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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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A nice, level view of the proscenium. Looking forward to the speech :D

According to TPM, when asked about charges of elitism, McCain delved into more personal matters...

McCain: Well you know I have town hall meetings all the time, everywhere across this country, and I hear from people....

And in all due respect my friends, I know what it's like to not have a house, I know what it's like not to have a kitchen table. I know what it's like not to have a table or a chair. For five and a half years, I sat in a cell with nothing but concrete floor and three boards to sleep on.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
woxel1 said:
Was this posted?


A nice, level view of the proscenium. Looking forward to the speech :D

THIS is all the big fuss is about?

Jesus fuck, fuck people.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Fatalah said:
Where's Nader speaking?!

He was just on MSNBC talking with "Adam", err, Dan. He called Dan Abrams, "Adam" after ranting on about how the networks don't give him any airtime, and then he fubars his name :lol


woxel1 said:
Was this posted?


A nice, level view of the proscenium. Looking forward to the speech :D

It's pretty clear that the Dems want to give a very strong visual message to Americans.

"Look at Obama, he belongs in the White House!"

It's a good move that will either be really effective, or will look incredibly tacky.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
DEO3 said:
I haven't seen this posted yet:


It's a great site you can send to people, repost on other forums, whatever, that lets people find out exactly how much they'll be saving under Obama's tax plan, and then how much more they'd be paying under McCain's. It's a great way to get the message out there that the 'Obama will raise your taxes' talking point from the Republicans is a bunch of shit.

Does it calculate how much money they'll be losing when they're fired because their employer who can no longer afford to pay them because the government took away their entire wage in new taxes under Obama? We have the highest corporate taxes in the modern world, and Obama wants to stick it to employers more. Do those tables calculate the amount my 401k will shrink when Obama takes all of the profits from the companies that I'm invested in and that my parents nearing retirement are invested in? All of those people getting ready to retire can look forward to a MASSIVE drain on their 401k if Obama is elected and steals the profits of hard working companies and employers. You can't take money from one and expect that to happen in a vacuum and not affect us all.

Do those tables also include the increased taxes everyone will have to pay for socialized medicine in this country? One thing we know is that a lack of competition creates high prices, which creates long lines, which creates a lack of innovation in the medical field. That's what we can look forward to under Obama's socialist health care system. Instead, we should provide a safety net for those that TRULY can't afford insurance. Why destroy the entire system that has been such a powerful engine of productivity in creating cures, new medicines, and new technology. Sapping the profits out of the medical industry will sap 99% of the innovation and new technologies we all want. We can fix the system without destroying it as socializing it would do.

The Clinton years were GREAT! Let's not forget that capitalism and freedom were increased, and the size of government were DECREASED under Clinton. Obama is talking a very different tune. We drastically reduced welfare, and guess what, the vast majority of those people went and got jobs! When Clinton says that they removed millions of poor people from poverty, it was a direct result of kicking them off of welfare and going and getting JOBS! Jobs that under Obama's plan will likely disappear. The death of capitalism is the death of freedom is the death of the American dream.

Listen folks, you can't just take money from the job providers in this country and expect there to be no negative result. Not only will taking that money from wealthy corporations lower their profits, but it will lower everything. Question. What's the VERY first thing to go when a company isn't making as much money as it used? What's the first thing you hear about when a company has less money to work with? JOB CUTS! It's always the same, and Obama's silly plan to take from the rich, like Carter did to great disaster, will end in the same disaster.

Guess what folks, unemployment has been at historically low levels for the past 7 years. I know, you wouldn't know that listening to Democrats, but it's true. GDP grew at 3.3% this past quarter, which is a damn good number. Again, if you listen to Democrats, the sky is falling, chicken little is coming home to roost, and pretty soon America will be swallowed by a volcano killing all of the kittens, babies, and melting all of the delicious candy that makes us fat. I personally don't know anyone who's lost their job recently, or anyone who's losing their house, or anyone who's become homeless, but somehow if you listen to the dems, everything has gone to shit.

To the housing crisis. When did we become such a nation of weak ass dipshits that we blame the government for our own failures as individuals. Are the people one this board so stupid to take out a loan they have no possible way they could afford? Are you? I'm not. When did we become so small and stupid to blame other people when we can't manage our own finances? Do we really want George Dubya and his crew to govern every aspect of our lives? Do you want government to control everything? Sure, hand Dubya your health care, you retirement, and every free decision you make in your life. When did people stop being able to tend to their own fucking lives? What happened to people that they now want the government to act as their keeper instead of a safety net. Obama doesn't want the government to be your safety net, as we all want it to be, he wants it to be your keeper.

