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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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artredis1980 said:
Mark Halperin Confirming: Obama campaign has called Rahm Emanuel to offer him the role of WH chief of staff

fun fact: Emanuel's brother is the inspiration for Ari from Entourage



lawblob said:
I actually agree with Tucker Carlson on this one. I think the media is going to take this 'black celebration' narrative too far. A lot of people legitimately just vote on policies, and in a certain sense we diminish Obama's victory if we reduce it to nothing more than a 'racial' victory. This is a victory for many noble things, and race is only one of them.

You can't possibly overstate the significance of a black man being elected President in this country. 50 years ago they couldn't even vote.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
The crew at MSNBC touched on it, but this is really gonna be an amazing time.

Think of how motivated this country is right now.

And now we have a charismatic, world-adored President on the way, and all he has to do is ask. Ask us to do our part in whatever way he sees fit, and the majority will, gladly and passionately.

That alone is amazing and gives me chills.
lawblob said:
I actually agree with Tucker Carlson on this one. I think the media is going to take this 'black celebration' narrative too far. A lot of people legitimately just vote on policies, and in a certain sense we diminish Obama's victory if we reduce it to nothing more than a 'racial' victory. This is a victory for many noble things, and race is only one of them.

And a lot of white people did not vote for Obama because of his race.


Worm_Buffet said:
Who's the poster who had a wife that swore to leave for Sweden if Obama won? Has he poked his head in here?

But we LOVE Obama here? Maybe we should get hold of said person and warn them, since I don't think they will feel at home here. This is one of the countries were most Americans I feel pressed to present add "but I didn't vote for Bush" or "no I am from Canada" after their name. :D


Jason's Ultimatum said:
And a lot of white people did not vote for Obama because of his race.

True, but those racist fucks are dead to me, and I couldn't care less about their shitty towns and shitty jobs going overseas.

My argument is that I worry the narrative of this election will be all about race, when we should also be celebrating the triumph of positive & hopeful politics over the politics of hate. The triumph of small money donors over lobbyist money, and the triumph of a broad spectrum of demographic support for Obama. Obama is the first democrat in decades to win white voters with high income!

There are so many amazing things happening with this election, I just want the media to cover them all.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Gamer @ Heart said:
Im so glad this is over!

But its seriously going to be annoying hearing you guys justify every bad decision he is going to make at least once.

Get used to this: Change is never perfect. There'll be bumps along the road, but in the grand scheme of change it's a requisite.



Zeliard said:
Who do you guys think Obama should put as Secretary of State? Bill Richardson?

I'm thinking either Richardson or Hagel. Leaning Hagel though. It seemed early on like Obama had offered Richardson the spot to get an endorsement, and today they were saying that Obama wants a diverse cabinet to reflect the whole "New America" ideal, and a Latino Secretary of State would certainly fit into that, but at the same time they seem to be set on offering at least one major cabinet position to a Republican, and Hagel for SoS seems to be by far the most likely option for that.


lawblob said:
I actually agree with Tucker Carlson on this one. I think the media is going to take this 'black celebration' narrative too far. A lot of people legitimately just vote on policies, and in a certain sense we diminish Obama's victory if we reduce it to nothing more than a 'racial' victory. This is a victory for many noble things, and race is only one of them.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Gamer @ Heart said:
Im so glad this is over!

But its seriously going to be annoying hearing you guys justify every bad decision he is going to make at least once.
Just like we did with FISA, right?


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
I'm from Indiana. I'll be 45 on Sunday.

For someone who has voted faithfully in every presidential election since 1984, it's almost overwhelming for my vote to have finally been rewarded by my state going blue for the first time since the 1964 election...the one just before my 1st birthday...
artredis1980 said:
well I believe Gay people should have all the rights that everyone has, its obvious they should, even Jesus would say they should. But when it comes to marriage? oh hell no!

Marriage at its core is to build a family and extend your family ALONG with confirming your love for the better half of you, and I believe (personal belief) that building a family means to conceive, and only a man and woman (scientifically) can do that.

So they should have ALL rights, but not be allowed to get married?

Got it.


Case said:

Agree. We need to fight fire with fire. Because eventually things will be not shit enough and the country will be welcoming a Jeb or Palin or whoever into the White House. We can't allow this momentum to dissipate by getting all lovey-dovey. No, we absolutely shouldn't call them terrorists, or demean their community service, or any of the shit they love to do. But we should call a spade a spade.

Of course, not all of them are like Palin. Some Republican strategist on the BBC last night spoke sensibly, and I saw another Repub at McCain's rally say something in a very short clip about not running on hate anymore; sadly this was actually shocking to hear from today's Republicans. Unfortunately that isn't the norm. And until it is, we need to stop pretending it's okay to be a hateful, fear-mongering anti-intellectual.
The kind of attitude expressed by giga is what kept me away from this thread for so many months. Its disgusting. One massive troll over this entire campaign and nothing was ever done about it.
Tucker is always finding away to criticize the liberal/dem side of things while right behind him is the argument against the conservatives that is actually far up his ass but he ignores it.

