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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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DevelopmentArrested said:
i still think mccain is going to win because of the bradley effect
There is more of a reverse Bradley effect at this point. Some people will vote O just to say they voted for the first black president.

People like to vote for the winner . . . it makes them feel better.


PhoenixDark said:
My gut is telling me PA is gonna fuck this up

This thing should be officially called before 1:30am right? My computer hasn't arrived yet so I'll be camping out in the school library :lol

Even if PA fucks it up, NV has our back.


PhoenixDark said:
My gut is telling me PA is gonna fuck this up

This thing should be officially called before 1:30am right? My computer hasn't arrived yet so I'll be camping out in the school library :lol

Well, it would be their turn.


Magik said:
Even though I'm rooting for Obama, I have this feeling that McCain might somehow squeak by with a win. I know the RNC is going to try to pull some bullshit at the very last minute to steal this election especially those batshit crazy Republicans.

I hope I am wrong.
yea, i have that feeling too that hes gunna somehow steal the election :/


CNN's doing a "Democratic Landslides Through History" segment right now. I can't believe I'm watching this; after the two past elections, this sounds surreal..


WaltJay said:
She's just saying whatever comes to her mind at this point, and McCain deserves every bit of negative publicity for it. They knew what they were getting when they picked her.

In the words of Harvey, "Palin is wild dog; I want the guy that let her off the chain."

awesome line in there...

"No, the terrorists still seek to destroy America and her allies and all that it is that we stand for: freedom, tolerance, and equality."

i mean, dont peoples brains explode when she says this stuff, it hurts my head to just read it


HylianTom said:
CNN's doing a "Democratic Landslides Through History" segment right now. I can't believe I'm watching this; after the two past elections, this sounds surreal..

On a related note, the Philadelphia Phillies won the fucking world series.


Hail to the KING baby
Ok YES most of the polls good. But can anyone tell me what would happen if 10% of people change their minds from Obama to McCain at the last minute? 10% is not that big of a number. Does the Obama campaign have a contingency plan in place for something like this? Is the vaunted "GOTV" enough to overcome a highly possible scenario like that?



Found my first post related to Obama--- it's from a thread I made about Nader liking Edwards anti-corporate message..

Fatalah 12/20/2007 said:
Tamanon's right, ElectricBlue. I think Edwards will become the frontrunner really soon. I've got a feeling.

:lol :lol :lol

Funky Papa

DeathNote said:
Are there any good forums where people actually believe McCain is winning? I got to see their reactions.
If the people actually believe McCain is winning, I can't see how it could be a 'good' forum. It would be filled with delusions. I can see hoping he will win, rationalizing a small gap, and working furiously to squeak out a win . . . but to actually believe he is winning isn't rational.
SecretDestroyer, I used your post about provisional ballots, modified a bit, in an email that I hope get's forwarded around. So in some bizzare situation where it makes it back to you, you'll know why.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
ToxicAdam said:
You want Obama to sign free trade agreements without protecting certain American industries first?

No. I want him to protect certain American industries first. I might have misunderstood what you were saying.
AstroLad said:
Ok YES most of the polls good. But can anyone tell me what would happen if 10% of people change their minds from Obama to McCain at the last minute? 10% is not that big of a number. Does the Obama campaign have a contingency plan in place for something like this? Is the vaunted "GOTV" enough to overcome a highly possible scenario like that?


If it was in a blue state...Obama would win. If it was in a swing state, Obama would...still win. No seriously, it would take EVERY SINGLE SWING STATE turning McCain to get a tie.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Listen to her speech vs. McCain or Palin's (or non-existent Shitty Cindy's). It's a message of hope and of support. Help is on the way. Then you have Palin talking about bullshit and lies and Ayers and Khalidi.

So different. Even taking into account you don't expect her to be the attack dog...we've heard nothing positive at all out of that shitty campaign.