Further if you want to see what happens to countries that nationalize the oil business, and take those profits and use them for the governments ends, there are plenty of examples of how that turns out. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Russia are all prime examples of countries that have the government controlling the oil business, and look at where that's gotten the people of those countries. The power you give government, the more it takes, and the less control you have over yourself.


McCain said:
I can only imagine what Saddam Hussein would be doing with the wealth he would acquire with oil at $110 and $120 a barrel.

Something seems very wrong about this statement but I can't quite place it.

drakesfortune said:
To the housing crisis. When did we become such a nation of weak ass dipshits that we blame the government for our own failures as individuals. Are the people one this board so stupid to take out a loan they have no possible way they could afford? Are you? I'm not. When did we become so small and stupid to blame other people when we can't manage our own finances? Do we really want George Dubya and his crew to govern every aspect of our lives? Do you want government to control everything? Sure, hand Dubya your health care, you retirement, and every free decision you make in your life. When did people stop being able to tend to their own fucking lives? What happened to people that they now want the government to act as their keeper instead of a safety net. Obama doesn't want the government to be your safety net, as we all want it to be, he wants it to be your keeper.

Something seems very wrong about this statement but I can't quite place it. Or rather, I'm much too lazy and/or stupid to bother and really wish the government would do it for me instead.
reilo said:
He was just on MSNBC talking with "Adam", err, Dan. He called Dan Abrams, "Adam" after ranting on about how the networks don't give him any airtime, and then he fubars his name :lol

I love Dan responding " this is why your candidacy isn't working" :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I think I've heard it all now.

Obama is the death to capitalism. The circle is complete.
drakesfortune said:
Guess what folks, unemployment has been at historically low levels for the past 7 years. I know, you wouldn't know that listening to Democrats, but it's true. GDP grew at 3.3% this past quarter, which is a damn good number. Again, if you listen to Democrats, the sky is falling, chicken little is coming home to roost, and pretty soon America will be swallowed by a volcano killing all of the kittens, babies, and melting all of the delicious candy that makes us fat. I personally don't know anyone who's lost their job recently, or anyone who's losing their house, or anyone who's become homeless, but somehow if you listen to the dems, everything has gone to shit.

Having to settle for crap jobs can do that ;D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
woxel1 said:
Was this posted?


A nice, level view of the proscenium. Looking forward to the speech :D

It's official, whoever wrote that Reuters piece is fucking stupid. That doesn't look like a temple at all.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Or at least to companies that make 8.5% profit or higher.

Their profit could be 9% if they didn't award their CEOs a $200million retirement package.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
drakesfortune said:
Does it calculate how much money they'll be losing when they're fired because their employer who can no longer afford to pay them because the government took away their entire wage in new taxes under Obama? We have the highest corporate taxes in the modern world, and Obama wants to stick it to employers more. Do those tables calculate the amount my 401k will shrink when Obama takes all of the profits from the companies that I'm invested in and that my parents nearing retirement are invested in? All of those people getting ready to retire can look forward to a MASSIVE drain on their 401k if Obama is elected and steals the profits of hard working companies and employers. You can't take money from one and expect that to happen in a vacuum and not affect us all.

Do those tables also include the increased taxes everyone will have to pay for socialized medicine in this country? One thing we know is that a lack of competition creates high prices, which creates long lines, which creates a lack of innovation in the medical field. That's what we can look forward to under Obama's socialist health care system. Instead, we should provide a safety net for those that TRULY can't afford insurance. Why destroy the entire system that has been such a powerful engine of productivity in creating cures, new medicines, and new technology. Sapping the profits out of the medical industry will sap 99% of the innovation and new technologies we all want. We can fix the system without destroying it as socializing it would do.
Where the fuck did you come from? :lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
mamacint said:
Edit: Arghhh, late...

You don't acknowledge that? O.K., when your aides came to you and you decided, having been attacked by Barack Obama, to run some of those ads, was there a debate?

The campaign responded as planned.

so that basically means that he did not flip-flop on this issue.. he was just flat out lying when he spoke about running a clean campaign!


when is my burrito
reilo said:
Uhm, bullshit.

No it's not. It's been like this ever since that happened. Matthews openly feuds with Olbermann over who is getting the most attention during these events.

Schuster, Matthews, and Gregory are hardcore gunning for the Meet the Press beat. This has been reported widely by independent sources.


drakesfortune said:
We have the highest corporate taxes in the modern world, and Obama wants to stick it to employers more.

