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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Master of the Google Search






ALASKA IS NOW THE NEW FLORIDA. All Florida jokes will now hereby be used on Alaska from now on.


Indigo said:
Yes, he can serve. There is no law barring felons from serving in the senate.

As governor, she could appoint herself to his seat if the senate (they have the option of voting him out) gives him the boot.
Then who becomes Governor of Alaska, highest Office in All the Land?


Huge props to fivethirtyeight.com who predicted this almost 100% correctly state by state by state.

Chuck Todd is not god, Chuck is a weak-kneed drama queen who played up the PUMAs for all they were worth and even tonight was trying to paint a grim picture for Obama before Ohio was called. Nate Silver is god.


jiggle said:
Even if he wins, can a convicted felon even serve as a senator?

wait what?
If Stevens is sworn in this upcoming January and then resigns his seat is vacated. If his seat is vacated it's filled according to the provisions of the State that Stevens represents, Alaska. According to Alaska election law a vacated US Senate seat is filled by an appointee named by the governor of Alaska. The governor of Alaska is Sarah Palin.

Deep breath.

The governor of Alaska can, if she chooses, nominate ANY resident of the state who is a US citizen and older than 30. Sarah Palin is a resident of the state and over 30.

Or, to put it bluntly, she can snatch the laurels and crown herself. Welcome to the great state of Alaska.
HUELEN10 said:
302? It is 151!

I have said it before, and I will say it again: REAL GAFers use the 100 posts per page option.

Post count still ends up the same. This morning I went to take a shower and when I came back, the thread jump 400 posts.


AniHawk said:
His inauguration speech will be the stuff of legends.
Very true!

grandjedi6 said:
I don't know, we're kinda fucking up with the whole gay marriage thing. Plus Alaska has become the new Florida apparently.
Yeah, just saw that, fucking ridiculous :(

I change my evaluation to two steps forward, and two steps back.

Red Scarlet

ZealousD said:
We're essentially tied with Wyoming as the most conservative this election.

I don't get it either. We have two decently sized Metro areas and yet not a single county went for Obama. We are the only state in the Union where every single one of our counties voted for McCain.

Yeah, so you take the title. We at least had Jackson Hole (where rich actors live) and the capital county go blue! TAKE THAT OKLAHOMA


As pissed as I am at California, I really blame Utah for this shit. Half of the Prop 8 funding came from that state. Fuck you, Utah. GTFO of my state. Too bad the irony of Mormons getting expanded marriage rights taken away is lost on them.


St Louis county - which Franken is currently winning 55%-32% - is still stuck at 84% reporting.

Intoxicated back-of-the-envelope math: assuming that this ratio holds, Franken will net roughly 1500 votes from this county.

Ford Prefect

Evlar said:
If Stevens is sworn in this upcoming January and then resigns his seat is vacated. If his seat is vacated it's filled according to the provisions of the State that Stevens represents, Alaska. According to Alaska election law a vacated US Senate seat is filled by an appointee named by the governor of Alaska. The governor of Alaska is Sarah Palin.

Deep breath.

The governor of Alaska can, if she chooses, nominate ANY resident of the state who is a US citizen and older than 30. Sarah Palin is a resident of the state and over 30.

Or, to put it bluntly, she can snatch the laurels and crown herself. Welcome to the great state of Alaska.
OK. I have read that this is a technical possibility several times.

PLEASE tell me there is no chance in hell she would actually try this :( It will be like every single horror movie where the monster/bad-guy regenerates after it is supposedly slain except 10000000x worse :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

FUCK please tell me she'd never do this. Why would she ever want to do it? WHY? WHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY FUUUUUCCKKKKKKKK WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
grandjedi6 said:
ALASKA IS NOW THE NEW FLORIDA. All Florida jokes will now hereby be used on Alaska from now on.

"Germany, Australia or Alaska?" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Besides, it doesn't spell GAF.

Red Scarlet

segarr said:
Thank you so much for this.

Is there a video of Olberman announcing? I'd really like to see it.

I have to know...do political stations release DVD's or anything at all from their coverage? You know like how history channel releases its specials? I would buy the entire 34 hours from every channel if I could. This is history in the making.

He is announcing on that video, at the very beginning. You can hear him choke up while saying it.


JCreasy said:
Someone tell me Franken will win so I can go to bed

Coleman's lead has increased to about 700. Hennepin still has one percentage to go and St. Louis county has 16. The problem with St. Louis is is that Duluth's votes have already been counted, which is the most democratic area in the county. The only really strong republican county left to be counted is wright, which still has 5 to go. So yea, if the counties keep to their averages I think Franken can pull this one out

edit: down to 300
Just wanted to pop in before I head to bed and say how happy I am right now. I'm so fucking elated. His speech was down right amazing. I teared up a bit. This whole thing is just so incredible. I can't believe its over. The page has turned and we're beginning a new chapter.

