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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Red Scarlet said:
They're giving out stickers and signs now, I snagged a sticker (wonder if I was supposed to pay, no one was standing around with them).

Life isn't a game of Oblivion or Fallout 3, Scarlet...


besada said:
Sight unseen, I predict they're claiming that his grandmother died a week ago and they've been holding back the news.

Well, they got there by the end of the first page. Imagine my shock. The PUMA crowd are easily the most ridiculous thing about this election. I hope they choke on their bitterness.

Even worse, some are claiming they specifically timed her passing :(


*drowns in jizz*
Not to be sacriligious, but I take this as sign from God
seeking to spare Toot from seeing her grandson be humiliated in the greatest electoral upset in history.

Yeah, we'll see about that.

People actually, seriously believe that not only will Obama lose, it will be an electoral upset. Just mind-blowing. Oh well, it's all for the better. More chance their spirits will be completely crushed tomorrow.

What a bunch of sick, mean-spirited, hateful fucks.


ItsInMyVeins said:
I've got two questions.

1: What's the deal with these six hours waiting lines to vote? Aren't there plenty of schools and such facilities?

2: Why do I keep hearing this shit about wealth redistribution and the money going to the lazy? Correct me if I'm wrong, but there seems to be a whole lot of middle class people mentioning how "lazy people" are gonna get paid for doing nothing? Isn't the case more likely that it's the middle and lower class and in particular that are more likely to get into situations where they need some kind of welfare, due to unemployment or health issues?

1. Early voting always has less polling places. Lines tomorrow won't be huge unless turnout is just nuts.

2. Because the McCain camp is full of lying shitbags, and their followers aren't that bright.
monchi-kun said:
Obama will be president, she died knowing that and therefore she is at peace

I believe this.

I also believe I can't possibly fathom the inner workings of Obama's mind and heart right now.

To be a day away from a truly historic election that has repercussions on the entire world, to have so many people's hopes and dreams riding upon his leadership, and to say goodbye to such a potent family influence.

Transformational candidate? Yes. Being transformed before our eyes in the process? Yes.

Red Scarlet

RubxQub said:

Life isn't a game of Oblivion or Fallout 3, Scarlet...

Well, I asked someone that had a button, and he said they were free. So I also got a sticker for my computer, a big one for my door, and an Obama/Biden button I'll be wearing today and tomorrow. :D

I always steal when I play games, but it was ok this time.

RIP rhfb's grandma, as well. :(


First tragedy, then farce.
numble said:
Yeah, this is pretty sad also. I remember him always telling us workers in Nevada how he always refused to meet Obama, he would always go somewhere else or something when there was a chance of meeting him, because he would only meet him when he became President Obama.


Damn, 44 is so young too.

Let's get it done for him


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
NullPointer said:
I believe this.

I also believe I can't possibly fathom the inner workings of Obama's mind and heart right now.

To be a day away from a truly historic election that has repercussions on the entire world, to have so many people's hopes and dreams riding upon his leadership, and to say goodbye to such a potent family influence.

Transformational candidate? Yes. Being transformed before our eyes in the process? Yes.
Really, the man's character has really been built up by this election. It's like watching someone playing an RPG and leveling up at a historic rate. The Obama we see today, ready to lead =/= the man who started this campaign.
besada said:
1. Early voting always has less polling places. Lines tomorrow won't be huge unless turnout is just nuts.

2. Because the McCain camp is full of lying shitbags, and their followers aren't that bright.
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?


From rr-bb. Got damn I can't believe these people can call themselves Christian.
The cynic in me wonders if the Obama's waited to pull the plug until today for the sympathy vote. I still can't fathom why he didn't bring his daughters with him to see their grandma before she passed. That makes no sense to me.

Red Scarlet

PhoenixDark said:

At my school, on a table. Lots of Obama/Biden and Get out to Vote stickers, and those Vote For Change big round door stickers, and some Obama/Biden buttons (very few left). Also those big white foamy paper Obama 08 ones that I saw someone had hers defaced a couple weeks ago. I might grab one of those when I put my clothes in the dryer, dunno. I already grabbed 3 stickers, one big round one for my door, and a button. Dunno what to do with one sticker, since I found a button.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Really, the man's character has really been built up by this election. It's like watching someone playing an RPG and leveling up at a historic rate. The Obama we see today, ready to lead =/= the man who started this campaign.

