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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
Dax01 said:
PoliGAF would be more epic.
yeah. after skimming back to see the posts when Bill Clinton gave his speech, i actually felt embarrassed for some of you.

scorcho said:
yeah. after skimming back to see the posts when Bill Clinton gave his speech, i actually felt embarrassed for some of you.



Looks like Olbersnooze ain't runnin' the show yet. Just saw that Republican dude on Morning Joe with McCaskill and Gibbs. All totally fawning over Obama's ground game. I couldn't help but imagine PoliGAF turning into that 70's head shaking gif.

I still stand by the belief that the morning of November 4, when people see lines wrapped around buildings before the polls open, when the turnout and the ground game delivers, that we won't even have to stay up for the results. Polls of "likely voters" can keep vacillating back and forth, but I do honestly believe the Obama camp knows what they need to do to win, and can do it.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I still stand by the belief that the morning of November 4, when people see lines wrapped around buildings before the polls open, when the turnout and the ground game delivers, that we won't even have to stay up for the results. Polls of "likely voters" can keep vacillating back and forth, but I do honestly believe the Obama camp knows what they need to do to win, and can do it.

We'll know pretty early when Virginia, New Hampshire, etc etc roll in. If Obama wins VA early in the evening, it's pretty much over.
I agree: usually Mike Murphy is rather level headed, and even when he's toting the party line he doesn't go to outrageous heights like last night. I'm getting the impression that the GOP is losing confidence after this great spectacle. I mean, we're not the fairest people here...but does anyone honestly think the RNC can compete with this? George Bush and Dick Cheney speaking on the first day (assuming and hoping the storm doesn't hit LA or anywhere else). Rudy Guliani is a key note speaker. In short it's going to be a pony show of incompetence.


PhoenixDark said:
I agree: usually Mike Murphy is rather level headed, and even when he's toting the party line he doesn't go to outrageous heights like last night. I'm getting the impression that the GOP is losing confidence after this great spectacle. I mean, we're not the fairest people here...but does anyone honestly think the RNC can compete with this? George Bush and Dick Cheney speaking on the first day (assuming and hoping the storm doesn't hit LA or anywhere else). Rudy Guliani is a key note speaker. In short it's going to be a pony show of incompetence.

:lol You are totally correct, the Republicans have so few prominent & popular figures at this time, their lineup is going to be very weak. No matter who they trot out to speak, they will be offending a sizable portion of either their base or independents. The few bright young personalities the Republicans have are still largely unknown (ie: Jindall). There is simply no way the RNC can compete with the DNC's performance this year.


McCain is not going to choose a pro-choice VP. All the rumors about pro-choice candidates like Lieberman are a smokescreen.

Of all the rumors, I think Kay Bailey Hutchison is the most likely.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire

are all absolutely trash during the Convention, i was watching PBS but my brother told me they did'nt even show John Kerry's full speech, did'nt show most of the "primetime" speeches.

nobody wanna here your stupid "analysis" all damn day. All they do is repeat themselves, and sometimes(lol MSNBC) go at each other looking like idiots.

thank god for C-Span and PBS
I am guessing Keith is pissed cause this is a huge moment in American political history and doesn't appreciate the bullshit taking up air time. Especially at the start of the segment.


~Devil Trigger~ said:

are all absolutely trash during the Convention, i was watching PBS but my brother told me they did'nt even show John Kerry's full speech, did'nt show most of the "primetime" speeches.

nobody wanna here your stupid "analysis" all damn day. All they do is repeat themselves, and sometimes(lol MSNBC) go at each other looking like idiots.

thank god for C-Span and PBS
I know MSNBC didn't show Kerry's speech, but the other two ditched it as well?

What the fuck. Kerry gave one of the best speeches of his life.

The major cable news network suck, more than ever before. They have really hit a new low. Nobody wants to watch your mind-numbing analysis.

So glad I watched PBS.
Diablos said:
I know MSNBC didn't show Kerry's speech, but the other two ditched it as well?

What the fuck. Kerry gave one of the best speeches of his life.

The major cable news network suck, more than ever before. They have really hit a new low. Nobody wants to watch your mind-numbing analysis.

So glad I watched PBS.

