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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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HylianTom said:
Forgot to post this earlier tonight.. :D

great :lol


Well done America, you did good.

Looks like UK has fallen back in love with you, if the media is anything to go by this morning.


so in the spirit of progress.. I'm going into this with an open mind.
I'm going to wake up tomorrow and give this an honest chance.
Oh shit, newspapers! I'm gonna love the metro section of the local shitrag. Nothing but retarded Buplican mouthpieces for weeks now. Not only did Obama win and Lyle Lovett crash and burn, but a local proposition to expand term limits won. Pretty much hell on earth, if the write in section were to be believed.

Actually I was listening to some radio too, and the nutjob line seemed to be something like "Anyone with a brain knows that Acorn stole this election and I'll never call anyone who bombed America my President, but oh well". Disturbingly well tempered all in all.

And Scarbs in two hours! He was a delight last night. Shame that idiot Mika has to show up too.
....where i've had too much alcohol and the lack of sleep is finally catching on...


Our GOTV today in Pueblo was absolutely phenomenal. Our volunteers showed up in droves and it was a thing of beauty to see voters 'scratched' from the list as the day went on. I went on my last canvass around 6pm Colorado time to check up on our few last remaining people who hadn't voted yet and when I knocked on their doors, they greeted with me warm enthusiasm and their "I Voted" stickers. I developed a nice rapport with my precinct and on some level, I think they didn't want to let us down. I told them yesterday and early this morning while on my first canvass run that I would be by their house every 3 hours until I see their names pass through the voter file. We truly exceeded expectations and the after party was a great finale to a grueling 13 days. I'm going to miss my little neighborhood and all the stories..

...and it's still so surreal that Obama is president-elect, now. Just an amazing day.

Even the best efforts of the GOP in Pueblo County couldn't stymie our efforts. They infiltrated our voter database and sent out thousands of robocalls last evening to Democrats over 50 telling them their polling locations had changed which led to a chaotic morning.

One of our volunteers was even assaulted by two McCain supporters on her canvass walk.

Still. President Barack Obama.


get some go again
Incognito said:
Even the best efforts of the GOP in Pueblo County couldn't stymie our efforts. They infiltrated our voter database and sent out thousands of robocalls last evening to Democrats over 50 telling them their polling locations had changed which led to a chaotic morning.

One of our volunteers was even assaulted by two McCain supporters on her canvass walk.

Still. President Barack Obama.
is that legal?
Incognito said:
....where i've had too much alcohol and the lack of sleep is finally catching on...


Our GOTV today in Pueblo was absolutely phenomenal. Our volunteers showed up in droves and it was a thing of beauty to see voters 'scratched' from the list as the day went on. I went on my last canvass around 6pm Colorado time to check up on our few last remaining people who hadn't voted yet and when I knocked on their doors, they greeted with me warm enthusiasm and their "I Voted" stickers. I developed a nice rapport with my precinct and on some level, I think they didn't want to let us down. I told them yesterday and early this morning while on my first canvass run that I would be by their house every 3 hours until I see their names pass through the voter file. We truly exceeded expectations and the after party was a great finale to a grueling 13 days. I'm going to miss my little neighborhood and all the stories..

...and it's still so surreal that Obama is president-elect, now. Just an amazing day.

Even the best efforts of the GOP in Pueblo County couldn't stymie our efforts. They infiltrated our voter database and sent out thousands of robocalls last evening to Democrats over 50 telling them their polling locations had changed which led to a chaotic morning.

One of our volunteers was even assaulted by two McCain supporters on her canvass walk.

Still. President Barack Obama.

Sounds like you rocked it in Pueblo County. I wish I had been actively involved in the campaign, it'd make the win taste even sweeter. Maybe in 2012!


Can someone please explain the Georgia senate race? I think I heard that absentee and/or early voting votes have not been counted yet? Is this true?
Incognito said:
....where i've had too much alcohol and the lack of sleep is finally catching on...


Our GOTV today in Pueblo was absolutely phenomenal. Our volunteers showed up in droves and it was a thing of beauty to see voters 'scratched' from the list as the day went on. I went on my last canvass around 6pm Colorado time to check up on our few last remaining people who hadn't voted yet and when I knocked on their doors, they greeted with me warm enthusiasm and their "I Voted" stickers. I developed a nice rapport with my precinct and on some level, I think they didn't want to let us down. I told them yesterday and early this morning while on my first canvass run that I would be by their house every 3 hours until I see their names pass through the voter file. We truly exceeded expectations and the after party was a great finale to a grueling 13 days. I'm going to miss my little neighborhood and all the stories..

...and it's still so surreal that Obama is president-elect, now. Just an amazing day.

Even the best efforts of the GOP in Pueblo County couldn't stymie our efforts. They infiltrated our voter database and sent out thousands of robocalls last evening to Democrats over 50 telling them their polling locations had changed which led to a chaotic morning.

One of our volunteers was even assaulted by two McCain supporters on her canvass walk.

