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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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GhaleonEB said:
I'm starting to think that, rather than GAF, the Obama team reads fivethirtyeight.

Sunday night, Nate lamented the quality of Obama ads, and then made two suggestions.

Yesterday, Obama comes out with the ad saying Palin and McCain are lying about their records, citing the bridge to nowhere as an example.

And now we have a similar ad, with an "ordinary person" talking about the impact of Bush/McCain policy on her life.


Edit: Make that two ads with normal folks talking about their lives.


Good observation!
In computer security, we have a notion of something that is called a "honeypot"-a computer program or system that is designed to attract attacks in order to eventually foil the attackers by exposing their avenues of attack and/or tracing the attacker back to the source.

Obama's forceful remarks about the Bridge to Nowhere lies sorta got me thinking that there's a bit of a honeypot strategy being employed by the Obama campaign right now. They are intentionally attacking and almost baiting the GOP with the tone of their remarks to talk about, in depth, some of the issues that are clear losers for the GOP. Sarah Palin and the Bridge to Nowhere is a clear loser and talking about Alaskan earmarks is a clear loser. But they are, and then the media gets wind of the debate and next thing you know you wake up (like today) with all the major networks, the NYT, AP, WSJ, and other minor news services calling Palin a liar and showing that alaska is a per-capita pork frenzy.

Today I think Biden's set up another trap for them. It's no secret that one of the killer wedge issues that Clarie McCaskill used in 2006 to win was that of stem cell research-she was for it, James (No) Talent (Ass Clown) was against it, she hammered him on it and wedged social conservatives with it. Today-in Missouri no less-Biden said this:

I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy, because there's joy to it as well, the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect. Well guess what folks? If you care about it, why don't you support stem cell research?

Striking remark that the GOP will make a huge bundle of hay out of, thus getting stem cell research as an issue in the front pages, which is not good for the GOP since they-including the new sellout McCain-are totally on the wrong side of it compared with most Americans.
Fragamemnon said:
Striking remark that the GOP will make a huge bundle of hay out of, thus getting stem cell research as an issue in the front pages, which is not good for the GOP since they-including the new sellout McCain-are totally on the wrong side of it compared with most Americans.

Wow. That's a bold move, man.


Fragamemnon said:
Striking remark that the GOP will make a huge bundle of hay out of, thus getting stem cell research as an issue in the front pages, which is not good for the GOP since they-including the new sellout McCain-are totally on the wrong side of it compared with most Americans.

Yeah, I don't think that's an issue the GOP is going to hit back on. Much like Palin's militant stance on abortion.

Good stuff by Biden though.


Small balls, big fun!

Nice post. I think that in general the Republicans (and the media, and Democrats) overestimate how much certain debates favor the GOP. I remember a lot of talk about how Terri Schiavo was going to be the new wedge issue that crushed the Dems in 2006.

Long term I see the Republican party using the same playbook for years after it's effective in winning national majorities and that makes me happy.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Old people LOVE stem cell research. It has a very visceral, almost genetic appeal to them. The younger the Fundie, the more opposed to it they are.


gkrykewy said:
Yeah, I don't think that's an issue the GOP is going to hit back on. Much like Palin's militant stance on abortion.

Good stuff by Biden though.
They're responding by making it sound like a personal attack on a mom, rather than touch the policy issue.

“Barack Obama’s running mate sunk to a new low today launching an offensive debate over who cares more about special needs children," McCain-Palin spokesman Ben Porritt said. "Playing politics with this issue is disturbing and indicative of a desperate campaign."
Per their standard response - it's not about the issues. It's about Palin as a shield.
With recent discoveries in stem cell research - like the Japanese creating stem cells out of wisdom teeth - I think the whole embryo issue is dying.


teruterubozu said:
With recent discoveries in stem cell research - like the Japanese creating stem cells out of wisdom teeth - I think the whole embryo issue is dying.
I was just about to say this. I can see what Biden's trying to do, but the argument can be easily put down. For all the things to hit the republicans for this is hardly even in the top ten.
teruterubozu said:
With recent discoveries in stem cell research - like the Japanese creating stem cells out of wisdom teeth - I think the whole embryo issue is dying.

It's sad because it just seems like so much scientific advancement is happening outside of the borders of the US these days. Take the LHC, for example or any stem cell research. While countries like China, Japan, Singapore, and various EU members poured government funds into this type of research, the US was basically handicapped from making progress.
GhaleonEB said:
They're responding by making it sound like a personal attack on a mom, rather than touch the policy issue.