CNN showed Kerry's speech. I turned it to Fox News after Clinton's speech, because I wanted to see if Hannity would make a fool out of himself if he tried badmouthing Clinton's economic accomplishments. Sadly, not ONE peep came out of his mouth when it came to Clinton and the economy. :lol


Diablos said:
I know MSNBC didn't show Kerry's speech, but the other two ditched it as well?

What the fuck. Kerry gave one of the best speeches of his life.
Hey, the media fucking over Kerry, like that's new.
Reports suggest Sen. John McCain has made his running mate pick and will unveil his decision at an event in Ohio on Friday. The New York Times reports it's mainly three men who are under consideration: Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty and Joe Lieberman.

According to ABC News, Romney was followed to the airport yesterday "by a grey unmarked Chevy SUV with police lights. Two men wearing suits using ear pieces were in the driver and passenger seats." Has his Secret Service protection already arrived?

The Minneapolis Star Tribune says Pawlenty will be in Denver today to go on attack against the Democrats. "The high-visibility mission is the latest stop in a whirlwind campaign swing that for several days recently sent Pawlenty barnstorming for Republican candidate John McCain across the battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. It culminates months in which Pawlenty's national profile has risen amid speculation about his chances of being chosen as McCain's running mate."

Meanwhile, Lieberman refused to take himself out of consideration despite pressure from conservatives. However, there are also reports that Lieberman advised McCain of the dangers to the Republican party of picking him.

ABC two for two in terms of VP scoops?


Diablos said:
I know MSNBC didn't show Kerry's speech, but the other two ditched it as well?

What the fuck. Kerry gave one of the best speeches of his life.

The major cable news network suck, more than ever before. They have really hit a new low. Nobody wants to watch your mind-numbing analysis.

So glad I watched PBS.
I've seen Kerry's speech on CNN last night (and when I say night, I mean like deep fucking night, 4AM kinda shit), thought it was really good.

I love these US conventions - they're like circus shows, but louder, more colourful, and with more clowns.



It's All in the Wording

Played at full speed, it's your average run of the mill ad - John McCain's campign explaining why Barack Obama's policies are not a fit for the White House.

There was a quick shot that I glanced up and saw, and there were four letters that caught my eye. I went back after the show to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, and this was the shot in question:


Umm.. I doubt McCain would go there.

Would he go there?


Okay, whenever anyone brings up "subliminal" messages in McCain ads they look crazy and it's a discredit to the Obama campaign. The "subliminal racism" and "Antichrist" complaints from Democrats weeks ago only ended up with them looking stupid and oversensitive. If we want to attack the ads we need to attack the fact that they're lies and misleading the American people.

I'm starting to really hope it's Romney again. Between the Hurricane during the RNC and McCain picking a Mormon for veep some Evangelicals could think this is God's denouncement of the Republican party.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Haunted said:
I've seen Kerry's speech on CNN last night (and when I say night, I mean like deep fucking night, 4AM kinda shit), thought it was really good.

I love these US conventions - they're like circus shows, but louder, more colourful, and with more clowns.

:lol dont forget the animals


when is my burrito
Around 80% of my convention watching has been C-Span. The bickering on MSNBC between Matthews, Olbermann, and their producers is really fucking tiring. I only watch the commentary after the last speech for the night or if somebody is particularly boring.

LOL at that union gal completely reading every line of her speech yesterday or the day before. It was a straight monotone and stilted like watching a 6th grader do a book report.

LOL at the "Where's the red meat" discussion.

Also, best attack lines that need to be used come Fall:
Nation needs more than a good soldier. Needs a wise leader.
Four more months!
McCain was wrong.

Biden did an awesome job last night. Watching the last three days of the Democratic convention has been an emotional ride and I've been really inspired. In a way, it really is like the Olympics. I think pushing such an inspiring message all week will do the Democrats a lot of good come next week.

