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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Hootie said:
Also Kennedy's just for the fact that he was able to deliver it.

Well, it was pretty awesome regardless.

Fuck, I can't believe I forgot Ted's, yeah definitely Kennedy's speech, it's a short one but a powerful one.



Gold Member
Justin Bailey said:
This was a bad choice, especially given the current economic environment.

I'm not going to deny Romney's financial prowess, but remember McCain doesn't seem to think the economy is all that bad in the first place.


the thing about her executive experience is that she's been effective. Every job she's held, she has distinguished herself.

I would agree that Obama is probably more experienced, but not by as much as many people would say. Being a governer, even of a small state, is probably a better preperation for being president than being a state legislator or a newbie senator.

Oddly enough, it's Obama's experience running for president that's probably prepared him more for the job. He's had to bone up on Foreign policy and has constantly been immersed in presidential issues.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
grandjedi6 said:
We have a Highway to Nowhere, does that count?

Is that what they call the highway that crosses Mississippi and into Missouri?


Gruco said:
So, for a guy who just went through a week of hell at work and missed the convention

a) What speeches are worth watching, and b) best source for watching them?

Also, Palin? :lol

I think http://www.demconvention.com/ has everything in HD. Highlights are Michelle Obama on night one. Brian Schweitzer and Hillary Clinton on night two. John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Beau Biden and Joe Biden on night three, and Barney Smith and Barack Obama on night four.

You're in for a treat. And save Obama's speech for last, don't spoil it.
Deus Ex Machina said:
NBC Wins Again, Other Nets Rise as Obama Speaks

Barack Obama’s presidential acceptance speech on Thursday, not surprisingly, brought in the biggest ratings of the Democratic National Convention.

NBC’s coverage of the speech from Invesco Field in Denver landed a 5.0 rating/8 share, according to Nielsen Media Research preliminary overnight household ratings of 55 markets.

That was up just 2% from NBC's previous high-water mark for Tuesday night’s airing of Hillary Clinton’s speech.

ABC, with its 4.6/7, increased 21% from Tuesday, and CBS, with a 3.3/5, jumped 22%.


Got Cable ratings?


Unconfirmed Member
Gaborn said:
Sure, but I called my mom (an Obama supporter) a bit ago to tell her McCain's pick and she said "I don't really know her but I like that she's a governor"... and that's the first reaction I think a LOT of people will have. Governors are perceived often as good executives, then details either reinforce or shatter that perception.
One of the big downsides to this election imo is that out of the 4 people, only one has governing/executive experience, and even she's only had two years of it.


I love Hot Chicks with Douchebags... but damn.
Honorary Hot Chick with Douchebag of the Month: McCain/Palin

Not since the Bush/Quayle pairing of 1988 have a douche and a hot chick run for office together.

For crotchety oldbag whining, for telling me to get off his lawn, and for picking a former beauty queen as his #2, John McCain earns this month's honorary HCwDB of the Month.

Politicalbags aren't my favorite subject around here, mainly because so few of them actually snag attractive hotties.

Proving the adage that Washington really is Hollywood for ugly people, as well as for conceptually douching it up rather than featuring physical markers of douchebaggery, Politicalbags tend to bore me.

But for today's idiotic selection, lets give John McCain a hearty douche of the month award. You've earned it, old wrinkly guy. Not to mention dumping your first wife for a 24 year old beer heiress. Your history of wonky douchitude is a long and inglorious one, Keating #5.

And yes, Sarah Palin, you are the milfy librarian hott that revs my motorboat even at your advanced age. And while my lust for your sharp librarian looks may be a sexist invalidation of all that you've accomplished professionally, I really don't have to worry. Because you haven't really accomplished anything professionally.


bish gets all the credit :)
Lemonz said:

yes! :lol :lol

this is quite a strange choice.


Monroeski said:
One of the big downsides to this election imo is that out of the 4 people, only one has governing/executive experience, and even she's only had two years of it.

Well it certainly bucks the trend, hasn't it been like 100 years since no governor or former governor was not a presidential nominee? I suppose we'll find out later how much it really matters beyond perception.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
rhfb said:
Please tell me you are kidding. You were comparing the entire state of Alaska to the 13th district of the state senate of Illinois.

The southside of Chicago? Dude.


Thinking about this after the fact I think today is the day Obama officially wins the general election.

Picking a VP was VITAL to McCain, more so than Obama due to his age and cancer history. He picked someone who does not seem presidencial (KBH of Texas and Hillary Clinton act like potential presidents regardless of their party and beliefs). Palin acts like a owner of some small business or something, not a politician. No one will be able to see her behind the white house desk, no one. It will backfire by Nov 4th.

Whoever the Dem strategist who said "Dan Quayle in a pantsuit" was dead on.

rhfb said:
Please tell me you are kidding. You were comparing the entire state of Alaska to the 13th district of the state senate of Illinois.
Palin was mayor of a cit 1/5th the size of Obama's district he lead. And then Obama was senator of a state DOUBLE the time she was governer of a state, and his state is far larger than Alaska. Obama blows her away on experience.

