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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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laserbeam said:
George Bush was kidnapped and replaced by a Clone before he took over the White House. Only way to explain his total change

What change? What people don't seem to understand is that the position of Texas Governor IS largely ceremonial. All of the shit attributed to Shrub during his term was actually done by the state senate. The Governor of Texas is a weak political position with really minimal powers.

That's why we can have brain-dead fluff like Goodhair Perry in office and no one notices. We don't like executive power down here, which is why our executive positions are hobbled.


Shig said:
It's also important to note that Alaska is far-removed from the continental US, she's not necessarily experienced with dealing with certain issues that would be prevalent to any other state governor. Does Alaska have a big problem with illegal immigration, for example?

Someone has to keep those damn Canadians out.
Wexler Statement on Palin: "Today, John McCain proved he is a complete and utter hypocrite."

"Today, John McCain proved he is a complete and utter hypocrite. This past week we saw the first test of judgment and leadership from America's presidential nominees. Barack Obama made the outstanding choice of Joe Biden. John McCain made a sad political choice by picking Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.

"In doing so John McCain has failed both the test of leadership and judgment. John McCain has been unable to generate any genuine excitement with his tired campaign and his selection of Palin as his running mate is a desperate attempt to distract Americans from the fact he lacks any new ideas worthy of their excitement.

"John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin is clearly a political ploy aimed at the capturing votes of women who formerly supported Senator Hillary Clinton. But the fact is Sarah Palin is a far right, pro-life zealot who can not hold a candle to Hillary Clinton's lifelong fight to better the lives of women everywhere. Americans should be alarmed that the former mayor of a town of 9,000 people with zero foreign policy credentials could be a heartbeat away from assuming the role of Commander in Chief."
[cheap shot] Of course McCain picked Palin. He's got a thing for former beauty queens. [/cheap shot] Also, SNL will need Tina Fey for the inevitable skit.

That said, this will light a fire under both the Republican base /and/ under Hillary Clinton's ass. Interesting times...
Has it really not been posted?



Setec Astronomer
Shig said:
It's also important to note that Alaska is far-removed from the continental US, she's not necessarily experienced with dealing with certain issues that would be prevalent to any other state governor. Does Alaska have a big problem with illegal immigration, for example?
I dunno, those siberians just keep crossing the straight.


The dem's need to hammer the fact that the VP is first in line to become president when something happens. She's extremely unqualified in that regard.


Funky Papa said:
Anyway, how much of a debater is she? This could be really important.

Ed Rollins says she's a good debater in an article on CNN..

I tend to think that Biden could beat her on experience alone, although she will have advantages, including low expectations, and being a woman.


Odrion said:
I'll bet money that the Palin narrative will be about her looks and being a political/intellectual lightweight.


Hilary needs to make it not about her looks.

Only Hilary can exploit Palin as a weakness in the McCain campaign. If the boys pile on, they'll look like bullies beatin up on the milf.

Hilary needs to call her out and make her look stupid, which will reflect on McCain's judgement.

Wow, I should be a political strategist!!


Incognito said:
This is really shaping up to be a terrible pick. Hour by hour...
I must admit though, this pick certainly:
- Quickly stole the attention from the Democrats, considering we'd all thought it'd be another politician.
- Damaged Obama's "McCain's the same" narrative.
- Dismantled their own "No experience in a troubling world" narrative.

I don't know if it's a risky choice, maybe there's a deeper plan in this.


Gold Member
So here is the personal scoop:

Highly popular in Alaska

Mother of 5 children. The oldest is going to Iraq, the youngest has down syndrome

She used to be a basketball phenom of her school nicknamed "Sarah Barracuda"

She smoked Marijuana when it was legal in Alaska and has said she didn't like it

She likes to eat moose burgers (wtf?)

Ran for Miss Alaska beauty pageant

Father was a school teacher in the school where her mother was a secretary

Husband is a blue collar man who has done manual labor all his life, he is also a champion sportsman and a union member. He now has a mustache.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The experience angle works in her favor IMO. Of all the politicians in Alaska, she's actually one of the least corroded by corruption. If she'd had more experience, she'd have Ted Stevens stink all over her.

Still it's weird. Really weird. I have this crazy sensation we will have a rare Veep resignation pre-election. PREDICTION MADE.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Isn't Alaska's economy far worse the other 48?
A gallon of unleaded gasoline: $10. Heating fuel: $9.10 a gallon. Electricity: $1.17 per kilowatt hour — 11 times the national average.

Some heavily taxed European nation or a time in the future when global fossil fuels have grown dangerously sparse?

Try right now in the most remote villages of America's 49th state.
That's not by any means her fault, or any indication of the state of Alaska's economy generally, either. It's a mere function of remoteness. People in Hawaii experience the same thing, although to a much lesser extent, since there is far less area there over which to distribute the commodities once they've been unloaded from the commercial freighters.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
What the? Isn't that $1200 to everyone to help pay for gas plan the exact one that Obama has been touting? I think his was $1000, but it's the same concept!
She's praised Obama's energy plan:

Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan
Includes Alaska's Natural Gas Reserves Print Now Printer Friendly

No. 08-135

August 4, 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin today responded to the energy plan put forward by the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Illinois Senator Barack Obama.