It has been great to see! Obama has grown naturally into the position where he is today, like a tree tilting towards the sun. You can see in the way his speeches have changed that he worked extremely hard to rise to the challenge; McCain and Palin have an air of detachment, laziness and of taking the election for granted. It's a pretty stark contrast.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
VictimOfGrief said:
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?

Um, you get a tax cut. I make 30k a year. I'm getting a $500 dollar tax cut. TIME TO BUY VIDEOGAMMMESSSSSS


VictimOfGrief said:
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?

Bigger tax breaks. If you don't know this by now, you have a lot more research to do before you vote tomorrow.
SephCast said:
Tax cut is a reduction of the percentage that you get taxed. Say your taxes get reduced from 15% to 10%. Say your income is 1000 dollars per year. With a 15% tax rate, you'll owe 150 dollars in taxes. With a 10% rate, you'll owe $100.

Tax credit is a straight up dollar sum amount given to you. For example, if you owe 6000 dollars in taxes for the year, with a $4000 dollar tax credit, you will only owe $2000.
So which is Obama's tax plan? Tax cut or credit?
VictimOfGrief said:
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?
You'll pay less in taxes, and his economic policies (ie no capital gains tax for small business, tax breaks for American jobs) will create more jobs and more wealth for everybody who's willing to work for it.

Or in short, he's spreading the weath to you, not from you.


VictimOfGrief said:
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?

What that has to do with what I just typed, I don't know, but all it takes is a pretty cursory read of Obama's economic plans to see that someone making $50K a year is going to get a tax cut.

They'll also benefit from infrastructure spending, educational tax credits for college, etc., ad nauseam. Go read his plans if you want to know more.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chuck Todd: If we call Virginia early it's pretty much check mate but we may not say it tomorrow night :lol


*drowns in jizz*
GrapeApes said:
From rr-bb. Got damn I can't believe these people can call themselves Christian.

It's actually one of the most benign ones. The free republic site is even worse.


That's really sad about his grandmother. She was so close to making it all the way :(

I don't know if it's been posted because this thread moves too damn fast, but for the fellow UKers interested in following the election there's a page on the BBC here with GMT times of when polls close and when key things are likely to be called. Quite a handy little cheat sheet and we should have a very good idea of how things are going before it gets too late here.

Funky Papa

chubigans said:
What's wrong with that exactly? It's a standard issue prayer card that's used quite often in Catholicism.

I guess I can understand the fuss if you're not familiar with Catholicism, but it's nothing new.
Clinging to the Virgin Mary at this very moment reeks of desperation. Also, I was brought up Catholic.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
sangreal said:

The freepers are typically about on par with the intellectual substance of the shit of fish who eat the shit of other undersea creatures.

If you were ever undecided as to whether forced sterilization should be mandatory in SOME circles, a quick review of the freeper commentary sections would push you over the edge towards an easy decision...
Red Scarlet said:
At my school, on a table. Lots of Obama/Biden and Get out to Vote stickers, and those Vote For Change big round door stickers, and some Obama/Biden buttons (very few left). Also those big white foamy paper Obama 08 ones that I saw someone had hers defaced a couple weeks ago. I might grab one of those when I put my clothes in the dryer, dunno. I already grabbed 3 stickers, one big round one for my door, and a button. Dunno what to do with one sticker, since I found a button.

Ohhh. I saw some in the SC building yesterday; they're probably still there today

Obama people are standing outside many of the school buildings passing stuff out and asking if people are voting tomorrow.
Joe Klein

Word comes that Barack Obama's grandmother has died. The timing is ridiculous. But think, for a moment, if you will of Madelyn Dunham, a white woman from Kansas, strolling the aisle of a supermarket, or having lunch in a coffee shop, with grandson--way back at the turn of the 1970s, when such sights were uncommon, even in Hawaii. Think about what her friends might have thought, or said, about her...situation. Think about what she poured into the child during the years when her daughter was in Indonesia and she was the closest thing to a mother that Obama had; think about the impact that she and her husband had on creating the man we've come to know and the satisfaction she must have felt in her dying days.

Some politicians simply are larger than life. Their stories are the stuff of high drama. Over the past few days, I've been hearing about the high emotions out in the field, as volunteers flood Obama offices to help canvass--and, in some places, find they have to wait on line for a spot on a phone bank. It is almost banal at this point to say that this has been the most remarkable election I've ever seen. It's been a privilege to be a small part of it, to have had a ringside seat. And now, there is a sense that tomorrow will be the sort of day none of us ever forgets, one way or another--a day of reckoning, in the purest sense, when we will suddenly see ourselves and our country differently, for good or ill.

