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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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StoOgE said:
you know bidens son is going over there too? They just dont use service as a political tool, its called discretion and honor.

Biden's son made the introductory speech for him at the DNC. It was noted by the commentator's that he is set to deploy to Iraq. IIRC, he's JAG.

I don't recall him mentioning that fact during his acceptance speech, but then he had already mentioned it last year in Iowa. As well it was in the news so no huge mystery. As for Palin, her RNC speech served several purposes, one of which was to introduce her and her family to the voting public.

washington post said:
Biden's Son Off to Iraq

By Shailagh Murray
As Sen. Barack Obama closes in on his running mate pick, one prospect with clear momentum is Sen. Joseph Biden Jr.

Even difficult news for the Delaware Democrat personally has added a compelling twist to his case. On Oct. 3, Biden's son, Joseph Robinette "Beau" Biden III, will be deployed to Iraq.

"I don't want him going," Biden told an Iowa state fair crowd a year ago, when, as a presidential candidate himself, he learned that his son's unit would be deployed at some point in 2008. "But I don't want my grandsons or granddaughters going back in 15 years. So how we leave makes a big difference."

Much ado' about nothing either way IMO.


Extollere said:
So we should be getting an interview tonight right? Also the second part of the O'reilly interview as well. Hmmm Somebody make sure they get posted here asap :p

Saw part of the interview, not sure if it's part one or part two, I've never watched foxnews much before, some people here seems to hate it and the idea that someone can like foxnews but so far I'm enjoying it far more than CNN.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GhaleonEB said:
Obama has said that if he loses, he won't run again.

Lots of new state polling today. Fivethirtyeight put together a nice table showing the change from the same pollster's last check on the state and a big analysis of the movement. Nothing too dramatic:

FL Rasmussen McCain +2 TIE Obama +2

Obama up in both Colorado and Florida is significant.

Edit: beat.

hell yeah. saw this today::


and ive successfully turned my mom and two sisters.. my dad wont budge though.


Who the hell is this inbred on H&C on Fixed News? Jesus christ...

Ugh, Dick Morris...

Edit: Lol are those books behind the guy on MSNBC fake? :lol


Hootie said:
Who the hell is this inbred on H&C on Fixed News? Jesus christ...

Ugh, Dick Morris...

Edit: Lol are those books behind the guy on MSNBC fake? :lol
You are watching Hannity instead of Maddow?
Cooter said:
Shit guys, why don't we just go out on a limb and say about 50% of America is evil.

I think you're giving America too much credit. American ignorance/stupidity probably far outweighs any other vice.


Hootie said:
Who the hell is this inbred on H&C on Fixed News? Jesus christ...

Ugh, Dick Morris...

Edit: Lol are those books behind the guy on MSNBC fake? :lol
yea, i found that kinda weird.

so the lower 48 states are going to seek refuge in Alaska?


OuterWorldVoice said:
Perhaps he meant partisans? She's obviously less inflammatory ad bullying and obnoxious than Hannity.
Both are partisan but Hannity spews out slanders on candidates and lies and is a angry man. Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar who went to Oxford and is very calm and intelligent. Waaaay different.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Perhaps he meant partisans? She's obviously less inflammatory ad bullying and obnoxious than Hannity.

Definitely, but like Olberman she's just a partisan talking head. I like the fact that she owns conservatives all the time but lets be real.

When Gibson gives Palin her underhand softball treatment this week you guys will be up in arms. Tonight Olberman gave Obama a softball "interview" and no one complains, at least not here.


PhoenixDark said:
Definitely, but like Olberman she's just a partisan talking head. I like the fact that she owns conservatives all the time but lets be real.

When Gibson gives Palin her underhand softball treatment this week you guys will be up in arms. Tonight Olberman gave Obama a softball "interview" and no one complains, at least not here.
Keith would never let Pat Buchanan on his show, he is on hers tonight and likely most nights.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
Definitely, but like Olberman she's just a partisan talking head. I like the fact that she owns conservatives all the time but lets be real.

When Gibson gives Palin her underhand softball treatment this week you guys will be up in arms. Tonight Olberman gave Obama a softball "interview" and no one complains, at least not here.

To be fair, nobody complained when Obama was on O'Reilly, either.
I mentioned it earlier, this Palin bio Hannity is lauding is 160 pages including the appendix and like, a dozen pages of color pictures. It ain't small font either.


PhoenixDark said:
Definitely, but like Olberman she's just a partisan talking head. I like the fact that she owns conservatives all the time but lets be real.

When Gibson gives Palin her underhand softball treatment this week you guys will be up in arms. Tonight Olberman gave Obama a softball "interview" and no one complains, at least not here.

You're comparing a guy who's been campaigning for 19 months and has given countless interviews to a governor shill who was put on the ticket less than 2 weeks ago and has to hide from the media because she might "make a mistake"??


