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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Steve Youngblood said:
Well, let's be fair here. Her campaign was reckless and unorganized, yes. However, I don't know if the same would have extended into the general necessarily.

Her campaign was the way it was because they walked into it assuming the nomination was a foregone conclusion. That was their lackadaisical approach to the primaries. That probably wouldn't have been their strategy for the fall.
Although I assume the campaign would've actually had an actual strategy for the GE, it does seem like a safe assumption that the egos, the fueds, the stubborness, and the inability for anybody to take control of the campaign would've plagued the Hillary campaign as well.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
The Obama camp has been totally off message for the last ten days and this Palin thing is festering. She's not running for president. 538's suggestion that the whole "lipstick" thing was calculated by the Obama campaign is interesting, and would actually suggest they have a message, but who knows if that's true. All the republicans are doing is using Palin as a shield, and the democrats are too preoccupied with attacking that barrier than going for what's behind it. It's been two weeks and we're ONLY talking about Palin. Come on.

BULLSHIT! The Republican convention happened last week. How can you call that off message?


when is my burrito
Fatalah said:
PoliGAF's movers and shakers for 9/10/08

User Name | Posts
AniHawk 262
GhaleonEB 217
Tamanon 215
CharlieDigital 205
speculawyer 195
Zeliard 165
polyh3dron 162
reilo 156
Stoney Mason 134
gkrykewy 126

You should keep a spreadsheet that keeps track of the day to day so you can see who posted something new. :p
OuterWorldVoice said:
He still speaks from the bully pulpit, which is fucking irritating. Regardless of politics. Hannity is worse though, because he's a borderline retard too.

Naturally...I mean, he is O'Reilly and he's got a rep to keep.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
PantherLotus said:
Has anybody commented on the idea that the Obama camp knew exactly what it was doing when they had him drop the lipstick bomb? I think they were goading the Right into attacking so they could spring the GOTCHA trap.

Amazingly, it worked.

Took all day though.


mckmas8808 said:
BULLSHIT! The Republican convention happened last week. How can you call that off message?
Seriously, wtf do you want, people? A Democratic Reaction to the Republican National Convention Mini-Convention?! Get the fuck out of here!


Details on the ABC News/Charlie Gibson Softball Spectacular, Starring Sara Palin

Charles Gibson's interviews with Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will form the basis of a special prime-time edition of "20/20" Friday, ABC said Wednesday.

Gibson is traveling to Fairbanks and Wasilla, Alaska, for the first TV interviews with Palin since she was selected as John McCain's running mate. The first excerpts of the talks will be shown on "World News" Thursday.

Gibson is having three separate interviews with Palin, ABC said. Parts of the interviews will be spread around other ABC news programs, including "Nightline" and "Good Morning America."

The prime-time special, at 10 p.m. EDT, will also include a bio of Palin by ABC's Kate Snow and a round-table discussion on the presidential race moderated by George Stephanopoulos.

Sure to be hard-hitting journalism all-around.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Took all day though.

Republican's won the day though because even for the half ass attemptsby the media at calling them out they managed to have yet another day where they controlled the topic of the day.

Chris hit hard at them but he is on the least watched News network so impact is minimal and plenty of time was given to republican surrogates to keep the spin going


Clothed, sober, cooperative
laserbeam said:
Republican's won the day though because even for the half ass attemptsby the media at calling them out they managed to have yet another day where they controlled the topic of the day.

Chris hit hard at them but he is on the least watched News network so impact is minimal and plenty of time was given to republican surrogates to keep the spin going

This evening is the template for tomorrow.
PantherLotus said:
Has anybody commented on the idea that the Obama camp knew exactly what it was doing when they had him drop the lipstick bomb? I think they were goading the Right into attacking so they could spring the GOTCHA trap.

Amazingly, it worked.

yeah, it was genious.


