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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
how can the mcCain camp not realize that the segregation their setting up will ultimately hurt the government when Obama wins? And how that is hurting the GOP with the 'conservative people with functioning brains' demographic? Arrgh. I don't understand this mess. Come tomorrow, what the fuck will McCain say when he admits defeat? "fuck the law, revolt"?


based on what I've been seeing around the state, I'd be absolutely floored if Obama lost Florida. I just don't see how it's possible at this point.

If Bams loses any "battleground" state, I'd put my money on Ohio.
Nif said:
I get the impression McCain needs a nap when he goes into his "Fight for America!" routine.

What, this one?

John McCain said:
I'm an American and I choose to fight. Don't give up hope, be strong, have courage, and fight! Fight for a new direction for our country! Fight for what's right for America! Fight to clean up the mess of corruption, infighting, and selfishness in Washington! Fight to get the economy out of the ditch and back in the lead! Fight for the ideals and character of a free people! Fight for our children's future! Fight for justice and opportunity for all. Stand up to defend our country from its enemies. Stand up, stand up and fight. America is worth fighting for.


Neo Member
variance said:
based on what I've been seeing around the state, I'd be absolutely floored if Obama lost Florida. I just don't see how it's possible at this point.

Really? My Dad and his side of the family all live in Florida and they all HATE Obama (they love Palin too, so yeah)...still seems pretty close there to me although it's back to a light blue shade on 538 :(


Speevy said:
It's the only way he can win.

I mean, he could win by winning California too, which I think is about as likely to happen.

It's more likely for McCain to lose North Dakota, Montana, Arizona, and Louisiana than for Obama to lose PA.


DeathNote said:
Are there any good forums where people actually believe McCain is winning? I got to see their reactions.
All of them have some realists, but freerepublic.com should be your first stop tomorrow
variance said:
based on what I've been seeing around the state, I'd be absolutely floored if Obama lost Florida. I just don't see how it's possible at this point.

If Bams loses any "battleground" state, I'd put my money on Ohio.

Don't underestimate the stupidity of our home state, Florida.


So has anyone looked at the Yahoo Election Dashboard? It has 30% precincts reporting in Indiana. Bams is behind :(

How do they have these numbers already?!


I wonder if I will have to wait in a long line tomorrow morning. I live in a Queens suburb, think of 'King of Queens'.

I have a feeling a ton of people will go vote before they head to Manhattan. I've never had to wait at my polling location, but I've usually gone 4pm-7pm. We shall see, but luckily everyone at my job is prepared to be delayed too.
variance said:
based on what I've been seeing around the state, I'd be absolutely floored if Obama lost Florida. I just don't see how it's possible at this point.

I get a little happy and think that way sometimes too. And then I realize the northern part of the state and the panhandles might as well be Georgia or Alabama. It's a coin flip on Florida. Obama could easily lose that state. The good thing is it doesn't appear to be critical at least this year.
Fatalah said:
I wonder if I will have to wait in a long line tomorrow morning. I live in a Queens suburb, think of 'King of Queens'.

I have a feeling a ton of people will go vote before they head to Manhattan. I've never had to wait at my polling location, but I've usually gone 4pm-7pm. We shall see, but luckily everyone at my job is prepared to be delayed too.

Donald Trump says you have only one hour to vote, and if you can't get it done, you've got serious problems.



Even though I'm rooting for Obama, I have this feeling that McCain might somehow squeak by with a win. I know the RNC is going to try to pull some bullshit at the very last minute to steal this election especially those batshit crazy Republicans.

I hope I am wrong.


EmCeeGramr said:
How are those people gonna handle it?

I mean, they've been stuck in the echo chambers so long that they don't seem to actually consider an Obama presidency as an actual possibility, but as some sort of dramatic nightmare scenario. When it actually happens, what will they do? How does one realistically react when they discover that the man they honestly believe to be an Osama bin Stalin has been elected president?

I predict mass Republican suicides all across the country. Okay not really mass suicides, but I expect there will actually be a few isolated real suicides. I just HOPE that racists don't get violent and hurt (or worse) innocent people they hate because Obama is elected President. Oh God I really hope it doesn't come down to that.

Some people that opposed Obama will decide to side with him, tell themselves it could've been worse, saying/thinking "well at least we didn't get that WOMAN, that Hillary".

Others will remain in total denial, not believing it's true that Obama has been elected President.

Hopefully it'll be just one huge party and the worst that happens is haters (both Republican & staunch Hillary-only Democrats) cry bitter tears.
EmCeeGramr said:
How are those people gonna handle it?

I mean, they've been stuck in the echo chambers so long that they don't seem to actually consider an Obama presidency as an actual possibility, but as some sort of dramatic nightmare scenario. When it actually happens, what will they do? How does one realistically react when they discover that the man they honestly believe to be an Osama bin Stalin has been elected president?

Dunno. They can't even move to another country (or talk about it) like leftists can, because there are no developed countries more conservative than the US. I think the societies that most match their ideals of cheap labor and theocracy are all run by Muslims, who are of course evil to them.
Hey, you know, if you are sitting here going "Man I think McCain might win." stop.

Slap yourself.

If that doesn't work, remember soomething, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

Volunteer to help take people to the polls, make phone calls, volunteer to go watch the polls, volunteer to go hand out fucking water bottles to those in line.

Every person you remind to vote, or help to vote brings us one step closer. You can only be a chicken little if you can do nothing about it.

Sorry if I'm a broken record here, but I hate the damn chicken little mindset.


OmniOne said:
So has anyone looked at the Yahoo Election Dashboard? It has 30% precincts reporting in Indiana. Bams is behind :(

How do they have these numbers already?!

I thought Indiana was McCain's anyway . . .

Am right?


electricpirate said:
Hey, you know, if you are sitting here going "Man I think McCain might win." stop.

Slap yourself.

If that doesn't work, remember soomething, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.

Volunteer to help take people to the polls, make phone calls, volunteer to go watch the polls, volunteer to go hand out fucking water bottles to those in line.

Every person you remind to vote, or help to vote brings us one step closer. You can only be a chicken little if you can do nothing about it.

Sorry if I'm a broken record here, but I hate the damn chicken little mindset.
Agreed. If people want McCain to win, sitting and moping will not get it done. I see what you did there BTW, but the ides remains the same. People should take action, not complain.


chaostrophy said:
Dunno. They can't even move to another country (or talk about it) like leftists can, because there are no developed countries more conservative than the US.

Ironically enough, the more conservative ones are the ones they're bred to hate in the Middle East.


Final Rasmussen/Fox battleground polls:

Obama - Mccain

CO: 51-47
FL: 49-50
MO: 49-49
NC: 49-50
OH: 49-49
VA: 51-47

Hilariously tight and even if these are accurate, Obama could easily win all the tossups with his superior GOTV

e: Strategic Vision PA: 51-44, up from +5% iirc


marmaraS said:
For a non US person who is not very in the know...when will you find out who won the election? i know the official announcement takes a while but when do the media people find out?

will only know in the future, Wednesday
My gut is telling me PA is gonna fuck this up

This thing should be officially called before 1:30am right? My computer hasn't arrived yet so I'll be camping out in the school library :lol


PhoenixDark said:
My gut is telling me PA is gonna fuck this up

This thing should be officially called before 1:30am right? My computer hasn't arrived yet so I'll be camping out in the school library :lol
Watch on tv! So you can see the victory speech.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I see that FOX News is using the "Fair & Balanced"-slogan in their little commercial for their election coverage on their site. How's that going for them?
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