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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Rugasuki said:
This is why democracy only works with an educated and informed public. The media and public school systems have failed us.
Actually, I blame talk radio. It's 99% bullshit that's pushed as 100% fact. Bring back the Fairness doctrine.


please dont let this happen again



Cloudy said:
Obama camp needs to clarify the issues on their tax plan. That's what's keeping this close. McCain keeps lying about it and they need to make it clear and keep pounding it...

Big time. Every "undecided" (or decided but tepidly McCain) I talk to thinks Obama's going to raise their taxes.

On the other hand, I talked to a very religious dude at work today who's liberal on policy but very socially conservative. Said he was voting for Obama because he legitimately believed in divine providence and intervention - so why rely on politicians he disagrees with otherwise?

Makes sense to me. Shame more evangelicals don't think this way. This is an intelligent, educated guy though, so yeah.
polyh3dron said:
I take it it's OK for Incognito to pull that shit simply so he can live up to his tag..

It was too good to pass up. Half the forum freaking out over an expected McCain bounce and all I had do was wait for 5:30...



Really, this thing is going to maybe trend McCain for a little bit longer, and probably steer back Obama... but he is really gonna have to do this thing at the debates.

He has to really shut him up. Don't let him pass off cheap talking points as legitimate conversation. Biden must be gentle with Palin, but still cut her off from her attempt to deify herself as a 'maverick.'


Setec Astronomer
polyh3dron said:
I take it it's OK for Incognito to pull that shit simply so he can live up to his tag..
What, in a thread already overrun with panic? Incognito isn't the one ruining the thread.

People shouldn't get so worked up over it in the first place. :p


Cloudy said:
Obama camp needs to clarify the issues on their tax plan. That's what's keeping this close. McCain keeps lying about it and they need to make it clear and keep pounding it...
Agreed. Obama and Biden MUST hammer this point home in both ads and the debates.
Amir0x said:

Really, this thing is going to maybe trend McCain for a little bit longer, and probably steer back Obama... but he is really gonna have to do this thing at the debates.

He has to really shut him up. Don't let him pass off cheap talking points as legitimate conversation. Biden must be gentle with Palin, but still cut her off from her attempt to deify herself as a 'maverick.'

Can he directly address McCain in the debate, or is this going to be a super-sanitized affair? I can't quite recall how last election's went (though I suspect Kerry never woulda done it anyway).

I guess I'm just envious after watching that House of Commons youtube video a few days back.


Hitokage said:
What, in a thread already overrun with panic? Incognito isn't the one ruining the thread.

People shouldn't get so worked up over it in the first place. :p

Yep, he just took advantage of the situaion :D


polyh3dron said:
I take it it's OK for Incognito to pull that shit simply so he can live up to his tag..
I think considering the idiotic freaking out that was already going on, being fooled might be a great way to get some people to step back and apply some perspective to polls in the future.

Hilarious, though. :lol


Hitokage said:
What, in a thread already overrun with panic? Incognito isn't the one ruining the thread.

People shouldn't get so worked up over it in the first place. :p

lol agreed. I give him credit for precise timing and not going over the top. Gotta respect him for that :)
BobLoblaw said:
Agreed. Obama and Biden MUST hammer this point home in both ads and the debates.

It's such an obvious move that I think they're waiting til the day draws closer to hammer it home.

No way they let it slide.


Amir0x said:
Don't let him pass off cheap talking points as legitimate conversation.

That would be very awesome if Obama called McCain out for his empty, material answers to complicated questions, but Barack doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Hell, I haven't even see him open up that line of attack on the stump.

What I'm going to take away from the poll is the fact that McCain is still losing on excitement and still losing on change. He's fighting an uphill battle.


*drowns in jizz*
Incognito, you fucking owe me for the hole you just made me punch in my wall, and the keyboard I threw out the window.


alright who just saw that sick sex ad from the McCain camp? that's disgusting and the most vile thing I've ever seen. A man that has 2 little girls. That's messed up.


Haha, I presume Obama's "lipstick on a pig" quip was discussed?

September 09, 2008
Categories: Barack Obama

Obama: 'Lipstick on a pig'
Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA:

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

"We've had enough of the same old thing."