JaY P.

Doubling down on the "maverick" appeal seems like the republicans will not just focus on Barack but also the democratic controlled congress. It is no secret that congress is viewed just as unfavorably, if not less, than Bush so from a strategic view this pick makes absolute sense so long as they can maintain the "reform" platform until November 4th.

On the other hand, by picking a soft target that Biden cannot rip apart, this forces Biden to attack her with issues. And from this standpoint, this is something the Republicans need to avoid at all costs. If this does indeed turn into a debate of "issues" then the Right can kiss the presidency goodbye.

I'm not sure on how this will turn out, but one thing is for sure which ever campaign can shape the narrative more effectively will win. Right now Obama seems to have the more competent political machine, but we haven't seen what the Republicans have set up.

Just my two cents.
Cheebs said:
Thinking about this after the fact I think today is the day Obama officially wins the general election.

Picking a VP was VITAL to McCain, more so than Obama due to his age and cancer history. He picked someone who does not seem presidencial (KBH of Texas and Hillary Clinton act like potential presidents regardless of their party and beliefs). Palin acts like a owner of some small business or something, not a politician. No one will be able to see her behind the white house desk, no one. It will backfire by Nov 4th.

Whoever the Dem strategist who said "Dan Quayle in a pantsuit" was dead on.
So, uh Cheebs, I hear you predicted Obama's VP correctly. :lol :D



:lol :lol :lol

You know, I turned away from watchin’ my ol’ boys from the Wolfpack playin’ them no good Gamecocks last night in some footbaw to see what this Obarama feller had to say last night, and I have to say I wudn’t very impressed.

When is this colored feller gonna get more specific?

All he talked about last night was war, the economy, immigration, abortion, taxes, gun control, conservation, government regulation, education, foreign policy, and energy policy. But that was all just RHETORIC. Folks down here don’t care to hear all that lofty talk. We’re real Americans. We need to hear SUBSTANCE!

For instance, he barely talked about trade last night. I had hoped he would devote at least 70 minutes to talking about trade. And he didn’t spend 35 minutes talking about property levies, like I wanted. And how come he didn’t say NOTHIN’ about the garbage cans that have been sittin’ in Mrs. Furlong’s yard for HIGH ON THREE WEEKS NOW? The whole neighborhood was up in arms about that! How could he neglect to even MENTION it? Sounds like someone isn’t really tuned in to what the American people need to hear!

And he didn’t say SHIT about how Jake Delhomme’s elbow is doin’. I wonder… does he even care?

Nope, he didn’t say nothin’ about any of that. Instead, he just spent 45 minutes giving a detailed, toplined plan about what he planned to do as President. Well, that just strikes me as hollow. I much would have preferred an 85-hour telethon that noted every detail of every single thing he has ever done or ever will do. Now, I heard that you can get this kind of info on his “intersite”. But, that sounds pretty darn elitist to me. NOT ALL OF US HAVE FANCY INTERSITES, SIR! WE ONLY GOT RADIOS LAST WEEK!

I just think this feller’s different. I done never seen him walking around town! How can I trust someone that hasn’t even served on my city council? I don’t know what kind of crazy tricks he’ll try and pull. I don’t think he gets what really matters to us everyday folk.

Like that stage last night. I didn’t care for that art direction ONE BIT. And he didn’t get how much that means to me. So I’m not votin’ for that feller. He just isn’t giving me any concrete reasons to vote for him.

Also, he’s black.


This pick is an interesting one for McCain, in that it's not an 'inbetween' pick. Either it will really help him or it will send him crashing and burning. The main issue is whether this will draw women out in any significant numbers. If the Obama camp can neutralize that, they will be good. This brings up a really interesting point that Obama can hit on... The republicans have been talking about it's all about experience. That's what matters. So why does McCain go and pick one of the more unexperienced candidates out there? Is this judgment you can believe in? Does Palin have the experience Republicans can believe in?

Hillary will also be very strong in neutralizing women going over to the Repubs... She has to come out with some ads that basically infer that even though Palin is a woman, itis Hillary and the dems who aretrue fighters for women and their rights. She has to turn Palin into what Condi or an Alan Keyes would be to blacks, in that although they are black, they don't energize the black base.


Monroeski said:
One of the big downsides to this election imo is that out of the 4 people, only one has governing/executive experience, and even she's only had two years of it.

The whole "experience" debate is pretty ridiculous. President is a unique job. There is no real training ground for it. Traditionally we look at Governors, since it's an executive position, but the difference in powers between your average Governor and the office of the President is so wide, it's basically an uncrossable gulf.

Historically, we've had effective Presidents from virtually every arena of the political spectrum, from Generals with no political experience to Senators, to Governors. Every President goes to the job as if it were a blank slate, because it essentially is. Even VP isn't much training for President, as the jobs are completely different.