PoliGAF's movers and shakers for 9/10/08

User Name | Total Posts | New Posts Since Yesterday

AniHawk .....................262.................. 38
GhaleonEB ......................217....................... 51
Tamanon .......................215......................74
CharlieDigital....................205...................... 42
Zeliard..............................165..................... 35
polyh3dron......................162 ......................27
reilo..................................156 ......................64
Stoney Mason......................134......................15
gkrykewy...................... 126......................2
Diablos said:
Seriously, wtf do you want, people? A Democratic Reaction to the Republican National Convention Mini-Convention?! Get the fuck out of here!
He needs to get in the mud, take the gloves off, fight fire with fire, and other cliches!

Last I saw, John McCain's mother is still alive. Why is Obama not insulting her? The youth still loves "yo' mama" jokes, right? Barring that, how about sparking a good ol' fashioned battle rap? No holds barred steel cage match? If all else fails, he can always resort to old faithful: saying he slept with Cindy McCain.
PantherLotus said:
palin live on msnbc in alaska. licking her teeth and something about alaska. she has lipstick on her teeth
I'm watching it right now and they seem to be cheering for the stupidest things. "It's called a snow machine! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" reminds me of that Tyra show about vasoline.


PantherLotus said:
Has anybody commented on the idea that the Obama camp knew exactly what it was doing when they had him drop the lipstick bomb? I think they were goading the Right into attacking so they could spring the GOTCHA trap.

Amazingly, it worked.

Somehow I doubt this is the case.


urgh This woman makes me sick

can't believe she's getting HUGE applause for tag lines she's given every night for the past 2 weeks.


Watching Palin on MSNBC right now.... POW POW POW POW POW POW

She's shouting "Change" again.... Ugh...

The only "change" the GOP is talking about is all that people have in their pockets after they take office.
say... i dunno if you ever heard this before, but i hear there are those who use change to promote their careers

and there are those who use their careers to promote change.


when is my burrito
Fatalah said:
PoliGAF's movers and shakers for 9/10/08

[B]User Name          |   Total Posts   |  New Posts Since Yesterday[/B]

AniHawk                262                    38
GhaleonEB              217                    51
Tamanon                215                    74
CharlieDigital         205                    42
speculawyer            195                    39
Zeliard                165                    35
polyh3dron             162                    27
reilo                  156                    64
Stoney Mason           134                    15
gkrykewy               126                     2

Like this?


Joe Biden said:
"What I care about is: What in God's name is she going to do — along with John McCain — about the thousands of people who don't have health care?" Biden asked. He'll ask her about "The superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down...John McCain wants to know where Bin Ladin and the gates of Hell are? I can tell him where. That's where Al Quaida is. That's where Bin Ladin is. It's not in the country of Iraq."

CNN said:
A helicopter with three U.S. senators aboard — including former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry of Massachusetts — has made an emergency landing in Afghanistan, the Associated Press is reporting.

Also on board: two-time Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of Delaware and Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. We'll provide more details as they become available.

Update at 3:33 p.m. ET: CNN says a Kerry spokesman has told the network that the helicopter landed because of impending bad weather, that none of the three are hurt — and that all three now are out of Afghanistan.

Update at 3:43 p.m. ET: A Biden spokesperson also is characterizing the landing to CNN as more of an "unscheduled," instead of "emergency," event because of unexpected bad weather.

Joe for god's sake, you don't have to do all this--you're not Hillary but that's ok, you don't have to pretend you are we'll still vote for Senator Rainbows and Candy



Tyrone Slothrop said:
say... i dunno if you ever heard this before, but i hear there are those who use change to promote their careers

and there are those who use their careers to promote change.

*rabble rabble* same old same old!

mj1108 said:
She changed the jet story... she just said "it sold".


*rabble rabble* lol changing what she said


Deus Ex Machina said:
Barack Obama on O'Reilly Factor - Part 4 of 4





Good interviews. He looks solid for the debates.
methane47 said:
urgh This woman makes me sick

can't believe she's getting HUGE applause for tag lines she's given every night for the past 2 weeks.