I think the Republicans will be so harsh comparatively that they risk people instantly tuning out and ignoring the vast majority of the convention events.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
CNN showed Kerry's speech. I turned it to Fox News after Clinton's speech, because I wanted to see if Hannity would make a fool out of himself if he tried badmouthing Clinton's economic accomplishments. Sadly, not ONE peep came out of his mouth when it came to Clinton and the economy. :lol

CNN started showing the speech about 90 seconds into it. It was as if someone in the truck was listening and said "oh shit this is actually pretty good" :lol


Azrael said:
McCain is not going to choose a pro-choice VP. All the rumors about pro-choice candidates like Lieberman is a smokescreen.

Of all the rumors, I think Kay Bailey Hutchison is the most likely.

Kay Baily is pro-choice. She's on the record saying that abortion shouldn't be outlawed and that Roe v. Wade shouldn't be overturned.

She does like to slap a bitch, though, so I'm totally down for Kay. Besides, it would create an opportunity for Texas to send a Democratic Senator, something we've needed every since Lloyd Bentsen.


Odrion said:
I'm starting to really hope it's Romney again. Between the Hurricane during the RNC and McCain picking a Mormon for veep some Evangelicals could think this is God's renouncement of the Republican party.

This is actually pretty accurate. I grew up Mormon in the South... make no mistake about it, the only thing Southerners hate more than liberals, is Mormons. No joke, southern evangelicals HATE Mormons.


So I won a bet with a hardcore anti-Obama Republican on another message board, and now I get to write his sig/tag for display until the end of the year. Any ideas?


tanod said:
Also, best attack lines that need to be used come Fall:
Nation needs more than a good soldier. Needs a wise leader.
Four more months!
McCain was wrong.

I am very partial to "If McCain is the answer, then the question must be ridiculous."


Kildace said:
I am very partial to "If McCain is the answer, then the question must be ridiculous."

I posted that line yesterday after reading it in the paper. Gov. Paterson is a genius.

I loved "Thanks, but no thanks!" from Bill yesterday. Beautifully done.

To a lesser extent, I also liked "Wake Up America!" from Kucinich

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Jon Stewart made it to the big time :lol
The US presidential election is a deadly serious business, as the party conventions amply illustrate.

Which might make it surprising that satire is playing a more and more influential role in the way the US media covers politics.

Jon Stewart, presenter of The Daily Show, produced by Comedy Central, attracts a key youthful audience and has all the top politicians as guests.

The show tackles political topics in a humorous way. It makes fun of the way politicians contradict themselves, and also lampoons the mainstream news networks' overblown style with its own team of anarchic correspondents.

"Is Jon Stewart the most trusted man in America?" ran a recent New York Times headline, reporting survey evidence that suggests he is now seen in the same light as the more traditional news anchors like Tom Brokaw of NBC news.

To Jon's great credit, he has drawn the new generations into the political arena in a way they have not been for the last few election cycles, and the country is better off for it".

Philip Bobbitt, a veteran political commentator and academic, became a fan after observing Stewart's popularity amongst his students.

"I think he feels he has a constituency of young people to whom he feels a responsibility and he is trying to present issues in a satirical way but in a robust and affirmative way".

Stewart likes to protest that such skewering is purely for comic effect.

And yet he has passionate views about what he sees as the failure of other kinds of news debate to shed light on political issues.

He famously confronted the hosts of CNN's crossfire programme, accusing them of "partisan hackery" and "doing theatre when you should be doing debate".


John Stewart's show was a good beacon of light for the disillusioned during Bush's Administration.

I don't understand whenever I hear that he "made it to the big times" or "people are acknowledging him", he is a popular host and his show gets three times the more ratings than Fox New's Bill O.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
gkrykewy said:
CNN started showing the speech about 90 seconds into it. It was as if someone in the truck was listening and said "oh shit this is actually pretty good" :lol

truth be told, i dont think anyone expected it be anything like that. i dont fault cnn for being late.. and at least they realized what was going on and fixed it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Clipjoint said:
So I won a bet with a hardcore anti-Obama Republican on another message board, and now I get to write his sig/tag for display until the end of the year. Any ideas?

What was the bet?


Fatalah said:
Can someone sum up what exactly is going on at MSNBC? In bullet form if possible!

