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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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lol at the 538 shock. I told you guys that site is an attempt to measure reality. It isn't reality and believing it ever was, was only going to lead to utter disappointment. Keep your eyes on the polls and see what happens in another week or two and then you have something to focus on.


lawblob said:
Regardless of whether Palin attempted to ban the books, why in god's name would she even be involved in these bizarre mind-games with the fucking town librarian to begin with? Isn't the very prospect of censorship of this type completely antithetical to everything libertarians stand for?

She made everyone undergo a loyalty test IIRC.



WASILLA, Alaska — Earlier today, First Lady Laura Bush urged us to remember Gov. Sarah Palin’s record as mayor of her hometown from 1996-2002 when assessing her experience. I agree.

Driving around this city today, I decided it looks more or less like a string of strip malls, 45 minutes northeast of Anchorage. I couldn’t help but think that being mayor of a place like this would be something akin to running a large neighborhood watch.

The main highway that runs through town is lined with new big-box stores, including a Target and a Wal-Mart. A handful of fast-food chains as well as some local restaurants also sprinkle the main drag. Breathtaking mountains, the peaks still lightly dusted with snow, create a striking backdrop. Despite the chain stores, this small city feels distant from the rest of the world. I’d have guessed Palin would have run the city with a “we’re in this together” theme.

It turns out she had a somewhat different approach. If a small-town mayor ever ruled with an iron fist — it was Palin. Eleven days after taking office in 1996, she mailed letters to each of the city’s top managers requesting that they resign as a test of loyalty.

The Anchorage Daily News at the time reported the strange events: (via Nexis)

Mayor Sarah Palin sent the resignation requests Thursday to Police Chief Irl Stambaugh, public works director Jack Felton, finance director Duane Dvorak and Mary Ellen Emmons, the head of libraries. A fifth director — John Cooper, who oversaw the city museum — resigned earlier this month after Palin eliminated his position.

Cooper initially resisted resigning, but to no avail. Palin also later fired the police chief, saying she knew in her “heart” that he did not support her. She left the head of libraries a letter saying she was out — though Palin later decided to spare the librarian after being convinced that she would tow the line.

The whole saga is unusual — considering Palin prides herself on being independent and seems to enjoy butting heads with her own party. But, this sounds like she requires fierce loyalty of those who work for her.

I’m still reporting on Palin’s time as mayor. More to come soon.
Gaborn said:
As opposed to admins blatantly fucking lying about my record opposing government censorship (hell, I created the thread about the FCC complaint department and the thread about the guy publishing all of california's laws in addition to my total rejection of Palin if she actually banned or supported banning books)
Calm down my friend.

Typing in a thread is a game. Don't let others hurt you for what they don't likely really care about.


laserbeam said:
Scary part of that is Colorado seems to be weakening and Michigan right with it. Latest poll is only +1 in MI for Obama.

All it'll take is a few weeks of commercials with McCain's "those jobs aren't coming back" comments, and Michigan will revert to its lovely bluish-purple color.


Gaborn said:
As opposed to admins blatantly fucking lying about my record opposing government censorship (hell, I created the thread about the FCC complaint department and the thread about the guy publishing all of california's laws in addition to my total rejection of Palin if she actually banned or supported banning books)

Those are two equal examples, most certainly.

Presidential candidate
Gaborn said:
I think that she probably wanted to explore the librarian's views on censorship. That is, whether she WOULD bend to a mayor that wanted to censor the library, whether she had done so in the past. Also, it's worth noting that the Librarian was fired one day, and rehired the next. There is no direct indication that Palin was involved in that, although the Librarian in question claims she was told Palin felt she did not support her.|

No indication? The factcheck.org article explicitly states she made the decision to fire her after she didn't resign when she requested her resignation three months prior. What the hell do you need?
Cooter said:
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

No, its simpler than that. The country is dumb if it votes to keep the Republican agenda in power after what the past 8 years has given us.

Absolute, mind-numbing dumbshits.


The whole idea of a convention bump boggles my mind. How stupid can people be to keep changing who they want to vote for, so frequently in such a short period of time?


Thunder Monkey said:
Calm down my friend.

Typing in a thread is a game. Don't let others hurt you for what they don't likely really care about.

There's a difference between a regular poster talking shit and someone with a ban stick and the ability to give you any tag they wish to smear you with. I've got no problem with other posters but when an admin acts with such absolute lack of class it makes me angry.
polyh3dron said:
I'll hold you... but I must let you know.

I pelvic grind when I'm nervous.

Gaborn said:
There's a difference between a regular poster talking shit and someone with a ban stick and the ability to give you any tag they wish to smear you with. I've got no problem with other posters but when an admin acts with such absolute lack of class it makes me angry.
I still don't see the problem man.

All this is is words on a screen. Here and then gone.

Hito is just another person. He holds some power here, and he disagrees with you. Still don't see the problem. Take it all in stride and have fun, don't worry about what others view of you in a forum.