It will also be the first day that Barack Obama lives without the presence of the woman who was his surrogate mother. How sad for him, how remarkable that it would happen this way.


Obama people went around putting obama stuff on a lot of doors. My hall has a shuttle every 30min to the polling place until 7:30 PM. So excited!


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Dax01 said:
So which is Obama's tax plan? Tax cut or credit?

Um, Tax Cut. However, there are certain tax credits he is promoting as well. However, tax cut is the main thing that can change things for a large amount of people.

An example of one of his credits, $4000 dollars for College Expenses if you fulfill a planned community service requirement. 200 hours or something?

But yeah, the main way Presidents change taxes, is through a Tax raise or cut, not a credit.
VictimOfGrief said:
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?
Because you get a bigger tax cut under him?

Oh, wait, it's VictimOfGrief, should have known I was talking to a brick wall.
I'm not sure who posted the Obamaween video (I tried to reply to that post), but what a joke...the guy refuses to admit he completely bit Brad Neely's Washington.

Furthermore, here's the letter this guy is hawking the video to right-wing blogs with:

Dear Pamela,
It's a weird occurrence today,... me writing to you (and, I must confess, a handful of your fellow writers as well). I was a libertarian for quite a long time before this election year. I did my thing,... clung to the middle on many social issues and used the constitution as my catch-all shield against extreme liberalism and (to be honest) anything else that I didn't really like that well. But, unfortunately for me, I started reading many of your blogs with mild amusement at times, and mild jealousy at others (all wannabe writers feel this I suspect)... all of these thoughts pocketed like Swiss political ideology queso,... with holes of logic that ran through the conservative philosophy, found their way straight into my own worldview. It was undeniable...

I didn't yet know it,... but I was becoming republican.

Now,... under normal circumstances,... I admit... I would simply turn on my Xbox 360 and see if I could find a way to hack the "Rock the Vote" channel being showcased, or maybe go out with my wife to dinner and discuss how "unusual" and "interesting" peoples' opinions have become these days (those words being gilded euphemisms used to feign arrogance on my part,... but really, sometimes I just like to try to impress my lovely wife ;) ).

Fate, however,... has (as it always does) intervened,... and the concept of "going out to dinner" vanished blissfully as my son Ace was born into the world nearly five weeks ago now. It was a joyous occasion, and after several weeks recovery my wife and I began to learn some things about ourselves as individuals and as a family.... mainly:

1-We were in fact grownups. Oh sure, before Ace came along we had played at being "cool", going out, drinking cocktails with names that are unspeakable in decent company, and singing karaoke until the audience's noses were bleeding,... but really, underneath it all, we were proud, happy, stay-at- home and chill-out,... parents.

2-We were politically conservative. You see all of a sudden, it actually became important to us that the American Dream be a tangible, attainable reality for our son. Both my wife and I graduated from fairly well known universities here in Florida (University of Miami and UCF), but all of a sudden, the lives and jobs and values that we have had in the past and currently keep,... these things that define our roles and character and affect colleagues, friends, and relationships on a day-to-day basis,... all of it,... from the gas we pumped into our car, to the late nights at the office,... it didn't seem so ephemeral to us anymore. They were income. Time invested. Money for clothes and food and vacations in the future,... vacations to places where we would all learn new things and our son could step proudly on our shoulders and BE that next generation. They were character traits and selflessness and sacrifice and things that we would need to teach our boy. They were God, and Country and being part of something bigger than one's self. They were fun and laughter and a great big wide country that bursts at the seams with adventure and technology and history and culture,... a culture all its own. All of this,.. it all became,... well, just... REAL.

3-We were downright appalled. I will say it again. Appalled. The fact the Senator Barack Obama has made it as far as he has with virtually no experience on the world stage is strange. The fact that he has made it this far into a 9 digit budget marketing campaign without this sort of polictial contest becoming a landslide is BEYOND ridiculous. It just shows how difficult the "sales pitch" was to begin with. The fact that only a limited number of people seem to be using the tried n' true, job-interview, best-qualified person-for-the-job litmus test as the best way to go about "hiring" a president,... it is BEYOND illogical. And,... (ahemm) it is ALL downright SUSPICIOUS (now I sound like a libertarian again don't I! ;) ) But most of all, we were appalled... at ourselves.

