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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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RubxQub said:
Ever since I got banned, I've been less active in PoliGAF threads :(

Ever since the primaries ended I've posted much less in here, but now I'm getting back into the daily grind of things.

I don't know whether thats good or bad though. :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:
O'Reilly just showed Ellen and Michelle Obama dancing as "cute,"

and called Elisabeth Hasselbeck a "pinhead" for dissing Michelle and praising Mrs. McCain.



This is obviously the first sign of the Large Hadron Collider firing up.

dude's going soft
capslock said:
Holy Crap, McCain just came out as pro-pedophile!!!!

Sorry if posted already


I am speechless, the gloves are off!

For clarification, the law Obama supported is to teach kids the difference between 'good touching' and 'bad touching'.
McCain's right on this one though. We could all learn a thing or two about how to teach kids about the birds and the bees fro McCain and Palin.
OuterWorldVoice said:


Why are you people watching Fox in the first place :lol I'm so confused...

Also, good on Huck for not getting into the fray. We need a youtube of this STAT!


Master of the Google Search
Fatalah said:
Here are the movers and shakers of the PoliGaf thread for 9/8/08

Username | Post Count
AniHawk 224
GhaleonEB 166
CharlieDigital 163
speculawyer 156
Tamanon 141
polyh3dron 135
Zeliard 130
gkrykewy 124
Stoney Mason 119
reilo 92
Now I feel inferior


typhonsentra said:
McCain's right on this one though. We could all learn a thing or two about how to teach kids about the birds and the bees fro McCain and Palin.

anyone else read this as:

McCain's right on this one though. We could all learn a thing or two about how to touch kids.


Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.

Funky Papa

typhonsentra said:
McCain's right on this one though. We could all learn a thing or two about how to teach kids about the birds and the bees fro McCain and Palin.
I was going to post something over the same lines. Even if Obama's "comprehensive sexual education" for kindergarten kids was intended to avoid sexual abuse, the McCain campaing should be ashamed of blasting said classes considering the circumstances. It is disgusting.


Jak140 said:
Can Obama sue for slander? Pretty low on McCain's part.

Or maybe just a counter ad. "Obama, passed legislation to keep kids safe from sexual predators. John McCain has released an ad saying he is against it. How can a man who won't even protect our children be ready to protect our country?"
I like this.


Fatalah said:
Here are the movers and shakers of the PoliGaf thread for 9/8/08

Username | Post Count
AniHawk 224
GhaleonEB 166
CharlieDigital 163
speculawyer 156
Tamanon 141
polyh3dron 135
Zeliard 130
gkrykewy 124
Stoney Mason 119
reilo 92
good lord, is that just today?


I think Huck might be rethinking the ascendancy of Palin as she's taking the place he was going to as leader of the evangelical movement in the party:p Plus he's a southerner, of course he knows what's going on with that metaphor.

Ronito: No, it's the whole thread.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.

Are you being sarcastic?
APF said:
Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.
I see what you did there. :lol
APF said:
Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.



APF said:
Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.

I feel like I'm taking the bait here, but yeah and I'm sure you meant nothing by referring to Obama as an "eloquent boy." Pretty big difference in context.


APF said:
Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.
I see what's going on here...
APF said:
Obama's usually an eloquent boy, but I have no doubt he didn't mean anything by simply using the terms "lipstick" and "pig" while talking about his opponents, one of whom has a catchphrase that refers to an animal type and wearing lipstick.

Oh yeah?
OuterWorldVoice said:
Are you being sarcastic?

It's APF. Of course he is ;)

That being said even if it is the very worst case of the use of the term I'd ask you APF what is the problem with the analogy. Allusion. Whatever you want to call it. Serious question.


Enough is enough. The McCain campaign’s attack tonight is a pathetic attempt to play the gender card about the use of a common analogy – the same analogy that Senator McCain himself used about Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health care plan just last year. This phony lecture on gender sensitivity is the height of cynicism and lays bare the increasingly dishonorable campaign John McCain has chosen to run.
Obama camp response. Second one in a row tonight calling McCain dishonorable. This be getting ugly.