I'm still trying to figure it out.. *scratches head*

According to some, MSNBC appears to be shifting into position to become the liberal alternative to Fox News. Olberman and Maddow will dominate the primetime lineup, sure, but I'm not sure I buy the idea that the whole network is magically transforming.
Odrion said:
Okay, whenever anyone brings up "subliminal" messages in McCain ads they look crazy and it's a discredit to the Obama campaign. The "subliminal racism" and "Antichrist" complaints from Democrats weeks ago only ended up with them looking stupid and oversensitive. If we want to attack the ads we need to attack the fact that they're lies and misleading the American people.

I'm starting to really hope it's Romney again. Between the Hurricane during the RNC and McCain picking a Mormon for veep some Evangelicals could think this is God's renouncement of the Republican party.

They'll find a way to blame the victim like last time. If a hurricane hits during the DNC we'd be hearing some pastor's talking about how it was a sign. If it hits during the RNC they'll tell us New Orleans is being punished for their sins again. I remember talking to a very religious black girl (like, 16 years old) a year after Katrina. At one point we started talking about how NO still needed aid and she told me straight up that the hurricane hit because of the people's extravagent sin.

You've got Pat Robertson's ik praying for rain to ruin Obama's speech tonight while the weather indicates LA is going to get slammed. The level of ignorance and hatred is staggering


PhoenixDark said:
They'll find a way to blame the victim like last time. If a hurricane hits during the DNC we'd be hearing some pastor's talking about how it was a sign. If it hits during the RNC they'll tell us New Orleans is being punished for their sins again. I remember talking to a very religious black girl (like, 16 years old) a year after Katrina. At one point we started talking about how NO still needed aid and she told me straight up that the hurricane hit because of the people's extravagent sin.

You've got Pat Robertson's ik praying for rain to ruin Obama's speech tonight while the weather indicates LA is going to get slammed. The level of ignorance and hatred is staggering

Southern Decadence is in New Orleans starting this week. The fundies will blame the homos for Gustav. (Maybe they can mention that "Gustav" sounds like the name of a Russian leather daddy.. :lol )


(also: please pick Romney! Pleeeeease!!!!)


Y2Kev said:
The pick is Romney. I am almost certain. Picking Lieberman would be unprecedented lulz.
My most feared pick would be Huckabee. Not only would he motivate evangelicals but he oozes with that "I want a beer with him" charm. I acknowledge all the crazy things he said about politics and bringing church and state together and still I like the guy and curious enough about his new show on Fox. I could bet he'd snatch a LOT of independents, and build a bridge for people in the center to the right-wing party.

Luckily I doubt it's the case and we'll get Romney, although I heard a lot of voters say that they'd go from "no vote" to "McCain" if such was the case.


Odrion said:
My most feared pick would be Huckabee. Not only would he motivate evangelicals but he oozes with that "I want a beer with him" charm. I acknowledge everything he said about politics and bringing church and state together and still I like the guy and curious enough about his new show on Fox.

Yeah. Even though he scares the bejeesus of me politically, he's still so incredibly personable. He's insane, to be sure, but I also found him very, very likable. Charming. Affable. It's a scary combination.


HylianTom said:
Yeah. Even though he scares the bejeesus of me politically, he's still so incredibly personable. He's insane, to be sure, but I also found him very, very likable. Charming. Affable. It's a scary combination.

He's going to be hard to beat in 2012 after 4 years of raising his profile and mellowing his positions a little.


HylianTom said:
Yeah. Even though he scares the bejeesus of me politically, he's still so incredibly personable. He's insane, to be sure, but I also found him very, very likable. Charming. Affable. It's a scary combination.
I don't think of him as insane. He is a really devout man of the lord and his morals are ingrained in those beliefs. He thinks the "Word of God" should be law because, duh, it's God's law.

(probably one of the few actual politicians who are religiously devout)


Odrion said:
My most feared pick would be Huckabee ... I could bet he'd snatch a LOT of independents, and build a bridge for people in the center to the right-wing party.

Uh huh - there's nothing the center likes more than ignorant wackos who unashamedly hate science and believe the earth is 3,000 years old.
I just watched the Kerry speech. Holy shit why didn't anyone show this outside of PBS and CSPAN? Best speech of the convention and it was the very "red meat" that Pat Buchanan has been calling for. It doesn't get redder than what Kerry was saying.
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