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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Captain Pants said:
I can't blame Victim of Grief for wanting to shit up a poligaf thread one last time before they go away. 4 years is a long time to wait for another chance at all this attention.
Can't blame me.

That needs to be my new tag.
lawblob said:
Yeah, I guess Chuck will only be in HD on regular NBC. :lol

Oh well, even if I have to listen to Tom Brokaw and Andrea Mitchell too, its worth it to get my Chuck Todd election fix!

I'm a CNN guy these days. Chuckie T can't overcome the ponderousness of an Olbermann or the sheer boritude of Schuster and Gregory. Plus Gergen and Begala are the fucking best. AC and Campbell are also great, and plus, yeah, HD.

Also, for some reason, my local cable broadcasts MSNBC like 80 decibels louder than every other network.

Anyone else get this?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
VictimOfGrief said:
Very confident. Company is profitable, we're expanding into international sales with a newly signed contract with Ericsson.

But I'll bite...

What happens if I get laid off? I've got 6-9 months of money saved up for just such an emergency.
What if my company gets sold or goes under? See above.
Again... see above.

I'm not exactly sure why you were asking those things--- but oh well.

If you lose your job, you can blame Nancy Pelosi and touch yourself in the bath until they come to turn off your water.


lawblob said:
Your classmates are all kinds of stupid.

First, you don't "demand" anything of another country that attacks you. If another country attacks the US, or is imminently going to attack the US, Obama or any other US President would bomb the shit out of them, end of story.

For countries that are involved in terrorism, its more complicated. Saudi Arabia, for example, is a country we have a relationship with, but plenty of their money gets used for nefarious purposes across the globe. The way that Obama or any other Prez deals with that stuff is largely via diplomatic means. You put economic & trade pressure on other countries to force them to conform their behavior.

Second, Obama's immediate energy plans are to greatly increase federal funding & subsidies of alternative energy production. Under Bush we have very limited government subsidies of alternative energy, and as a result the sector is not developed enough to become profitable via private investment. Under Obama's plan, the Feds would prop-up alternative energy with something like $10 billion dollars a year (?) in direct subsidies, effectively forcing open the market. This will spur development, which will ultimately drive costs down to market-sustainable levels.

Offshore drilling is pointless, the government's own statistics say that it will decrease the cost of a gallon of gasoline by something like 6 cents. Literally 6 cents per gallon.

True energy independence will only come from nuclear reactors and massive government subsidy & development of wind, solar and other alternative energy sources.

Basically, both Obama & McCain support alternative energy. The main difference is that Obama is willing to use plenty of government dollars to subsidize the industry and prop up the market until it becomes profitable. The Republican strategy is more hands-off.

Thanks for the quick nice responses lawblob.


Nothing like CSPAN Callers on the eve of an election night. Most unpredictable entertainment in politics.


"I am so afraid of Obama. I believe he will take away our freedom of speech, take preachers off the TV. And there's so much we don't know about him, that the media isn't letting out. Where he was born, for example... his grandma admitted he was born in Kenya, and then sought out a Hawaii birth certificate. What I want to know is how such a person who wasn't even born in the US can be president?"

:lol :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Captain Pants said:
What was the context?

Palin was talking about why terrorists target the US, typical 'hate us for our freedom' crap.

Mathews comes back on looks in the camera and just says "how would you know"

Editor for the New Yorker just started laughing.


Amir0x said:
Nothing like CSPAN Callers on the eve of an election night. Most unpredictable entertainment in politics.


"I am so afraid of Obama. I believe he will take away our freedom of speech, take preachers off the TV. And there's so much we don't know about him, that the media isn't letting out. Where he was born, for example... his grandma admitted he was born in Kenya, and then sought out a Hawaii birth certificate. What I want to know is how such a person who wasn't even born in the US can be president?"

:lol :lol

The day C_Span starts screening their calls will be a sad one.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Amir0x said:
Nothing like CSPAN Callers on the eve of an election night. Most unpredictable entertainment in politics.


"I am so afraid of Obama. I believe he will take away our freedom of speech, take preachers off the TV. And there's so much we don't know about him, that the media isn't letting out. Where he was born, for example... his grandma admitted he was born in Kenya, and then sought out a Hawaii birth certificate. What I want to know is how such a person who wasn't even born in the US can be president?"

:lol :lol
I love the Wasington Journal callers :lol

Gonna wake up extra early tomorrow & Wednesday to catch it live.


Fuck I can't stand these National Republican Committee commercials. Best thing about watching msnbc online is no commercials.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Tamanon said:
Was talking about the whole "terrorists aren't good guys, Obama thinks they are" crap.

StoOgE said:
Palin was talking about why terrorists target the US, typical 'hate us for our freedom' crap.

Mathews comes back on looks in the camera and just says "how would you know"

Editor for the New Yorker just started laughing.

Awesome!:lol Mathews has been a lot of fun to watch during this election.
:lol :lol


Obama Marches Toward Victory


First tragedy, then farce.
Wait before you get excited over Nate's numbers until his story goes up about today's numbers. He very often fucks something up with them the first time and has to go fix it. I've been blueballed during mid fap too many times.
Depending on how the election goes, the earliest we can expect to see the networks officially name Obama the winner is 9pm (Assuming he can be declared the winner in NC, OH, FL, and VA by then), which is when polls will close in New Mexico and Colorado but before Nevada (10pm) and the west coast states (11pm).


Clothed, sober, cooperative
VictimOfGrief said:
Why would I exclusively blame her? There's so many others to blame.

I love your "independent" spirit. It reminds me of a phrase about there being no atheists in foxholes. Especially since you become more and more "independent" the worse the republicans do.

Also, the "brownnose" gags are fucking offensive, regardless of your political stripe.


oh well.

:lol @ Matthews. He and Cafferty are my favourite US journalists on TV right now.

And I skimmed through that huffpost memorable campaign ads post - man, the one with Huckabee and Chuck Norris was amazing on so many levels.

Count Dookkake said:
Who's up for an election eve movie marathon?

The Fifth Element
Deep Impact
Head of State
Starship Troopers
I see what you did there.
Senate Update
Sadly, one of the Southern Three is now more than out of reach.

McConnell 53%
Lunsford 45%

with no significant African American population in Kentucky, barring some sort of HUGE wave, the republican minority leader will be returning. I guess that leaves Mississippi or Georgia (more likely than not the runoff in Georgia) to get the D's to 60 (this of course assumes Minnesota goes to that SNL alum...)
NullPointer said:
Yep. National buy. Been seeing it over and over again.

Petty fools.
Wait a second... who's this Wright guy? Obama went to this preacher's Church for how long?! Game-changer! I can't believe we didn't hear about this before.



this lady saying "I swear I am not a racist, I would have voted for ALAN KEYES



First tragedy, then farce.
typhonsentra said:
Depending on how the election goes, the earliest we can expect to see the networks officially name Obama the winner is 9pm (Assuming he can be declared the winner in NC, OH, FL, and VA by then), which is when polls will close in New Mexico and Colorado but before Nevada (10pm) and the west coast states (11pm).

He would have to be in landslide territory for them to call the race before 11PM EST. They wont count CA/WA/OR/HI until the polls there actually close. So Obama would have to cross 270 before then.. it's possible but several of the landslide states (NC, GA, IN, MO, etc) are going to be close if Obama wins them, so they may not be called quick enough.

My bet is Obama is named president at 11:05.
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