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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Obama 349
McCain 147

McCain (R)
46% 55,542,743
winnerObama (D)
52% 62,680,702
Barr (I)
0% 481,858
Nader (I)
1% 644,101


Junior Member
joey_z said:
Ten years from now, a movie on this election will win an actor and a director an oscar each. It's been epic to say the least.

Actually, I think either Micheal Moore and Spike are already working on something like that. Spike Lee was been interviewed on MSNBC and although he didn't admit that he had anything going on at the moment, he'd be an idiot to pass up an opportunity like this.

Micheal Moore on the other hand, I am pretty sure he is already working on some sort of documentary. He has been one of the strongest supporters of Barack since the get go.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Haunted said:



SolidSnakex said:
It's not going to take Hollywood that long to capitalize on this. A writer has probably been writing a script as the election went on.

If it takes less than 10 years then it's going to go down the shitter like 'W'. In fact, if Obama is in office for 8 years then I wouldn't want to see the movie for 20 years at least.


rSpooky said:
Damn.. As if there isn;t enough to do allready ..Time to get to work Mr Pres
Russia to deploy missiles near Poland

Quite honestly it's not like they're completely unwarranted. Poland agreed to letting US missiles there. How are they supposed to take it?

Also if the financial crisis has shown us anything it's basically impossible to wage any sort of large scale war because no one's economy can take it. Russia has been one of the hardest hit.
I wanted to hear Obama say the following in his acceptance speech...

"As Salaamu Alaikum, first of all thanks to Allah. Boys and girls did good on campaign trail and thanks to crowd for voting me. BTW, yes I am a Muslim. Ahaahhahahhahahahaha!!"


ZeroTolerance said:
Micheal Moore on the other hand, I am pretty sure he is already working on some sort of documentary. He has been one of the strongest supporters of Barack since the get go.
Wasn't he a Hillary fan at first?


scorcho said:

:lol indeed.

In other news:

Georgia Senate
Chambliss 49.9%
Martin 46.7%
Buckley 3.4%

Last Updated Wednesday, November 05, 2008  10:40:23 AM 

Wonder if we'll have to wait till votes are certified. (Week of Nov 10th)


Kinitari said:
Holy shit, did republics go this batshit insane when there were democrats as presidents? This seems a bit ridiculous. They act like his first act will be to let loose a pack of rabid bears into the suburbs that are trained to eat babies and pregenant women's bellies or some crazy shit like that. And what's scary is I'm not exaggerating THAT much.
It wouldn't be so bad if Obama wouldn't be so extremely far to the left. The problem here is that so many people in this election, note not all, had no idea what they were voting for.


harSon said:
I'm sorry for offending any Alaskan GAFers but your state is filled with fucking retards, who in the fuck votes for an elected official knowing that they were found guilty of 7 felony charges?
Corruption, no less.
joey_z said:
If it takes less than 10 years then it's going to go down the shitter like 'W'. In fact, if Obama is in office for 8 years then I wouldn't want to see the movie for 20 years at least.

I'd say give it 2-3 years and you're going to see a movie about Obama. Studios are going to be scrambling for one because it's potentially a movie that could do well worldwide given Obama's appeal.


ggnoobIGN said:
It wouldn't be so bad if Obama wouldn't be so extremely far to the left. The problem here is that so many people in this election, note not all, had no idea what they were voting for.

Shut up you idiot. I hate to break it to you, but white voters with incomes > $100,000 per year; (ie: people with college degrees) went for Obama. Republicans have become the party of low income, low education southerners... Not exactly the bastion of American intellectualism!

Don't you get it? The REPUBLICANS have become the party of stupid people! REPUBLICANS have become the party of voters who don't know what the fuck they are voting for! Have fun with your coalition of toothless southerner racists, because thats basically all the GOP has left.
Hey guys I'm 100% with yall with the gay marriage issue, but the difference between the race and gay issue is religion. Most religions condem gay's while no religion condems another race. I know a lot of people who can look past skin color but cannot yet come to terms with gays because of thier religious beliefs.


greepoman said:
Quite honestly it's not like they're completely unwarranted. Poland agreed to letting US missiles there. How are they supposed to take it?

Also if the financial crisis has shown us anything it's basically impossible to wage any sort of large scale war because no one's economy can take it. Russia has been one of the hardest hit.
I am actually kinda tired of Europe being the missle playground of Russia and the USA. But the Tit for tat isn't helping :(
Some good diplomacy could really help here ..I hope
Cloudy said:
They were sad as hell. Especially when they had to call OH. They were also the last network to call PA :lol

There were no freakouts on Fox. It was simply like watching a funeral procession. Same mood. Combined with pre-emptive spinning for the future of the "radical liberal agenda of Barack and cronies in Congress. "


Man, it looks like fears of a supermajority were overstated. Sure looks like the Senate will be split 56-44.


Rur0ni said:
:lol indeed.

In other news:

Georgia Senate
Chambliss 49.9%
Martin 46.7%
Buckley 3.4%

Last Updated Wednesday, November 05, 2008  10:40:23 AM 

Wonder if we'll have to wait till votes are certified. (Week of Nov 10th)

That is EXCELLENT, because in GA if you don't get 50% you have to have a runoff and the Buckley people may very well vote for Martin!!!!!!!


RedShift said:
Today's XKCD has been posted here already right?

Might as well post it!


Someday I'll be rich enough to hire Nate Silver to help make all my life decisions. 'Should I sleep with her?' 'Well, I'm showing a 35% chance it will end badly.'


Did anyone see (I think on Foxnews) where they gave the poll that said that people who make over $200,000 broke in favor of Obama by a larger margin than the popular vote? Anyone know the exact statistic.? Pretty ironic that these are the people that would have their taxes increased.
Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef? Would be a great bipartisan gesture and a fitting job for McCain; we know he would have the troops' respect. Or are they just too far apart on the war?


Gary Whitta said:
Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef? Would be a great bipartisan gesture and a fitting job for McCain; we know he would have the troops' respect. Or are they just too far apart on the war?
About as likely as Hillary getting picked as Obama's VP.

No way.
Cloudy said:
So what is gonna happen to Lieberman? He is total scum...

I'm curious too...there was talk of consequences for his support of McCain following the election, but I'm doubtful the Dems will really follow through given how the Senate elections have played out. Whether he continues to caucus with the Dems or not is anyone's guess.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Gary Whitta said:
Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef? Would be a great bipartisan gesture and a fitting job for McCain; we know he would have the troops' respect. Or are they just too far apart on the war?
Worst idea ever, Gary.

Bad Gary...BAD BAD GARY!


Leonsito said:
Sorry, im a black british person and I dont see Lewis Hamilton winning the F1 champtionship as anything to brag about. Its not inspirational, it doesnt uplift us as a people and he isnt a person to respect, he is cocky, arrogant and not very bright. Its an insult to compare it to what Obama achieved.
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