I stopped reading when you were wrong in the very first paragraph. We don't have the highest corporate taxes in the world. Japan does. And that doesn't take into account that 68% of American corporations use various loopholes to avoid paying any taxes whatsoever. Between tax deductions for advertising budgets and the mass numbers of American companies that park money overseas to avoid paying taxes, we're actually the fourth LOWEST in the amount that actually gets collected as tax revenue.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Why should America's private sector do the work for the rest of the world?

We fund the research to these miracle drugs which are so expensive that the American public cannot possibly afford them, we get sick and die all the while people overseas are getting them for almost nothing and living long healthy lives.

Healthcare should be universal, it's long overdue.


HylianTom said:
Five years in captivity, and the first place they come is NeoGAF's OT forum. Speaks to the greatness of this place, I guess.. :D

a stepping stone, cant be thrust fully into reality on the first day


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
syllogism said:

It's becoming more and more clear to me what has happened with John McCain.

He's being manipulated.

The man used to speak candidly, even though I often didn't agree with him. He used to be that maverick that I respected. I always felt like that even if his mind wasn't in the right place, his heart was.

But as the days/years go on, he's acting more and more like a typical Republican. In his desire to be president, he's tried to appeal to his Republican base harder and harder by adopting their views on everything.

And now it's become clear that his staff shakeup was probably orchestrated by his party to mold him into the candidate they wanted, and to use the tactics they wanted to use. McCain has become convinced that letting these people lead his campaign will enable him to become president.

McCain is not calling the shots in his campaign.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
PhoenixDark said:
No one is going to respond to him?
Just because someone types of lot doesn't mean they deserve an answer.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Or at least to companies that make 8.5% profit or higher.

I'm actually going to answer this seriously now.

You might think that only a 8.5% profit is marginal, but what you don't realize is that there are millions of small business owners like my father that are getting screwed over left and right by high oil gas prices.

Do you want to know what my father does for a living? He's a long haul truck driver and owns his own LLC.

Back in January of this year, he was paying on average $6,000/month on diesel costs. Which was fine, it was still manageable. Two years before that it was around $3,000/mo.

But since the oil speculators kept raising the price of oil per barrel each and every subsequent month, the diesel costs for my father have hit an all-time high of $10,000/mo for a single truck, while the pay he was receiving for his loads did not increase. My mom remarked that he was just working to pay off his fuel costs these days.

I believe this is what you call "the free market", is it not?

And this is not just what my father is going through - this is what millions of other truck drivers which are the true blue-collar workers of this country - go through. Everything involves them: the food you eat, the mail you receive, the $2,000 HDTV you buy off of Amazon or the $5 toothbrush you buy at your local grocery store. Each and every one of those items was delivered by someone driving a truck, like my father.

Yet, here you are, wanting to tell me that the rise of fuel and OPEC companies making such a "measly" profit is supposed to good for the economy? Yeah... it might be good for their bottom line, but it fucks over honest business men like my father, on which this country's economic infrastructure relies upon for every piece of item we take for granted.

So excuse me while I don't feel any goddamn sympathy for them or your libertarian agenda that if it were enacted in the way you wanted, would continuously fuck over people like my father.


PhoenixDark said:
No one is going to respond to him?

i actually saw you were the last person to post and thought you'd take a stab at it. With that amount of bullshit being thrown around, one would need to spend some quality time on a response with proper references. Although i feel the original was a cut and paste job from a "Support McCain, post this on a message board" autogenerator
ZealousD said:
It's becoming more and more clear to me what has happened with John McCain.

He's being manipulated.

The man used to speak candidly, even though I often didn't agree with him. He used to be that maverick that I respected. I always felt like that even if his mind wasn't in the right place, his heart was.

But as the days/years go on, he's acting more and more like a typical Republican. In his desire to be president, he's tried to appeal to his Republican base harder and harder by adopting their views on everything.

And now it's become clear that his staff shakeup was probably orchestrated by his party to mold him into the candidate they wanted, and to use the tactics they wanted to use. McCain has become convinced that letting these people lead his campaign will enable him to become president.

McCain is not calling the shots in his campaign.

Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo.

Now how does the Obama campaign capitalize on this to put him out of his misery? Because I can't stand the man anymore.


besada said:
I stopped reading when you were wrong in the very first paragraph. We don't have the highest corporate taxes in the world. Japan does. And that doesn't take into account that 68% of American corporations use various loopholes to avoid paying any taxes whatsoever. Between tax deductions for advertising budgets and the mass numbers of American companies that park money overseas to avoid paying taxes, we're actually the fourth LOWEST in the amount that actually gets collected as tax revenue.

