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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Fatalah said:
Does anyone think the announcement of poll results effects future votes?
This is always an interesting discussion. Some think that if a party is winning then some voters won't show up as they think it is guaranteed. Some say that voters may switch their vote to a winning team or switch to an underdog.

I think it does effect the vote but overall not necessarily in one direction or the other.


Slurpy said:
Meghan McCain: 'Noone knows what war is like other than my family. Period. '


Yeah. What a fucked up comment.

I really think this is a silly thing to get annoyed at. I thought judging by the generosity showed by her comment ("obviously I am biased, we share the same DNA"), this was just a simple slip of words. She probably meant to say like "we know war as well as anyone", or something with a similar meaning.


MassiveAttack said:
"My father is obviously a famous war hero."

Thanks again, Meghan.

Remember in 2004 when the Repubs spat upon the war hero candidate and called him a lying piece of crap? Ahh, those were the days...
Amir0x said:
I really think this is a silly thing to get annoyed at. I thought judging by the generosity showed by her comment ("obviously I am biased, we share the same DNA"), this was just a simple slip of words. She probably meant to say like "we know war as well as anyone", or something with a similar meaning.
How old is Meghan?

Justin Bailey

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The Crimson Blur said:
VA is the critical swing state of this election, make no mistake about it. I am very worried that new VA numbers will be like NC ones.
Who says? If Obama wins all the Kerry states plus New Mexico (9 point lead), Colorado (3 point lead), and Iowa (15 point lead) he wins the election. I would call Colorado the most important swing state at this point.

Source: electoral-vote.com
Amir0x said:
I really think this is a silly thing to get annoyed at. I thought judging by the generosity showed by her comment ("obviously I am biased, we share the same DNA"), this was just a simple slip of words. She probably meant to say like "we know war as well as anyone", or something with a similar meaning.

I agree.

also Amir0x it's time to right a wrong for the Greater Good, ala an Obama victory in November

bring back Triumph
minus_273 said:
err her brothers, dad, grand dad and great granddad. clearly they don't understand military families.


That's really great. Except, you know, not everyone comes back from war and marries into wealth.


IVAW said:
A formation of 60 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans marched in uniform to Xcel Energy Center on Monday to deliver a briefing on veterans’ issues to Senator McCain on the opening day of the Republican National Convention.

IVAW member Wes Davey led the march and attempted to deliver the briefing to Senator McCain’s staff. Despite numerous mailed, faxed, and in-person invitations to meet, McCain’s office refused to send anyone to receive the briefing. When Davey, a retired Army First Sergeant and former St. Paul police officer, attempted to deliver the briefing, he was escorted off the premises.

Davey is a father of five and grandfather of seven. He served 28 years in the Army, including a tour in Iraq in 2003. His oldest child has served two tours in Iraq. "After being an NCO for all those years, I care deeply about all those still serving in Iraq," said Davey about his reasons for organizing this march.

Senator McCain has consistently voted against veterans interests. In a recent report, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave Senator McCain a “D” rating to Senator Obama’s “B+.” Disabled American Veterans reports that Senator McCain only voted for legislation that benefited veterans 20% of the time while Senator Obama supported veterans’ needs 80% of the time.

He sure knows about war. He also knows how to shit on veterans, too!

Chalk up another loss for minus.


September 8, 2008

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Congressman Ron Paul will hold a press conference in the Ball Room at the National Press Club on Wednesday, September 10th at 10:00 am. Dr. Paul will announce his intentions for the fall presidential election and will be accompanied by several special guests.

This event comes on the heels of Dr. Paul’s historic three-day Rally for the Republic in Minneapolis, Minnesota that drew over 12,000 supporters.



The Crimson Blur said:
The North Carolina poll is scary not because of North Carolina but because of Virginia. VA and NC are very similar. Both have spectacular education systems, are diverse, have good economies, etc. Northern VA is basically NC's research triangle. NC has always been slightly more to the right than VA, but they are pretty close otherwise.

VA is the critical swing state of this election, make no mistake about it. I am very worried that new VA numbers will be like NC ones.
And as a counter point to the NC poll, Rasmussen has McCain up two points in Virginia over the same period (improved from a one point margin last month).


CharlieDigital said:
That's really great. Except, you know, not everyone comes back from war and marries into wealth.


He sure knows about war. He also knows how to shit on veterans, too!

Chalk up another loss for minus.

hey maybe you should check your sources

"While the IAVA is not tied to any political party or candidate, Rieckhoff has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. A 1998 graduate of Amherst College, he now lives in New York City."

Im sure there is are GOP groups that would give obama low scores.
speculawyer said:
WTF? The O team should print up some fact sheets with all her support for the bridge to no where and the fact that she kept the money after the project was canceled and then hand them out at every McCain/Palin event.

