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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Gaborn said:
I think it's gotten a decent amount, it's probably one of the worst rumors in peoples perceptions so people have been repeating it a little more than some of the other rumors.
It's gotten severely less play time then any number of lies knocking Obama.

She's a political newbie. She's going to get skewered when anything comes up about her past.

I had a problem with the skewering with Barack because it rarely dealt with policy and nearly always dealt with race, xenophobia, and religious intolerance.

The scoops about Palin (aside from the few bringing up Brigs) have been centered around policy. Open game when that policy may dictate the lives of all Americans.


Gaborn said:
Do you have anything to add beyond an insult? (for the record I don't think linking to snopes is particularly shameful, but maybe that's just me)
You dismissed the entire controversy by debunking the purely fantastical elements of it; you did the same thing with the creationism story. She holds two positions - book banning/censoring and creationism - you disagree with, yet you continue to muddy the debate in an attempt to defend her.

ie No Shame.


Cheebs said:
Too lazy to find the MSBC thread so I'll post it here.

The first episode of The Rachel Maddow Show got 1.5 million viewers, the highest viewership MSNBC has ever got in the 9 PM time spot in regular programing.

That's actually a bit shocking since it was going against the first MNF of the year too. That's why I missed it at least.

Stoney: I long ago learned that Gaborn doesn't actually care about the person or philosophy he's defending as long as it's someone poised against Obama:p That's the only way I can even begin to grasp his gay marriage stance.


Cheebs said:
Too lazy to find the MSBC thread so I'll post it here.

The first episode of The Rachel Maddow Show got 1.5 million viewers, the highest viewership MSNBC has ever got in the 9 PM time spot in regular programing.
I caught it last night. What'd you guys think of it? I thought it was alright, maddow was actually a decent host.
Cheebs said:
Too lazy to find the MSBC thread so I'll post it here.

The first episode of The Rachel Maddow Show got 1.5 million viewers, the highest viewership MSNBC has ever got in the 9 PM time spot in regular programing. It easily beat Larry King.
Rachel = <3

I love how she brought people on her show that would challenge her viewpoint on a subject. Pat Buchanan did well as did Bishop T.D. Jakes. It's a nice change from Olbermann bringing guests on who simply agree with everything he says.
I just got back from the Biden rally in St. Louis, Missouri...





Bloody their nose, Biden!


and I also got to see the internet-famous guys from Union, Missouri...



Tamanon said:
That's actually a bit shocking since it was going against the first MNF of the year too. That's why I missed it at least.
She did VERY well. She beat every single prime time CNN show (obviously not fox) joining Keith as the only non-Fox show to ever do that.


Jenga said:
So what I understand is, that Palin actually never attempted to ban books, but used that hypothetical excuse as a loyalty check to make sure the Librarian is with her? Wouldn't that count the book burning thing as a half-truth?

heh I'm sticking to my asshole with power interpretation. I'm sure she went around asking people in various lines of work touchy questions that would hit a very particular nerve. Like when she went to the local fire department and asked the marshal:

"How would you feel if I banned fires?"


Stoney Mason said:
What's weirder is that a "libertarian" is making such a spirited defense of that mindset.

I've never defended banning books, what I've said is the story is being overstated because people want to make it sound like something it isn't.

Thekad - I'm sure you disagree with Snopes but hey, find your own site that leans to your perspective and don't complain about it to me.

Thunder Monkey - You're right, some lies about Obama have gotten more coverage, at least partially because he's been in the race a lot longer.
Hitokage said:
Oh for fucks sake.

I was gonna go down the hypothetical of my thoughts on hitting the old pron stack vs hitting Kim Kardashian tonight both are what ifs but only one is within a light-year relevant to reality.


Setec Astronomer
Stoney Mason said:
What's weirder is that a "libertarian" is making such a spirited defense of that mindset.
Gaborn sounds more like a closeted movement conservative than a libertarian. He gets upset when you mention market regulation, but he has no problem with playing with censorship.


Hitokage said:
Gaborn sounds more like a closeted movement conservative than a libertarian. He gets upset when you mention market regulation, but he has no problem with playing with censorship.

