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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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SnowWolf said:
Obama grandma's death is a bad omen. Many people in the medical field believe there's a psychosomatic mechanism of sheer willpower that keeps terminally ill patients alive until they reach a significant moment in their lives, whether it be the marriage of a granddaughter or even just one final Christmas with the family. The fact that grandma passed away on the eve of the election means there might not be good news tomorrow...

Yeah, but those same people in the medical field don't believe in psychic powers either.
SnowWolf said:
Obama grandma's death is a bad omen. Many people in the medical field believe there's a psychosomatic mechanism of sheer willpower that keeps terminally ill patients alive until they reach a significant moment in their lives, whether it be the marriage of a granddaughter or even just one final Christmas with the family. The fact that grandma passed away on the eve of the election means there might not be good news tomorrow...

You gotta be kidding me :lol

Red Scarlet

SnowWolf said:
Obama grandma's death is a bad omen. Many people in the medical field believe there's a psychosomatic mechanism of sheer willpower that keeps terminally ill patients alive until they reach a significant moment in their lives, whether it be the marriage of a granddaughter or even just one final Christmas with the family. The fact that grandma passed away on the eve of the election means there might not be good news tomorrow...

Due to my alarm being set to a country station so I get out of bed to turn it off, replace "daddy" with "grandma".

SnowWolf said:
Obama grandma's death is a bad omen. Many people in the medical field believe there's a psychosomatic mechanism of sheer willpower that keeps terminally ill patients alive until they reach a significant moment in their lives, whether it be the marriage of a granddaughter or even just one final Christmas with the family. The fact that grandma passed away on the eve of the election means there might not be good news tomorrow...
Or maybe she knew that her grandson would win so she didn't have to hold on any longer.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Red Scarlet said:
May as well steal as much I can.
There's some snark remark in here somewhere about Steelers, your stealing and the Redskins...but I'm not in the frame of mind to make it.

Instead I will quietly weep for:

  • My Steelers
  • My impending GAF field trip
Danthrax said:
McCain's opening on tonight's SNL special just won my vote. Sorry guys

He's on again? Doesn't he have anything better to do?

thekad said:
That he killed her with his bare hands? Yes, that's what some are insinuating.

Don't forget that he silenced her because she was going to reveal his Kenyan birth certificate in a press conference tomorrow. Loons.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Mmmm Wright commercials during MNF.

Last minute flailing is annoying.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Latest polling numbers are in, guys. I just sent a text to everyone in my phonebook telling them to "get out and vote tomorrow, get everyone you know to vote! AMERICA FUCK YEA". Here are the results of exit polling:


"I'm Not Voting" (Too young, I think)

"lol. I'm driving people to the polls all day tomorrow."

"Damn straight. Obama 08!!!" (Hey, that rhymes)

15 people have yet to respond.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Latest polling numbers are in, guys. I just sent a text to everyone in my phonebook telling them to "get out and vote tomorrow, get everyone you know to vote! AMERICA FUCK YEA". Here are the results of exit polling:


"I'm Not Voting" (Too young, I think)

"lol. I'm driving people to the polls all day tomorrow."

"Damn straight. Obama 08!!!" (Hey, that rhymes)

15 people have yet to respond.
For those that don't respond, go the the places in which they dwell, and threaten them to vote.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Dax01 said:
For those that don't respond, go the the places in which they dwell, and threaten them to vote.
Knowing my friends, most of them already voted absentee.:D

Plus, I can't be bothered to drive all over the state threatening people, I gotta vote in the morning!


Batteries the CRISIS!
Saint Gregory said:
He's on again? Doesn't he have anything better to do?

He just was, yes. And no, he has nothing better to do. I mean c'mon, is he gonna hold a rally in Florida at 9 p.m.? All the old folks down there are in bed by then :lol

Red Scarlet

RubxQub said:
There's some snark remark in here somewhere about Steelers, your stealing and the Redskins...but I'm not in the frame of mind to make it.