Loudninja said:
Can you please stop this?
It is not just them. I feel the same way, and so do a lot of people. Sadly though, I live in Florida even though I am not native so no offense or anything, but like 7/10ths of the people I know that I hang out with are absolute idiots when it comes to voting, racist, or do whatever ads look best. Those people are foolishly throwing their votes away at BOTH CANDIDATES without even researching. It doesn't matter who you vote for, if you don't put a thought in it, it will count, but it will suck.

I think it is entirely possible, using this example, for McCain to win. It is not over yet, and we shouldn't count any checks before they are cashed. Whoever you voted for, don't assume anything until the very end. I just also "got this felling".

Barack is a biracial man. He has a black father and a white mother. Obviously I am not racist, and I would never make a voting decision based on this, however think about it. How many racist people do you know, especially instates like Florida. Racism is disgusting, but it is still at large wether we like it or not. I can say that there are many parts of "My State" that have dense racist populations. Add to the fact that even people who share a classroom with me think he is a Muslim (He is not obviously), and you can see that dumbfucks can have the potential to ruin everything.

I am not against McCain or Obama by any means. I think they are both very capable men, and while I disagree with some of what each candidate is promoting, I think that them as candidates have made the election more relevant than ever. If you don't like how things are going, either pro Obama or McCain, it is not too late. Do something about it.

And about this whole swing state deal, yes it is far more likely of McCain tying than winning, but in this day and age...

long story short: GO VOTE, and tell others to do the same.


I'm not watching any news tonight. Gonna play some ball after work and catch up on some anime while I wait for tomorrow (I have the day off). I am so sick of Palin/McCain attack rallies..


Junior Member
Y2Kev said:
Listen to her speech vs. McCain or Palin's (or non-existent Shitty Cindy's). It's a message of hope and of support. Help is on the way. Then you have Palin talking about bullshit and lies and Ayers and Khalidi.

So different. Even taking into account you don't expect her to be the attack dog...we've heard nothing positive at all out of that shitty campaign.

She is nothing but a fucking tool. Thats all what she really is honestly. She spends more time talking down Obama down actually given details to what the fuck her and McCain plan on doing to help the American people. I can't even stand to hear her speak on tv anymore. She spews so much bullshit I get heated just listening to her.


My father's co-workers are all lifelong Democrats (they even voted for Mondale) and racists. Instead of voting for a black man, they are voting for Baldwin (third party). Their goal is to get him to 5% (I guess at that level, some certain matching funds kicks in for the next go round).

So, if you see a large turnout in Ohio for Baldwin .. you will know why. :lol


You know, the more I browse around some of these others forums like nobama or the rapture whatever-the-fuck place I almost miss the honesty of someone declaring their racism. I despise racism, but I'd much rather know where you're coming from than have you hide it under the false guise of "just bringing up the issues!" Certainly not everyone questioning Barack's ability to be president is a racist, far from it, but when some people refuse to be reasonable, refuse to accept evidence to the contrary and immediately frame all opinions different from theirs as biased, brainwashed or stupid, I have to wonder. I just wish the cowards among them would declare their racism up front and do both sides of the argument a favor.
Cloudy said:
I'm not watching any news tonight. Gonna play some ball after work and catch up on some anime while I wait for tomorrow (I have the day off). I am so sick of Palin/McCain attack rallies..

Dude you live near EMU's campus right? Can I come over and watch the results with you :eek:


Barack is the leader. THE ONE. The Only. He is CHANGE ITSELF.
America will be an economic superpower again. Not just a military superpower.


Brotherhood of Shipley's

Obama's a baller (courtesy IGN)



camineet said:
Barack is the leader. THE ONE. The Only. He is CHANGE ITSELF.
America will be an economic superpower again. Not just a military superpower.
Don't get your hopes up too much. Every election is the same as in the no matter how good the president ends up being, he will always disappoint in at least one area. Also remember that a president can only do so much. regardless of what happens, I too hope for change and superpower status.


I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.


syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.

:( No, dammit. Just no. So close.


syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.

Oh I hope this is not true. Just one more day!
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