That's a fucking lie. I've never supported government censorship at any point in my life. I even said when I first heard about the possibility of Palin supporting banning books she should withdrawl her name from the vice presidential nomination. (of course, it turned out she didn't actually do that so I merely dislike her rather than hate her)
Gaborn said:
I've never defended banning books, what I've said is the story is being overstated because people want to make it sound like something it isn't.
So what is the story then in your eyes? Because the true narrative doesn't sound any better than the distortion. She fired a librarian because she refused to remove books from the library (Just a "Hypothetical", of course.).
Gaborn said:
I've never defended banning books, what I've said is the story is being overstated because people want to make it sound like something it isn't.

Thekad - I'm sure you disagree with Snopes but hey, find your own site that leans to your perspective and don't complain about it to me.

Thunder Monkey - You're right, some lies about Obama have gotten more coverage, at least partially because he's been in the race a lot longer.
That's not my problem with the coverage of Barack.

My problem is the level of discourse used, not the amount. It's bad to be a black guy going to a black church with a black preacher. It's bad to have lived abroad. It's bad to be of the Muslim faith, with Muslim ancestry.

Again aside from some quibbles I have with the internet covering Brigs, the internet has been a hell of a lot nicer to Palin then Obama ever received. And MSM coverage has been infinitely kinder to her.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
typhonsentra said:
She fired a librarian because she refused to remove books from the library (Just a "Hypothetical", of course.).

I've seen this a lot and I haven't seen a solid link for this assertion. You got one? TIA


Gaborn said:
That's a fucking lie. I've never supported government censorship at any point in my life. I even said when I first heard about the possibility of Palin supporting banning books she should withdraw her name from the vice presidential nomination.

So by peeling away the fantastical elements of the story, you've eliminated that possibility or are you still on that train?


Fragamemnon said:
A convention bounce? Christ you people are jittery.

How many times must they be reminded? Barring some freakish revelation about Obama or a major screw-up on the campaign trail, this is the PEAK of McCain's polling.


typhonsentra said:
So what is the story then in your eyes? Because the true narrative doesn't sound any better than the distortion. She fired a librarian because she refused to remove books from the library (Just a "Hypothetical", of course.).

I think that she probably wanted to explore the librarian's views on censorship. That is, whether she WOULD bend to a mayor that wanted to censor the library, whether she had done so in the past. Also, it's worth noting that the Librarian was fired one day, and rehired the next. There is no direct indication that Palin was involved in that, although the Librarian in question claims she was told Palin felt she did not support her.|

Bob - I have no problem with a government official wasting time discussing hypotheticals. if she actually suggested any particular book be removed she should never be VP.
Jesus, none of you followed 2004, huh? Believe it or not things have been much better this go around for us hopium junkies. Fuck, wait till the debates are done before crying your nights away.


*drowns in jizz*
Hootie said:
What the fuck is this shit?



Fuck this country. I thought maybe we'd progressed. Nope. We're still stupid as shit. Seems nothing will ever change. The path to victory is to be a lying, hypocritical scumbag.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

You guys need to relax. We still have almost 2 months. No need to start melting down yet.


Cooter said:
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

You guys need to relax. We still have almost 2 months. No need to start melting down yet.

I think the "intelligence" responses are more about whether or not people believe blatant lies about the records of Palin/McCain:p


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Cooter said:
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

You guys need to relax. We still have almost 2 months. No need to start melting down yet.

It's been the dem refrain for most of the last 30 years or so.

And yes, people need to relax. As I say every day, wait for the debates, one way or the other.


Hootie said:
What the fuck is this shit?


It's what's known as a "convention bump." It happens every election cycle.

...but don't let that interrupt the usual "oh my god we're doomed, Obama isn't doing x, America is so stupid, well this is what americans deserve, etc" meltdown.


Gaborn said:
I think that she probably wanted to explore the librarian's views on censorship. That is, whether she WOULD bend to a mayor that wanted to censor the library, whether she had done so in the past. Also, it's worth noting that the Librarian was fired one day, and rehired the next. There is no direct indication that Palin was involved in that, although the Librarian in question claims she was told Palin felt she did not support her.|

Regardless of whether Palin attempted to ban the books, why in god's name would she even be involved in these bizarre mind-games with the fucking town librarian to begin with? Isn't the very prospect of censorship of this type completely antithetical to everything libertarians stand for?
Cooter said:
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

You guys need to relax. We still have almost 2 months. No need to start melting down yet.
This is the Democratic Party's way.

