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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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VictimOfGrief said:
So you're saying his tax cuts--- (if I'm understanding his purposed tax cuts) will then translate to me taking home more money (so... let's say $1700 bucks a month) all the while he is going to be increasing government programs and spending--- but giving us more money to spend.

Hmm... okay--- I'll believe it when I see my paycheck.

I love conservatives who use 8th grade level arguments, hoping people take the bait. :lol


numble said:
Yeah, this is pretty sad also. I remember him always telling us workers in Nevada how he always refused to meet Obama, he would always go somewhere else or something when there was a chance of meeting him, because he would only meet him when he became President Obama.

sangreal said:

There are no words for this type of response. Even so, I'll try.

"Cyanide", they actually said that? They actually accuse Obama of murdering his own grandmother for votes? Really? I'm questioning it, even though I've just read it with my own eyes, as it defies reason.

Its like I said earlier in the thread, these bastards are driven by sound and fury, making assertions that simply bypass those inconvenient traditions that we call "reasoning" and "facts". Their time in power is coming to an end, and like the Bush Administration itself, they lash out with lies and fiction.

At least most the fundementalists on Rapture Ready, who earlier today described Obama as "Osama Bin Laden's Plan B" have been pretty respectful of Mrs. Dunham's sad passing.

Sorry, I've been re-reading their posts, and apparently spoke too soon. Someone needs to drag these bastards into the twentieth century.

Yes, I'm aware it is the twenty-first. But one step at a time, eh?


That's too bad about Obama's grandma, but on the bright side she lived a long life and despite going before the elction I'm sure she knew he was a lock for the presidency


Need help political gaf. I am the only one supporting obama in my whole class, everyone is attacking me, so I thought what better place to come to.

Here are some attacks they are slamming on me.

"What demands would you (Obama) put on a foreign governments if there is evidence of its direct involvement in a debilitating attack on the United States?"

"What are Obama's immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling? Currently, his plan does not include anything that would go into affect earlier than 2015. "

"Obama does not have immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling. Therefore, Obama is only concerning himself with things that can not be put into action until 2015, which I believe is incredibly useless considering we are in 2008 right now, therefore something 7 years from now, is definaly not going to help us now. McCain on the other hand states, "We must, we must embark on a national mission to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil", I agree with McCain saying this because if we depend on foreign oil, we might possibly run into major problems maybe not now, but without a doubt in the long run."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
VictimOfGrief said:
Already voted.... and I didn't vote for either of them.

So let's get this straight.... I get $50k a year.... roughly $2k a paycheck... after taxes I take home about $1,500 bucks. $500 of that is taxes.

So you're saying his tax cuts--- (if I'm understanding his purposed tax cuts) will then translate to me taking home more money (so... let's say $1700 bucks a month) all the while he is going to be increasing government programs and spending--- but giving us more money to spend.

Hmm... okay--- I'll believe it when I see my paycheck.

It's not magic beans. It's the trickle up effect. It works like this - you tax people at the very top a little bit more - hoping that they won't notice that they are short one Lamborghini when they talk to their accountant about sweet new ways to avoid paying taxes.


VictimOfGrief said:
So let's get this straight.... I get $50k a year.... roughly $2k a paycheck... after taxes I take home about $1,500 bucks. $500 of that is taxes.

So you're saying his tax cuts--- (if I'm understanding his purposed tax cuts) will then translate to me taking home more money (so... let's say $1700 bucks a month) all the while he is going to be increasing government programs and spending--- but giving us more money to spend.

Hmm... okay--- I'll believe it when I see my paycheck.

I don't support tax cuts either, but it's either that, or all the money goes to the fat cats instead. McCain's tax cuts favor those who make over $250,000 and screw everyone else over.
lawblob said:
So who else is having an election party tomorrow?

My wife and I are having over two other couples and getting pizza, with Chuck Godd all over my TV in glorious HD.

Same here. Plus mojitos, and possibly grog. Not the best mix with pizza, but what are you going to do?
chaostrophy said:
First off, under his plan, you'd get a tax cut.

Also, how confident are you that your $50k job is secure? What happens if you get laid off or the company you work for goes under? What if your medical benefits get cut back or eliminated, or you have a medical emergency and your insurer finds a way to weasel out of covering it?

Very confident. Company is profitable, we're expanding into international sales with a newly signed contract with Ericsson.

But I'll bite...

What happens if I get laid off? I've got 6-9 months of money saved up for just such an emergency.
What if my company gets sold or goes under? See above.
Again... see above.

I'm not exactly sure why you were asking those things--- but oh well.


knicks said:
Need help political gaf. I am the only one supporting obama in my whole class, everyone is attacking me, so I thought what better place to come to.

Here are some attacks they are slamming on me.

"What demands would you (Obama) put on a foreign governments if there is evidence of its direct involvement in a debilitating attack on the United States?"

