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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Door2Dawn said:
Well this is just great,what the hell am I supose to say now?
Fuck you too, none taken.

Calcaneus said:
Jason Bourne disapproves of Sarah Palin, I think that's enough for me.

I mean, he knows shit.
He turned a fucking book into a lethal weapon. This man knows what he's talking about.

Seriously, though, the guy was totally right. This whole situation is so absurd.
Barack Obama on O'Reilly Factor - Part 4 of 4





I listened to Christ Matthews on the way home. Man, that was a slaughter. Matthews was pissed . . . he wasn't gonna take any shit. And I can't say I can argue with him. If Obama had made the same ad, Obama would have deserved the same abuse and I think he would have given him a lot of abuse.

After that podcast, I put on NPR . . . and All things considered practically did the same story. They just beat down McCain/Palin hard. And they injected levity by actually having someone try to put lipstick on pig.

Today was a good day.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
speculawyer said:
I listened to Christ Matthews on the way home. Man, that was a slaughter. Matthews was pissed . . . he wasn't gonna take any shit. And I can't say I can argue with him. If Obama had made the same ad, Obama would have deserved the same abuse and I think he would have given him a lot of abuse.

After that podcast, I put on NPR . . . and All things considered practically did the same story. They just beat down McCain/Palin hard. And they injected levity by actually having someone try to put lipstick on pig.

Today was a good day.

Trust me. It will get better. We'll get one more good poll, even and above, then one more significant bad one - then even out before the election. An October "surprise" for Palin - actually a slow moving ramp up on Troopergate - with related material - then things will be better towards the election, but it will get ridiculously ugly, McCain's people ignoring this backlash.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Trust me. It will get better. We'll get one more good poll, even and above, then one more significant bad one - then even out before the election. An October "surprise" for Palin - actually a slow moving ramp up on Troopergate - with related material - then things will be better towards the election, but it will get ridiculously ugly, McCain's people ignoring this backlash.
God I hope it doesn't get uglier than this.
At this point you just gotta hope that Obama's ground game (and McCain's lack of one) and Palin's "sordid" past both come to fruition by the time the last of the debates roll around.

Unfortunately, at least for now, it seems some Americans are dumb enough to fall for the Hillarytoo tactic
Clevinger said:
Well, this is certainly ironic...

What Did Palin Request in Federal Earmarks?

Seal DNA Research!


Yeah but seal DNA is important . . . you can't compare that to bear DNA. Fuck bears. And fuck wolves . . . just shoot them from airplanes.

If there is one thing this election is gonna raise, it is an annoyance at Alaska. Alaska gets fuckton of earmarks due to Ted "the (corrupt) Hulk" Stevens. But that is on top of the fact that all its residents get a crap load of money due to oil royalties. For example, the Palin family will collect $22,400 in royalties . . . JUST FOR BEING ALASKA RESIDENTS. (7*$3200) And they need more money after THAT? WTF? The lower 48 has families living on$22,400.
Miroku said:
I'm in NC and I think its gonna be close for sure. There has been lots of growth in the Triangle, mainly of tech and internet based jobs, which means higher educated college boy elitists for Obama. There's tons of college kids here and if they can get off their asses that will make a difference. There's also a sizable black population.
Really? NC has been pretty much written off as a loss. The research triangle is definitely a cool area but I don't think it can outweigh the rest of the state.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i think a lot of you are kind of whistling past the graveyard. this could get pretty bad.
I think you're just hand wringing for the sake of hand wringing. It's getting pretty bad in this thread.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
i think a lot of you are kind of whistling past the graveyard. this could get pretty bad.
Cetainly. 2 months is a lifetime in politics. Unknown things could happen giving either Obama or McCain a landslide.

But right now . . . it looks OK.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i think a lot of you are kind of whistling past the graveyard. this could get pretty bad.
Of course this could get pretty bad... but that's going to depend on what's ahead of us (debates, anger, surprises), not what's behind us (REGULAR AND EXPECTED convention bumps.)
soul creator said:
so I just randomly flipped past Larry King and heard Ari Fleischer essentially saying "Obama wasn't targeting Sarah Palin with that comment...but the audience certainly took it that way. Obama should've immediately chastised the audience and told them this isn't the right kind of politics"
Yeah, that was the same thing the guy was trying to say on Hardball. Must have been in the faxed talking points.

Apparently the GOP has taken Bill Frist's ability to read the minds of people via videotape and spread the talent around. Be scared.

speculawyer said:
Really? NC has been pretty much written off as a loss. The research triangle is definitely a cool area but I don't think it can outweigh the rest of the state.

False. The Obama campaign landed here a few weeks ago (I'm in Greensboro, N.C.) and I just joined on with the moveon.org voter registration efforts that began here earlier this week. North Carolina is very close for Obama, and there is a solid chance Dole is going to lose her seat in the senate if things continue the way they are.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i think a lot of you are kind of whistling past the graveyard. this could get pretty bad.
What the hell are you talking about?

The lipstick thing? Nobody's going to care next week.


heliosRAzi said:
Has this been posted yet? It's from late August, but it's pretty damn huge and I never heard anything about it until today.

Apparently it was built on a faulty premis, the Dems and Reps will be on the ticket.
TheClimaxan said:
False. The Obama campaign landed here a few weeks ago (I'm in Greensboro, N.C.) and I just joined on with the moveon.org voter registration efforts that began here earlier this week. North Carolina is very close for Obama, and there is a solid chance Dole is going to lose her seat in the senate if things continue the way they are.
Keep up the fight. I look forward to being proved wrong.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i didn't say anything about that. i'm talking about the election as a whole

Anyone who thought this election was going to be a cakewalk was mistaken. I always figured it would have ended up like this. I did not, however, expect McCain to be making so many desperate plays that so many independent voters seem to be falling for.