"I am pleased to see Senator Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaska's natural gas reserves represent in terms of clean energy and sound jobs," Governor Palin said. "The steps taken by the Alaska State Legislature this past week demonstrate that we are ready, willing and able to supply the energy our nation needs."


Hitokage said:
She also enacted windfall profit taxes on oil companies, if what I read is true.
From what I see the tax is 25% tax on net profits of he oil companies so yeah she hit them hard. Doesnt seem so friendly to oil. It is making Alaska an extra 800+ million a year in taxes though
Gremmie4 said:
She thinks that Creationism should be taught in schools. Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.
Well, I suppose there's a difference between ideology and capability. It's going to be interesting to see how she plays out in the next few months. I really don't know.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
OuterWorldVoice said:
The experience angle works in her favor IMO. Of all the politicians in Alaska, she's actually one of the least corroded by corruption. If she'd had more experience, she'd have Ted Stevens stink all over her.

Still it's weird. Really weird. I have this crazy sensation we will have a rare Veep resignation pre-election. PREDICTION MADE.

Except she's under investigation for improperly firing someone as governor of Alaska...
Odrion said:
I must admit though, this pick certainly:
- Damaged Obama's "McCain's the same" narrative.
What in God's name are you talking about? I'd like to believe that people aren't so shallow that they see that picking a woman doesn't equate to change when this woman is sickeningly far-right.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Shiggie said:
That Black Reporter on MSNBC Is a Disgrace to my skin color.
He's bringing us the hard hitting facts, such as the fact that John and Cindy McCain have watched Mamma Mia! twice, not once, twice!


Shig said:
It's also important to note that Alaska is far-removed from the continental US, she's not necessarily experienced with dealing with certain issues that would be prevalent to any other state governor. Does Alaska have a big problem with illegal immigration, for example?

Does Delaware have a big problem with illegal immigration?:lol


Gold Member
laserbeam said:
From what I see the tax is 25% tax on net profits of he oil companiesso yeah she hit them hard. Doesnt seem so friendly to oil. It is making Alaska an extra 800+ million a year in taxes though

Maybe she has something personal against them?


OuterWorldVoice said:
The experience angle works in her favor IMO. Of all the politicians in Alaska, she's actually one of the least corroded by corruption. If she'd had more experience, she'd have Ted Stevens stink all over her.

Still it's weird. Really weird. I have this crazy sensation we will have a rare Veep resignation pre-election. PREDICTION MADE.

But Trooper-gate has a fair amount of corruption stink on it. Especially considering the fact the party is sucking wind of the Alberto Gonzalez debacle.

If leveraged properly, trooper-gate can be a real wound worth salting


This is a terrible move by McCain. Because of his age/health he really needed someone ready to step up and be president as his VP, and maybe Palin is, but there's no way they're going to be able to convince people of that. I think there's a lot of people out there that aren't gonna trust a newbie woman Alaskan governor to fight the war on terror that might just stay home.


laserbeam said:
From what I see the tax is 25% tax on net profits of he oil companies so yeah she hit them hard. Doesnt seem so friendly to oil. It is making Alaska an extra 800+ million a year in taxes though

It's bizarre, the money given back to citizens, the windfall profits tax....it's like McCain didn't even look at her policies.:lol


From what i heard, trooper gate involves a policeman who was ...

A) a wife beater
B) Physicaly abused a kid by tasering him
C) threatened her whole family with death

Assuming all that is true, do we really need cops like that? Do the dems want to go to bat for a guy like that by making an issue out of it?


Krowley said:
From what i heard, trooper gate involves a policeman who was

A) a wife beater
B) Physicaly abused a kid by tasering him
C) threatened her whole family with death

Assuming all that is true, do we really need cops like that? Do the dems want to go to bat for a guy like that by making an issue out of it?
We have a system for a reason. Abuse of power does not outweigh the issues this guy may have had.


woeds said:
The dem's need to hammer the fact that the VP is first in line to become president when something happens. She's extremely unqualified in that regard.

People don't care about VP. It didn't work against Bush/Quayle in 88.

Honestly, this is my first time reading this thread since March. It has really become a pile of blathering dumb. Are we really comparing populations of Illinois and Alaska to prove a point? Is that where the argument is won?

The irony of people pointing to Hillary44 and laughing at the comments, while people in here carry on in an equally glib and biased way is pretty humorous. It's like when the Gaming side makes fun of GameFAQs.

I think it's great that so many neophytes are passionate about politics or a candidate. But realize that once you become passionate for something, you lose your objectivity. Which can lead to some dumb statements.

PD has been about they only person that has remained objective through this entire process.


The Dems lose the arguement on her being Big Oil friendly pretty fast when she was a Major mover behind a 25% tax on Oil Company Profits.

Not even the feds are willing to go to bat for that.

Justin Bailey

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Battlezone said:
I don't like where they're going with this "a heartbeat away" stuff. Can you imagine the uproar around here if the McCain campaign started hinting around about something "happening" to Obama?
"Joe Biden is just a gunshot away from becoming president."


bish gets all the credit :)
Battlezone said:
I don't like where they're going with this "a heartbeat away" stuff. Can you imagine the uproar around here if the McCain campaign started hinting around about something "happening" to Obama?

obama is not 72 with a cancer history though. they're not insinuating that he will be assassinated.
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