Shhh, don't try to confuse him with your logic, arguments like the one you responded to need simple slogans that are easy to repeat; ie: "corporate taxes are high!" He is probably also the same type of person that bitches about all the taxes that get taken out of his shitty paycheck every week, but doesn't connect the dots when at the end of the year he gets 100% of it back via a refund.


besada said:
I stopped reading when you were wrong in the very first paragraph. We don't have the highest corporate taxes in the world. Japan does. And that doesn't take into account that 68% of American corporations use various loopholes to avoid paying any taxes whatsoever. Between tax deductions for advertising budgets and the mass numbers of American companies that park money overseas to avoid paying taxes, we're actually the fourth LOWEST in the amount that actually gets collected as tax revenue.

This. Well done, beat me to it.
HylianTom said:

It's All in the Wording

Played at full speed, it's your average run of the mill ad - John McCain's campign explaining why Barack Obama's policies are not a fit for the White House.

There was a quick shot that I glanced up and saw, and there were four letters that caught my eye. I went back after the show to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, and this was the shot in question:

Umm.. I doubt McCain would go there.

Would he go there?
What's so wrong with "CHAN"? Not that it matters, because I clearly see five letters, "CHANG."

GhaleonEB said:
There are no accidents like that. Holy shit.
What was you opinion of the "Bureaucrats" ad in '04?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Squirrel Killer said:
What's so wrong with "CHAN"? Not that it matters, because I clearly see five letters, "CHANG."
You must be AWFUL at Scrabble.

CHANG are the letters you have to work with:



Hmm...which of these are offensive?


reilo said:
I'm actually going to answer this seriously now.

You might think that only a 8.5% profit is marginal, but what you don't realize is that there are millions of small business owners like my father that are getting screwed over left and right by high oil gas prices.

Do you want to know what my father does for a living? He's a long haul truck driver and owns his own LLC.

Back in January of this year, he was paying on average $6,000/month on diesel costs. Which was fine, it was still manageable. Two years before that it was around $3,000/mo.

But since the oil speculators kept raising the price of oil per barrel each and every subsequent month, the diesel costs for my father have hit an all-time high of $10,000/mo for a single truck, while the pay he was receiving for his loads did not increase. My mom remarked that he was just working to pay off his fuel costs these days.

I believe this is what you call "the free market", is it not?

And this is not just what my father is going through - this is what millions of other truck drivers which are the true blue-collar workers of this country - go through. Everything involves them: the food you eat, the mail you receive, the $2,000 HDTV you buy off of Amazon or the $5 toothbrush you buy at your local grocery store. Each and every one of those items was delivered by someone driving a truck, like my father.

Yet, here you are, wanting to tell me that the rise of fuel and OPEC companies making such a "measly" profit is supposed to good for the economy? Yeah... it might be good for their bottom line, but it fucks over honest business men like my father, on which this country's economic infrastructure relies upon for every piece of item we take for granted.

So excuse me while I don't feel any goddamn sympathy for them or your libertarian agenda that if it were enacted in the way you wanted, would continuously fuck over people like my father.

All that sounds good, except that there's no end to it if you're calling one company's 8.5% profit "windfall profits." Why not other companies that have such "high" profit margins? About half of the fortune 500 companies make that much or more (in terms of profit margins, Exxon is the largest so obviously their profits, revenues, and costs are going to be the highest as well), so why not target them? And then move on from there, punish every single business for making the amount of profit Obama feels they're "allowed" to make. THAT's the danger.

Fuel costs are high, but they're high for everybody and that includes Exxon, their costs are higher than ever. Keep in mind for the last 30 years or so we've been paying insanely little compared to Europeans, and in fact we're STILL paying less than they do, does that mean European oil companies are getting "windfall profits"? We don't need the fear mongering, what we need is to understand the dangerous precedent of a windfall profits tax and why it's irresponsible to say that 8.5% profit, which is inline for other companies on the fortune 500 is reasonable. Obama's scaring people with revenue but then you're ignoring the implication.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Squirrel Killer said:
What's so wrong with "CHAN"? Not that it matters, because I clearly see five letters, "CHANG."

I think they're referring to 'HANG', as in 'LYNCH'.

Personally, I think that's a bit ridiculous. I doubt anything is meant by that.


drakesfortune said:
Does it calculate how much money they'll be losing when they're fired because their employer who can no longer afford to pay them because the government took away their entire wage in new taxes under Obama? We have the highest corporate taxes in the modern world, and Obama wants to stick it to employers more. Do those tables calculate the amount my 401k will shrink when Obama takes all of the profits from the companies that I'm invested in and that my parents nearing retirement are invested in? All of those people getting ready to retire can look forward to a MASSIVE drain on their 401k if Obama is elected and steals the profits of hard working companies and employers. You can't take money from one and expect that to happen in a vacuum and not affect us all.

