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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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painey said:
Religion is a disease.

They are saying this is the end, there will never be another free election, that this is like when Hitler was elected and how the years ahead will be very difficult for them like they are going to be persecuted.

They will forcefully bring themselves to fulfill their own prophecies by acting up.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I'm almost at a loss for words. This is the kind of leader I've always wanted to see elected. The kind of person that fills you with pride for your nation. The kind of person who makes you believe that we can work to make things better. I still can't believe it.


reilo said:
Obama might still take MO. Kansas City [going to Obama 2:1] is only reporting 76%, while St Louis still has some 10% to report!

Oh shit, St Louis CITY is only reporting 50%! Obama is taking MO!

I really hope we pull it out here in Missouri, even if it doesnt matter. The "feeling" here in KCMO is so heavily Obama that its hard for me to even imagine Mccain winning this state. It was insane at the poll.




The definition of front-butt.
Yay Obama. :)

Honestly I never thought we'd see a black president in at least another 20 years.

Love the combo breaker pic. :lol

Zonar said:
Will someone re-post the C-C-C-Combo Breaker pic without the frame, please? I'd like to make it my wallpaper and show it to my wife, and she won't get the joke. Can't find the original.


You have to admit, when it comes to politics, America puts on a hell of a show. It's almost embarrassing the amount of time and money we spend to do it, but it is damn entertaining.


If any one state is impressing me right now, it's Colorado. We're currently up about 9% there, and I'm beginning to think that we've permanently brought this state into the blue state fold. That's a big win.


woodchuck said:
Everyday when you're walking down the street
And everybody that you meet
Has an original point of view

And I say HEY! (HEY!)
What a wonderful kind of day.
If you can learn to work and play
And get along with each other

You got to listen to your heart
Listen to the beat
Listen to the rhythm
The rhythm of the street
Open up your eyes
Open up your ears
Get together and make things better
By working together!

It's a simple message and it comes from the heart
Believe in this (And in yourself)
For that's the place to start (to start)

And I say HEY! (HEY!)
What a wonderful kind of day
If we can learn to work and play
And get along with each other.
Hey what a wonderful kind of day hey!



guys remember back when Hillary said she thought she was the best to win the "crucial" states of Ohio, PA and Florida... and now we're sitting here, and Obama hasn't only won but he CRUSHED the opposition in a super mandate?

good times, good times...


Wow, I'm so proud of my state tonight. I 100% believed that Indiana was going red not even a month ago. To have this happen, tonight of all nights, just wow.

As Barack said Tuesday morning during his last stop here "I wouldn't be spending time here if I didn't think I could win."


So the question now is will my son be born during a Bush or Obama presidency. Due date is Jan. 17th. I think he can hold on for 3 days.
Well, this has certainly been a fun ride. After the Kerry defeat, if you had told me that this would happen, I would have told you that you were crazy. But here we are.

It's going to be a fun day at my largely Republican office, tomorrow.


Ether_Snake said:
They are saying this is the end, there will never be another free election, that this is like when Hitler was elected and how the years ahead will be very difficult for them like they are going to be persecuted.

They will forcefully bring themselves to fulfill their own prophecies by acting up.

Its hard to know whether to feel anger, or pity towards these people. Just thankful that going by this election result, these people are in the minority.


Batteries the CRISIS!
echoshifting said:
Will someone re-post the C-C-C-Combo Breaker pic without the frame, please? I'd like to make it my wallpaper and show it to my wife, and she won't get the joke. Can't find the original.

Why sure.



aka acr0nym
Zeliard said:
I have no idea what speech you two were listening to.

Gaf is easily impressed. But really, everything he said seemed expected? I don't know, I can't put my finger on it. Best way I can describe it is it's watching one of those moves where you already know whats going to happen... So I wasn't wowed at all. I'm not saying it was shitty...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
guys remember back when Hillary said she thought she was the best to win the "crucial" states of Ohio, PA and Florida... and now we're sitting here, and Obama hasn't only won but he CRUSHED the opposition in a super mandate?

good times, good times...
To be fair, had the Clinton's not taken their heads out of their ass and pulled their weight behind Obama, he might not have won Florida and Ohio. He still would have taken PA though, but I think he needed all the help he could get in OH and FL.


The Everyman
the victory speech was amazing

im all choked up

so many teary faces

crying oprah

fuck ; _;

its happening again D;

;;; __;;;
Amir0x said:
guys remember back when Hillary said she thought she was the best to win the "crucial" states of Ohio, PA and Florida... and now we're sitting here, and Obama hasn't only won but he CRUSHED the opposition in a super mandate?

good times, good times...

Way to rock PA Ami, 11 points, nearly 5 points over the polls!

all of our volunteers on GAF you guys are amazing. Thank you all for your commitment, thank you so much.
Amir0x said:
guys remember back when Hillary said she thought she was the best to win the "crucial" states of Ohio, PA and Florida... and now we're sitting here, and Obama hasn't only won but he CRUSHED the opposition in a super mandate?

good times, good times...
speaking of which, isn't such an extraordinary event a good time to grant celebratory pardons to gaffers
acr0nym said:
Great speech, but its seemed so superficial to me... And no, I didn't vote McCain...

I felt it was a very eliquoent speech, very beautifully written ... but i am glad i am not the only one that felt this. But this is nevertheless a defining moment in history, and it will be exciting to see how the future unfolds.

That aside, I love live events where people say stuff off sound. Obama said "common" 6 times.
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