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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Grizzlyjin said:
Obama's campaign team is tearing it up here in Pennsylvania. Everyone in my neighborhood (college town with 7,000 students) got a little flyer on their door telling them what time the polls opened and closed, and then what you need to bring.

You have no idea how vital this is if you want the youth vote. I'm in the Political Action Club and we get tons of questions from people wondering if they can bring school ids, etc. This little flyer answers essentially every question and concern I've ever heard brought up by students. It even has all the stuff about how they can't turn you away if you were in line before the polls close.

Then I look in the mailbox...THREE more pamphlets about Obama outlining his health care plan, more voting info, and the democratic ticket for my area.
I was hanging those on doors and talking to people yesterday in missouri too.


snesfreak said:
Yeah, his Clinton was perfect. And that skit with him as Reagan is great too

"This is the part of the job I hate"
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

The most depressing thing to think about is that he has been gone for 10 years.
From Steve Lombardo, the Republican pollster/strategist:

The LCG regression vote model projects that Obama will win by six percentage points tomorrow. We project the following popular vote distribution:

Obama 52.5%
McCain 46.5%
Other 1.0%

We project that Obama will decisively win the electoral vote:

Obama 311 EVs
McCain 227 EVs


The Electoral college thing I really don't know how it is going to work out; however, I totally agree on the popular vote. My bet is Obama between 52% to 54% and McCain between 45% to 47%. Ah...I don't believe that McCain can win PA. It will be Obama 52% or 53% and McCain 46% or 47% :)


Pankaks said:

Tip of my hat to you sir :)


I honestly think that this sketch is one of the most important of the season.

Watch Fey's face while Ferrell is giving his photo-op endorsement. She clenches her jaw, her eyes dart around, etc. It's almost as though she wrote this sketch with a distinct goal in mind.


BrandNew said:
Is the Daily Show and Colbert new tonight, or are they saving themselves for their inevitable omifuck amazing election coverage?

They're new, just taking Wednesday off it seems. I know Andrew Sullivan is the guest on Colbert Report, don't know Daily Show's guest.
TiVo said:
Hate to be a worry-wort but if and when Obama wins they need to lock him away until the inauguration. Or at least have security as tight as if it were Bush walking the streets of Baghdad. God forbid something happens I will hate the idiots in charge of security more than the person who would commit the crime because they should know better.

Picture the most racist person(s) in the world just stewing about the fact that a black man(n-word to them) will be the most powerful man in the country if not the world.

Now think about all the crazy thoughts in their head: Fame, martyrdom, etc. Imagine that same fool saying in his head over and over "George Washington, John Adam, George Bush & now Barack Hussein Obama".

Also think about Martin & Malcolm(government may not have killed them themselves but they allowed it to happen). These bros never even came close to being President but they were a threat because of the power they held and they were brought down.

Also there are a lot of folk voting against Obama because he is black but only for this reason do I can't comprehend why Obama does not have 99% of the minority vote.

You should not vote for the dude because he is a minority but let's be real here.

Hey Indian/Asian/Latino dude/dudette don't you if Obama gets elected that seriously increases the chance that an Aisan/Latino/Indian American can be President next? It just opens the doors for all minorities including women.

I don't purport to know what will happen, but I agree with your general sentiment.

the GOP is scared shitless right now. They sense a tide turning, and, as has been discussed and speculated upon before, they should take it as motivation to retool and reformat the party. Get it aligned with the electorate. I suspect they'll double down on the wingnut faction for now, though.

I think they'll react with fear (see: McCain-Palin rallies) and hate (see: McCain-Palin rallies) and I dunno... I worry the most obvious path to relevance is to crush what has made them irrelevant - Obama. This is obviously the worst case scenario; I assume he'll win handily tomorrow and prove to be a great president. That nagging thought remains, though. I've talked to too many relatives who can still remember where they were the days JFK and Bobby and Martin were killed. And if the unthinkable occurs, will the Obama movement prove to be a single-headed beast? Or will cutting off the one, most prominent head only lead to more sprouting up?

I haven't slept in like two days - I don't expect to get much in the next two either. What little sleep I do get is marred by crazy dreams. I feel like soo much is riding on this election - both personally and historically. Will a loss kill hope forever?

Seriously, though: how would an Obama loss affect you guys personally? Would you ever vote again? It's all speculation at this point, but it seems we're setting ourselves up for a monumental shift - however the votes fall tomorrow.

I think I understand why Maddow needs to be talked down so much. (goes back to reading fivethirtyeight state posts and feeling better about things)


dabbled in the jelly
Lol did they just run the reverend wright commercial on msnbc? :lol

I still recommend that anyone sensitive to the outcome of this election skip the larry holmes/Ali state by state bout tomorrow and just read the news on Thursday. You'll save yourself about 2 full years of your life having not lived through the stress.