Do those tables also include the increased taxes everyone will have to pay for socialized medicine in this country? One thing we know is that a lack of competition creates high prices, which creates long lines, which creates a lack of innovation in the medical field. That's what we can look forward to under Obama's socialist health care system. Instead, we should provide a safety net for those that TRULY can't afford insurance. Why destroy the entire system that has been such a powerful engine of productivity in creating cures, new medicines, and new technology. Sapping the profits out of the medical industry will sap 99% of the innovation and new technologies we all want. We can fix the system without destroying it as socializing it would do.

The Clinton years were GREAT! Let's not forget that capitalism and freedom were increased, and the size of government were DECREASED under Clinton. Obama is talking a very different tune. We drastically reduced welfare, and guess what, the vast majority of those people went and got jobs! When Clinton says that they removed millions of poor people from poverty, it was a direct result of kicking them off of welfare and going and getting JOBS! Jobs that under Obama's plan will likely disappear. The death of capitalism is the death of freedom is the death of the American dream.

Listen folks, you can't just take money from the job providers in this country and expect there to be no negative result. Not only will taking that money from wealthy corporations lower their profits, but it will lower everything. Question. What's the VERY first thing to go when a company isn't making as much money as it used? What's the first thing you hear about when a company has less money to work with? JOB CUTS! It's always the same, and Obama's silly plan to take from the rich, like Carter did to great disaster, will end in the same disaster.

Guess what folks, unemployment has been at historically low levels for the past 7 years. I know, you wouldn't know that listening to Democrats, but it's true. GDP grew at 3.3% this past quarter, which is a damn good number. Again, if you listen to Democrats, the sky is falling, chicken little is coming home to roost, and pretty soon America will be swallowed by a volcano killing all of the kittens, babies, and melting all of the delicious candy that makes us fat. I personally don't know anyone who's lost their job recently, or anyone who's losing their house, or anyone who's become homeless, but somehow if you listen to the dems, everything has gone to shit.

To the housing crisis. When did we become such a nation of weak ass dipshits that we blame the government for our own failures as individuals. Are the people one this board so stupid to take out a loan they have no possible way they could afford? Are you? I'm not. When did we become so small and stupid to blame other people when we can't manage our own finances? Do we really want George Dubya and his crew to govern every aspect of our lives? Do you want government to control everything? Sure, hand Dubya your health care, you retirement, and every free decision you make in your life. When did people stop being able to tend to their own fucking lives? What happened to people that they now want the government to act as their keeper instead of a safety net. Obama doesn't want the government to be your safety net, as we all want it to be, he wants it to be your keeper.

Further if you want to see what happens to countries that nationalize the oil business, and take those profits and use them for the governments ends, there are plenty of examples of how that turns out. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Russia are all prime examples of countries that have the government controlling the oil business, and look at where that's gotten the people of those countries. The power you give government, the more it takes, and the less control you have over yourself.

1.) On paper we have the SECOND highest corporate tax rates. But in reality no corporation actually pays that. Many corporations pay less than one percent in taxes, look at wal mart.

2.)I know plenty of people both losing their job and their home, just because you lack anecdotal evidence doesnt mean that applies to the greater population. The statistics and numbers of forecluseures speak for them selves.

3.) Unemployment calculation is something of a false statisitc, the terms have become more lax under Bush and it doesnt include underemployment or people without a job over a year.

4.)Go to switzerland, Japan or Germany and you can see how a UHC system has not destroyed the innovation or incentive to make new technology in the medical field. And Switzerland still has several top ten drug manufactures. Currently Toshibas MRI machines are some of the newest sought after machines in the US after there success in Japan. Oh and the cost for UHC in those countries and every other country is well less than ours. Most pay half what we pay alone in taxes each year supporting medicare and other programs. And all of theirs are half the GDP we spend on our system. So actually taxes will go down if socialized medicine is implemented properly.

Moreover the rest of your post is moronic and dumb, setting up strawmen and knocking them down. You blame people for predatory lending practices, and you ignore actual facts because those facts support "the other team." So really I think ive responded to you much more than you deserve.


Gold Member
reilo said:
He was just on MSNBC talking with "Adam", err, Dan. He called Dan Abrams, "Adam" after ranting on about how the networks don't give him any airtime, and then he fubars his name :lol

OMG NO WAI!!! I want to see the interview! :(
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