"What are Obama's immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling? Currently, his plan does not include anything that would go into affect earlier than 2015. "

"Obama does not have immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling. Therefore, Obama is only concerning himself with things that can not be put into action until 2015, which I believe is incredibly useless considering we are in 2008 right now, therefore something 7 years from now, is definaly not going to help us now. McCain on the other hand states, "We must, we must embark on a national mission to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil", I agree with McCain saying this because if we depend on foreign oil, we might possibly run into major problems maybe not now, but without a doubt in the long run."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

McCain doesn't have any short-term energy plans either. Offshore drilling might, within a decade, reduce the price of oil by a dollar a barrel.


he's Virgin Tight™
RIP Grandma Obama. Her grandson will make history, I know she thought that as she passed away. Don't fail me America!!!


knicks said:
Need help political gaf. I am the only one supporting obama in my whole class, everyone is attacking me, so I thought what better place to come to.

Wow, I hope you're talking about your Sunday school.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
So for the good part of the day there was a plane flying over the University I attend with a banner flying from the back that read "Vote Obama". Pretty cool.


*drowns in jizz*
VictimOfGrief said:
Already voted.... and I didn't vote for either of them.

So let's get this straight.... I get $50k a year.... roughly $2k a paycheck... after taxes I take home about $1,500 bucks. $500 of that is taxes.

So you're saying his tax cuts--- (if I'm understanding his purposed tax cuts) will then translate to me taking home more money (so... let's say $1700 bucks a month) all the while he is going to be increasing government programs and spending--- but giving us more money to spend.

Hmm... okay--- I'll believe it when I see my paycheck.

You're a complete moron if you didn't know by this point that Obama will give you a tax cut, and that with your income you will definitely benefit under him. Not to mention healthcare, etc etc. But you seem like the kind of poster who loves to dwell in ignorance anyway.


knicks said:
Need help political gaf. I am the only one supporting obama in my whole class, everyone is attacking me, so I thought what better place to come to.

Here are some attacks they are slamming on me.

"What demands would you (Obama) put on a foreign governments if there is evidence of its direct involvement in a debilitating attack on the United States?"

"What are Obama's immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling? Currently, his plan does not include anything that would go into affect earlier than 2015. "

"Obama does not have immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling. Therefore, Obama is only concerning himself with things that can not be put into action until 2015, which I believe is incredibly useless considering we are in 2008 right now, therefore something 7 years from now, is definaly not going to help us now. McCain on the other hand states, "We must, we must embark on a national mission to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil", I agree with McCain saying this because if we depend on foreign oil, we might possibly run into major problems maybe not now, but without a doubt in the long run."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your the only one in your class supporting OBAMA? What kind of school is this?
SephCast said:
Um, Tax Cut. However, there are certain tax credits he is promoting as well. However, tax cut is the main thing that can change things for a large amount of people.

An example of one of his credits, $4000 dollars for College Expenses if you fulfill a planned community service requirement. 200 hours or something?

But yeah, the main way Presidents change taxes, is through a Tax raise or cut, not a credit.
Okay, thanks!

Red Scarlet

lawblob said:
So who else is having an election party tomorrow?

My wife and I are having over two other couples and getting pizza, with Chuck Godd all over my TV in glorious HD.

One of the couples are Utah Republicans (though extremely nice), so I hope they don't mind the insane hopium I will be spouting all night! :D

There's a big one for my school at one place, then some on particular floors. I'm probably going to the one on my floor, even though the main one would be more 'exciting' after the result. Some are buying champagne and stuff, I'm just going to have a beer.

I got a paper/presentation to do on Wednesday that I haven't started yet, though.
lawblob said:
My wife and I are having over two other couples and getting pizza, with Chuck Godd all over my TV in glorious HD.
Nice try, liar. MSNBC doesn't broadcast in HD.

Unless of course he's going to be on NBC tomorrow night, or MSNBC just went HD without my knowledge. In that case, I would retract my accusation of you being a liar with sincerest apologies.
Slurpy said:
You're a complete moron if you didn't know by this point that Obama will give you a tax cut, and that with your income you will definitely benefit under him. Not to mention healthcare, etc etc. But you seem like the kind of poster who loves to dwell in ignorance anyway.

Really---- Really?------ You don't say?


numble said:
Yeah, this is pretty sad also. I remember him always telling us workers in Nevada how he always refused to meet Obama, he would always go somewhere else or something when there was a chance of meeting him, because he would only meet him when he became President Obama.
that's so fucking sad


VictimOfGrief said:
Would you like an extra napkin to clean up that brown spot around your face? :lol jesus you people are too funny.

Personally, I think you're trying to get banned because you know you won't be able to stop yourself coming in tomorrow and bawling.

I'd be sad if that happened, so tread carefully.


