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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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7Th said:
As glad as I am Obama won, I don't think I'll ever understand the reactions and excitement in this thread. Maybe it is that I was pretty sure the election was his after he became candidate for the Democratic Party, though.

Obama was leading hugely in the polls for quite a while prior to today, but I really don't see how that makes this moment any less powerful and unique. It's an incredibly pivotal moment in history.

And yes, this is indeed the first time in my adult life that I've been proud of my country. I'm 24, and haven't had much to be proud of the past 8 years. This will change.
oh yeah and mccain's concession speech was pretty good, i still have a good amount of respect for the man, i just think he lost control of his campaign, and he paid the price for it


DMczaf said:


Why would you fucking post this. Now I feel bad.


Unconfirmed Member
Fuck yes. I'm so happy right now, and so proud of the US. Fuuuuuuuck yes.

Biden's mom was adorable, she looked so overwhelmed and excited and happy. Like Happy Gilmore's grandma or something!


Gold Member
In 24 hours time the entire world will realize that the United States has just elected a black man named Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States.

It is an event unimaginable just a half decade prior. It is an event that will unseat stereotypes built within the last 8 years and for some, even longer. It is an event that will echo in Western history and cement itself in the long journey of human struggle and endurance.

Breathe deep and embrace the moment.

Yes you did!


Batteries the CRISIS!
krackerjack said:
This is like a Hollywood movie ending where the good guys win at the end. On CNN...its...showing New York, LA, Chicago....people cheering, crying, hugging....this is amazing.

Just like the end of Star Wars Ep. 6 in the remixed version! :lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Man, this is incredible.

What a guy fit to be a leader - looks like a leader, damn right he sounds like one too.

Again, this was worth staying up till 6:20 in the morning for, when I have to get up later today.

2008 U.S. President Elect Barack Obama.

History written just now - and it was a hell of an experience here on GAF with it too.

Time for bed.

My dad must be going nuts right now since he's a huge Obama fan himself - gotta hear what he says tomorrow since I knew he was in Obama gear from head-to-toe all day today... :lol

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I went to Hillaryis44 for shits and giggles, and the bitter tears over there are oh so bitter and I love it! :D

Go Obama!


Hahaha, MSNBC is showing the Combo Breaker thing right now. Well, not literally, but they showed a picture of the previous white presidents before now. So amazing. I'm so happy right now. :D


Incredible speech. The emotions this man is capable of welling up inside of people is unlike any other presidents in recent memory. I'm actually proud to be American for a change.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I almost never cry for anything and I didn't this time, but damn if I didn't come close a few times there. That was an amazing speech. This is an amazing night and an amazing moment in history. I really think this will mark a significant turning point for the country.

I am 23 years old and this is really this first time in my adult life that I have truly felt proud of my country.


Ok, so did anyone else notice that the music they played after McCain's concession speech was the music from Crimson Tide? I found this weird at first, but then I realized there's some interesting symbolism in that choice.

In the first scene where that music plays clearly, the crew of the boat yells out a chant:


Also that the movie is about a young black guy stealing command from an old white dude, but whatever.


Not as deep as he thinks
Words cannot express the happiness I'm feeling right now with this official announcement and speech. All I can say right now is thank you everyone. Thank you, PoliGAF and the posters in this thread that made the celebration THAT much better. This will be legendary and will never be forgotten. I'm officially out of this thread and continue all your celebrations. :D


GAF's Ed McMahon
As an european citizen and allied of USA, i for one welcome Obama as president. :D

Hopefully his decisions on international politics wont be as shitty as Bush ones.


well not really...yet
Obama just made me feel something that I haven't felt in a long time

Pride. I am damn proud of this country.
-Kees- said:
Posting this again since it got caught right before Barack's speech.


Obama now leads by 16,200 votes. 97% of precincts reporting.


