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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The Lamonster said:
Holy shit, Rachel Maddow is depressing me.
I had to turn it off, what chicken little bullshitting. It's quiet because there is none. There isn't some top secret GOTV effort by the GOP, they're either doing something or they're not. :lol


*drowns in jizz*
My main point, though, is not to call attention to the bullying and demagogy of McCain's attack. It is to observe how completely it undermines any claim on his part to foreign-policy experience. Khalidi has been known to me for some time and can easily be read and consulted by anyone with the remotest curiosity about the Israeli-Arab dispute. He is highly renowned, well beyond the borders of his own discipline, for his measure and care and scruple in weighing the issue. If he is seriously to be compared to a "neo-Nazi," then the Republican nominee has put the United States in the unbelievable position of slandering the most courageously "moderate" of the Palestinian Arabs as a brownshirt and a fascist. What then has been the point of every negotiation on a two-state solution since President George H.W. Bush convened the peace conference in Madrid in 1991? Nazis, after all, are to be crushed, not accommodated. One would have to think hard before coming up with a more crazy and irresponsible statement on any subject. Once again, it seems that McCain utterly lost his bearings.

I put the word moderate in quotation marks above because I dislike employing it in its usual form. Rashid Khalidi's family is a famous one in Jerusalem, long respected by Arab and Christian and Jew and Druze and Armenian, and holding a celebrated house and position in the city since approximately the time of the Crusades. I have had the honor of being invited to this very house. If Rashid chooses to state that he doesn't care to be evicted from his ancestral home in order to make way for some settler from Brooklyn who claims to have God on his side, I think he has a perfect right to say so. I would go further and say that if Barack Obama was looking for a Palestinian friend, he could not have chosen any better. But perhaps John McCain has decided that he doesn't need any Palestinian friends and neither do we. Perhaps he thinks it's all right to refer to refugees and victims of occupation, who have been promised self-determination and statehood at the podium of the United Nations and the U.S. Congress by George Bush and Condoleezza Rice, as if they were Hitlerites. How shameful. How disgusting. How ignorant.

I find my respect for Christopher Hitchens shooting up, which scares me.

And this is precisely what I've found most sickening about the McCain campaign and attacks. Khalidi was attacked simply for being a Palestinian, and as far as Palestinians go, his views towards Israel would be considered favorable. McCains shit feeds into the xenophobic 'he's Palestinian, so he must be a terrorist' xenophobic, bigoted bullshit which in itself is the very barrier to actually attaining some level of peace, and which American views by and large on the issue are so fucked up, and so out of what when compared to any other country. Fuck you McCain, for lowering the level of discourse to such an unholy level. I'm hoping Obama can undo the damage you, along with the republican party, have done in terms of respect towards those of Middle-Eastern nationality.


Seth C said:
I just got in from about 8 hours of canvasing in Lexington. What did I miss today, PoliGAF?


At a rally in NC


Fragamemnon said:
I got about three minutes through the RNC speech before never being able to hear her voice again. Sarah Palin = mute or fast forward button, it's like hearing nails screech across a chalkboard.
can you imagine if we have to listen to her annoying ass for 4 FUCKING YEARS
Barack please win...please


I've had a shit day, but the news about Bam's grandmother puts things in perspective. It was really good that he got to spend some time with her.

This whole thread seems down now. Hopefully things will be better 24 hours from now.


Hate to be a worry-wort but if and when Obama wins they need to lock him away until the inauguration. Or at least have security as tight as if it were Bush walking the streets of Baghdad. God forbid something happens I will hate the idiots in charge of security more than the person who would commit the crime because they should know better.

Picture the most racist person(s) in the world just stewing about the fact that a black man(n-word to them) will be the most powerful man in the country if not the world.

Now think about all the crazy thoughts in their head: Fame, martyrdom, etc. Imagine that same fool saying in his head over and over "George Washington, John Adam, George Bush & now Barack Hussein Obama".

Also think about Martin & Malcolm(government may not have killed them themselves but they allowed it to happen). These bros never even came close to being President but they were a threat because of the power they held and they were brought down.

Also there are a lot of folk voting against Obama because he is black but only for this reason do I can't comprehend why Obama does not have 99% of the minority vote.

You should not vote for the dude because he is a minority but let's be real here.

Hey Indian/Asian/Latino dude/dudette don't you if Obama gets elected that seriously increases the chance that an Aisan/Latino/Indian American can be President next? It just opens the doors for all minorities including women.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I think this whole Redskins prediction thing is broken since it proved false in 2004. Mostly, I just can't stand to root for Pittspuke, even if it's to ensure Obama wins.