It is beyond just being fiscally responsible . . . do people really want to vote for people that outright lie like that?

CNN just did some shoddy reporting almost totally absovling Palin of any responsibility on the Bridge to Nowhere issue. Then afterwards, they brought up that Obama and Biden voted against using the BtN funds for hurricane Katrina victims. You disappoint me CNN.

Also, the new GOP tactic seems to be, instead of us against them, when it comes to fiscal responsibility, etc., they will take a "we're all to blame" stances to try and neutralize the issue. Even though Bush has been in charge for 8 years and the democrats only holding a slim majority in congress for two of those years, if the GOP can push that argument and if BO and the media doesn't call them on it, they'll blur the lines and dupe the electorate once again. The spin and flat out lies that the GOP gets away with while the media sits meekly by is staggering.

The media seems more interested in sensationalizing the political drama than bringing the voters the true facts. Disgusting!


ronito said:
WTF WTF WTF? He spent all this time saying he wouldn't.

To be fair, it doesn't say he's going to announce he's running, just to announce his "intentions" whatever that means. Guess we'll see! Paul/Ventura would be absolutely hilarious though.
Tamanon said:
To be fair, it doesn't say he's going to announce he's running, just to announce his "intentions" whatever that means. Guess we'll see! Paul/Ventura would be absolutely hilarious though.

Yeah I think it's this. I misread your original post as he was deciding to run.

Paul, a Republican who abandoned his White House bid earlier this year, is gathering some of the candidates, independent Ralph Nader among them, on Wednesday to make his plea.

"The strongest message can be sent by rejecting the two party system," Paul said in prepared remarks obtained by AP. "This can be accomplished by voting for one of the non-establishment, principled candidates."

He recommended Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, former Georgia Republican Rep. Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party and former Georgia Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party. He invited them to his news conference Wednesday.



testicles on a cold fall morning
TheKingsCrown said:
:lol :lol :lol You know your VP candidate is in trouble when you have to form a "truth squad" in her defense.
Obama has a 'fight the smears' section on the site, so i would say no.


minus_273 said:
hey maybe you should check your sources

"While the IAVA is not tied to any political party or candidate, Rieckhoff has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. A 1998 graduate of Amherst College, he now lives in New York City."

Im sure there is are GOP groups that would give obama low scores.

A college graduate who lives in NYC, he sounds librul!

But generally, yeah, you should always be suspicious of any interest group's position unless you know about their membership, purpose, etc.


minus_273 said:
hey maybe you should check your sources

"While the IAVA is not tied to any political party or candidate, Rieckhoff has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. A 1998 graduate of Amherst College, he now lives in New York City."

Im sure there is are GOP groups that would give obama low scores.

minus_273 said:
hey maybe you should check your sources

"While the IAVA is not tied to any political party or candidate, Rieckhoff has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. A 1998 graduate of Amherst College, he now lives in New York City."

Im sure there is are GOP groups that would give obama low scores.

Regardless of political affiliation, you're talking about veterans from war. Because they are Democrats, they are deemed less worthy as soldiers in your eyes? Get the fuck out of here with your nonsense. Because their leader or chair is critical of the Iraq war and Bush, their opinion on McCain doesn't matter? GTFO with that stupid shit. God damn, now i know why I've been avoiding your posts because you're just so god damn stupid.

Go find some veteran groups critical of Obama and get back to me!


scorcho said:
Obama has a 'fight the smears' section on the site, so i would say no.

He never implied Obama wasn't in trouble (or wouldn't be, if he didn't actively fight the crazies who spread rumors about him)



American males look at those legs and just get all fuzzy inside. They figure "As right as Obama is about things... damn girl! DAMN!"


MassiveAttack said:
Yes, this wasn't beaten into our collective heads enough during the RNC. Besides, is McCain really a famous war hero?

I think one of the problems in our culture is that we actually tend to see survivors as heroes.
minus_273 said:

Veterans you dimwit. Veterans. Holy shit you're stupid. Get. The. Fuck. Out.

I want to see how they feel after they come back to the US and are denied first class care. When they're homeless. When they end up in second class facilities. When they lack the services they need for mental health.

Fuck you're dumb.

IVAW said:
Senator McCain has consistently voted against veterans interests. In a recent report, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave Senator McCain a “D” rating to Senator Obama’s “B+.” Disabled American Veterans reports that Senator McCain only voted for legislation that benefited veterans 20% of the time while Senator Obama supported veterans’ needs 80% of the time.

Please, step away from the computer and stop posting.


kaching said:
:lol @ Palin Truth Squad.

But scary to think what it becomes if they win :(

I think some other group should create the Palin Fact Squad.

I can't believe the way this election is going. Fuck you John McCain. Fuck you up your wrinkly stupid lying cheating ass.
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