Allen County

McCain: 76,728 52%
Obama: 69,934 47%

97% reporting

Jasper County

McCain: 4,836 59%
Obama: 3,248 40%

72% Reporting

Jennings County

McCain: 5,883 54%
Obama: 4,852 44%

96% of precincts reporting

Wayne County

McCain: 0
Obama: 0

Wayne County went 16,500-10,000 for Bush in 2004.

(don't know WTF is up with this county)


Compared to Obama

Lake County is going for Obama 67-32 with 8% of precincts yet to report. He also a lead in LaPorte County 57-41 with 10% of precincts left to report. He also has Monroe county, which he is leading 65-34 with 6% left to report.

Obama may very well have an insurmountable lead in Indiana.


Obama is ahead by 14,000 votes.


Souldriver said:
did you just wake up at six am, or went through the whole night like me? :D
I woke up around 4.00am in the morning to pee, wanted to sleep in again but knew I couldn't cause I also wanted to experience this historic moment live. Much more fun than after the fact.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Obama might still take MO. Kansas City [going to Obama 2:1] is only reporting 76%, while St Louis still has some 10% to report!

Oh shit, St Louis CITY is only reporting 50%! Obama is taking MO!


VPhys said:
Yeah, that was pretty amazing.
Obama can write a damn good speech. He will probably be a good president. A lot of conservatives aren't scared of him being president. Most moderates aren't terribly ashamed to like him. The congressional dems scare the shit out of me though. I just hope Obama lives to his word even when his party disagrees, and they will big time on certain issues.



I am struggling with the emotions and thoughts inside of me. I prayed and prayed and prayed--even fasted that God would intervene. Now I am struggling with how to react. I don't want to be mad at God. I just feel a little betrayed. I just don't know what to do. I hate feeling this way. I am surrounded by people who hate righteousness. I feel like God didn't answer my prayer, but I can't blame Him. I don't want to blame Him. (Please forgive me, Lord. ) I truly feel so badly for John McCain and Sarah Palin--they were treated so badly. I just want to cry. They are good people, and because people love evil so much more than good, they cheat, lie, deceive, and do all sorts of evil to elect one of their own. I have alot of praying to do, but I am a little faith-shaken right now. I mean...who or what do you believe now? I guess I can't say that God didn't answer my prayer, He just said, NO. And how do you answer those gloaters who won? Have you seen the video of all the Obama supporters outside the White House?

Unbelievable how to some, blue is red and red is blue. This guy saw the campaign from a COMPLETE different perspective.

It's quite fascinating.


I'm not even american and that speech truly moved me. Can't imaigne what some of you must be feeling.


It's a new dawn indeed.


Sitting and really thinking to myself now after his speech… the day he’s sworn in, is going to be one of those days I’ll look back on when I’m an old man, and think to myself “wow… that really mattered. That was one of the most significant things I’ve ever seen.”
maharg said:
Ok, so did anyone else notice that the music they played after McCain's concession speech was the music from Crimson Tide? I found this weird at first, but then I realized there's some interesting symbolism in that choice.

In the first scene where that music plays clearly, the crew of the boat yells out a chant:


Also that the movie is about a young black guy stealing command from an old white dude, but whatever.

Hot damn.
I watched the McCain concession speech from the TV in the doctor's office and just managed to catch the second half of Obama's acceptance speech.

I won't lie to you. I'm not, have never been, nor do I have any intention of ever becoming, an American. Now, I could blame my flu, I could blame the moment, but when Obama was getting through the 106-year-old lady story / "Yes we can" section of the speech... I saw the tears in Jesse Jackson's eyes and lost it.

I wept.

Well done, America. Good show.


M3wThr33 said:
What does this mean?
"America decided to set civil rights back 80 years"

If it means what I think it does, I have no qualms. I just removed the man who said that from Facebook and Myspace. I'm done. I know he's a religious conservative, but fucking Christ, that's INSULTING.

My best guess is that he thinks he was only elected because Obama is black.

You made the right call, it means Obama was elected via Affirmative Action
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