It's going to be another close election. Obama's doing better than Kerry right now, it seems, and Kerry needed another 2% or so in a key state (in 2004 it was Ohio). I am fairly confident that he will have enough momentum to pull out a win, even if it's a squeaker. To quote the Clinton camp, a win is a win! :D

It's only natural for Democratic insiders to be a bit nervous. They should be. If they were all relaxed right now, I'd be even more worried. Never, ever underestimate the brutal GOP candidate/nominee killing machine. Ever.

And what, may I ask, were these "missed opportunities" in the summer?
i think everythings going to be okay, but more down to the wire than before palin was picked.

but the thing is america seems to be a sucker for the kind of shit the republicans are throwing out there. they know our propensity to be dumb, and how to use it. IMO they, right now, are at the top of their game and they're playing right out of the rove playbook.


WickedAngel said:
It's somewhat disconcerting that the O'reilly/Obama interviews were some of the best head-to-heads that he's ever done.
I actually enjoyed the O'Reilly interview. It sucked that Obama could only speak for three seconds at a time, much more heat was generated than light. Nonetheless, it showed that Obama is able to handle an extremely aggressive interviewer and come through fine, he's worthy of the British House of Commons.

The thing that irritated me is that he had Dick Morriss and Dennis Miller as the two people who analyzed the interview. Then again, it's Fox News. The idea of having people on your show to analyze one of your interviews sounds strange anyhow, haha.


Wow, new train of thought. Imagine Karl Rove existed in '92, '96. Can you imagine the President America would have lost because of petty, mud slinging? That should be the new dialogue. "Don't Karl Rove decide the fate of America".


Fatalah said:
But at the same token, could the Clintons have beaten Rove?
Bill could, Hillary couldn't. Just look how her primary campaign was run: it was unguided, it was reckless, and it was unorganized. If you are not strong, if you are not putting a clear message, and if you aren't organized, Rove will tear you to shreds. Rove is so good at tricking people into falling for his elaborate traps, I think Clinton's campaign managers would've been too busy throwing chairs at each other to see the trap coming.
speculawyer said:
Keep up the fight. I look forward to being proved wrong.

It's definitely going to be tough. The rural areas in NC are going McCain no matter what, but the metropolitan areas should come out big for Obama.

If anybody else in here is from NC and you live close to one of the bigger cities there are plenty of ways to get involved. Check into it.
Trurl said:
I actually enjoyed the O'Reilly interview. It sucked that Obama could only speak for three seconds at a time, much more heat was generated than light. Nonetheless, it showed that Obama is able to handle an extremely aggressive interviewer and come through fine, he's worthy of the British House of Commons.

The thing that irritated me is that he had Dick Morriss and Dennis Miller as the two people who analyzed the interview. Then again, it's Fox News. The idea of having people on your show to analyze one of your interviews sounds strange anyhow, haha.

The thing that was odd was that O'Reilly didn't really step out of bounds on the questioning. He often showed some marginal disagreement but he asked relevant questions and got into an interesting debate on the fundamentals of Obama's tax policy.

I enjoyed the interview immensely. It was a breath of fresh air in a media storm that is saturated with non-issues, pandering, and copious amounts of pure bullshit. Who in the Hell would've ever guessed we'd be saying something like that about an O'Reilly interview?
TDG said:
Bill could, Hillary couldn't. Just look how her primary campaign was run: it was unguided, it was reckless, and it was unorganized. If you are not strong, if you are not putting a clear message, and if you aren't organized, Rove will tear you to shreds. Rove is so good at tricking people into falling for his elaborate traps, I think Clinton's campaign managers would've been too busy throwing chairs at each other to see the trap coming.
Well, let's be fair here. Her campaign was reckless and unorganized, yes. However, I don't know if the same would have extended into the general necessarily.

Her campaign was the way it was because they walked into it assuming the nomination was a foregone conclusion. That was their lackadaisical approach to the primaries. That probably wouldn't have been their strategy for the fall.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
WickedAngel said:
The thing that was odd was that O'Reilly didn't really step out of bounds on the questioning. He often showed some marginal disagreement but he asked relevant questions and got into an interesting debate on the fundamentals of Obama's tax policy.

I enjoyed the interview immensely. It was a breath of fresh air in a media storm that is saturated with non-issues, pandering, and copious amounts of pure bullshit.

He still speaks from the bully pulpit, which is fucking irritating. Regardless of politics. Hannity is worse though, because he's a borderline retard too.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Fatalah said:
Wow, new train of thought. Imagine Karl Rove existed in '92, '96. Can you imagine the President America would have lost because of petty, mud slinging?

Are you talking about the guy who signed NAFTA, bombed brown people in four different countries, and cut off welfare? Maybe that's why Rove stayed in Texas in '92 and '96.
I'm interested to know what everyone, from all circles thought of the O'Reilly circle. To me, it demonstrates that Obama is willing to think before answering rather than jump into superfluous "America! Fuck yeah!" rhetoric. But the important people are the super conservatives and what they think of the interview.

Anyone have any info? I'm an independent, so I can't speak for conservatives.


PoliGAF's movers and shakers for 9/10/08

User Name | Total Posts | New Posts Since Yesterday

AniHawk .....................262.................. 38
GhaleonEB ......................217....................... 51
Tamanon .......................215......................74
CharlieDigital....................205...................... 42
Zeliard..............................165..................... 35
polyh3dron......................162 ......................27
reilo..................................156 ......................64
Stoney Mason......................134......................15
gkrykewy...................... 126......................2


Professional Schmuck
Has anybody commented on the idea that the Obama camp knew exactly what it was doing when they had him drop the lipstick bomb? I think they were goading the Right into attacking so they could spring the GOTCHA trap.

Amazingly, it worked.
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