Even when he wins we'll still be freaking out.


Was just reading around and thought this was interesting. (Old)

Since Lloyd Free and Hadley Cantril's 1964 book The Political Beliefs of Americans, political scientists have known that as a group Americans are "symbolic conservatives" but "operational liberals." In other words, if you ask them whether they'd define themselves as conservative or liberal, most choose conservative; but if you ask them about what they want government to do about specific issues and problems, most choose the liberal solution, i.e. that government should do more and spend more.

As a consequence, a substantial portion of the population -- nearly a quarter, according to the General Social Survey -- are what political scientist James Stimson calls "conflicted conservatives," those who pick "conservative" when asked their ideological identification, but nonetheless support liberal policies. As Stimson wrote:
The conflicted conservatives are the interesting group. Large enough to swing all elections one way or the other, their votes are potentially available to both parties. They want liberal policies and respond to specific Democratic appeals to do more and spend more on various domestic priorities. They think of themselves as conservatives and respond to Republican identification with conservatism. Which is the stronger appeal, liberal policies or conservative symbols, is a close call and so varies with the times. Where demand for liberal policies is at a low ebb as in 1980, symbols prevail and Republicans win. When that demand is strong, think 1960 or 1992, then the policies carry the day and Democrats win.

Source (Outdated, since Palin)

Palin may have turned this into a symbols election, over policies. (PTA, War-Hero, Drama)


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Hootie said:
What the fuck is this shit?



I remember in 2004 Slate ran something similar to what 538 does now, and Kerry never lead in the EV, except maybe one day in 3 months of projections, and he ended up losing. Wake me up when Obama is behind.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Jesus, none of you followed 2004, huh? Believe it or not things have been much better this go around for us hopium junkies. Fuck, wait till the debates are done before crying your nights away.

I agree, although some of these polls have made me take a double look.


Tamanon said:
I think the "intelligence" responses are more about whether or not people believe blatant lies about the records of Palin/McCain:p

As opposed to admins blatantly fucking lying about my record opposing government censorship (hell, I created the thread about the FCC complaint department and the thread about the guy publishing all of california's laws in addition to my total rejection of Palin if she actually banned or supported banning books)
Cooter said:
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

You guys need to relax. We still have almost 2 months. No need to start melting down yet.

Seriously. They call it a CAMPAIGN because it involves ACTIVE CAMPAIGNING.

HylianTom said:
How many times must they be reminded? Barring some freakish revelation about Obama or a major screw-up on the campaign trail, this is the PEAK of McCain's polling.

While this is probably true, it never ceases to upset me how this race is even within a fucking mile of being close.

Bump or no bump I still fear for my country.



Why Rednecks may rule the world


* Belief that no law is above God's law, not even the US Constitution.

* Hyper patriotism. A fighting defence of native land, home and heart, even when it is not actually threatened: ie, Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Somalia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Haiti and dozens more with righteous operations titles such as Enduring Freedom, Restore Hope, and Just Cause.

* A love of guns and tremendous respect for the warrior ideal. Along with this comes a strong sense of fealty and loyalty. Fealty to wartime leaders, whether it be FDR or George Bush.

* Self effacement, humility. We are usually the butt of our own jokes, in an effort not to appear aloof among one another.

* Belief that most things outside our own community and nation are inferior and threatening, that the world is jealous of the American lifestyle.

* Personal pride in equality. No man, however rich or powerful, is better than me.

* Perseverance and belief in hard work. If a man or a family is poor, it is because they did not work hard enough. God rewards those who work hard enough. So does the American system.

* The only free country in the world is the United States, and the only reason we ever go to war is to protect that freedom.

more at link.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
laserbeam said:
Scary part of that is Colorado seems to be weakening and Michigan right with it. Latest poll is only +1 in MI for Obama.

Michigan is a big big key. I thought Palin would appeal to a lot of people there and that might prove correct. Not to mention the fundamental problems with the dems in Detroit right now.
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