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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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GhaleonEB said:
This is also true. Obama pulled a lot of punches against Hillary.

Obama was going for the whole "positive message holistic healing" angle, it would work against his campaign had it tried to go toe-to-toe with Hillary.


*drowns in jizz*
Kittonwy said:
Does FoxNews come in HD? I have officially stop watching CNNHD (I can't stand it anymore) and switch to FoxNews but it's not in HD.

Why the fuck would you do that?


AniHawk said:
About fucking time. This needs to be everywhere.

Personally I liked the ad that was playing where they hit the quote McCain made about the economy not being his thing. It made me laugh, and the reaction in my ultra radical right-wing government army depot where i work was similar: many of them actually made positive comments about it, which is rare for anything related to Obama!

Stuff like "wait, he really said that? That's fucked up."


soul creator said:
you know, for a few weeks now I kept thinking you reminded me of that "the disgruntled gamer" guy, especially with the avatar. Only now, did the TDG acronym register in my head.

I feel dumb.

Speaking of dumb, do most Americans even know what earmarks are? Seems like a fairly obscure attack for McCain to be falling back on.
PhoenixDark said:
I agree, the issues aren't on McCain's side. He's going to have to convince people Obama is going to raise their taxes, how Obama is somehow the earmark bastard running, etc. I think Obama can pull it off but we'll see.

Can't wait for focus group responses on it

I keep thinking how awesome the debates would be if they allowed props :lol Bust out some charts you know?

Or if it was formatted like Chapelle's Show where each candidate could talk a little bit and show a clip or something.


Cooter said:
I'm not sure it's very possible seeing that his mom is 96 but I'll answer. I just don't know. I'll have a better idea in a few weeks I imagine. Biden isn't exactly someone I'd like to see in the WH either. Judging by his primary performance it's safe to assume 99% of the democratic party agrees with me.

I guess that puts me in the 1% of the Democratic Party, even though I was registered as an independent prior to the primaries. Of course, your statement is somewhat misleading considering 99% of either party doesn't participate in the primaries and there's a lot to be said for campaign strategy in the primaries. There also wasn't much of a substantial distinction among a lot of the Democratic candidates in the primaries.

As for Palin, I'm inclined to agree that she would've been largely buried in the Republican primaries. She would've entered as an unknown, without much knowledge or much of a resumé. Much of her current acclaim rests upon her historical novelty as a woman within the party and as a social conservative to balance out any doubts the base had about McCain; social conservatives certainly weren't lacking in the Republican primaries. It also helps that she's been very carefully managed to date thus far, a benefit she wouldn't have had if she were running her own primary campaign.

And I agree with your earlier statements about this being a lot of people on NeoGAF's first real presidential race. These political threads have turned into the equivalent of a Gaming thread at times, with the political equivalent of platform fanboys and NPD sales numbers being bandied about. I just take mild comfort in people paying attention to something a little more substantial, regardless of their behavior.


Souldriver said:
Doesn't mean you have to start watching propaganda instead of news.

They're right-wing just like CNN is left-wing, except they don't pretend to be neutral, you know what you're clicking on when you turn on foxnews, a right-wing news broadcast, which is ok by me.


Technically I can shoot my neighbor in the face. That doesn't mean it's not illegal.

How does that work anyway? Are foreigners obliged to follow US law, or are they breaking laws in their own countries?


Kittonwy said:
They're right-wing just like CNN is left-wing, except they don't pretend to be neutral, you know what you're clicking on when you turn on foxnews, a right-wing news broadcast, which is ok by me.

CNN is left-wing? The Lou Dobbs network? The former dwelling place of Glenn Beck?

Slurpy said:
Damn, he's getting around.

Biden is kicking ass but he's getting no freaking media coverage. It's annoying.


Kittonwy said:
They're right-wing just like CNN is left-wing, except they don't pretend to be neutral, you know what you're clicking on when you turn on foxnews, a right-wing news broadcast, which is ok by me.
I think you're confusing CNN and MSNBC. :p


Zeliard said:
CNN is left-wing? The Lou Dobbs network? The former dwelling place of Glenn Beck?

I'm not saying Glenn Beck is left-wing obviously, Glenn Beck is on headline news now, I watch him sometimes. I don't like wolf blitzer or john king or larry king and I especially dislike rick sanchez. I don't know what Lou Dobbs is, it seems like he wants to overthrow the government every single day, I've watched CNN for years but they've leaned more and more leftish.