If you don't find any merit in their portrayal of you, you shouldn't be bothered.


Never forget!
Nationwide CNN Opinion Poll said:
January 9-10, 2008 Hillary Clinton 49%, Barack Obama 36%, John Edwards 12%, Dennis Kucinich 1%, Mike Gravel 0%, No opinion 2%
I trust my man Barack.


Hootie said:
The whole idea of a convention bump boggles my mind. How stupid can people be to keep changing who they want to vote for, so frequently in such a short period of time?
It isn't about issues, or policies, for most people.


"She doesn't mind the banning of books in public libraries. She doesn't mind creationism being taught next to evolution in public schools."

What Gaborn doesn't realize, or conveniently ignores, is that the aforementioned positions are as untenable as their more extreme versions. You would think someone who has repeatedly called Obama a bigot for supporting equal rights in civil unions, but not the word "marriage" would realize this, but I guess not.
schuelma said:
Is there a reason this is so highly regarded?
because Chuck Todd calls NBC/WSJ polls the "gold standard."

Hootie said:
What? Did I say something stupid? I wouldn't be surprised; even though I've been around PoliGAF since Iowa I still don't know shit about the indepth stuff.
it was a "dude, you should already know how retarded most Americans are."
Cooter said:
Let me get this straight. This country is smart if it votes for your guy but dumb if it doesn't?

You guys need to relax. We still have almost 2 months. No need to start melting down yet.

Which states in the union are blue?

Now... which states are ranked highest on education?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The Lamonster said:
because Chuck Todd calls NBC/WSJ polls the "gold standard."

I love me some Chuck Todd, but he might be a tad biased


thekad said:
"She doesn't mind the banning of books in public libraries.

She doesn't mind creationism being taught next to evolution in public schools."

Fair point and I disagree with her, although more specifically she said she wouldn't in any way push for the BOE to put it into any curriculum.

What Gaborn doesn't realize, or conveniently ignores, is that the aforementioned positions are as untenable as their more extreme versions. You would think someone who has repeatedly called Obama a bigot for supporting equal rights in civil unions, but not the word "marriage" would realize this, but I guess not.

Of course they're untenable. What you don't realize or conveniently ignore is I'm not a Palin supporter. I'm not going to vote for McCain/Palin any more than I'm voting for Obama/Biden.


Did anyone just see the NBC news teaser? Brian Williams just said main story tonight is "Does Palin's story match the facts?"

:D It begins! MSM is taking action!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
so_awes said:
because reality has a well-known liberal bias?

No, and maybe he's right..but it strikes me as completely unsurprising that a NBC analyst would call his own poll the "gold standard"
lawblob said:
Did anyone just see the NBC news teaser? Brian Williams just said main story tonight is "Does Palin's story match the facts?"

:D It begins! MSM is taking action!

Don't get your hopes up. For all we know, the answer to the teaser could be "Yes!" :lol


Teasing our latest NBC/WSJ poll, which comes out at 6:30 pm ET, 34% say that McCain's VP choice of Palin would make them more likely to vote for the Arizona Republican in November, 25% say it would make them less likely to vote for him, and 40% say it doesn't make any difference.

By comparison, 24% say that Obama's choice of Biden would make them more likely to vote for Obama in November, 16% say the opposite, and 58% say it doesn't make any difference.
Final pre-release tease. Biden and Palin are a wash in that question. Hmmm.


Gold Member
CharlieDigital said:
I want to see how they feel after they come back to the US and are denied first class care. When they're homeless. When they end up in second class facilities. When they lack the services they need for mental health.

I think we've seen time and time again that this issue has been exaggerated greatly, most recently by John Edwards. That's not to say that it doesn't exist, but I remember hearing that 500,000 homeless vets number and sighing.

VA benefits aren't the greatest thing in the world (federally managed healthcare, what do you expect? :lol), but it's certainly not as cruel and heartless as many would have you believe.
lawblob said:
Did anyone just see the NBC news teaser? Brian Williams just said main story tonight is "Does Palin's story match the facts?"

:D It begins! MSM is taking action!
bu bu bu bu but nbc iz biased because they chanted against it at teh rnc!!!1


Setec Astronomer
Gaborn said:
As opposed to admins blatantly fucking lying about my record opposing government censorship (hell, I created the thread about the FCC complaint department and the thread about the guy publishing all of california's laws in addition to my total rejection of Palin if she actually banned or supported banning books)
I'm not the one bending backward to defend her actions.
NullPointer said:
No, its simpler than that. The country is dumb if it votes to keep the Republican agenda in power after what the past 8 years has given us.

Absolute, mind-numbing dumbshits.
Well . . . unless you are a defense contractor, hold lots of oil stock, are a fundmentalist, or something along those lines, it is kinda hard to argue with that.

A pointless war, growing deficits, stagflation . . . who is for this?
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