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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Nice speech by McCain. Doesnt mean im gonna suddenly forgive the guy for his shit tactics. I mean, the guy has nowhere else to go but with a classy exit.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Despite how he ran his campaign I expected McCain to deliver a classy concession speech, and he did not disappoint.


GhaleonQ said:
Soren Kierkegaard says:

The present age is essentially a sensible, reflecting age, devoid of passion, flaring up in superficial, short-lived enthusiasm and prudentially relaxing in indolence. ...Whereas a passionate age accelerates, raises up, and overthrows, elevates and debases, a reflective apathetic age does the opposite, it stifles and impedes, it levels. ...In antiquity the individual in the crowd had no significance whatsoever; the man of excellence stood for them all. The trend today is in the direction of mathematical equality, so that in all classes about so and so many uniformly make one individual. ...For leveling to take place, a phantom must first be raised, the spirit of leveling, a monstrous abstraction, an all-encompassing something that is nothing, a mirage - and this phantom is the public.

Another crybaby heard from.


Dartastic said:
McCain's concession speech is very good. Great job McCain. Very classy of you. Despite how much I've despised your campaign, this speech is really good. The guy looks like he's about to cry. Granted, I understand why, but still. Very classy, so far. Very classy.
Yeah, he's really is doing a great job. :)


Not as deep as he thinks
I feel so sorry for McCain but in all honesty, he's gained a bit of respect to me and some sympathy from this speech. It's just heartwarming even though it wasn't like that throughout the whole campaign. Also, such powerful words when he said "The failure is mine, not yours" Just wow.
This is the real McCain again... his party took its collective hand back out of his ass... if he were to be president that hand would be still there.


It's nice to see McCain giving the nice guy speach, but his "too radical, too risky" ads still ring in my mind. Also, those people in the crowd at his speach sicken me.
i am lol'ing at face book friends saying moving to Canada. now, i think they would get more shit there for being conservative than they would here.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man fuck this McCain crowd. They are booing and shouting out random crap while McCain makes an honorable concession speech. When the camera panned over the crowd all I could see was scared and angry white people.

Oh well, this is not a time for hate. McCain has conceeded and he did so honorably. It's too bad we did not see more of this McCain during his campaign.
McCain is NOT a class act. Do not forget the bullshit negative campaigning with the Ayres shit, they "do you really know this guy" crap, and so on. He could have done the right thing, and he sold out and went into the gutter instead.

He is giving a classy speech, and he deserves kudos for that, and only that.

And fuck these shithead supporters of his and the whole Palin crowd.




...What the fuck at the McCain crowd? when they tried to start a "Sarah" chant, I was seriously fucking disgusted. Fuck them. Obama won, they lost. I have no reason to be pissed, God Bless America


Banstick Emeritus
WOW. Booing through this speech? Fucking unbelievable. No, I take that back. After seeing how these guys operate through the campaign, I'm not surprised at all. Enjoy your newfound irrelevance, assholes.
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