Instead I will quietly weep for:

  • My Steelers
  • My impending GAF field trip

Some bastard took the white signs I never got to grab, either. So that pisses me off! What assholes.
Jack Scofield said:
Obama's not airing any commercials anymore? Only McCain?
Yeah, with all the money Obama swims in, you'd think they'd air a final "go out to vote and make history" kinda commercial everywhere.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Danthrax said:
He just was, yes. And no, he has nothing better to do. I mean c'mon, is he gonna hold a rally in Florida at 9 p.m.? All the old folks down there are in bed by then :lol
A rally in Arizona at 2AM.... TWO AYE EM!!!

This man is just crazy.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I'm so nervous... look I don't expect Obama to change everything, fix everything... but what a statement to ourselves as a people, and to the world as a nation IMO if we elect Obama..... I'm actually going to work from home tomorrow so I don't have to deal with traffic. Polling place is school that's just a few minutes from here.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Red Scarlet said:
Some bastard took the white signs I never got to grab, either. So that pisses me off! What assholes.
As long as you've still got your Obama poster hanging out your window it's all good.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's Tuesday where I am, and yet there are still no early results!!!1 Also, no sign of the lottery numbers for yesterday. WTF
RubxQub said:
Obama taking a brutal blow in the early polling.

Washington: 3
Pittsburgh: 0

It's still early, but this initial polling data is concerning.

Just logged back on, please clarify, I'm about to have a heart attack.


Jack Scofield said:
Obama's not airing any commercials anymore? Only McCain?

He stopped yesterday. I remember seeing the Bush in the rear view mirror yesterday, but really once you get this close to election day, commercials only really work on an insignificant number of folks.
TheGrayGhost said:
Just logged back on, please clarify, I'm about to have a heart attack.
Some superstition about the football winner deciding which political party will win, or something like that.

It's retarded.
TheGrayGhost said:
Just logged back on, please clarify, I'm about to have a heart attack.

It's an old superstition about the Washington Redskins (the football team). If they win, superstition says that the incumbent party wins the election. As of right now the Redskins are leading 6-0.


MetatronM said:
Yeah, how dare the librul elite MSM go after Sam the Unemployed like that!

Whenever I see MSM, I flashback to all those epidemiology reports I read about AIDS (MSM = "men who have sex with men" in that literature- "gay" isn't considered accurate since a lot of them are on the down-low and don't consider themselves gay. Anyway, it makes that post a lot more entertaining!)
Shard said:
Okay, Sarah Plain's voice is like a thousand fiery daggers slicing the eardrums.

I got about three minutes through the RNC speech before never being able to hear her voice again. Sarah Palin = mute or fast forward button, it's like hearing nails screech across a chalkboard.


Souldriver said:
What does that mean?

Supposedly, if the Redskins win their most recent home game, the incumbent party wins the election. If they lose, the challengers win.

Kerry proved this superstition wrong, though. Although it should be mentioned that it's been right every other year since 1936.
The Redskin's defense is killing Obama right now. Lay down for the good of the country Skins!!!

Zerachiel said:
Supposedly, if the Redskins win their most recent home game, the incumbent party wins the election. If they lose, the challengers win.

Kerry proved this superstition wrong, though.

I don't know, after reading that MTV article about Ohio I think it's more likely that Bush fiddled with the superstition.
Jack Scofield said:
It's an old superstition about the Washington Redskins (the football team). If they win, superstition says that the incumbent party wins the election. As of right now the Redskins are leading 6-0.

Yeah, but some forget that Bush broke that trend last election.

EDIT: Beaten


RubxQub said:
Each number is a marker of progress. Whichever city has the higher count will reach victory at the end of the 60 minutes of regulation.

In the event of a tie, there is a coinflip to see who gets possession in overtime, sudden death.

For anyone scratching their heads at this, historically speaking, if the redskins win their game before the election, the incumbant party wins, and if they lose vice versa.

However, last election Washington Redskins lost, and for the first time, did not predict the winner of the election. The curse is broken. Don't jinx this shit.
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