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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Neo Member
DarienA said:
Some of the ppl that were interviewed at the Mccain party were just incredible...

"I hope he doesn't mess things up"
"He's not my president, not now not ever"
"No, I won't support him"


[Rhetorical question]But are you surprised these things were said?[/Rhetorical question]

The "He's not my president" bumper stickers should start appearing any minute now...
Is Amirox still alive? Or did he overdose on too much Hopium last night? :D

NarcissisticJay said:
No, dead wrong here.

We all are americans, you jackass.

Enjoy the fucking win, dont swirl in bitterness.

Exactly. Nothing matters anymore it's over. It's time to move on and reunite no matter what party you are.
JayDubya said:
If you elect someone that goes to prison / loses their office / whatever, then you gets to replace him through whatever means the state has in place, be it special election or governor appointment or whatever, and that will usually result in someone of the same party taking the spot.

If you vote for someone from the opposite party, that guy gets to stick around.

If you totally disagree with the guy from the other party, the decision to vote that way makes sense.
Yes . . . another person with a good chance of being corrupt because that has been the party's values to a large degree.


NarcissisticJay said:
No, dead wrong here.

We all are americans, you jackass.

No, he's right. He let his surrogates fan the flames of fear, hate, racism, and violence among the extreme fringe wackos of his party with reckless abandon. These people actually think we have a terrorist for a president now. God forbid if anything happens to President Obama, it'll totally be on McCain's head for not putting his foot down and stopping that shit before it got out of control.


Wes said:
Makes sense of course. I was just wondering why the number 60. Just a simple rule then, that is that?

Yeah, 60s just the number they went with. I think it used to be 2/3rds, demanding 66, but they lowered it to 60 because getting 66 was way too hard.

Shiggie said:

Down by a few hundred. Looks like it'll go to a recount, but I doubt it'll change anything. Looks over for him.
gamerecks said:
My roommate just updated his status on facebook:

"2012 cant come soon enough."
I had about 15 or so people on my list do that last night. all people I know in person so it was nice to see their true colors starting to leak out. I deleted all of them.
Snaku said:
No, he's right. He let his surrogates fan the flames of fear, hate, racism, and violence among the extreme fringe wackos of his party with reckless abandon. These people actually think we have a terrorist for a president now. God forbid if anything happens to President Obama, it'll totally be on McCain's head for not putting his foot down and stopping that shit before it got out of control.

Doesn't matter. You have to be the bigger man and even if there are disagreements you have to come together for the good of the nation.
VeritasVierge said:
I had about 15 or so people on my list do that last night. all people I know in person so it was nice to see their true colors starting to leak out. I deleted all of them.

Yeah, unfortunately, I cant, since I live with him.


_dementia said:
Did "the Black" take over?
It appears they have. I was watching the sport of basketball (a Canadian invented sport that has traditionally been dominated by whites such as Larry Bird) last night and the entire Celtics team has become a bunch of Negroes.

I fear having one of their own become President is going to cause people of all color to get a little uppity now.


The debates unnerved both candidates. When he was preparing for them during the Democratic primaries, Obama was recorded saying, "I don't consider this to be a good format for me, which makes me more cautious. I often find myself trapped by the questions and thinking to myself, 'You know, this is a stupid question, but let me … answer it.' So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."


The Chosen One said:
McCain's concession speech was good, but 9/10 concession speeches are good and heartwarming.

Personally concession speeches ring hallow to me if the campaign itself was run dishonorably. McCain in is NOT a victim despite the narrative that's beginning to take form. McCain approved all those negative and frivolous ads that came out. McCain caved in and chose Palin as his VP pick. McCain is the one who said, "The fundamentals of the economy are strong". It's McCain who chose to suspend his campaign during the height of the economic crises. It's McCain who chose to switch the topic from the economy to William Ayers.

McCain very similar to Hilary was unable to control and manage his campaign. He let the campaign manage him. But that doesn't make him the victim. He's running for the President of the United States! If he can't control his campaign or is oblivious to all the negative aspects that are going on, then he has no business being our next President. We already have a President who's in a bubble, we don't need another.

