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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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testicles on a cold fall morning
our troops have won in Iraq! victory is ours! the day is done!

McCain's stupidity knows no bounds - our very toppling of Saddam and propping of a Shiite-dominated government directly boosts Iran's influence in the region, regardless if we had pulled out earlier. also i'm so fucking sick and tired of hearing about the 'success' of the surge, as if it's the only thing that matters.
PhoenixDark said:

"Yeah but that's not the --"


teruterubozu said:
It's normal. He's not the greatest off-the-cuff speaker, but now he has Biden who can do that.

Biden really is great, the more videos I see of him on the stump, the more impressed I am.

Plus, he is an alumni of my law school.... so +10 for that.
minus_273 said:
video is up:

other note ive never heard obama speak without a teleeprompter. Is all the the um, ah um and stammering normal or is he tired?

Um.................;)Mccain had to read from a piece of paper his VP's name when he introduced her to the the nation, I'd say Barack not being a completely flawless speaker can be overlooked when he's running against the worst speaking candidate of all time.


sevenchaos said:
Not as many syllables.

I like this video. Never heard that phrase before but it doesn't bother me one bit.

It's a country saying. Basically from the same sector of the country that brings you the "no use wrestling with a pig, all it does is get both of you muddy"
Tamanon said:
It's how he talks normally. He uses um instead of "my friends"

That's no excuse. John McCain talks so straight it's as if he's planned it out or something.

But really, saying "um" and using pauses are the mark of someone who actually thinks about what they say, every time they speak.


NullPointer said:
Yes they would.
No they wouldn't, considering the prior comments about lipstick in relation to Palin. Even if that's not what Obama meant, it's not hard to interpret that as what he meant. He should simply be more careful in the future.

The Lamonster said:
is she not?

Nah, she's just completely unqualified for the job of VP (and governor, apparently.)
lawblob said:
Biden really is great, the more videos I see of him on the stump, the more impressed I am.

Plus, he is an alumni of my law school.... so +10 for that.

I've always loved Biden and was a little ticked that he got glossed over during the primaries. But now I'm really stoked on the ticket.
Price Dalton said:
That's no excuse. John McCain talks so straight it's as if he's planned it out or something.

But really, saying "um" and using pauses are the mark of someone who actually thinks about what they say, every time they speak.

It also marks someone who's not telling the truth, and trying hard to withhold things about themselves, such as their muslim faith
PhoenixDark said:
It also marks someone who's not telling the truth, and trying hard to withhold things about themselves, such as their muslim faith
o snap he stammers because of his
muslim faith.

Tamanon said:
It's a country saying. Basically from the same sector of the country that brings you the "no use wrestling with a pig, all it does is get both of you muddy"
Right. Figured that. It's a nice common sense phrase. With a little kick.
UPDATE: The McCain campaign is now saying Obama called Palin a pig, which he didn't. They also note that "lipstick is a fairly common idiom he often uses," as in a recent Washington Post interview. McCain has also used the phrase. Though on a day when Obama's surrogates were joking that Palin's record can't be concealed with lipstick, it was hard for those following the campaign not to hear the echo.
from Smith's blog

tomorrow should be interesting, if only for the lols as McCain surrogates try to defend this nonsense on cable news
PhoenixDark said:
It also marks someone who's not telling the truth, and trying hard to withhold things about themselves, such as their muslim faith

Oh, are they still trying to dispute the fact that he's obviously a bloodthirsty, fist-bumping Muslim?


saelz8 said:
Was just reading around and thought this was interesting. (Old)

Source (Outdated, since Palin)

Palin may have turned this into a symbols election, over policies. (PTA, War-Hero, Drama)


I learned about this in a course I took last semester (we used one of the Stimson books), and it does explain a lot. There was also something related, about the option for "moderate", where a lot of people take the approach of, "Well, I'm moderate about my political beliefs; I'm not a partisan nut like some of those people," and choose Moderate based on that, not based on, "I go for the liberal position on some things, the conservative position on some other things, and sometimes I'm in the middle or in a position that is a compromise of those two positions."

The McCain camp has done a really good job tapping into those conservative / liberal symbols throughout the convention. As stupid and unfactual as it all was, what is McCain identified with? "Conservative" themes of strength, service, patriotrism, etc. What did they try to associate Obama with? Weakness, selfishness, etc.

If I had to do a post-convention guess for what is happening, it is that the symbolic appeals (He's a war hero, a prisoner of war, he talks about honor all the time, etc.; what about that isn't appealing if you are an average person sitting at home, paying serious attention for the first time? He sounds like an amazing man.) have done a good job swaying Independents (which, as I said before, I think are more conservative than the label "independent" signifies mostly due to the loss Republicans have had in registration) and more conservative Democrats; Obama's job is to make the "operationally liberal" independents come back over.


testicles on a cold fall morning
PhoenixDark said:
from Smith's blog

tomorrow should be interesting, if only for the lols as McCain surrogates try to defend this nonsense on cable news
cue Geraldine Ferraro in 5...4...3...


testicles on a cold fall morning
Mumei said:
The McCain camp has done a really good job tapping into those conservative / liberal symbols throughout the convention. As stupid and unfactual as it all was, what is McCain identified with? "Conservative" themes of strength, service, patriotrism, etc. What did they try to associate Obama with? Weakness, selfishness, etc.
i'd say they're more Machiavellian traits than 'conservative'. Obama is the emasculated, weak liberal who won't protect the country and lacks honor.


gkrykewy said:
The more people that watch that video, the better.