Per their standard response - it's not about the issues. It's about Palin as a shield.
Better than the old stock response: "We don't agree with Joe Biden on many issues. However, there is one: Barack Obama is not fit to lead."


CharlieDigital said:
It's sad because it just seems like so much scientific advancement is happening outside of the borders of the US these days. Take the LHC, for example or any stem cell research. While countries like China, Japan, Singapore, and various EU members poured government funds into this type of research, the US was basically handicapped from making progress.

We have Iraq as a consolation prize.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Old people LOVE stem cell research. It has a very visceral, almost genetic appeal to them. The younger the Fundie, the more opposed to it they are.

Was at a wedding a few weeks ago and got to talking with the pastor about faith and stem-cells. He was apocalyptic that govt-funded stem cell research is banned in this country and even (rightly) mocked the Bush Administration's approach to stem cell research(Hey...you can research these 20 lines....ooops I mean 12...etc..). I haven't seen someone that adamant about stem cells in a long time. It was great to see...


GhaleonEB said:
They're responding by making it sound like a personal attack on a mom, rather than touch the policy issue.

Per their standard response - it's not about the issues. It's about Palin as a shield.

Sensational :lol :lol



WASHINGTON – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has charged her state a daily allowance, normally used for official travel, for more than 300 nights spent at her home,

State officials told The Post her claims — nearly $17,000 over 19 months — were permitted because her "duty station" is Juneau, the capital, and she was in Wasilla 600 miles away.

But it's not clear when children's travel expenses should be covered. State finance director Kim Garnero told the paper the government covers the travel costs of anyone conducting state business and, "I can't imagine kids could be doing that."

Palin took her daughter Bristol to New York in October for a conference on women and leadership, a tour of the New York Stock Exchange and various meetings, the analysis shows. Travel costs included three nights in a hotel room costing more than $700 a night.

Overall, Palin's travel spending pales in comparison with that of predecessor Frank Murkowski, who charged $463,000 for air fare in 2006. Palin charged $93,000 in 2007.

The hell? How do politicians get away with this? My company just fired two guys because they did this exact same thing over 5 nights.

Oh wait. Sorry it must be a private matter. A private sexist matter no doubt.
What could have been...


NYT said:
Singapore, notably conservative on most social issues — including a ban on most types of chewing gum — is emerging as a hotbed for stem cell research, thanks to liberal laws in that field and equally liberal government financing.

Lately the tiny island-state’s ambition of joining the ranks of Boston and the Bay Area as a biotech hub has been getting a hand from an unexpected quarter: the White House. Bush administration policies that restrict federal money for stem cell research have prompted an increasing number of top scientists to pack their bags and head for this equatorial city.

Two of America’s most prominent cancer researchers, Neal G. Copeland and Nancy A. Jenkins, are planning to arrive here next month to take posts at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. The husband-and-wife team, who worked for 20 years at the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, said politics and budget cuts had left financing in the United States too hard to come by.

“We wanted to be in a place where they are excited by science and things are moving upward,” said Dr. Copeland, who said he and his wife had already rented a condominium near Singapore’s shopping district and had joined the local American Club.

Scientists say President Bush’s veto last month of legislation to raise limits on federal financing for stem cell research was the latest in a series of setbacks, which they say are stifling the research environment and eroding the edge in basic medical science that the United States has held since World War II.

Using the same combination of tax holidays and incentives that made it a base for the world’s biggest electronics makers, Singapore has already managed to lure big drug companies. Factories pumping out pharmaceuticals for the likes of Merck, Pfizer and Schering-Plough now generate roughly 18 billion Singapore dollars ($11.4 billion) in annual revenue, and account for 5 percent of Singapore’s economy.



If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Question Guys: When was the last time a single party had control of the house, senate, AND president?

Was it FDR? I can't find anywhere it stating when it was but I remember from American history FDR's name being brought out and the new deal being passed with an all Demy sweep. Might be false.
vumpler said:
Question Guys: When was the last time a single party had control of the house, senate, AND president?

Was it FDR? I can't find anywhere it stating when it was but I remember from American history FDR's name being brought out and the new deal being passed with an all Demy sweep. Might be false.


George W. Bush.

Results speak for themselves.


Master of the Google Search
vumpler said:
Question Guys: When was the last time a single party had control of the house, senate, AND president?

