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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Tamanon said:
McCain would probably be a better dinner because you could beat rush hour home.
And if you're paying, you'll get a senior discount!
minus_273 said:
wow. he must have realized how saying that about palin would be taken.

If people bring this bullshit up it is a perfect time to bring up McCain on Chelsea

Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.


lawblob said:
But Obama wouldn't address you as "my friend" 30 times over the course of the evening.


After dinner was over, Obama would probably be the guy that would just give you some dap (oh, excuse me "TERRORIST JAB!"), and that would be more than enough to show you that he's sincere. :lol
You know if McCain does win, I hope that article about McCain having Democrats in his cabinet comes to fruitation. I'd be a little more comfortable with his administration then.


"My friend, would you pass the sugar?"
"My friend, did I ever tell you how long I went without eating at a table?"
"Dammit, McCain, we're acquaintances, not friends!"

Jason: Remember, he still thinks Lieberman is a Democrat:p


Gold Member
Tamanon said:
Chiggs: Do you have any evidence whatsoever about that? I mean, the VA is really good at identifying who should receive benefits and who is classified as a "veteran".

I knew that wouldn't come across very good, but my concern is the number of genuine homeless veterans versus people that may have been in the military and went A.W.O.L. or were thrown out. And I'm not speaking about the VA, either....more or less touching on the organizations that throw out some of these numbers based on highly suspect methods.

VA says 154,000...maybe even twice that on a given night...nothing decisive.


And then you have some claims that it's 500k plus. What is the actual number and why aren't they getting help? Furthermore, what led to their homelessness?


Master of the Google Search
TDG said:
I didn't recieve any credit for my three posts about the fake poll/real poll, which I though were hilariously ironic and well-crafted, and I'm a bit disappointed.

In response to the fake poll:

In response to the real poll:

Your parody was too accurate and thus was drowned out in the crowd


Gold Member
sevenchaos said:
They pussied out. So fuck 'em.


Captain Pants said:
You are right. I think we should ignore them since they are obviously all liars. Shit, they probably aren't even homeless.

Come on, that's not what I'm even saying.


Master of the Google Search
Jason's Ultimatum said:
You know if McCain does win, I hope that article about McCain having Democrats in his cabinet comes to fruitation. I'd be a little more comfortable with his administration then.
Even Bush had a democrat in his cabinet. In these modern day presidencies, NOT having a member of the opposite party in your cabinet is odd.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
You know if McCain does win, I hope that article about McCain having Democrats in his cabinet comes to fruitation. I'd be a little more comfortable with his administration then.

He would put right leaning democrats in positions where they can lean right. Like Lieberman. Its purely for show.
Dr_Cogent said:
For an older woman, she's not bad looking still. I still stand by my statement that you are insane. Manly jaw lines? Give me a break.

If she were a democrat, you would be singing a different tune altogether I am sure. Since she is an evil Republican, she's a monster.

Yep. And for an older woman, she's not bad looking still.
I must break from my librul brethren here and agree that Sarah Palin is sexy as hell. Her voice could use a little modulation, but I suppose if it were shrilling out dirty words and requests I wouldn't mind it as much. You naysayers are going to be mighty disappointed one day when you see what the typical eye candy is at the PTA.


adamsappel said:
I must break from my librul brethren here and agree that Sarah Palin is sexy as hell. Her voice could use a little modulation, but I suppose if it were shrilling out dirty words and requests I wouldn't mind it as much. You naysayers are going to be mighty disappointed one day when you see what the typical eye candy is at the PTA.

Yeah, Palin is hot. She has a smoking body for a woman with 5 kids


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Stop being a drudge parrot.

Did Palin call herself a dog (bitch even) then?

Am I wrong? I'm just putting my political analyst hat on and that's how I see it.
adamsappel said:
I must break from my librul brethren here and agree that Sarah Palin is sexy as hell. Her voice could use a little modulation, but I suppose if it were shrilling out dirty words and requests I wouldn't mind it as much. You naysayers are going to be mighty disappointed one day when you see what the typical eye candy is at the PTA.
She's definitely a hottie.