So let's not get too sentimental with McCain now...
RubxQub said:
McCain is a piece of shit, plain and simple. I don't give a fuck what he said when it was all said and done.

He put America second (or third or fourth? Definitely not first) to his political ambitions with the pick of Sarah Palin, and he did his best to have his base believe that Obama was associated with terrorism and extreme religion.

Fuck him and fuck anyone who helped him.

Dead serious, do not forgive these people just because we won.



bionic77 said:
It appears they have. I was watching the sport of basketball (a Canadian invented sport that has traditionally been dominated by whites such as Larry Bird) last night and the entire Celtics team has become a bunch of Negroes.

I fear having one of their own become President is going to cause people of all color to get a little uppity now.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Doesn't matter. You have to be the bigger man and even if there are disagreements you have to come together for the good of the nation.

McCain is being excommunicated from the Republican party as we speak. I don't have to forgive the man, and I'm not going to turn a blind eye to those fringe wackos.
bionic77 said:
It appears they have. I was watching the sport of basketball (a Canadian invented sport that has traditionally been dominated by whites such as Larry Bird) last night and the entire Celtics team has become a bunch of Negroes.

I fear having one of their own become President is going to cause people of all color to get a little uppity now.

I fear that golf is next.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tom Penny said:
It's going to be crazy when some lunatic racist assisinates him. That's the moronic world we live in unfortunetly.
If he is not dead by now, I think I can sleep comfortably in a brand new America where these kinds of things don't happen. I'll believe he's gonna get shot when the bullet hits the vest.
Tom Penny said:
It's going to be crazy when some lunatic racist assisinates him. That's the moronic world we live in unfortunetly.

Yes it is moronic that you're already talking about him being assassinated. Grow up.

Seems there won't be a filibuster proof senate.
"To those -- to those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope."

Its a fucking honor to have this man lead our country.
I still cannot believe Obama won Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. I knew he was going to win Virginia, but goddamn he did surprise a lot of people. Indiana, too. :lol


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
lawblob said:
So basically is it safe to assume Ted Stevens will win the election, the Republicans will force him to step down, and Palin will appoint herself to replace him? I give this about an 95% chance.

Our long national nightmare with this woman is only beginning... Ughhh...

Fixed. She said she wants to stay in Washington. This is how she does it. It will happen.


JzeroT1437 said:
I fear that golf is next.
I very much doubt that the colored man has the intellect or social graces to dominate the sport of golf.

Don't fret though, if they get this sport we still have a few other inaccessible sports that will remain out of the reach of the colored people such as tennis, polo, NASCAR and of course yacht racing.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
xsarien said:
It truly blows my mind that anyone can look at Bush and still see a good President. Backwash indeed.

I've never met anybody who feels that way. Maybe believes he's a decent person, but not a good president.


lawblob said:
Pretty much. Some black guy is whipping me right now and telling me to carry his books and shit... its like they think all white people are trash, which is terrible, because we aren't! *ouch!*
that's how i feel when you say it is our fault that the cali prop 8 passed. Blacks aren't the only group that voted yes and are such a minority that you can't lay the blame just on us.


funkmastergeneral said:
WTF at Arkansas banning gay people from adopting kids, I'm so glad I don't live in the south.

Because Arkansas has SO MANY straight people willing to adopt them.

*looks at adoption statistics*




Tom Penny said:
It's going to be crazy when some lunatic racist assisinates him. That's the moronic world we live in unfortunetly.
I don't think Obama should be allowed to go outside for a solid 2 years until I can convince him to have an actual Arab muslim as his Vice President (sorry Biden, you are putting our President at risk). Once that transition goes down he should be safe.


bionic77 said:
It appears they have. I was watching the sport of basketball (a Canadian invented sport that has traditionally been dominated by whites such as Larry Bird) last night and the entire Celtics team has become a bunch of Negroes.

I fear having one of their own become President is going to cause people of all color to get a little uppity now.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
7Th said:
8 hours later, and I still can’t understand the pride and celebration in this thread. America’s population had basic common sense; what’s so amazing about that?

Alot of states are still red... let's just say I wasn't sure that a MAJORITY in terms of electoral or popular votes that had basic common sense...
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