Was it FDR? I can't find anywhere it stating when it was but I remember from American history FDR's name being brought out and the new deal being passed with an all Demy sweep. Might be false.
2003-2007 Republicans controlled everything: house, senate, Presidency and judicial


CharlieDigital said:

Lucky for us the Republicans have made a ban on all embryonic stem-cell research, public or private, a part of their platform. The sooner those scientists get out of here the better. I've been a major proponent of moving the war against terror to the war against science. Those guys are way too elitist for my liking.
grandjedi6 said:
2003-2007 Republicans controlled everything: house, senate, Presidency and judicial

7 of 9 justices appointed by Republican administrations. Yep Mccain is going to provide change. How the Republican control of the entire government for much of the Bush Presidency isn't the defining issue of this election is pretty amazing. Obama needs to hit this much harder. Bill Clinton was talking about this very exact issue in his speech at the convention but nobody seems to follow up on it. Mccain was part and parcel of the group and party that put us exactly where we are. Not just George Bush.
Stoney Mason said:
7 of 9 justices appointed by Republican administrations.

lol and then people want to complain about "activist judges" "legislating from the bench" :lol as arguments against voting for a Democratic candidate



If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
vumpler said:
Question Guys: When was the last time a single party had control of the house, senate, AND president?

Was it FDR? I can't find anywhere it stating when it was but I remember from American history FDR's name being brought out and the new deal being passed with an all Demy sweep. Might be false.
I'm having a hard time finding when the last time the Demy's had full control. I think it happened twice in history. Where are our poli history buffs?
CharlieDigital said:
Fuck man, we need like a thread announcement with links when they go on live.

::scurries over to CNN::

I did the same.... and was greeted with a Palin-McCain rerun in Pennsylvania. What a damn disappointment.

Is it normal for a candidate to repeat the same speech verbatim? I'm guessing it must be. All I hear is "lavish praise...[insert local small town]...San Francisco."

Palin is a great hype man for McCain.


Rugasuki said:
Lucky for us the Republicans have made a ban on all embryonic stem-cell research, public or private, a part of their platform. The sooner those scientists get out of here the better. I've been a major proponent of moving the war against terror to the war against science. Those guys are way too elitist for my liking.

Clinging to Embryonic Stem Cell research as if its the end all be all is pointless. Its already been proven we can get the same results using other means that offer the same promise.
Incognito said:
Was at a wedding a few weeks ago and got to talking with the pastor about faith and stem-cells. He was apocalyptic that govt-funded stem cell research is banned in this country and even (rightly) mocked the Bush Administration's approach to stem cell research(Hey...you can research these 20 lines....ooops I mean 12...etc..). I haven't seen someone that adamant about stem cells in a long time. It was great to see...

I think you meant apoplectic . . . it's the rapture-right that get apocalyptic.


Hitokage said:
Biden just incorporated "Bridge to Nowhere" in his rhetoric on CNN.

He better:

Palin today in Ohio said:
"You're gonna hear a lot about the abusive practice of earmarks in Congress from our good senator here. We championed in Alaska reform of the old earmark process. I told Congress, `Thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge To Nowhere up in Alaska. If our state wanted a bridge, we were gonna build it ourselves."



Ugh. She sucks at speaking. She should have a mini-teleprompter displayed via some sort of LCD trickery on the inside of her lenses. And pushing the earmark thing? Really??


bob_arctor said:
He better:



Ugh. She sucks at speaking. She should have a mini-teleprompter displayed via some sort of LCD trickery on the inside of her lenses. And pushing the earmark thing? Really??

God, I hope she keeps doing that. Palin criticizing anybody for earmarks is the epitomy of hypocrisy. And she's now trying to use her blatant flip-flop and duplicity on it to champion her pseudo-reform label. It's great.
laserbeam said:
Clinging to Embryonic Stem Cell research as if its the end all be all is pointless. Its already been proven we can get the same results using other means that offer the same promise.
It's just too bad they seem to have a problem with all stem cell research, and not just embryonic.


laserbeam said:
Clinging to Embryonic Stem Cell research as if its the end all be all is pointless. Its already been proven we can get the same results using other means that offer the same promise.

By "proven", you actually mean "someone's bruited a workaround and the preliminary test results are moderately positive" right?

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) says that if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) becomes the first female vice president it will be a "backward step for women."

Asked by a local television reporter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin if electing Palin would be a step forward for women, Biden said, "well look, I think the issue is what does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe?"

"I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think," Biden added. "And that's obviously a backward step for women."

and the response?

UPDATE: Republican National Committee spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson has a response:

"The only person taking a step backward is Joe Biden, whose appalling and arrogant statements are better suited for the back rooms of his old boys club. Sarah Palin’s nomination as the Republican vice presidential nominee is an historic opportunity to break the highest glass ceiling. While John McCain and Sarah Palin continue to press their message of change, Joe Biden should stop these sorts of old-style attacks."

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