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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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I eagerly await the Day of Long Knives for the Republican party tomorrow. They're already beginning to hurl McCain under the bus and turn on each other. Such sweet, wonderful bliss.


Zonar said:

Ouch! :lol :lol


I haven't been on GAF all night, but have been glued to the TV. Catharsis is the only way I can describe what I'm feeling right now. This really is going to be one of those moments (in a good way) where decades from now, we'll remember exactly where we were and what we were doing. It feels like it's been an eternity to get here, and today felt like an eternity times ten, but damn, what a great feeling. I'm definitely sleeping well tonight. :)

And :lol @ that Hillary .gif!


acr0nym said:
Gaf is easily impressed. But really, everything he said seemed expected? I don't know, I can't put my finger on it. Best way I can describe it is it's watching one of those moves where you already know whats going to happen... So I wasn't wowed at all. I'm not saying it was shitty...
Umm, people are impressed by his deliverance of the speech, the words in the speech are the gravy.


voodoojohn said:
I... I think Indiana is going to Obama. The only districts that haven't reported 100% lean heavily blue.

It is. I'm waiting for Chuck Godd to say those sweet words later tonight.


Most legendary thread in GAF history.

Now lets hope Obama lives up to his promises
unlike a certain Aussie prime minister who shall remain nameless, Kevin Rudd...


The lady on CBS made an interesting point.

When WAS the last time the president had children in the White House?

I'm so happy. So so happy.
So are they just not going to bother updating the maps anymore? McCain pretty clearly won Missouri and Obama North Carolina/Indiana as there aren't enough votes left to overturn the current victory margins.


HylianTom said:
If any one state is impressing me right now, it's Colorado. We're currently up about 9% there, and I'm beginning to think that we've permanently brought this state into the blue state fold. That's a big win.
I was hoping for something similar from Virginia too. Sadly it looks like it'll be a simple 4 pt win. Still, 05, 06 and 08 are three important wins in a row.

The map has expanded though no question about that.


Well from an outsiders (Australian) perspective, I thought that speech was epic! It was very uplifting. It really conveyed the message of "Yes, we just made history, but we're all Americans, and holy shit a lot of things are messed up, but we can change it! WE HAVE HOPE!" I just hope he does better for you guys than our great hope for change Kevin Rudd has done for us!

Anyway, you guys have come a long way, congrats.


reilo said:
He's taking MO. St Louis has 7% to report, and St Louis City has another 50% to report! Not to mention Kansas City another 25% left!

Puncture said:
I really hope we pull it out here in Missouri, even if it doesnt matter. The "feeling" here in KCMO is so heavily Obama that its hard for me to even imagine Mccain winning this state. It was insane at the poll.

Same here in St. Louis! How can 175,000 people rally for Obama in MO in 1 fucking day and he not win?! I don't even know how St. Louis is even connected to MO sometimes.

I hope he wins here. He won the whole fucking country, but I want him to win my state. Hasn't MO voted for every candidate that was elected president but 1 in, like, the last 100 years or something crazy?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
GhaleonEB said:
How's Prop 8 going?

Looks like Franken and Tinklenberg are going to lose. Fucking Minnesota. :(
Don't think enough votes have been counted from the more liberal areas to give you an accurate gauge, but not great on Prop 8 so far. 54/46ish split so far.

Franken :(

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
speculawyer said:
Going down in flames. :-(

Proposition 8 Same-Sex Marriage Ban
Choice Votes %
Yes 1,930,184 54.3%
No 1,622,334 45.7%

18% of precincts reporting

Updated 11/04 9:40PM

do they just need the majority or at least 60% to pass (like in FL) ?


Amir0x said:
guys remember back when Hillary said she thought she was the best to win the "crucial" states of Ohio, PA and Florida... and now we're sitting here, and Obama hasn't only won but he CRUSHED the opposition in a super mandate?

good times, good times...

Hey, yeah! :D

Oh yes, this was a good night for me and my family.

Even though my Aunt and Uncle were in South Carolina (which went red) they had the pride of serving as election worker volunteers from 6AM to close. That did me right proud...


As much as I would have liked for my state to join the party, Georgia wasn't even close.


But I voted for the winner, so it's all good.


*drowns in jizz*
There's so many feelings I have right now.

All I'm gonna say is congratulations. I love you all.

There's no words that can adequately describe tonight. I feel blessed to have witnessed and been a part of it.
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