Like the treatment of the Clintons during this race he just mentioned. Rush just yesterday did a shot of how Hillary looked in natural light. It is a 99 to 1 ratio of what sucks about politics and it is the GOP side that sucks.

tekumseh said:
I'm from Indiana. I'll be 45 on Sunday.

For someone who has voted faithfully in every presidential election since 1984, it's almost overwhelming for my vote to have finally been rewarded by my state going blue for the first time since the 1964 election...the one just before my 1st birthday...

I was born 1 month after that 84 election in IN. My 1st prez vote this year in IN.
It's been a fun ride in my conservative office here in St. Louis. But hey, they're finding comfort in the fact that McCain is leading in Missouri right now by 6,000 votes. At least in this fine state there are still 6,000 more smart people than dumb people, they say.

Also, this leads me to my next point: way to not deliver the state of Missouri, Lamonster.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Well, Electoral-Vote.com has Obama 364 to McCain 163. They called NC for Obama.

They can call it all they want. Right now, the state of NC is not officially called for Obama. Though, at this point, it doesn't really matter. The difference is 12,000 votes. With around 50,000 provisional ballots still floating around out there, it's still a toss up.

As an NC resident, regardless of who wins, I'm glad that it was at least this close. Well done, Carolinians.
There's are some serious meltdowns going on at work this morning. I mean SERIOUS meltdowns. These people kind of chirped a little before the election, but they're totally freaking out right now. It's making me smile, but it's making my boss get all rilled up. My boss is calling them all LOOSERS and shouting they need to jump on the bandwagon and make the country a better place like it used to be. :lol

This is one of the best morning ever. :D


Wow, it looks like 538.com is going to nail the popular vote margin dead-on, and probably only be off in the EV column because of IN.


Fenderputty said:
There's are some serious meltdowns going on at work this morning. I mean SERIOUS meltdowns. These people kind of chirped a little before the election, but they're totally freaking out right now. It's making me smile, but it's making my boss get all rilled up. My boss is calling them all LOOSERS and shouting they need to jump on the bandwagon and make the country a better place like it used to be. :lol

This is one of the best morning ever. :D

same here man. its a sight to behold.


Junior Member
JOE THE PLUMBER ON cbs right now.

"The American people spoke and I am one hundred percent behind him"

"I have formed a watch dog group in congress to make sure he works for us"



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Cloudy said:
Ugh, I can't believe Prop 8 might pass. Maybe Obama should have helped out there a bit more?
Obama did and said what he felt was necessary to win this election. Him winning the presidency is way more important than Prop 8. Way more important.

He's said publicly that he doesn't support gay marriage, but supports all the right associated with the term for civil unions. That's more than I expected to hear from him on this issue to be honest.

If anyone has listened to the man, though, you know that he supports gay rights, without question.


get some go again
ZeroTolerance said:
JOE THE PLUMBER ON cbs right now.

"The American people spoke and I am one hundred percent behind him"

"I have formed a watch dog group in congress to make sure he works for us"

enjoy your last minutes of fame joe because in a couple of weeks nobody will give a shit about you since you won't be a useful tool for the republicans anymore. maybe you can be on a shitty reality show on vh1 in the future.


ZeroTolerance said:
JOE THE PLUMBER ON cbs right now.

"The American people spoke and I am one hundred percent behind him"

"I have formed a watch dog group in congress to make sure he works for us"


Suuuuuure he did. Joe, listen up. No one gives a fuck about you. Retreat to your place in obscurity. You will not cash in on your 15 minutes of fame. Shut the fuck up.


I hope Joe has already signed the contracts on any deals he was working on, because yeah, in about a week nobody will give a flying fuck what this guy has to say. I hope he cashes in, though. The way the McCain campaign has pimped the guy, he would only be smart to grab whatever cash he can right now.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Said it before and I'll say it again.

I don't fault JtP for cashing in on his moment of fame. I do fault him completely for being an ignorant moron, though.


If anyone has listened to the man, though, you know that he supports gay rights, without question.

Oh I know he does but I feel the campaign could have done more in CA. Maybe send some surrogates out there to explain it the conservative black and hispanic voters?


Junior Member
smurfx said:
enjoy your last minutes of fame joe because in a couple of weeks nobody will give a shit about you since you won't be a useful tool for the republicans anymore.
He was asked if he was happy with all the fame he is getting right now

"I would be crazy to say am I am but I am not one to sit there regretting it"


ZeroTolerance said:
JOE THE PLUMBER ON cbs right now.

"The American people spoke and I am one hundred percent behind him"

"I have formed a watch dog group in congress to make sure he works for us"


By watchdog group I assume he means a 20" TV in his living room that he watches Fox News on.
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