*drowns in jizz*
Kittonwy said:
I'm not saying Glenn Beck is left-wing obviously, Glenn Beck is on headline news now, I watch him sometimes. I don't like wolf blitzer or john king or larry king and I especially dislike rick sanchez. I don't know what Lou Dobbs is, it seems like he wants to overthrow the government every single day, I've watched CNN for years but they've leaned more and more leftish.

But you like Glenn Beck? Yeah, that explains things. This isn't about 'liberal' or left-wing vs right-wing. Let's just be real here. It's about that you like and want to be fed bullshit.


Kittonwy said:
They're right-wing just like CNN is left-wing, except they don't pretend to be neutral, you know what you're clicking on when you turn on foxnews, a right-wing news broadcast, which is ok by me.

CNN is stupid-wing.

Also, I have no idea why people say CNN is left-wing when it gives shows to people like Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs.
Kittonwy said:
They're right-wing just like CNN is left-wing, except they don't pretend to be neutral, you know what you're clicking on when you turn on foxnews, a right-wing news broadcast, which is ok by me.
Is this another case of the "neutrality/reality has a clear liberal bias!" phenomena?
Clevinger said:
CNN is stupid-wing.

Also, I have no idea why people say CNN is left-wing when it gives shows to people like Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. Don't feed the troll.


Sucks at poetry
So we should be getting an interview tonight right? Also the second part of the O'reilly interview as well. Hmmm Somebody make sure they get posted here asap :p


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled

Now that Alaska is front and center in the news again, it is a good time to catch up on a favorite story, The Bridge to Nowhere, using the Washington Post US Congress Votes Database.

Though Gov. Palin originally supported the earmark spending on the Ketchikan bridge (“to nowhere), she eventually killed the project, chosing to spend Federal money on other infrasturcture programs.

However, Sen. Biden and Sen. Obama voted for funding the Bridge, even when given a second chance by Sen. Tom Coburn, who proposed shifting earmark funds to Katrina relief.

Sen. McCain did not vote on the Coburn Amendment, though he is on record as opposing the Ketchikan bridge earmark.

Here it is - HR 3058

Text of Coburn's amendment:

SA 2165. Mr. COBURN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 3058, making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, District of Columbia, and independent agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, and for other purposes; as follows:

At the appropriate place, add the following: Section 144(g)(1) of title 23, United States Code, is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (A)(ii), by striking ``for the construction of a bridge joining the Island of Gravina to the community of Ketchikan in Alaska'' and inserting ``for the reconstruction of the Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans, Louisiana, and Slidell, Louisiana'';

(2) by striking subparagraph (B); and

(3) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (B).

(b) Item number 14 of the table contained in section 1302 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 Stat. 1144) is amended--

(1) by striking ``AK'' and inserting ``LA''; and

(2) by striking ``Planning, design, and construction of Knik Arm Bridge'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana''.

(c) The table contained in section 1702 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 Stat. 1144) is amended--

(1) in item number 406--

(A) by striking ``AK'' and inserting ``LA''; and

(B) by striking ``Planning, design, and construction of a bridge joining the Island of Gravina to the Community of Ketchikan'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana'';

(2) in item number 2465--

(A) by striking ``AK'' and inserting ``LA''; and

(B) by striking ``Planning, design, and construction of Knik Arm Bridge'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana'';

(3) in item number 3323--

(A) by striking ``AK'' and inserting ``LA''; and

(B) by striking ``Earthwork and roadway construction Gravina Access Project'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana''; and

(4) in item number 3677--

(A) by striking ``AK'' and inserting ``LA''; and

(B) by striking ``Planning, design, and construction of Knik Arm Bridge'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana''.

(d) Item number 2 of the table contained in section 1934 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 Stat. 1144) is amended--

(1) by striking ``AK'' and inserting ``LA''; and

(2) by striking ``Improvements to the Knik Arm Bridge'' and inserting ``Reconstruction of Twin Spans Bridge connecting New Orleans and Slidell, Louisiana''.

(e) Sections 1949, 4410, and 4411 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; 119 Stat. 1144) are repealed.

(f) No funds made available under this Act shall be used to plan, design, or construct, in the State of Alaska--

(1) the Knik Arm Bridge; or

(2) a bridge joining the Island of Gravina to the community of Ketchikan.

(g) Nothing in this section or an amendment made by this section affects the allocation of funds to any State other than the States of Alaska and Louisiana.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
So, everyone spent the entire day bitching about Obama not putting out an ad hitting McCain and Palin, and then, BAM, the camp releases an ad?


We shoulda known better.
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