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: "lipstick."
Touchdown said:
alright who just saw that sick sex ad from the McCain camp? that's disgusting and the most vile thing I've ever seen. A man that has 2 little girls. That's messed up.

I did. I was going to mention it after I finished vomiting in my lap.


Touchdown said:
alright who just saw that sick sex ad from the McCain camp? that's disgusting and the most vile thing I've ever seen. A man that has 2 little girls. That's messed up.

Yeah, so much for McCain's claim that he would run a clean campaign. What a joke :lol


BenjaminBirdie said:

He was just out talking about McCain/Palin talking about change and reform and said "you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" and "you wrap and old fish in new paper and call it change, you can still smell the old fish"


Touchdown said:
alright who just saw that sick sex ad from the McCain camp? that's disgusting and the most vile thing I've ever seen. A man that has 2 little girls. That's messed up.

Post youtube link asap.


Touchdown said:
alright who just saw that sick sex ad from the McCain camp? that's disgusting and the most vile thing I've ever seen. A man that has 2 little girls. That's messed up.

That's the move of a desperate campaign. Methinks their internals are showing that it's panic time.
Tamanon said:
He was just out talking about McCain/Palin talking about change and reform and said "you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" and "you wrap and old fish in new paper and call it change, you can still smell the old fish"

Faux Outrage Fighters ASSEMBLE

Your new mission has been laid out for you.
Tamanon said:
He was just out talking about McCain/Palin talking about change and reform and said "you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig" and "you wrap and old fish in new paper and call it change, you can still smell the old fish"

This will not end well.


Touchdown said:
alright who just saw that sick sex ad from the McCain camp? that's disgusting and the most vile thing I've ever seen. A man that has 2 little girls. That's messed up.

Wow, I just looked that up. Classy, McCain.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I realize Obama feels they have to respond, but this is very very risky.

John McCain of all people is the one of the four appearing to be above the fray. That's not good, and it's not good for Obama to be spending much of his airtime attacking the GOP's VP nominee.

Ok everyone, tell me why I'm completely wrong. :lol :lol


schuelma said:
I realize Obama feels they have to respond, but this is very very risky.

John McCain of all people is the one of the four appearing to be above the fray. That's not good, and it's not good for Obama to be spending much of his airtime attacking the GOP's VP nominee.

Ok everyone, tell me why I'm completely wrong. :lol :lol

Hell ,they said he was not spending enough time attacking her .


schuelma said:
I realize Obama feels they have to respond, but this is very very risky.

John McCain of all people is the one of the four appearing to be above the fray. That's not good, and it's not good for Obama to be spending much of his airtime attacking the GOP's VP nominee.

Ok everyone, tell me why I'm completely wrong. :lol :lol

He can just say that he wasn't even talking about Palin, but the RNC in general.


schuelma said:
I realize Obama feels they have to respond, but this is very very risky.

John McCain of all people is the one of the four appearing to be above the fray. That's not good, and it's not good for Obama to be spending much of his airtime attacking the GOP's VP nominee.

Ok everyone, tell me why I'm completely wrong. :lol :lol

When Obama wasn't blatantly attacking, the narrative was "Obama doesn't attack, he needs to attack", when Obama does "attack" it's ....bad?

He's doing it in a light-hearted conversational way, at town halls and stumps.
schuelma said:
I realize Obama feels they have to respond, but this is very very risky.

John McCain of all people is the one of the four appearing to be above the fray. That's not good, and it's not good for Obama to be spending much of his airtime attacking the GOP's VP nominee.

Ok everyone, tell me why I'm completely wrong. :lol :lol

What, did McCain suddenly sprout angel wings? How is he "above the fray"?

If only people knew who McCain would place on his presidential staff...
Stoney Mason said:
What was it?

That ad is pretty retarded albeit effective. Obama's campaign responds:

"It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls - a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.


Being that it's an actual and common expression, and that it was coupled with the fish line, I think it's okay - lipstick on a pig, I mean.

BTW, I've seen the new Obama "they came and told us the plant was closing" ad twice in a half hour here in Philadelphia, so it's not exclusive to Michigan.
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