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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Jenga said:
Wait, what? People are still giving Palin flack about that? You mean, the whole bridge-to-nowhere, troopergate, bookburning, librarian firing, earmark bullshit and etc is being ignored? gee, I sure hope this "truth squad" gets the bullshit thrown out so we can roast Palin over shit that actually matters.


care to back up the librarian firing or incidents of book burning?


Rur0ni said:
Come on. They love Palin apparently.

Wow, here I thought the days of hating Rove were over. But no, he had to jump on the McCain campaign and be so goddamn good at what he does.


schuelma said:
Wasn't he previously discouraging them from forming? Wasn't that part of his rationale for not taking public financing- that he had to fight the evil 527's that the GOP was sure to bring out and since he was discouraging 527's from forming he needed that advantage?

Yup, and that's the extent of what he can do. Discourage. I'm not sure what else you think he can do? He didn't write the legislation, McCain did!


lawblob said:
Remember in 2004 when the Repubs spat upon the war hero candidate and called him a lying piece of crap? Ahh, those were the days...

Actually, Kerry did it to himself after returning back from Vietnam. Republicans were only too happy to bring up his own past words and actions.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Tamanon said:
Yup, and that's the extent of what he can do. Discourage. I'm not sure what else you think he can do? He didn't write the legislation, McCain did!

Except now according to Marc Ambinder his campaign is no longer discouraging them and is actually hoping they will emerge.


Jenga said:
not really :3

also, when was the book burning/librarian firing incidents identified as "smears"? first time I've heard it was all a lie.

and now you see why the group to fight the smears was made. I rest my case.


schuelma said:
Except now according to Marc Ambinder his campaign is no longer discouraging them and is actually hoping they will emerge.

Oh, has he made an announcement saying that he no longer discourages them and hopes they emerge?
Ok, I just finished watching the Dailey Show for September 5th, these guys should be making commercials for Obama, holy shit their footage was amazing, especially the Mcain maverick one.
one hopium-infused interpretation of the NC poll is that it could potentially be an explanation for McCain's bump in the national polls. If he's getting a national bump simply because more red state voters are "energized" it doesn't really change much when it comes to the swing states, so there's not much to worry about.


soul creator said:
one hopium-infused interpretation of the NC poll is that it could potentially be an explanation for McCain's bump in the national polls. If he's getting a national bump simply because more red state voters are "energized" it doesn't really change much when it comes to the swing states, so there's not much to worry about.

actually no,
"John McCain’s 6 percentage-point bounce in voter support spanning the Republican National Convention is largely explained by political independents shifting to him in fairly big numbers, from 40% pre-convention to 52% post-convention in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.

By contrast, Democrats’ support for McCain rose 5 percentage points over the GOP convention period, from 9% to 14%, while Republicans’ already-high support stayed about the same.


Jenga said:
Well gee whillickers, first time I've seen people try to debunk the book burning rumors.

Well, that's because it's false. One, not a single book was ever banned, 2, she never ever mentioned a specific list of books she WOULD want banned, and 3, there was never any discussion of burning any books in the first place.


from factcheck..

"The list includes the first four Harry Potter books, none of which had been published at the time of the Palin-Emmons conversations. The first wasn't published until 1998. In fact, the list is a simple cut-and-paste job, snatched (complete with typos and the occasional incorrect title) from the Florida Institute of Technology library Web page, which presents the list as “Books banned at one time or another in the United States.”"


minus_273 said:
from factcheck..

"The list includes the first four Harry Potter books, none of which had been published at the time of the Palin-Emmons conversations. The first wasn't published until 1998. In fact, the list is a simple cut-and-paste job, snatched (complete with typos and the occasional incorrect title) from the Florida Institute of Technology library Web page, which presents the list as “Books banned at one time or another in the United States.”"

Yep, the snopes link mentions the same thing.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sounds like Obama might be ahead in the NBC poll coming out soon..

Outside of those shock polls in North Carolina and Montana, things are kind of a wash. The pair of Strategic Vision polls in Wisconsin and Michigan, Obama ought to be feeling all right about, as Strategic Vision has a fairly notable Republican lean (Obama was ahead by 5 in Strategic Vision's most recent survey of Wisconsin; this is the first time they've polled Michigan). It appears that there's been some movement toward McCain in New Jersey, but FDU switched from a registered voter model to a likely voter one, rendering trendline comparisons dodgy; in any event, the Democrats have bigger problems to worry about.

