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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.



syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.

Damn, that would be very unfortunate. :(


syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.
Damn this would suck. Hopefully a false alarm :(


mediocrity at its best
syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.

Fuck, that really sucks if true. :(
syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.

Some guy from Hawaii on the Awful Forums seems to be hinting at that.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Holy crap, please don't let that be true :( To pass away so so so close to seeing her Grandson become president... Auuggh!


artredis1980 said:
Missouri, its gonna be fucking close!

PPP: MO: Obama 49, McCain 49 (PPP-10/31-11/2)

SUSA: MO: McCain 48, Obama 48 (SurveyUSA-10/30-11/2)
Why do you always post old polls...argh. Either you are being a chicken little or posting old polls. You gotta try something new sir. :lol


syllogism said:
I'm hearing rumors saying Obama's grandmother has just passed away. Hopefully this is not the case, but the rumors are coming from Obama Hawaii volunteers.

That would be so damn unfair.
I just realized that McCain's campaign has adopted the Fox News standard . . . the question mark. Not only does he lack good enough policies to run a positive campaign, he lacks good enough dirt to run a real negative campaign, so he's running a question mark campaign. What are the full connections between Ayers & Obama? (Pretty much nothing besides serving on a charity board and single event at Ayer's house many years ago.) How will Obama raise your taxes? (Actually, he'll lower them for 95% of the people out there.)



artredis1980 said:
if you cant be fast enough to post polls, dont spread lies like McCain
polls get posted here within minutes of being revealed. You just gotta give up on trying to be first if it is hours and hours after a poll is annouced, you'll never be first with a poll. :lol
Cheebs said:
polls get posted here within minutes of being revealed. You just gotta give up on keeping up, you'll never be first with a poll. :lol

so tell me where PPP posted thier polls earlier than thier own blog? prove it. Not everyone can take a look at the polls when you get 3 new pages in 10 minutes
KHarvey16 said:
You know, the more I browse around some of these others forums like nobama or the rapture whatever-the-fuck place I almost miss the honesty of someone declaring their racism. I despise racism, but I'd much rather know where you're coming from than have you hide it under the false guise of "just bringing up the issues!" Certainly not everyone questioning Barack's ability to be president is a racist, far from it, but when some people refuse to be reasonable, refuse to accept evidence to the contrary and immediately frame all opinions different from theirs as biased, brainwashed or stupid, I have to wonder. I just wish the cowards among them would declare their racism up front and do both sides of the argument a favor.

Rapture Ready is freaking the fuck out. They seriously sicken me. They don't just say that Obama is not the candidate they want for president, nor do they try to give rational reasons for their pro-McCain stance; they simply jump on whatever anti-Obama rumor floats around, talk about how evil and despicable Barack is, try to parrot the stuff about Obama not being a citizen, and cast off anything that runs contrary to their beliefs as results of the 'liberal media' (not to say that the media doesn't have a somewhat liberal slant at times, but come on, there's a difference between saying that and trying to say that liberals own all media and only Fox News is fair and balanced; these people think that fucking SNOPES is in the pocket of liberals). Seriously, it's fairly funny at times, but then I remember that these Rapture Ready forum-goers are real, which is an unsettling notion, to say the least.

Ace 8095

GhaleonEB, what is your final Georgia estimate? I find it hard to believe that Obama will win, and even harder to believe that Martin will have a 50% majority. If the senate race is not decided tomorrow I believe it is almost certain to go to Saxby unless Obama does some strong campaigning here. Tell me how much hope I should have. If both do win I will have one of the biggest celebrations of my life tomorrow night.


Why are people panicking? Obama is going to win. By a lot or a little, he is going to win. Go out and vote tomorrow to make sure our guy comes through. That's all you have to do. PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
Why are people panicking? Obama is going to win. By a lot or a little, he is going to win. Go out and vote tomorrow to make sure our guy comes through. That's all you have to do. PEACE.

Already did, but like I said before, it seems too good to be true.

Things this good just don't happen very often.


KHarvey16 said:
You know, the more I browse around some of these others forums like nobama or the rapture whatever-the-fuck place I almost miss the honesty of someone declaring their racism. I despise racism, but I'd much rather know where you're coming from than have you hide it under the false guise of "just bringing up the issues!" Certainly not everyone questioning Barack's ability to be president is a racist, far from it, but when some people refuse to be reasonable, refuse to accept evidence to the contrary and immediately frame all opinions different from theirs as biased, brainwashed or stupid, I have to wonder. I just wish the cowards among them would declare their racism up front and do both sides of the argument a favor.

Its not like it matters. Barack is certainly getting alot of votes based solely on the fact he is Black. Thats inappropriate as well but I dont see anyone upset over that
I love how simply the mention of the word San Francisco at a McCain railly is enough to get boos from the crowd. McCain even emphasized the name of the city to make it sound like he was talking about Iran or North Korea. What a dickhead.


laserbeam said:
Its not like it matters. Barack is certainly getting alot of votes based solely on the fact he is Black. Thats inappropriate as well but I dont see anyone upset over that
Except being proud of your race as minority is FAAAAAAAAAR different than voting out of hate of another race.


avaya said:
What chance of Obama winning Arkansas or Louisianna?


Close to zero for Arkansas, Louisianna is also a very low probability but could happen if the NOLA diaspora comes back to vote.


Junior Member
camineet said:
Barack is the leader. THE ONE. The Only. He is CHANGE ITSELF.
America will be an economic superpower again. Not just a military superpower.

This is not the sea change you are expecting. He is a human and will do the best he can. Keep your expectations down a bit and do your part locally to effect some changes.
All idols have some feet of clay. Lincoln had quite a few detractors in his day. Truman had 22% approval ratings at one time. John Kennedy barely beat Nixon.
All I am looking for is some dialogue to open up between the USA and the parts of the world that have been ignored the last 8 years. Also, I would like to see the new President be a symbol and get folks to become more optimistic and tolerant again. Everything else is gravy.


laserbeam said:
Its not like it matters. Barack is certainly getting alot of votes based solely on the fact he is Black. Thats inappropriate as well but I dont see anyone upset over that

Are you seriously trying to equate not voting for someone because they're black with voting for someone because they're black? I agree neither should be the sole basis of a persons vote but they are not comparable in any way.


Cheebs said:
Except being proud of your race as minority is FAAAAAAAAAR different than voting out of hate of another race.
Both cases stink regardless when race is the only qualifier in deciding a vote.
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