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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Tonight Was Intense The Build-Up Of All I've Witnessed With My Man Barack Obama Ahem President Elect Barack Obama, Vanglorious!
KiNeSiS said:
Tonight Was Intense The Build-Up Of All I've Witnessed With My Man Barack Obama Ahem President Elect Barack Obama, Vanglorious!

intensity amplified by PoliGAF...i've been hooked since the primaries.


:lol at Bush saying he will handover a smooth transition. I wonder what kind of douchebaggery he'll pull this time.


GhaleonEB said:
Ah hell Franken is down by 3,000 again.

Time to crash for the night (morning?). Hopefully he pulls it out.

EDIT: It flipped! Up by 4,000 now! No sleep for me!

I'm still up (I'm the political IronMan!!!! :D ). Staying up to watch Scarborough melt-down.

Interestingly, we still haven't seen Hannity or O'Reilly on TV tonight.. :lol


dabbled in the jelly
Jackl said:
I didn't vote for him but he's my president, and I hope he does a good job.
Real classy. This is what I like to see from those who didn't vote Obama. People like this give me hope that we can eventually be a true united people who just don't tolerate but learn to even respect our differences.
Kipe said:
:lol at Bush saying he will handover a smooth transition. I wonder what kind of douchebaggery he'll pull this time.

lol, i'd like to think that Bush would fear for his legacy (even more) if douchebaggery was afoot with the transition.

he's done and i think he has enough intelligence left to realize this w/o shitting up the crib


JCreasy said:
EPIC fucking night. So happy right now, and immensely proud of our country.
The next four
years are gonna be exciting to say the least.


HylianTom said:
I'm still up (I'm the political IronMan!!!! :D ). Staying up to watch Scarborough melt-down.

Interestingly, we still haven't seen Hannity or O'Reilly on TV tonight.. :lol
They are bathing together in their own tears.

Obama is edging up to a 6% spread, should be just a few minutes.


Hennepin County went from 95%-97%, accounting for Franken's recent boost.

Also, Coleman's running out of counties where he has a lead. Looks like Franken has this locked up.


dabbled in the jelly
PROOP said:
Poor McCain, he is the Dan Marino of politicians.
This is what we don't need. No need to chastise McCain he really did have good intentions but he was running a race that was nearly impossible to win. I have much respect for him for not giving up even after he discovered some of his campaign advisers were screwing him over. He will always have my respect for at least that even if he didn't run an exactly tasteful campaign but again I put that on his campaign managers and Karl Rove proteges.
HylianTom said:
Forgot to post this earlier tonight.. :D

I have been liking your avatar for a while now.

Unfortunately, though NOLA went for Obama 70+%, Plaquemines, Jefferson, etc. all went red. We are a little Island of sanity in a sea of crazy, I tells ya. Especially St. Bernard, eeek.
Get ready for the Georgia nightmare, folks...hoo boy...

So, if Dems *do* manage to pick up Georgia and hit 60, what happens to Lieberman? I was expecting him to go down in flames after election day but will Dems be courting him, or what?


NYTimes cover story, the lede:
Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday, sweeping away the last racial barrier in American politics with ease as the country chose him as its first black chief executive.
Force-feeding some crow to the hate-mongers I think. :lol
If CNN's stats are correct, Franken should have this.

THere are only a few counties left. Several favour Franken, only one favours Coleman. St. Louis is the largest county left, and it favours Franke by a signifigant margin.


BigJonsson said:
If he resigns can she put herself in the Senate?

That's what the light box said. If there's an empty senate seat the governor appoints someone to fill it for 2 years.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Cheesemeister said:
Can she appoint herself in the event of an empty seat?
MSNBC has been saying this past week that she can appoint herself if she wants to.


icarus-daedelus said:
Unfortunately, though NOLA went for Obama 70+%, Plaquemines, Jefferson, etc. all went red. We are a little Island of sanity in a sea of crazy, I tells ya. Especially St. Bernard, eeek.

No surprise. Christmas at home is going to be really fun this time around. On my dad's side of the family, every other word is "n-----s this", and "n-----s that." I'm not going to bring it up; I'll just smile knowingly.. :D


formerly sane
Zyzyxxz said:
Do not worry he will not be.

For all the people who say he may be assassinated have you actually thought it out?

These days its not easy to kill the U.S. president.

I mean not after Kennedy, you can't just walk into a random building with a sniper rifle.

There are only two groups I would think that would want to kill Obama, red necks and super-corporations which have some objective against him (which he has not pissed off...yet).

For red necks who do not even have the ability to spell properly how the hell could they even organize a hit on the president? The chances are really slim.

Yep and considering I know military and security people who say it's quite likely I'm inclined to believe the possibility. Secret service can't monitor all the nuts especially the silent ones. If one can get to reagan and one almost got bush in a far less intense situation, yeah it's quite likely they can get to obama.

Corporations aren't a problem as much as the those backing the money behind them. I will flat out say aspects of elite society who knows if his good plans are likely to go in motion will find a way to make it happen. They took out JFK, so there are no moral issues to taking out someone they clearly will have a distaste for.
Bishman said:
Anyone buying newspapers tomorrow as collector item?

Yep, I'm buying all of the major papers.

Is anyone flying out to DC for inauguration? I read in the times that all hotels in DC are booked!


Dan said:
Courts can't save us on Prop 8. The proposition changes the state constitution.

Ah, that's depressing. Well, at least the youth was overwhelmingly against. Hopefully in 2-8 years the sea-change will be complete. Keep faith gay GAF, Cali will come through eventually.
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