It's still a list in progress - lots of missing data - but well over 30m have voted already.


Final early vote will probably be 35-40m.
glistenm said:
It might be insensitive or bad timing, bit anyone saying he shouldn't be held accountable for the charges(if they are true) needs to get off the crack rock.
I'm going to delight when the party that does this kind of shit goes down in flames tomorrow.


When is halftime?

Howard Dean's gonna be on Larry King in a minute or so. I really think Howie is the reason why the Dems are in the position they're in right now.

Red Scarlet

Nameless said:
I've had a shit day, but the news about Bam's grandmother puts things in perspective. It was really good that he got to spend some time with her.

This whole thread seems down now. Hopefully things will be better 24 hours from now.

So, did you call that girl from the Halloween thing? You made a bet!


Hail to the KING baby
glistenm said:
It might be insensitive or bad timing, bit anyone saying he shouldn't be held accountable for the charges(if they are true) needs to get off the crack rock.

:lol Yeah it's such awesome timing. Banner year for the GOP.


Man, nothing but Reverand Wright commercials during Countdown. Nice target advertising, douches.

Gonna watch SNL on DVR so I can buzz through the commercials. 1st commercial break was another commercial (didn't watch long enough to see which one). I can't watch anything live or some vile McCain ad is running at EVERY break.
Do the candidates have to sit down and shut up the day of the election, until all polls are closed, like they do in Canada? I can't exactly remember.


Red Scarlet said:
So, did you call that girl from the Halloween thing? You made a bet!

I called her on my drive home, no answer. I remember her saying something about being a nurse, so that could explain it.


glistenm said:
It might be insensitive or bad timing, bit anyone saying he shouldn't be held accountable for the charges(if they are true) needs to get off the crack rock.

I presume you feel similarly regarding Palin's $150K clothing allowance?


lunarworks said:
Do the candidates have to sit down and shut up the day of the election, until all polls are closed, like they do in Canada? I can't exactly remember.

I don't think so, they usually do though. But tomorrow McCain is still doing a couple rallies tomorrow for some reason.


aka surume
Zerachiel said:
Supposedly, if the Redskins win their most recent home game, the incumbent party wins the election. If they lose, the challengers win.
I'm from Baltimore, please don't put me in this situation. I cannot root for the Steelers.


Amir0x said:
C-Span callers are the best ever. Seriously, best election commentary ever. Sometime I wish these guys would have bigger conversations with the callers for LOL factor, but it is best unfiltered slice of vomitacious americana.

You should read the comments sections at Townhall.com.


Junior Member
_leech_ said:
Fuck the GOP and their bullshit "family values" :lol

am definitely missing something. The democrats can sue RNC for that 150,000 shopping spree right ? if so, then whats the thinking behind what they are doing ?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Whatever happened to GrandJedi's PoliGAF poster counts?

I got in trouble with my wife staying up later than I was supposed to to see if I made the cut :lol

My balls...she owns them


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Obama's campaign team is tearing it up here in Pennsylvania. Everyone in my neighborhood (college town with 7,000 students) got a little flyer on their door telling them what time the polls opened and closed, and then what you need to bring.

You have no idea how vital this is if you want the youth vote. I'm in the Political Action Club and we get tons of questions from people wondering if they can bring school ids, etc. This little flyer answers essentially every question and concern I've ever heard brought up by students. It even has all the stuff about how they can't turn you away if you were in line before the polls close.

Then I look in the mailbox...THREE more pamphlets about Obama outlining his health care plan, more voting info, and the democratic ticket for my area.
Apparently My e-mail was banned from rapture ready forums.

I don't remember posting anything though?

Maybe they batch banned neogaf e-mails. (Considering one guy had the genius of signing up as neogaf.)


Earthstrike said:
Apparently My e-mail was banned from rapture ready forums.

I don't remember posting anything though?

Maybe they batch banned neogaf e-mails. (Considering one guy had the genius of signing up as neogaf.)
Um, how are they going to get neogaf emails?..
Grizzlyjin said:
Obama's campaign team is tearing it up here in Pennsylvania. Everyone in my neighborhood (college town with 7,000 students) got a little flyer on their door telling them what time the polls opened and closed, and then what you need to bring.

My brother called me earlier and told he that he found the same thing when he got home in Miami. He said every house in his neighborhood had one and that it must have cost a fortune. Money well spent :D

Seth C

Dax01 said:
Obama's grandma died.

Yeah, I caught that when I checked the news on my phone this afternoon during a short break. Sad news indeed. :(

I see looking back a few pages that the Gallup was excellent. It's going to be so odd not having a Gallup poll to wake up and check every day. My life will feel a bit empty.
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