Seth C

Grizzlyjin said:
Obama's campaign team is tearing it up here in Pennsylvania. Everyone in my neighborhood (college town with 7,000 students) got a little flyer on their door telling them what time the polls opened and closed, and then what you need to bring.

You have no idea how vital this is if you want the youth vote. I'm in the Political Action Club and we get tons of questions from people wondering if they can bring school ids, etc. This little flyer answers essentially every question and concern I've ever heard brought up by students. It even has all the stuff about how they can't turn you away if you were in line before the polls close.

Then I look in the mailbox...THREE more pamphlets about Obama outlining his health care plan, more voting info, and the democratic ticket for my area.

If it is anything like it is here, it isn't just the Obama team -- the Democrats locally are doing such a great job. Since Saturday in Lexington they have called over 10,000 households to speak to them not just about Obama, but about the other offices Democrats in Fayette county are running for. These are targeted calls to likely Democratic voters in the county. I walked through several neighborhoods doing the same sort of targeted strategy, providing campaign flyers for all of the races to about 300 households.

Tomorrow we will be calling all of the likely voters we weren't able to contact since Saturday, then several thousand more that have voted Democrat in specific races in the past. We will also be heading to the most heavily Democratic areas of the city knocking on doors, reminding people to vote, and offering to take them to their polling places.

It is really amazing the amount of work local Democrat headquarters are doing for all of their candidates.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
TheOMan said:
Sixty pages already??? WOW.
Obama supporters are on page 30.

...we now know where you stand, and your username is misleading. Typical republican liar.
Dahellisdat said:
I was hanging those on doors and talking to people yesterday in missouri too.

Seriously, thanks for helping.

Everyone who's donated or volunteered or even corrected some disgusting lie heard in passing - thank you!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Bittersweet Symphony would be an incredibly appropriate tune today had it not been for the lyrics constantly saying "I can't change".


Shaheed79 said:
Lol did they just run the reverend wright commercial on msnbc? :lol

I still recommend that anyone sensitive to the outcome of this election skip the larry holmes/Ali state by state bout tomorrow and just read the news on Thursday. You'll save yourself about 2 full years of your life having not lived through the stress.

What stress? VA will be called by 7:30, and it's over.


For some reason the SNL Moderator reminds me of the Chief from Where In The World Is Carmen SanDiego? PBS Game Show.
Here's hoping for an Obama win tomorrow. I'm not chicken little, but I'm definitely one of those wait until every vote is counted people, especially after the shenanigans that occurred the last two presidential elections.

OT: What's going to happen with all the Obamatars? GAF is going to be feel different without them.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Price Dalton said:
Seriously, though: how would an Obama loss affect you guys personally? Would you ever vote again? It's all speculation at this point, but it seems we're setting ourselves up for a monumental shift - however the votes fall tomorrow.

Make plans to move to Canada. Be all like "fuck this shit, I'm OUT."


Price Dalton said:
I don't purport to know what will happen, but I agree with your general sentiment.

the GOP is scared shitless right now. They sense a tide turning, and, as has been discussed and speculated upon before, they should take it as motivation to retool and reformat the party. Get it aligned with the electorate. I suspect they'll double down on the wingnut faction for now, though.

I think they'll react with fear (see: McCain-Palin rallies) and hate (see: McCain-Palin rallies) and I dunno... I worry the most obvious path to relevance is to crush what has made them irrelevant - Obama. This is obviously the worst case scenario; I assume he'll win handily tomorrow and prove to be a great president. That nagging thought remains, though. I've talked to too many relatives who can still remember where they were the days JFK and Bobby and Martin were killed. And if the unthinkable occurs, will the Obama movement prove to be a single-headed beast? Or will cutting off the one, most prominent head only lead to more sprouting up?

I haven't slept in like two days - I don't expect to get much in the next two either. What little sleep I do get is marred by crazy dreams. I feel like soo much is riding on this election - both personally and historically. Will a loss kill hope forever?

Seriously, though: how would an Obama loss affect you guys personally? Would you ever vote again? It's all speculation at this point, but it seems we're setting ourselves up for a monumental shift - however the votes fall tomorrow.

I think I understand why Maddow needs to be talked down so much. (goes back to reading fivethirtyeight state posts and feeling better about things)

If Obama loses, I'm out. No, I'm not leaving the country, but I give-up on caring about what happens to it. If the Democrats can't win this year, they can't win, period.

And I'm not as confident as many here. I'm confident that Obama will win, but the idea of reaching 350EVs sounds a bit goofy. Florida? Ohio? Hahahaha.. riight..


pxleyes said:
Palin innocent the night before the election. Wow, what are the odds. :lol :lol :lol
I wish I could investigate myself and clear me of all charges. Alas.

I want to fast-forward 18 hours.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Just as a heads up, Obama/McCain are about to make their closing arguments...on Monday Night Football.

