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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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lil smoke

Anyone else having a good time reading stuff like this around the net?

I am sitting in shock that some of you don’t understand what he will do to America. He hates this country. He plans to destroy it…his friends tried to blow it up. I plan to stop him in every way I can.

It goes on and on from these conservatives. Pretend to have some dignity at least until the week is over.
Plinko said:
I've never met anybody who feels that way. Maybe believes he's a decent person, but not a good president.

The McCain campaign and even the GOP in general during this election did not even mention any of Bush's economic accomplishments. Obama and the DEMs always brought up Clinton's economic accomplishments. It just shows you how terrible our economy really is. Bush (first term) is the first president since Hoover to have a negative job growth rate. :lol


Will QA for food.
Desi said:
that's how i feel when you say it is our fault that the cali prop 8 passed. Blacks aren't the only group that voted yes and are such a minority that you can't lay the blame just on us.

I lay the blame on every county south of Santa Clara.

Ahh.. I haven't had that feeling of hate toward SoCal in so long, living in Toronto and all.


Desi said:
that's how i feel when you say it is our fault that the cali prop 8 passed. Blacks aren't the only group that voted yes and are such a minority that you can't lay the blame just on us.

True. Most of the blame is Mormons who funded the damn thing. But demographically speaking, based on exit polls, blacks were far and away the demographic who voted yes in the highest %.
Damn. I was rooting heavily for Al Franken. Too bad he lost to that scumbag Coleman.

I think he has a real shot next time though. Losing by mere hundreds of votes solidifies him as a legitimate politician. Once Obama turns this country around, hopefully the Republicans can be completely ousted in Minnesota.
Guybrush Threepwood said:
My friend's Facebook message:

"Enjoy your last two months with a good president."


Maybe he means from a comedic standpoint?

You know how much harder Stewart and Conan's jobs will be with a President Obama? ;)


lawblob said:
So basically is it safe to assume Ted Stevens will win the election, the Republicans will force him to step down, and Palin will appoint herself to replace him? I give this about an 95% chance.

Our long national nightmare with this woman is only beginning... Ughhh...

TPM mentions something about there having to be a special election, and that the previous rule on the governor appointing a senator is outdated:


TalkingPointsMemo said:
4:08 AM ... Seems I may have been wrong (and happy to be wrong) in saying that Sarah Palin would appoint a new senator if Ted Stevens wins tonight and then has to resign to spend more time with his prison cell. Apparently Alaska law was recently changed (after the Murkowski ridiculousness) so that a special election would have to be called. We'll try to bring you more on that, with details, shortly. This ADN article from late October has a few more details.

ADN article in question: http://www.adn.com/ted-stevens/story/569836.html


I kept thinking during Obama's acceptance speech last night, how is it literally the FIRST politician, from inside the US or not, historical or not, who could literally wipe Bill Pullman's Independence Day speech off the map. :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire




Brannon said:
Where will they go; everywhere else is more 'socialist' than the US!

then let them jump out a window!

Man, people act like such babies when they lose!
They think its their god given right to win.


7Th said:
8 hours later, and I still can’t understand the pride and celebration in this thread. America’s population had basic common sense; what’s so amazing about that?
2004 still burns.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Yeah, couple of my friends are VERY pissed, claim they are moving to Canada yadda yadda yadda. And I live in Glen Ellyn, IL..a freaking suburb of CHICAGO! :lol


Strap on your hooker ...
Snaku said:
"It wasn't Sarah Palin! Sarah Palin gave people hope!!" -Glenn Beck

They're excommunicating McCain and making a martyr out of Palin. :lol
I saw the same on Fox, staunchly insisting that Palin energized the base. She energized a base that was already going to vote for McCain, you dunces. She scared Independents far, far away.

I was really hoping they'd do the smart thing and throw Palin and her brand of extreme conservatism under the bus, but nope, they're staying the course and actually trying to position her for future runs. The sooner they distance themselves from that crap is the sooner they become a stronger party.

If you're gonna keep barking up wrong trees like this then you better get used to the doghouse, Repubs.
I'm going to buy some newspapers today and scrapbook. I'm only 26 years old and I've been a part of some seriously historic moments in this countries history.


Shig said:
I saw the same on Fox, staunchly insisting that Palin energized the base. She energized a base that was already going to vote for McCain, you dunces. She scared Independents far, far away.

I was really hoping they'd do the smart thing and throw Palin and her brand of extreme conservatism under the bus, but nope, they're staying the course and actually trying to position her for future runs. The sooner they distance themselves from that crap is the sooner they become a stronger party.

If you're gonna keep barking up wrong trees like this then you better get used to the doghouse, Repubs.

Palin is the reason I went from pro-obama to super hardcore pro obama.
McCain what were you thinking!
bdizzle said:
I'm going to buy some newspapers today and scrapbook. I'm only 26 years old and I've been a part of some seriously historic moments in this countries history.

I wish Billy Joel updated We Didn't Start the Fire so that Obama could be in it


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
RubxQub said:
McCain is a piece of shit, plain and simple. I don't give a fuck what he said when it was all said and done.

He put America second (or third or fourth? Definitely not first) to his political ambitions with the pick of Sarah Palin, and he did his best to have his base believe that Obama was associated with terrorism and extreme religion.

Fuck him and fuck anyone who helped him.

Dead serious, do not forgive these people just because we won.
Wow libreal gaf should be very proud of this one.


Junior Member
Even France was celebrating. There was a big gathering in Paris.

WOW. Really, this is change. Thank you Mr. President Elect. We are all here and ready to make the United States a stronger and more unified nation.


Notes from Indianapolis today:

- All copies of the Indianapolis Star/USA Today with Obama on the cover are sold out in the bins here

- Indian guy with a "YES WE CAN!" button staring into the window laughing at the hosts doing the show on the local wingnut talk radio stations. They looked like they should be on suicide watch.

- Electronic billboard on the way into town had OBAMA WINS! real big on it

- The sky today is incredibly blue, not a cloud in sight.
Shig said:
I saw the same on Fox, staunchly insisting that Palin energized the base. She energized a base that was already going to vote for McCain, you dunces. She scared Independents far, far away.

I was really hoping they'd do the smart thing and throw Palin and her brand of extreme conservatism under the bus, but nope, they're staying the course and actually trying to position her for future runs. The sooner they distance themselves from that crap is the sooner they become a stronger party.

If you're gonna keep barking up wrong trees like this then you better get used to the doghouse, Repubs.
Exactly, they're delusional to think she is an answer for their flailing party.


guess said:
McCain was obviously going to take TX, but I'm not upset at the results. Big 4 cities went for Obama. Suburbs, not so much.

McCain won Texas with the same percentage that Obama won Pennsylvania.


I actually agree with Tucker Carlson on this one. I think the media is going to take this 'black celebration' narrative too far. A lot of people legitimately just vote on policies, and in a certain sense we diminish Obama's victory if we reduce it to nothing more than a 'racial' victory. This is a victory for many noble things, and race is only one of them.
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