The Republicans were so desperate for a new toy that they would polish a turd and call it a diamond. It's no surprise that they're still grunting in approval of the new face; it's the only new thing that has come of their entire campaign.


"Elect John mccain ... because he's a great man, and a Friend of Alaska" -Palin


THATS Why he needs to be President..?? Cuz he's a great man?... and a friend.. WTF!?!


Professional Schmuck
laserbeam said:
Republican's won the day though because even for the half ass attemptsby the media at calling them out they managed to have yet another day where they controlled the topic of the day.

Chris hit hard at them but he is on the least watched News network so impact is minimal and plenty of time was given to republican surrogates to keep the spin going

Let's not spin the damage that the right did to themselves today. they look complete asses when raising these claims of sexism. It's no worse than the Left bleating racism! when there was none.
giga said:
Good interviews. He looks solid for the debates.

yea, McCain won't be that quick. Love him or hate him, being able to take Oreilly's volleys and stats and throw them right back will help Obama a lot.


Some philosophers are having a "Spot the Logical Fallacy" Party

From Leiter Reports:

"Spot the Logical Fallacy" Party

Carlos Mariscal, a graduate student at Duke, wrote last Friday:

While I was watching the convention this week (and last week as well, actually), it astounded me at how often the speakers would resort to obvious logical fallacies. I counted five false dichotomies and four straw men within the Sarah Palin speech alone. As a result, I've decided to throw a 'Spot the Logical Fallacy' party during the first debate September 26. It occurs to me that this would be a good way of showing the use of philosophical training and a fun way to reach out to the community. So, I'd like to throw the idea out to the Internet in the hopes that a few philosophy departments, clubs, or meet up groups will also decide to throw parties of their own.

It should be a busy and festive event, given the relative role of rhetoric vs. logic in political debates!



McCain has either been making cheap shots at Obama or ripping him off ALL YEAR. Palin is finally something that is starting to stick. She's a horrible person, though. She lies so confidently!


methane47 said:
"Elect John mccain ... because he's a great man, and a Friend of Alaska" -Palin


THATS Why he needs to be President..?? Cuz he's a great man?... and a friend.. WTF!?!

That's why he always says "My friends".

Obviously you have to be a friend to everyone to be President.
TDG said:
Democrats are getting all panicky and acting like babies with diaper rash? Stunning! Next, link me to an article about republicans adopting a strategy of trying to seem like the most patriotic party.

The media pisses me off with this as well. They'll get one democrat (probably the guy minding the door) claiming that he's worried and then all of a sudden it's a talking point of the day.

Also, the playing up of the "maybe it should have been Hillary" crap by the media also has to stop. They're absolutely obsessed with stirring up some Clinton drama. Hillary is about as passionate as a rock these days as well so I don't see how she's doing Obama much good and she won't go after Palin so she really neutered her effectiveness.
maximum360 said:
The media pisses me off with this as well. They'll get one democrat (probably the guy minding the door) claiming that he's worried and then all of a sudden it's a talking point of the day.

Also, the playing up of the "maybe it should have been Hillary" crap by the media also has to stop. They're absolutely obsessed with stirring up some Clinton drama. Hillary is about as passionate as a rock these days as well so I don't see how she's doing Obama much good and she won't go after Palin so she really neutered her effectiveness.
Hillary was never going to be the attack dog that people here expected her to be.


Sarah Palin is a great choice for McCain:

1. She can grab Hilary supporters who feel Obama stole Hilary's destiny.

2. She is white so many white Americans can feel comfortable that they are still voting for a white person.

3. She's a woman so white people can still feel society has progressed while mainting racial bias.

Racism is hard to gauge but sadly this election might turn on whether America is ready to elect a black man. Obama needs to convince people that it's okay to vote for a black guy. Biden needs to show people that Palin is no Hillary.


HylianTom said:
I've heard from a few places that the Washington Post will be reporting "something big" regarding McCain this evening. Something that will hurt his campaign badly. Anyone else heard this?

My question/theory: is he taking Alzheimer drugs?

What happen with this story?
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