Dream sweet dreams kiddies.


grandjedi6 said:
ALASKA IS NOW THE NEW FLORIDA. All Florida jokes will now hereby be used on Alaska from now on.

Fine by me, I can feel somewhat happy to live in this state again now anyways. (Yay Obama, boo Prop 2.)
Too tired to recount it all, but had a crazy night that ended with my friends and I stumbling into an enormous impromptu block party in the middle of the East Village here in NYC. People were blasting music out of their apartments and the cops just helped by blocking off the ends of the streets and letting people dance and party all night. Amazing.

Really, really sad and confused about the round of anti-gay measures that succeeded tonight. That added some heaviness to what should have been just good times.
Jak140 said:
As pissed as I am at California, I really blame Utah for this shit. Half of the Prop 8 funding came from that state. Fuck you, Utah. GTFO of my state. Too bad the irony of Mormons getting expanded marriage rights taken away is lost on them.

How many male siblings, children, and/or colleagues does one have to molest to spend money on legislating marriage between two people in a completely different state to make up for it?


Master of the Google Search
Regulus Tera said:
"Germany, Australia or Alaska?" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Besides, it doesn't spell GAF.

Germany, Australia/Alaska or Florida. However Florida gets a reprieve in everything else since they are not the embarrasment of the country anymore.


Ford Prefect said:
OK. I have read that this is a technical possibility several times.

PLEASE tell me there is no chance in hell she would actually try this :( It will be like every single horror movie where the monster/bad-guy regenerates after it is supposedly slain except 10000000x worse :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

FUCK please tell me she'd never do this. Why would she ever want to do it? WHY? WHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY FUUUUUCCKKKKKKKK WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY
Putting it delicately... Because she's a fucking idiot on a power trip fueled by the adoration of other fucking idiots.


Regulus Tera said:
"Germany, Australia or Alaska?" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Besides, it doesn't spell GAF.

OMG. Mind = blown.

And since this is my first post in this thread after Obama's win: WOHO!


lacks enthusiasm.
Jak140 said:
As pissed as I am at California, I really blame Utah for this shit. Half of the Prop 8 funding came from that state. Fuck you, Utah. GTFO of my state.

Exactly. So hypocritical of the Mormon church to do this.


Ford Prefect said:
OK. I have read that this is a technical possibility several times.

PLEASE tell me there is no chance in hell she would actually try this :( It will be like every single horror movie where the monster/bad-guy regenerates after it is supposedly slain except 10000000x worse :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

FUCK please tell me she'd never do this. Why would she ever want to do it? WHY? WHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY FUUUUUCCKKKKKKKK WWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY

She's a maverick, you betcha.


grandjedi6 said:
Germany, Australia/Alaska or Florida. However Florida gets a reprieve in everything else since they are not the embarrasment of the country anymore.

Can a district be an embarrassment? If so, I nominate Minnesota's district 6. The moronic district that voted in Michele Bachman

Franken down by 2000, but that was the wright vote, the republican district. All we have left are democrat leaning districts now


I would just like to take this opportunity to retract all the bad things I ever said or thought about Ohio. I would also like to take this opportunity to transfer all of those comments to Missouri, you backstabbing motherfuckers. Never trust Missouri.

Alaska I'll have to invent all new levels of hatred for.


Franken behind. shit

fuck i'm tired

good win everyone.



Palin bitter tears more satisfying than Nailin Paylin

Job Well Done


formerly sane
jiggle said:
Even if he wins, can a convicted felon even serve as a senator?

Sure but he only stayed so that when he gets expelled republicans can put someone else in place. Had he not been on the ballet the democrat most likely would've won.


Ford Prefect said:
It will be like every single horror movie where the monster/bad-guy regenerates after it is supposedly slain except 10000000x worse :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Aim for the limbs.


A politician convicted of corruption on seven counts being re-elected is... I don't know. It's just baffling. I mean, I'm all for rehabilitation of convicted felons, but even that has limits (har har). smh Alaska. Then again, they elected Sarah Palin as their Governor so I think it's fair to say that people up there are dumb as shit.

And what's this about Franken and Coleman? They're both at ~42% so it's heading towards a runoff anyway, isn't it?
Mercury Fred said:
Really, really sad and confused about the round of anti-gay measures that succeeded tonight. That added some heaviness to what should have been just good times.
Ya. I knew Arkansas, Florida, and AZ (sadface) would pass these measures, so I was prepared for that, but California decided to just take a shit on one of the nicest nights in eight long years.
Remember back in the primaries when Hillary was trying to imply that only she could take the swing states necessary to win?


Man, this election really couldn't have turned out much better. I just hope that Obama can fufill half of the expectations people have for him now. He set the bar pretty high with his promises and proposals and people are going to be expecting an awful lot.
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