It'd be different if he was being obviously sarcastic with a wink-wink-nudge-nudge. Drudge, please.
That entire audience thought he was talking about Palin. Just listen to the crowd roar before he even finishes the quote. I think he is smarter than that so I am betting he probably wasn't going for the Palin reference, but his audience surely thought so. The pause in the middle of the line gives the inkling that he may have immediately regretted saying it after the first part.
TDG said:
No they wouldn't, considering the prior comments about lipstick in relation to Palin. Even if that's not what Obama meant, it's not hard to interpret that as what he meant. He should simply be more careful in the future.

No. No. No.

"Lipstick on a pig" is the perfect expression to describe something that's being presented as something it's not. Its not misogynist, its not sexist, and its the damn proper response to a VP that describes herself as similar to an attack dog as well as a reformer.

Bring on the false hysteria though. Its only a matter of time until we hear about quotes from Rove, Bush, etc. where they use the same damn term to describe something else.

Talk about having big elections about small things.


testicles on a cold fall morning
what's the problem with calling someone a pig? i've heard of pig being a slander to obese or sloppy individuals, chauvinistic men, cops, but not women.
Lemonz said:
McCain's whining about the 'pig' comment and the press isn't buying it.http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZmRlMTBjYTMwZDdlNzUyNGQ5MjdmY2Y0OTMyYTY2NTA=
Wow, they seem to have spent their "sexism" capital even faster than that of the POW.
thefro said:
Okay, let's nip this one in the bud:

In referring to a Hillary Clinton healthcare proposal.


“I think they put some lipstick on a pig,” he said, “but it’s still a pig.”
Must. Have. Video.

It will be epic.


scorcho said:
i'd say they're more Machiavellian traits than 'conservative'. Obama is the emasculated, weak liberal who won't protect the country and lacks honor.

Well, I had conservative in scare quotes for that reason. That's not what I associate with conservativism, just what I think that conservativism is portrayed as symbolically in American political culture. There're also more mundane aspects of conservativism that people like ("a conservative estimate," for instance).

And I don't agree that, for instance, masculinity = hawk = conservative, for instance, but it is portrayed that way in the media (which is a primary shaper of public perceptions, despite what people claim). I was describing what I thought I was seeing, not agreeing with it... if that makes any sense.


scorcho said:
what's the problem with calling someone a pig? i've heard of pig being a slander to obese or sloppy individuals, chauvinistic men, cops, but not women.

The GOP isn't used to playing the gender card, they've never really had a high level politician to try it with. They're still getting down the timing and level of playing it.

Also, Obama was calling her fat, you know black people, they like women that are just sticks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm getting the feeling that if Palin wins the debate McCain wins. There's been a 20 point shift among white women in a little over a week.

May be hard to reverse. We'll see.


PhoenixDark said:
It also marks someone who's not telling the truth, and trying hard to withhold things about themselves, such as their muslim faith

I can only speak for myself, but I usually do it when I'm trying to put something into words that the person I'm talking to can understand easily.
Diablos said:
And, I'm telling you, Hillary probably did not want to be VP. Depending on if Obama wins or loses will determine when she will tell everyone. Clintons don't run for Vice President, they run for President. It's all or nothing. She made this as clear as can be during the long, bitter primary season.
Didn't it leak that the Clintons both said she would accept the VP offer, but it had to be made outright and immediately, without vetting or competition?


Mumei said:

I learned about this in a course I took last semester (we used one of the Stimson books), and it does explain a lot. There was also something related, about the option for "moderate", where a lot of people take the approach of, "Well, I'm moderate about my political beliefs; I'm not a partisan nut like some of those people," and choose Moderate based on that, not based on, "I go for the liberal position on some things, the conservative position on some other things, and sometimes I'm in the middle or in a position that is a compromise of those two positions."

The McCain camp has done a really good job tapping into those conservative / liberal symbols throughout the convention. As stupid and unfactual as it all was, what is McCain identified with? "Conservative" themes of strength, service, patriotrism, etc. What did they try to associate Obama with? Weakness, selfishness, etc.

If I had to do a post-convention guess for what is happening, it is that the symbolic appeals (He's a war hero, a prisoner of war, he talks about honor all the time, etc.; what about that isn't appealing if you are an average person sitting at home, paying serious attention for the first time? He sounds like an amazing man.) have done a good job swaying Independents (which, as I said before, I think are more conservative than the label "independent" signifies mostly due to the loss Republicans have had in registration) and more conservative Democrats; Obama's job is to make the "operationally liberal" independents come back over.

+1 for symbolic internationalism! It gets mentioned so rarely.


tanod said:
It means 47.9% chance of me getting plowed November 5th.
That's been swinging back and forth the entire time. Before the Dem convention, McCain lead in all three metrics. :p

It will tip back in a week, but it's going to be close.

Remember when I said I expected McCain to go nuclear when Obama called him a liar in an ad? I think this education spot is the response. I'm relatively young, but that's the sleaziest political ad I've ever seen. I hope Obama drops the gloves and breaks McCain's crusty yellow teeth.


Cooter said:
I'm getting the feeling that if Palin wins the debate McCain wins. There's been a 20 point shift among white women in a little over a week.

Yeah, that's a completely consistent finding across polls with a very small margin for error. There haven't been any polls showing that women reacted negatively to the Palin pick.
GhaleonEB said:
That's been swinging back and forth the entire time. Before the Dem convention, McCain lead in all three metrics. :p

It will tip back in a week, but it's going to be close.

Remember when I said I expected McCain to go nuclear when Obama called him a liar in an ad? I think this education spot is the response. I'm relatively young, but that's the sleaziest political ad I've ever seen. I hope Obama drops the gloves and breaks McCain's crusty yellow teeth.

"My frie -- WOULNF!!!"
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