Still. President Barack Obama.
thanks again for your hard work man


Incognito said:
....where i've had too much alcohol and the lack of sleep is finally catching on...


Our GOTV today in Pueblo was absolutely phenomenal. Our volunteers showed up in droves and it was a thing of beauty to see voters 'scratched' from the list as the day went on. I went on my last canvass around 6pm Colorado time to check up on our few last remaining people who hadn't voted yet and when I knocked on their doors, they greeted with me warm enthusiasm and their "I Voted" stickers. I developed a nice rapport with my precinct and on some level, I think they didn't want to let us down. I told them yesterday and early this morning while on my first canvass run that I would be by their house every 3 hours until I see their names pass through the voter file. We truly exceeded expectations and the after party was a great finale to a grueling 13 days. I'm going to miss my little neighborhood and all the stories..

...and it's still so surreal that Obama is president-elect, now. Just an amazing day.

Even the best efforts of the GOP in Pueblo County couldn't stymie our efforts. They infiltrated our voter database and sent out thousands of robocalls last evening to Democrats over 50 telling them their polling locations had changed which led to a chaotic morning.

One of our volunteers was even assaulted by two McCain supporters on her canvass walk.

Still. President Barack Obama.

I think I speak for poliGAF man when I say THANK YOU

Thank you


Incognito <3

Good work, man. Drink it up.

Missouri is 100% reported in now, Obama falls short by 6,000 votes. Still, 365-173 is a mighty fine spread. :D


Rindain said:
Can someone please explain the Georgia senate race? I think I heard that absentee and/or early voting votes have not been counted yet? Is this true?

I'm wondering the same thing.


Big News Out of Georgia?

3:39 AM ... More to be said on Georgia maybe. People have been asking us all night why Georgia hasn't been called on our results map. The results map is keyed to the Associated Press results. So we actually don't have direct control on when states get colored in. But we've been wondering the same thing ourselves. Why no call from the AP? All evening we've been hearing sporadic reports that many if not all of the early votes simply hadn't been counted yet. There were a lot of them. And I believe they were supposed to be disproportionately African-American. And now WSBTV.com in Atlanta is reporting this: "Fulton and Gwinnett Counties failed to include any advance votes in their election totals by 11 p.m. Tuesday night. Officials at the Secretary of States office confirmed to WSB-TV Channel 2 that the votes were not being included in early returns. Up to two million votes may be going uncounted. 'Something's really wrong out there,' said WSB-TV political analyst Matt Towery." That could have a very big effect on the senate race in the state. So Saxby Chambliss may not be home free after all.

4:05 AM ... Kos has more on this. It seems there may be a solid 600,000 or so votes still to be counted. And remember, the total votes in the senate race is under 4 million. So that's more than enough to have an effect on the outcome.

Very interesting..


GhaleonEB said:
Incognito <3

Good work, man. Drink it up.

Missouri is 100% reported in now, Obama falls short by 6,000 votes. Still, 365-173 is a mighty fine spread. :D

Arrgh, I'll live

But still

ok ok ok. We did get Indiana and Virginia.

It's a very thin line between giddy and greedy


Master of the Google Search
My understanding is that President-Elect Barack Obama already gets it, but to effectively govern he needs to quickly move rightward in ways that will require many of his liberal supporters to be patient. In the next few days expect Obama to reach out to John McCain supporters with specific and unequivocal moves that signal his intention to govern from the center.

"I will be your president too," Obama to McCain voters (Chicago victory speech, 11/5)

The Obama camp is planning such a move, I'm told, and prepared to make their core supporters a bit grumpy in so doing. But Obama knows that now is the time - while his liberal fans revel in the euphoria of his election and are inclined to cut him some slack.

Obama has carefully studied how Bill Clinton got off track by moving left early in his presidency. That's a big reason why Democrats suffered massive losses in Congress in the first midterm election after Clinton's 1992 victory.

Look for Obama to quickly take steps this week to demonstrate that he has no plans to open the liberal flood gates.

Totally expected but will still be interesting to watch


HylianTom said:
With 99% of precincts reporting..
Franken leads by about 1000 votes.

Franken 1,195,797
Coleman 1,194,633

(according to CNN's dashboard)

4 counties left, and Coleman leads in only one.

Franken's got this.


*drowns in jizz*
stressboy said:
It sickens me that Bachmann kept her seat. I hope they go at her hard in 2010.

Yes, it is sickening, how she actually gets rewarded for her blatant McCarthyism. It boils my blood thinking about how people can vote her in after hearing that shit, not to mention her foaming drivel throughout the entire campaign.


Son of Godzilla said:
Dude that race was updated two hours ago to get some sleep dreaming about how angry Rush is going to be tomorrow.

oooh maaan


AniHawk said:
4 counties left, and Coleman leads in only one.

Franken's got this.

Nice. Leftover hopium. Let me hit that shit . . . . niiiicccee
Son of Godzilla said:
Dude that race was updated two hours ago to get some sleep dreaming about how angry Rush is going to be tomorrow.
I think I will listen to Rush Limbaugh for the first time in my life tomorrow.
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