I'm still wondering if she's stupid and getting in way over her head, or if she's evil. Her history lends credence to the latter.

But she's definitely hot.


gkrykewy said:
Stop being a drudge parrot.

Did Palin call herself a dog (bitch even) then?

now that its the big link in bold on the front page of drudge. lets sit back and watch how everyone else understands it. The crowd understood he was talking about palin. from politico

"Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA:

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin's new "change" mantra.

"You can put lipstick on a pig," he said as the crowd cheered. "It's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

"We've had enough of the same old thing."

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: "lipstick.""
Cooter said:
Am I wrong?

The Lamonster said:
wtf I guess you guys have never heard that saying before. It will not hurt him.

Seriously, its a common phrase.

If that's the kind of thing that gets people upset we have truly lost all sense of balance.

Edit: And yes, he was using it in reference to Palin's remarks I'm sure. So what?


I see it as a nonissue. So much else being talked about, and again, it is a very common expression. We shall see.

Should there be backlash, he can just bring it back to the current narrative on pork barrel spending :lol :lol :D


The Lamonster said:
wtf I guess you guys have never heard that saying before. It will not hurt him.

Careless use of "Niggardly" in front of the uneducated has hurt a bunch of people, and it doesn't even have a Romance etymology!


ronito said:
I'd love to have dinner with Palin but I'm pretty sure she'd keep asking her family who let the gardener in.

Alaskans have gardens? (ok, obviously they have grass and such, particularly during the half a year of light, but still...)


Gaborn said:
Alaskans have gardens? (ok, obviously they have grass and such, particularly during the half a year of light, but still...)
well how else would Palin explain a vato in her house?
tanod said:
Where was Kerry in this poll four years ago?

While polls can't accurately gauge an election five months out -- after all, so much can still happen -- Bush never trailed Kerry in the 2004 NBC/WSJ polls that measured registered voters' preference for Bush, Kerry, and Nader. And Bush's lead was never bigger than four points.

Bush won that presidential election by three percentage points, 51%-48%.

Here were the NBC/WSJ trial heats from March 2004 (when Kerry pretty much locked up the nomination) to late October 2004:

March (Mar.6-8): Bush 46%, Kerry 43%, Nader 5%
May (May 1-3): Bush 46%, Kerry 42%, Nader 5%
June (June 25-28): Bush 45%, Kerry 44%, Nader 4%
July (July 19-21): Bush 47%, Kerry 45%, Nader 2%
August (Aug.23-25): Bush 47%, Kerry 45%, Nader 3%
September (Sept.17-19): Bush 48%, Kerry 45%, Nader 2%
Mid October (Oct.16-18): Bush 48%, Kerry 46%, Nader 2%
Late October (Oct.29-31): Bush 48%, Kerry 47%, Nader 1%

The only national poll I follow is NBC/WSJ.


The Lamonster said:
wtf I guess you guys have never heard that saying before. It will not hurt him.
Considering the prior comments about Palin and lipstick, I'm sure many people will interpret it as calling Palin a pig, and they wouldn't be stupid for doing so.


TDG said:
Considering the prior comments about Palin and lipstick, I'm sure many people will interpret it as calling Palin a pig, and they wouldn't be stupid for doing so.

I'm telling you, it's a rope-a-hope for the pork barrel spending narrative! Always thinking, those guys.
Dr_Cogent said:
For an older woman, she's not bad looking still. I still stand by my statement that you are insane. Manly jaw lines? Give me a break.

If she were a democrat, you would be singing a different tune altogether I am sure. Since she is an evil Republican, she's a monster.
She's a monster because everything coming out of her mouth is either a lie or an intellectually dishonest talking point, and even after her talking points have been refuted she still spews them knowing full well that they've been proven wrong, yet she doesn't care because she feels that her base is too stupid to catch on to her lies even when they're being told flat out that they are lies. How do you justify this?

I love it when Republicans have to make excuses for all of the lying and corruption in their party.
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