Dax01 said:
So, uh Cheebs, I hear you predicted Obama's VP correctly. :lol :D
I did, and before anyone else in this thread I was redeemed finally. My trend has reversed! Be glad, because I predict Palin will backfire.
Monroeski said:
One of the big downsides to this election imo is that out of the 4 people, only one has governing/executive experience, and even she's only had two years of it.

I disagree. This whole idea that executive power invalidates anybody who has served in Congress is one of the biggest myths I would like to see exploded. I'm glad we have two senators running if only to prove that running a company or running a state doesn't suddenly mean you are the most capable for the job. Not to be partisan but the last 8 years have strongly turned me against the notion of mandatory prerequisite executive experience.


wait wait...So Palin is married to an executive at BP AND shes the governor of Alaska and pro drilling???

Oh boy, this will be fun:lol :lol
Cheebs said:
Picking a VP was VITAL to McCain, more so than Obama due to his age and cancer history. He picked someone who does not seem presidencial (KBH of Texas and Hillary Clinton act like potential presidents regardless of their party and beliefs). Palin acts like a owner of some small business or something, not a politician. No one will be able to see her behind the white house desk, no one. It will backfire by Nov 4th.

KBH would have been such a better choice for a very similar effect (she was a dark horse too) without the huge drawbacks. Why on earth didn't they go with her?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Ponn01 said:
wait wait...So Palin is married to an executive at BP AND shes the governor of Alaska and pro drilling???

Oh boy, this will be fun:lol :lol

And anti-oil companies!

Chris R

Cheebs said:
Palin was mayor of a cit 1/5th the size of Obama's district he lead. And then Obama was senator of a state DOUBLE the time she was governer of a state, and his state is far larger than Alaska. Obama blows her away on experience.
Keep telling yourself that. (Hint, they aren't even close)


Ponn01 said:
wait wait...So Palin is married to an executive at BP AND shes the governor of Alaska and pro drilling???

Oh boy, this will be fun:lol :lol

WHAT!? he's an executive at BP!? NO F'N WAY!!?

Wow, how does . . . wow


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
rhfb said:
Keep telling yourself that. (Hint, they aren't even close)

Are you really daft?

Physical state size has nothing to do with how many people you govern.

12 MILLION versus LESS THAN 700,000? Jesus dude.

Hell, if physical state size was what mattered, Oregon would be one of the more important states in the nation, but it just isn't because it has a population less than 3.5mil.
Door2Dawn said:

British Petroleum.


Fragamemnon said:
KBH would have been such a better choice for a very similar effect (she was a dark horse too) without the huge drawbacks. Why on earth didn't they go with her?

The only thing I can find is that she's pro-choice. It makes absolutely no sense otherwise.


Fragamemnon said:
KBH would have been such a better choice for a very similar effect (she was a dark horse too) without the huge drawbacks. Why on earth didn't they go with her?
She was pissed off looking on her interview on MSNBC. I totally disagree with her views but she is a smart and has good political instincts. It confuses me. I am GLAD for Obama's sake it wasn't KBH.

I mean it can't be for electoral reasons. Alaska isn't some all important state that would make or break the election. McCain failed.

rhfb said:
Keep telling yourself that. (Hint, they aren't even close)


rhfb said:
Keep telling yourself that. (Hint, they aren't even close)

Hold on, just so we're clear . . .

Do you think Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president of the United States than Barack Obama? Yes or no?


So, Palin is McCain's running mate, and gallup has Obama up by nine now (pre-speech polling.)


Well, I find it hard to believe that Palin was actually the person McCain wanted... this is a pretty pathetic attempt to pander to Clinton supporters. It's obvious to anyone with a brain, but I'm sure some morons will fall for it and vote for McCain now. I mean, honestly, Clinton and Palin are nothing alike.

Well, it at least changes the race, makes things more interesting, and I'm all for that.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Quick summary of last night's speech:

As many people watched the speech last night as people have voted for Al Gore in 2000.


reilo said:
Quick summary of last night's speech:

As many people watched the speech last night as people have voted for Al Gore in 2000.

Wait...what?! Seriously? That's awesome.

Not awesome in that Gore LOST =(, but awesome that so many people watched it.


A interesting point is McCain could not have test polled her or done surveys with her like we know Obama did with Kaine (and likely Biden and Bayh) since no one has a clue who she is. There is no way his team could have mathematically determined she'd help. It was a total gamble.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JCreasy said:
WHAT!? he's an executive at BP!? NO F'N WAY!!?

Wow, how does . . . wow

Remember, this means potentially a future First Husband is an exec at a foreign oil company.

And Alaska is the most corrupt state in the Union. It exists on resource graft and little else. There are thousands of bridges to nowhere.


Does someone have some evidence that Palin's husband is a BP executive? What I'm reading is that he's a commercial fisherman who works at BP on the off-season. I'm all for pointing out connections to the oil industry, but working for Big Oil in alaska during the off-season is hardly what I'd call a smoking gun.
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