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cooter said:
I think if Obama loses it will have to fall at his feet. Picking Hillary would have virtually sealed the deal.

The fuck if it would have. Republicans would have been fired up to vote against a Clinton. It would have been a mess.
reilo said:
To be fair, nobody complained when Obama was on O'Reilly, either.

Honestly I thought O'Reilly was kinda tame in that interview. He pressed him in the same manner he presses most guests (interrupting, being an ass, etc) but overall it was decent.


There aren't really any "hard-hitting" questions to ask Obama that haven't been asked a thousand times before. On the other hand, I can think of like 20 to ask McCain or Palin off the top of my head.
PhoenixDark said:
Honestly I thought O'Reilly was kinda tame in that interview. He pressed him in the same manner he presses most guests (interrupting, being an ass, etc) but overall it was decent.
I thought it was an interesting interview. GJ on both sides if u ask me


when is my burrito
Fatalah said:
Yes, I too found it odd that the head of the Harvard debate team had lackluster performances earlier this year during the Democratic primaries. I expected a lot more!

It's hard to have a real debate with somebody you agree with almost everything on. The Democratic primary really was a war of personality and old (wedge issues and cynicism) politics vs. new (vision for America/taking responsibility for our country instead of resigning to cynicism) politics.


PhoenixDark said:
Honestly I thought O'Reilly was kinda tame in that interview. He pressed him in the same manner he presses most guests (interrupting, being an ass, etc) but overall it was decent.

O'Reilly likes Obama, though. See what he wrote about him?

Bill O'Reilly said:
Like him or not, you have to give Barack Obama credit for waging a smart, focused campaign. Destroying the Clinton machine was a major achievement and so was putting together a successful convention in Denver. Obama is now firmly a part of U.S. history, no matter what happens in the presidential election.

The problem some Americans continue to have with the Senator is that he is long on charisma but short on detail. This frightens some voters. Who the heck is this guy, anyway? So when Obama finally agreed to speak to me this week, specifics were on my mind.

First, the man. The Barack Obama I witnessed is self-confident, determined and driven. He was acutely aware of his surroundings from the moment he entered the room. He looks you in the eye and touches your shoulder. He understands how to connect one-on-one.

As far as philosophy goes, Senator Obama is convinced that the federal government should be in control of income distribution and, to some extent, should regulate the free marketplace. That is a classic liberal position, and Obama promotes it well.
The Senator also believes that poor Americans have a basic right to free health care and monetary supplements from the government with no strings attached. The American substance abuser, for example, would derive the same benefit as a hard working, laid off worker would. Again, classic liberalism. No judgments made regarding entitlements.

So, if Barack Obama does become president, there will definitely be change. His left-wing base will demand it, and he will come through. You can decide if that's change we should believe in, but keep in mind that the unintended consequences of government interference in the marketplace are impossible to predict. Free markets have a way of chafing under government imposition.

On the foreign policy front, Obama has convinced me that he is tough but cautious. He rose up quickly because he vehemently opposed the Iraq war. But now I see a man who understands the victory that has taken place in Iraq. I don't believe he wants to screw that up. I could be wrong.

After going mano-a-mano with Obama on television, I am also persuaded that he is a sincere guy-that he wants the best for all Americans. He's an ideologue, but not a blind one. He understands that his story is incredible, and, I have come to believe, he is grateful to the American system for allowing it happen.

It is true that we don't know whether Senator Obama has the ability to solve complex problems, but you can say that about all presidential contenders.

Like most politicians, Obama has used guile and good luck to accumulate his power. He can be ruthless, kind, unfair, and generous. In short, he's a real person trying to achieve an unreal position-that of the most powerful person in the world.

God help him.


polyh3dron said:
So you want a watch a channel full of misinformation and flat out lies because you're not a liberal?

Also, Nathan Drake would disapprove

Nathan Drake is also not a liberal.

Oooh Chuck Norris is on next, so awesome.
MassiveAttack said:
I would be scared shitless having to debate Biden...

But...what if you had a vagina?

Seriously, just like the McCain camp was prepared with Hillary ads for after Obama's VP announcement, they will be ready to roll out the gender card no matter what happens at the debate.
Frank the Great said:
But...what if you had a vagina?

Seriously, just like the McCain camp was prepared with Hillary ads for after Obama's VP announcement, they will be ready to roll out the gender card no matter what happens at the debate.

A hockey vagina with God behind her.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
MassiveAttack said:
I would be scared shitless having to debate Biden...

He is the most knowledgable person on foreign relations in the United States. Anybody would be :lol


Watching Hannity lie his ass off as usual, and say the same things every day...

I gag every time he says "besmirch".

His radio show and TV show consist of stringing together EVERY unsubstantiated/debunked talking point about Obama/democrats, hoping that his ignorant viewers/listeners swallow it up.

It's amazing, yet this seems to be the overall Republican campaign strategy.
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