Lastly, there's a PPP poll out in Florida that does not show the race tightening, as Rasmussen and Mason-Dixon did; instead, McCain has moved from a 3 to a 5-point lead. I continue to think that, as some of the red states come off the map, Florida is a state where Obama should be moving resources in.

Our trendline, although confused by some of the weird polling out today, has now almost caught up to the national averages and shows the popular vote dead-even. Obama, however, retains a lead in the electoral college projection, as the Kerry + NM + IA + CO combination remains intact, however tenuously. Obama would not be favored in any of Ohio, Virginia and Florida if an election were held there today, but they remain perfectly viable alternatives if and when he gets some arm's-length distance from McCain's bounce.

Expect Obama to start really trying for Florida.
Gaborn said:
Well, that's because it's false. One, not a single book was ever banned, 2, she never ever mentioned a specific list of books she WOULD want banned, and 3, there was never any discussion of burning any books in the first place.

Almost everyone here knows this.


Gaborn said:
Well, that's because it's false.
that's the thing, I heard about the book-burning thing on here, and this is the first time I've seen it countered here. It may very well be someone countered somewhere in the thread, but I don't browse PoliGAF all day.

Thunder Monkey said:

Almost everyone here knows this.
Pfft. I guess this is what happens when I don't pay attention to the news for a week.
Gaborn said:
Well, that's because it's false. One, not a single book was ever banned, 2, she never ever mentioned a specific list of books she WOULD want banned, and 3, there was never any discussion of burning any books in the first place.
How much play has book banning gotten in the media?


Steve Youngblood said:
How much play has book banning gotten in the media?

I think it's gotten a decent amount, it's probably one of the worst rumors in peoples perceptions so people have been repeating it a little more than some of the other rumors.



It’s true that Palin did raise the issue with Mary Ellen Emmons, Wasilla’s librarian, on at least two occasions, three in some versions. Emmons flatly stated her opposition each time. But, as the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman (Wasilla’s local paper) reported at the time, Palin asked general questions about what Emmons would say if Palin requested that a book be banned. According to Emmons, Palin "was asking me how I would deal with her saying a book can't be in the library." Emmons reported that Palin pressed the issue, asking whether Emmons' position would change if residents were picketing the library. Wasilla resident Anne Kilkenny, who was at the meeting, corroborates Emmons' story, telling the Chicago Tribune that "Sarah said to Mary Ellen, 'What would your response be if I asked you to remove some books from the collection?' "

Palin characterized the exchange differently, initially volunteering the episode as an example of discussions with city employees about following her administration's agenda. Palin described her questions to Emmons as “rhetorical,” noting that her questions "were asked in the context of professionalism regarding the library policy that is in place in our city." Actually, true rhetorical questions have implied answers (e.g., “Who do you think you are?”), so Palin probably meant to describe her questions as hypothetical or theoretical. We can't read minds, so it is impossible for us to know whether or not Palin may actually have wanted to ban books from the library or whether she simply wanted to know how her new employees would respond to an instruction from their boss. It is worth noting that, in an update, the Frontiersman points out that no book was ever banned from the library’s shelves.

Palin initially requested Emmons’ resignation, along with those of Wasilla’s other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons, along with the police chief. According to the Chicago Tribune, Palin did not list censorship as a reason for Emmons’ firing, but said she didn’t feel she had Emmons’ support. The decision caused “a stir” in the small town, according to a newspaper account at the time. According to a widely circulated e-mail from Kilkenny, “city residents rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin’s attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter.”

The devil is always in the details...
minus_273 said:

care to back up the librarian firing or incidents of book burning?
Uh, how about the very article you linked to?

Palin initially requested Emmons’ resignation, along with those of Wasilla’s other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions. But in January 1997, Palin fired Emmons, along with the police chief. According to the Chicago Tribune, Palin did not list censorship as a reason for Emmons’ firing, but said she didn’t feel she had Emmons’ support. The decision caused “a stir” in the small town, according to a newspaper account at the time. According to a widely circulated e-mail from Kilkenny, “city residents rallied to the defense of the City Librarian and against Palin’s attempt at out-and-out censorship, so Palin backed down and withdrew her termination letter.”

