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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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adamsappel said:
Didn't it leak that the Clintons both said she would accept the VP offer, but it had to be made outright and immediately, without vetting or competition?

I think it was just a rumor that was dispelled fairly quick. In my opinion Hillary didn't want it and will run again in 2012.


JCX9 said:
do we abandon ship yet?



Master of the Google Search
OuterWorldVoice said:
Emory University political scientist Alan Abramowitz is highly skeptical of the new Gallup, USA Today and CBS polls. About the latter, which showed a statistically insignificant two point lead for McCain, Abramowitz said: "One reason for the dramatic difference between the two recent CBS polls is that the two samples differed fairly dramatically in terms of partisan composition. The first sample was 35.2% Democratic, 26.2 percent Republicans, and 38.6 percent independent. The second sample was 34.9% Democratic, 31.1% Republican, and 34.0% independent. That's a change from a 9 point Democratic advantage to a 3.8 point Democratic advantage. That alone would probably explain about half of the difference in candidate preferences between the two [CBS] polls."

Alan Abramowitz ::swoon::


I write for a tv show on campus and I wrote a parody anti-McCain ad. The other writers didn't think it was funny, but they did think it would be a good actual attack ad

back to hysteria


Master of the Google Search
Cooter said:
I'm getting the feeling that if Palin wins the debate McCain wins. There's been a 20 point shift among white women in a little over a week.

May be hard to reverse. We'll see.
Now you're just being silly.


JCX9 said:
I write for a tv show on campus and I wrote a parody anti-McCain ad. The other writers didn't think it was funny, but they did think it would be a good actual attack ad

back to hysteria

Post it.
The bullshit spin O Reilly used when he said under the Bush Admin., there was 20% more revenue than under the Clinton Admin.. O Reilly didn't adjust inflation when comparing revenue between the two admin..


When he wasn't haranguing Barack Obama for supposedly advocating "class warfare," during the segment of their interview that was aired on Monday night, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly was repeating another familiar claim. President Bush's tax cuts, O'Reilly said, have led to a major increase in the federal government's tax revenues. As usual, though, O'Reilly had his facts all wrong. Here's the relevant portion of the interview (video below):

O'REILLY: You and Hillary both, you just want to take my money. And you can have it. I mean, I don't care if I live in a hut. Under President Bush, the federal government derived 20 percent more revenue than under President Clinton. Did you know that?

OBAMA: Well ...

O'REILLY: Did you know that?

OBAMA: ... the economy grew, Bill.

O'REILLY: It grew, that's right.

OBAMA: The economy grew. So, of course, the ...

O'REILLY: Under President Bush, the economy grew 19 percent more than Clinton. See, this is what I'm not getting with you Democrats.

OBAMA: No, no, no. Hold on a second, Bill. Wait, Bill, hold on a second now. I mean, you know the famous saying about there are lies, damn lies, and statistics?


OBAMA: Well you and I can -- we can play a statistics game.

O'REILLY: I know, I know, it's bull. I know it is.

OBAMA: So let's be clear on the record. OK? The -- during the Bush administration ... there was economic growth. Not as fast as during the 1990s, OK, but there was growth during the Bush administration. But what happened was that wages and incomes for ordinary Americans, the guys who watch your show ... Their wages and incomes did not go up.


O'REILLY: 20 percent more revenue coming in under Bush than Clinton. All right. He cuts taxes. People invest more. He cuts the capital gains. The government gets 20 percent more than under Clinton. You want to raise it back up. It doesn't make sense.

Now, O'Reilly is technically right. In 2007, the federal government collected 20 percent more tax revenue than it did in the last year of Bill Clinton's administration. But in every meaningful sense, he's way off. Obama got close to refuting O'Reilly's argument, but he didn't go quite far enough.

The numbers O'Reilly apparently relied upon aren't reported in real dollars -- that is, they're not adjusted for inflation. Plug the data into the handy-dandy inflation calculator over at the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Web site and you'll find that in real dollars the actual increase was about 5 percent.

So, yes, there was an increase. But actually, it was a comparatively small one. If you compare 1992, the last year of George H.W. Bush's administration, to 2000 -- again, making the comparison in real dollars -- you'll find that even in the bad old days of Clinton class warfare revenues shot up more than 30 percent. (And yes, I'm aware that these numbers are not truly good measures, or pure reflections, of the success of a president's tax policies, but this is what O'Reilly used.)