And so, with my crazy-producer's hat in my hand, I sat down at the little four legged fold out table from Wal-Mart, parked serenely like a "2008 : A Space-Wasting Odyssey",... serenely in the family-room nerve center of our baby-gear infested apartment, amid "new-parents-live-here" festooned, clutter-cubes dotting the carpet landscape, and peeping from every nook,... (think Johnny Depp in the scene from BLOW with boxes of money,... but instead of money, think diapers)....

I sat... and started writing out a silly song.

That song turned into a recording.

That recording begat a series of drawings.

Those drawings became a video. That video was posted to YouTube 3 days ago.

Now let me first say,... we did not KNOW that this video was going to receive the amount of traffic that it has. It is silly. Obnoxious. Downright campy in places. The music (to quote one of the reviews) sounds like bad 80's rock)... and (again to quote) apparently people "love it".

"Love it" to the tune of almost 35,000 views in three days (as of this writing).

And so, I thought to myself... can a stupid, meaningless YouTube video really change anyone's mind? Or is "spoof" (as an animated art form,... and I use the word "art" loosely... though Lorne Michaels might disagree with me...), is spoof more of "window" onto ourselves as Americans? Or, more personally, a window onto the past "me" (not that I ever would have voted for Barack,... but you get the gist).

So after some pondering, I thought perhaps I would simply send a note (and at this point, a long-winded one!) to some of the people who got me here in the first place, the writers whose internet WordPress's I "lounged" over lazily, during a time when politics (to me) were an endeavor for, older, wiser, crankier people who wore darker, more expensive suits than me,... and where opinions were merely jagged stones that were thrown grumpily into a small pond,... where the strongest of arms and the random coalescence of merging ripples would always (and sometimes seemingly randomly) prevail over others. Well,... I am proud to say,... that age for me is over.

I am an American. I do NOT support Barack Obama. I threw a stone in the pond. And I invite you to give this particular stone a view...



Should you like it or wish to critique it, please feel free as I respect you as the one of the "serious" minds in the room (but really, how does that sound coming from an indie film producer? ;). Should you find it so inanely delightful that you want to embed it in your blog, your site, your whatever (though to mesh it well with your solid, intellectually well-crafted slice of online patriotica web-real estate,... hmm, might not go well... just a thought ;) ),... but again, please be my guest.

But whatever the case may be, God Bless You for Fighting Hard for what's right, even when guys like me did nothing for so many years.

God Bless the First Amendment (which still gives silly filmmakers the right to churn out animated spoofs named "Obamaween").


God Bless America.

I don't know what will happen on November 4th,... but I will see you and some of your colleagues on the other side, ready,... with a stone in my hand and a pile of them sitting beside me.

Very Respectfully,

C. Alex Velazquez


So who else is having an election party tomorrow?

My wife and I are having over two other couples and getting pizza, with Chuck Godd all over my TV in glorious HD.

One of the couples are Utah Republicans (though extremely nice), so I hope they don't mind the insane hopium I will be spouting all night! :D
sonarrat said:
Bigger tax breaks. If you don't know this by now, you have a lot more research to do before you vote tomorrow.

Already voted.... and I didn't vote for either of them.

Elfforkusu said:
You'll pay less in taxes, and his economic policies (ie no capital gains tax for small business, tax breaks for American jobs) will create more jobs and more wealth for everybody who's willing to work for it.

Or in short, he's spreading the weath to you, not from you.

So let's get this straight.... I get $50k a year.... roughly $2k a paycheck... after taxes I take home about $1,500 bucks. $500 of that is taxes.

So you're saying his tax cuts--- (if I'm understanding his purposed tax cuts) will then translate to me taking home more money (so... let's say $1700 bucks a month) all the while he is going to be increasing government programs and spending--- but giving us more money to spend.

Hmm... okay--- I'll believe it when I see my paycheck.
VictimOfGrief said:
I'm curious then--- How exactly is Obama's spreading the wealth going to help me who takes home about $50k a year. How is he going to work better for the working class?

First off, under his plan, you'd get a tax cut.

Also, how confident are you that your $50k job is secure? What happens if you get laid off or the company you work for goes under? What if your medical benefits get cut back or eliminated, or you have a medical emergency and your insurer finds a way to weasel out of covering it?
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