RPGs! :D


Brobzoid said:
how many hours is it till it's likely to be called? I have no grasp of reference to EST and I can't find any reference online :( I'm going to work in 7 hours, will it be called during the next 12 hours?
The election is tomorrow...


Dark Octave said:
:lol That's ya'alls one. An ignaramous stereotypical character from 10 years ago who dropped out of the story halfway through.

I guess the quota has been filled to last another 10 years eh?

Hey now, we gotta start somewhere. There's was Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton before there was Barack Obama. :D


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artredis1980 said:
Some Quinnipac additional numbers

Florida: Obama leads 47 to 45

Obama leads 51 to 38 those who have already voted, 54% of 2004 have already voted

OH: Obama leads 50 to 43

Obama leads 61 to 26 on early voters, around 30% of 2004 have already voted

This sample is huge, more than 1500 people for each state


OMG!! We really might pick up FL and Ohio. Thanks for posting the link.


Mama Robotnik said:
I've not posted in PoliGAF, but dipped in and out with fascination. I've been getting more news, polls and articles linked here ten-times faster than BBC's News Website. Thanks guys.

Like most of GAF, I'm despererate for Obama to win. In the past, I wouldn't have hated a McCain victory. But that was before he became a puppet shouting out vulgar soundbites for the proud-armies of ignorance, and choosing that woman for his running mate. He's a lost cause now.

Not that it matters, as I'm British and have no place voting in your election.

What amazes me is the fundementalist reaction. Not content with yelling 'terrorist' and 'behead him' at the rallies, some of the forums are actually labelling an Obama victory as Osama Bin Laden's Plan B.

There is no possible concievable way that this notion makes sense to a rational mind. Its pure angry emotion, trying to form a counter argument which simply bypasses those awkward obstructions, namely facts and evidence.

One way or another, the amount of angry people by Wednesday is going to be staggering.
I agree with all this. At this point im not just voting for Obama, but also againt all the bullshit McCain, his campaign, and his supporters stand for.


Dark Octave said:
:lol That's ya'alls one. An ignaramous stereotypical character from 10 years ago who dropped out of the story halfway through.

I guess the quota has been filled to last another 10 years eh?
In most every Western RPG you can build a black avatar if you want to.


While I'am Canadian, this election certainly effects the world and I believe I understand American politics enough to remain in rooting for Obama and hope along with all of you that he is elected.

I will also most likely end as one of the many all nighters.:lol


Hey guys make sure you have some republican websites open on your tabs tomorrow for a healthy supply of bitter, bitter tears.
Dark Octave said:
:lol That's ya'alls one. An ignaramous stereotypical character from 10 years ago who dropped out of the story halfway through.

I guess the quota has been filled to last another 10 years eh?
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