Seriously though, it's a pretty harmless gaffe that'll blow over and amount to nothing, but it does show how delicate you have to be with your words when a thousand microphones are on you every second


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Ok so what did i miss outside of the desperate mccain sex-ed ad? Mccain's numbers are higher than they supposed to be?
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Ok so what did i miss outside of the desperate mccain sex-ed ad? Mccain's numbers are higher than they supposed to be?

McCain's bounce seems to have hit its peak. The election is looking a lot closer than it did a week ago, but it all really depends on whether or not McCain/Palin can maintain this momentum and not fade back down to pre-convention levels.


Obama could hit back mean on McCains new sex ad.

McCain is against education that protects children from pedophiles.

Not safe for your children, not safe for America!


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Obama's got to put out an ad demanding an apology from McCain about the Sex-Ed ad, I mean, that is just outrageous, I can't even imagine what they will run 2 weeks before the vote.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Ok so what did i miss outside of the desperate mccain sex-ed ad? Mccain's numbers are higher than they supposed to be?
Anything higher than 0 is higher than what they should be.
APF said:
Seriously though, it's a pretty harmless gaffe that'll blow over and amount to nothing, but it does show how delicate you have to be with your words when a thousand microphones are on you every second

I asked in a prior post but you may have missed it but I'll ask again with a serious question. What is wrong with the allusion? I'm open to being persuaded. I would like to hear the argument for why it is bad and what is the supposed implication that is harmful.


GhaleonEB said:
Obama camp response. Second one in a row tonight calling McCain dishonorable. This be getting ugly.

yea, makes you wonder if Obama is still going to say "John McCain has served this country honorably" every time he's right about to shit on him.
APF said:
That there Oh-bah-mah's yewsually such an eloquent bo-eh, but I ha' no doubt 'e didn't mean anythang bah simplay usin' the terms "lipstick" and "pig" whilst talkin' 'bout 'is opponents, one of whom has a kech-phrase that refers to a type o' critter an' wearin' lep-stick.


Stoney Mason: problem with the analogy or whatever? Probably nothing; sometimes you have to call a spade a spade, but even harmless gaffes can be a tar baby--the more you struggle the worse it becomes.
I think R. Kelly was a cosponsor of this bill.

Wow, I'm gone for a few hours, and I missed the sex education ad, and a huge controversy concerning offense taken at an old phrase.

I love politics. Seriously.
APF said:
Stoney Mason: problem with the analogy or whatever? Probably nothing; sometimes you have to call a spade a spade, but even harmless gaffes can be a tar baby--the more you struggle the worse it becomes.
Like I said I'm being serious. I get that you are making some reference to racial catch phrases so you are saying that if a female mentions lipstick in a joke analogy then a man isn't allowed to also use that same analogy. She referred to herself as a pitbull implying tenaciouness. He referred to a pig meaning you can't dress up an idea as something it isn't. So is the bad implication that he is literally calling her a pig so she should be offened? Is it that he is calling her ugly? Or that he is calling her phony? Which one of these is the crime?
So pig and lipstick as a common phrase idiom is not usable in general anymore. Or just for women candidates. Or just for a women candidate who mentions lipstick first.

Once again I'm serious. I'm trying to pin down what exactly is the crime here. Has Obama referred to himself as a tarbaby. A spade. Or a boy.


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Dude...Obama totally set the trap with the pig in lipstick comment :lol

This is some crazy shit.


Wow, I just became a fan of Joy Behar.

Just one of the things she said on Larry King:

"Joe Biden has been on Meet the Press 42 times, that's a record."
capslock said:
Obama's got to put out an ad demanding an apology from McCain about the Sex-Ed ad, I mean, that is just outrageous, I can't even imagine what they will run 2 weeks before the vote.
It'd be much more effective to make a joke out of it.
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