Email campaigns always add dumb, false details but the original story as it's been discussed on this board since she became a national figure two weeks ago is 100% correct.


TheKingsCrown said:
24 years old and she doesn't understand the difference between what she said and what she meant?

I'm sure she does know the difference. That's why it was almost assuredly a simple slip up. She's probably not trained to do interviews in any official capacity, so this genuineness might come through in the form of some nervousness and thus mistakes.


Setec Astronomer
Gaborn said:
I think it's gotten a decent amount, it's probably one of the worst rumors in peoples perceptions so people have been repeating it a little more than some of the other rumors.
That Palin floated the idea of banning books is NOT an internet rumor, but a legitimately reported story. I somehow doubt factcheck.org has a better source.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Tamanon said:
So no then, alright, just making sure!

:lol :lol

Come on, all of a sudden Ambrinder isn't credible? All of a sudden nothing is proven unless the candidate himself says so? You think Obama would announce that he's flip flopping on 527's?


Hitokage said:
That Palin floated the idea of banning books is NOT an internet rumor, but a legitimately reported story. I somehow doubt factcheck.org has a better source.

True, she discussed the issue, but she never mentioned which books for example and it never went beyond a discussion of what the procedure would be in such an event. People discuss hypotheticals all the time, hell, the US has a military plan in case they need to invade Canada, it doesn't mean the Mounties should be worried.


tfur said:

We can't read minds, so it is impossible for us to know whether or not Palin may actually have wanted to ban books from the library or whether she simply wanted to know how her new employees would respond to an instruction from their boss.

So she may, in fact, just be an asshole with power.

Palin initially requested Emmons’ resignation, along with those of Wasilla’s other department heads, in October 1996. Palin described the requests as a loyalty test and allowed all of them (except one, whose department she was eliminating) to retain their positions.

Ah, yes, asshole with power. Haven't had enough of those the last 8 years or so.
minus_273 said:
actually no,
"John McCain’s 6 percentage-point bounce in voter support spanning the Republican National Convention is largely explained by political independents shifting to him in fairly big numbers, from 40% pre-convention to 52% post-convention in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.

By contrast, Democrats’ support for McCain rose 5 percentage points over the GOP convention period, from 9% to 14%, while Republicans’ already-high support stayed about the same.

"independent" doesn't automatically mean centrist or moderate. They could still just be former republicans


schuelma said:
:lol :lol

Come on, all of a sudden Ambrinder isn't credible? All of a sudden nothing is proven unless the candidate himself says so? You think Obama would announce that he's flip flopping on 527's?

I never said that at all, you're jumping to a lot of conclusions here. I'm just saying that Obama is not advocating for 527s or encouraging them in public.


Setec Astronomer
Gaborn said:
True, she discussed the issue, but she never mentioned which books for example and it never went beyond a discussion of what the procedure would be in such an event. People discuss hypotheticals all the time, hell, the US has a military plan in case they need to invade Canada, it doesn't mean the Mounties should be worried.
Oh for fucks sake.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Tamanon said:
I never said that at all, you're jumping to a lot of conclusions here. I'm just saying that Obama is not advocating for 527s or encouraging them in public.

Ok fine, he hasn't said so in public. Just like McCain hasn't said so in public
Gaborn said:
True, she discussed the issue, but she never mentioned which books for example and it never went beyond a discussion of what the procedure would be in such an event. People discuss hypotheticals all the time, hell, the US has a military plan in case they need to invade Canada, it doesn't mean the Mounties should be worried.

But there is never a good reason to ban books. So why even discuss it?


bob_arctor said:
So she may, in fact, just be an asshole with power.

Ah, yes, asshole with power. Haven't had enough of those the last 8 years or so.
So what I understand is, that Palin actually never attempted to ban books, but used that hypothetical excuse as a loyalty check to make sure the Librarian is with her? Wouldn't that count the book burning thing as a half-truth?


Hitokage said:
Oh for fucks sake.

What? I'm being accurate and precise, discussing a hypothetical is not the same as suggesting that you want to do something.

Prince Dalton - I don't know, I'm not her.


Too lazy to find the MSBC thread so I'll post it here.

The first episode of The Rachel Maddow Show got 1.5 million viewers, the highest viewership MSNBC has ever got in the 9 PM time spot in regular programing. It easily beat Larry King.
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