Find ESPN and tune in. Should be on in roughly 2-10 minutes.


SnowWolf said:
Obama grandma's death is a bad omen. Many people in the medical field believe there's a psychosomatic mechanism of sheer willpower that keeps terminally ill patients alive until they reach a significant moment in their lives, whether it be the marriage of a granddaughter or even just one final Christmas with the family. The fact that grandma passed away on the eve of the election means there might not be good news tomorrow...

Or you could believe as I and many others do that there is a yin and yang to the universe, that really bad things happen before really good things. In which case this would be a good omen....

Or it could just be a bunch of events that happen.



i want to send that to my cousin's husband on facebook, he's a total McCain supporter. he thinks the world is going to end tomorrow and he'll turn into a socialist or something.

what should i say in the message?? nothing mean, k? hehe


GhaleonEB said:
I wish I could investigate myself and clear me of all charges. Alas.

I want to fast-forward 18 hours.

This. Some people around here are just too damn nervous. I'm nervous, but it's more like a "Christmas morning and I already know what I'm getting, I just want to open it already" kind of nervous.
How tragic about Obama's grandmother. Only a couple more days and (unfortunately) she probably would have seen him elected President.

And wow Palin cleared of any wrongdoing? Didn't see that one coming, even as a McCain supporter.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
so_awes said:

i want to send that to my cousin's husband on facebook, he's a total McCain supporter. he thinks the world is going to end tomorrow and he'll turn into a socialist or something.

what should i say in the message?? nothing mean, k? hehe
do the same thing some guy sent to me with a mccain pin.

"I know who you'll be voting for tomorrow!"




Bumblebeetuna said:
How tragic about Obama's grandmother. Only a couple more days and (unfortunately) she probably would have seen him elected President.

And wow Palin cleared of any wrongdoing? Didn't see that one coming, even as a McCain supporter.

I saw it coming, it was the investigation done by her appointed board, not the bipartisan one.:lol The investigation was created to clear her of wrongdoing.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Nicodimas said:
I am expecting a loss of the popular vote and a slight win in the EV this time around for McCain.

Fortunately the the machines are owned by republicans:


This is why I do not trust our goverment with MY healthcare, and prefer to trust them to divided up power as possible. This is why I do want to give them as little of my hard earned wages as possible...
Thankfully under an Obama presidency, you don't have to worry about either. He's not socializing healthcare, and he's going to give you a larger tax break than McCain.

...but keep being a fool, it's what you do.


Price Dalton said:
the GOP is scared shitless right now. They sense a tide turning, and, as has been discussed and speculated upon before, they should take it as motivation to retool and reformat the party. Get it aligned with the electorate. I suspect they'll double down on the wingnut faction for now, though.

See, what they need is a leader with vision. A new conservative vision. One that will fight monopolies, level the playing ground, reform the monetary system, and actually shrink government (including the military). What I'm saying is that conservatism needs to get back to its roots. It needs to kick out the poisonous neo-cons that have systematically devoured our once-great country. I find nothing wrong with the core ideals of conservatism. I also find much I like in an efficient and smart socialist state. But if either of these ideals becomes perverted, we can see the emergance of chrony capitalism in which the government auctions itself off to private firms, and ends up costing way more than it needs to. 40% of the $10 billion a month we spend in Iraq goes to over 600 private contracting firms like Halliburton or Blackwater. This is one of the extreme examples of the conservative platform being high-jacked. On the flipside, if socialism becomes mismanaged or corrupted, the people who need the money dont get it, or their services degrade, or it stifles business. The bottom line is that all systems/philosophies are vulnerable to the forces of idiocy and greed.

One of the primary reasons I voted for Obama is because I think he is going to make government better, more efficient, more responsible, less wasteful, and more in-line with the ails and needs of the American people. This man is a genius. For real, he was top of the class at fucking harvard law school. He's an intellectual's intellectual. The Hype and Hope are real.

Looking forward to 2012, I would love to see Ron Paul win the Republican nomination because for once we would see the uncorrupted ideals of liberalism and conservatism meet head to head. There would be a real discussion, with two articualte leaders who are more ideologically driven than politically driven. People with vision.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
You guys volunteering really are making a difference. Getting all this information out there to the people is the last and most important step. EVERYBODY need to get their ass into those polling booths tomorrow.

We've talked about this in some of my political science classes. Is there any reason Election Day isn't a national holiday? We couldn't think of a logical explanation for why we can't make it easier for people to vote during this one day...that only occurs every 4 years. I mean we have tons of bullshit days off, but this is kinda important.

Get the ball rollin' on that. Election Day as a National holiday in 2012.
Tobor said:
This. Some people around here are just too damn nervous. I'm nervous, but it's more like a "Christmas morning and I already know what I'm getting, I just want to open it already" kind of nervous.
What if you're like that one kid and you open up your Xbox 360 box and find a pile of clothes?
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