Then there's the question of a few obvious data points O'Reilly didn't bother to mention: First of all, in 2000 the government's tax receipts represented 20.9 percent of the gross domestic product. In 2007, it was 18.8 percent. And, of course, under Clinton the federal government ran a surplus. Now, under Bush, we're back to racking up a big budget deficit every year.


JCX9 said:
I write for a tv show on campus and I wrote a parody anti-McCain ad. The other writers didn't think it was funny, but they did think it would be a good actual attack ad

back to hysteria
link now please


Beavertown said:

Screen starts with Image of George Bush

This is George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America. He is the only US President to have both highest and lowest approval ratings ever

Screen shows “90%” on one side of the picture and “28%” on the other side.

During his presidency, he has bravely led the US into two wars, a record national debt, and helped to ensure that the constitution will be upheld to a ridiculously unflinching degree by appointing two conservative justices to the supreme court

Screen switches to another picture of G dub

President Bush has also helped to reduce are standing on the world stage as well as remove the little political high ground that we had

Screen switches to a picture of John McCain

This is John McCain

Picture of George Bush is put up next to McCain’s pic

This is George Bush

In the year 2000, John lost to George. Think about it.

I didn't agressively fact check so someone will probably correct me on some of the facts.


JCX9 said:
Screen starts with Image of George Bush

This is George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America. He is the only US President to have both highest and lowest approval ratings ever

Screen shows “90%” on one side of the picture and “28%” on the other side.

During his presidency, he has bravely led the US into two wars, a record national debt, and helped to ensure that the constitution will be upheld to a ridiculously unflinching degree by appointing two conservative justices to the supreme court

Screen switches to another picture of G dub

President Bush has also helped to reduce are standing on the world stage as well as remove the little political high ground that we had

Screen switches to a picture of John McCain

This is John McCain

Picture of George Bush is put up next to McCain’s pic

This is George Bush

In the year 2000, John lost to George. Think about it.

I didn't agressively fact check so someone will probably correct me on some of the facts.


Not bad.


NullPointer said:
No. No. No.

"Lipstick on a pig" is the perfect expression to describe something that's being presented as something it's not. Its not misogynist, its not sexist, and its the damn proper response to a VP that describes herself as similar to an attack dog as well as a reformer.
But in a race where people are very sensitive about sexism/racism, it's going to seem like Obama was calling Palin a pig with lipstick to some people.
Oh so Meghan McCain thinks children should be off limits as far as campaign coverage goes unless they put themselves out there.

She should tell that to her dad who said "Her father is Janet Reno" about Chelsea Clinton.


TDG said:
But in a race where people are very sensitive about sexism/racism, it's going to seem like Obama was calling Palin a pig with lipstick to some people.

People need to grow a pair. This is a joke.


TDG said:
But in a race where people are very sensitive about sexism/racism, it's going to seem like Obama was calling Palin a pig with lipstick to some people.

I must have missed this. I though McCain said something similar to that about Hillary?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
So, Karl Rove is officially working for Fox and McCain now, huh? No more beating around the Bush? [get it, Bush?]




USELESS FACT: People who stutter have a higher IQ on average than those that don't

If Republicans found out this they would say

Obama elitism confirmed?
Deku said:
Real numbers are 46-45 obama?

That PDF file is illegible to me.

i think the poll numbers are kind of pointless right now. I think the debates will be very highly watched, and drastically shape the result of who has the lead. so even if they are tied right now or if McCain has a 5 point lead, it doesn't matter much.
polyh3dron said:
Oh so Meghan McCain thinks children should be off limits as far as campaign coverage goes unless they put themselves out there.

She should tell that to her dad who said "Her father is Janet Reno" about Chelsea Clinton.

What, you mean elitist, Stanford-attending Chelsea Clinton? Ha!
Price Dalton said:
That isn't enough to set a precedent of "pig" as misogynist slur, though.

i dont think its a slur, but i dont see how calling any women a pig wouldn't offend them. Obama and Biden are in a tough spot on how to criticize Palin and not piss off women who think they are picking on her.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
i dont think its a slur, but i dont see how calling any women a pig wouldn't offend them. Obama and Biden are in a tough spot on how to criticize Palin and not piss off women who think they are picking on her.

Well, yeah, it'd be offensive to anyone. But he wasn't calling her a pig.

It remains to be seen what the public perception will be.
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