Slurpy said:
You're a complete moron if you didn't know by this point that Obama will give you a tax cut, and that with your income you will definitely benefit under him. Not to mention healthcare, etc etc. But you seem like the kind of poster who loves to dwell in ignorance anyway.

VictimOfGrief said:
Really---- Really?------ You don't say?

VictimOfGrief said:
well then I'm ignorant. Sue me.

I think he has a point.
Frank the Great said:
There are McCain/Palin signs ALL OVER New Jersey, and very few Obama ones. I think he might have a chance here.
There are McCain/Palin signs all over the place in the more rural areas of Southern Illinois. McCain doesn't have a chance in this state.


knicks said:
Need help political gaf. I am the only one supporting obama in my whole class, everyone is attacking me, so I thought what better place to come to.

Here are some attacks they are slamming on me.

"What demands would you (Obama) put on a foreign governments if there is evidence of its direct involvement in a debilitating attack on the United States?"

"What are Obama's immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling? Currently, his plan does not include anything that would go into affect earlier than 2015. "

"Obama does not have immediate plans in terms of energy since he opposes offshore drilling. Therefore, Obama is only concerning himself with things that can not be put into action until 2015, which I believe is incredibly useless considering we are in 2008 right now, therefore something 7 years from now, is definaly not going to help us now. McCain on the other hand states, "We must, we must embark on a national mission to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil", I agree with McCain saying this because if we depend on foreign oil, we might possibly run into major problems maybe not now, but without a doubt in the long run."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Your classmates are all kinds of stupid.

First, you don't "demand" anything of another country that attacks you. If another country attacks the US, or is imminently going to attack the US, Obama or any other US President would bomb the shit out of them, end of story.

For countries that are involved in terrorism, its more complicated. Saudi Arabia, for example, is a country we have a relationship with, but plenty of their money gets used for nefarious purposes across the globe. The way that Obama or any other Prez deals with that stuff is largely via diplomatic means. You put economic & trade pressure on other countries to force them to conform their behavior.

Second, Obama's immediate energy plans are to greatly increase federal funding & subsidies of alternative energy production. Under Bush we have very limited government subsidies of alternative energy, and as a result the sector is not developed enough to become profitable via private investment. Under Obama's plan, the Feds would prop-up alternative energy with something like $10 billion dollars a year (?) in direct subsidies, effectively forcing open the market. This will spur development, which will ultimately drive costs down to market-sustainable levels.

Offshore drilling is pointless, the government's own statistics say that it will decrease the cost of a gallon of gasoline by something like 6 cents. Literally 6 cents per gallon.

True energy independence will only come from nuclear reactors and massive government subsidy & development of wind, solar and other alternative energy sources.

Basically, both Obama & McCain support alternative energy. The main difference is that Obama is willing to use plenty of government dollars to subsidize the industry and prop up the market until it becomes profitable. The Republican strategy is more hands-off.


FuturusX said:
Your the only one in your class supporting OBAMA? What kind of school is this?

And the scariest part is, I am in Jersey. Its Bergen County, its decked out with Republicans, but luckily they don't matter.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I can't blame Victim of Grief for wanting to shit up a poligaf thread one last time before they go away. 4 years is a long time to wait for another chance at all this attention.


Steve Youngblood said:
There are McCain/Palin signs all over the place in the more rural areas of Southern Illinois. McCain doesn't have a chance in this state.

I've heard alot of people talk about McCain lawn signs being all over the place, but I always remember that 538 post about how the Obama camp doesn't think lawn signs are all that important.


First tragedy, then farce.
Governor of Mississippi: We shouldnt elect someone so liberal just to prove we aren't racist.

:slaps forehead:


mckmas8808 said:
What do you mean edge up? So the black vote on Nov 4 would have to be 36%?
Badly worded - PPP projects McCain to win by 2%, and for the % of voters who vote tomorrow to be 24% of the total. So that would have to edge up to 25% or so to flip the topline number. Which I think is VERY likely.


Steve Youngblood said:
Nice try, liar. MSNBC doesn't broadcast in HD.

Unless of course he's going to be on NBC tomorrow night, or MSNBC just went HD without my knowledge. In that case, I would retract my accusation of you being a liar with sincerest apologies.

Yeah, I guess Chuck will only be in HD on regular NBC. :lol

Oh well, even if I have to listen to Tom Brokaw and Andrea Mitchell too, its worth it to get my Chuck Todd election fix!
Fatalah said:
I've heard alot of people talk about McCain lawn signs being all over the place, but I always remember that 538 post about how the Obama camp doesn't think lawn signs are all that important.
They aren't for two obvious reasons. One, a lot of people who vote don't feel the need to prominently advertise who they're voting for, so you can't take them as representative of the voting populace at large. And two, a high concentration of support for a candidate in ONE area generally can't be extrapolated onto the state at large.
VictimOfGrief said:
Then let them pipe up... oh wait... we're on the *yang* side of GAF.
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