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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Setec Astronomer
speculawyer said:
Really? NC has been pretty much written off as a loss. The research triangle is definitely a cool area but I don't think it can outweigh the rest of the state.
Charlotte Metro Area - 1,675,495 (2008 est.)
[Mecklenburg Co. - 902,803 (2006 est.)]
Raleigh-Durham-Cary area - 1,635,974 (2007 est.)

North Carolina total - 9,061,032 (2007 est.)

There's probably Asheville and Wilmington as well to consider though.


Odrion said:
Biden needs to highlight the initial thoughts that giving Palin any real power would be disastrous.
Biden needs to find a way to get people/media to pay attention to him then worry about getting the message out. At this point unless he makes another racial comment I think hes gonna sit on the sidelines the rest of the election. The last article I read from the MSM on Biden was about Bishops in the Catholic Church saying he needs to shut up about church beliefs basically as he has no clue


Odrion said:
Biden needs to highlight the initial thoughts that giving Palin any real power would be disastrous.

Why because she's inexperienced? It will just allow the Republicans to bring up Obama's experience, and we're back to comparing VP to Obama.

Second verse, same as the first!
deadbeef said:
Why because she's inexperienced? It will just allow the Republicans to bring up Obama's experience, and we're back to comparing VP to Obama.

Second verse, same as the first!
It is a precarious position, but it's still a fight that can be won. The goal is to make her look like a flash in the pan pick of political expedience who doesn't understand the issues. That's the proper inexperience to focus on. Yeah, you can't just get out there and go "lolz, she's only been a governor for two years!" But you can make her look not up to snuff and unvetted potentially.


notjackbauer said:
Hopefully we'll get some ammo once she actually, y'know, says something.

What about Bridge to Nowhere, or Book Bannings, or Alaskan Independence Party, or Troopergate, or ... not sure what the most recent scandal is.
Or just beat the drum of "I don't know who Sarah Palin is, the media hasn't gotten the opportunity to know her either". I mean the fact that she hasn't done a real interview should be a pretty big deal. Not to mention she has been repeating the same speech since the rnc. Some ppl want to make Barack out to be an empty suit, but she's the one that fits that bill.
Biden will only make news if it is bad for Obama from now till the debate. Joe doesn't bring in the viewers like nonsense coverage of Obama or any coverage of Palin.

He needs only to win the audience watching the VP debate.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Odrion said:
Biden needs to highlight the initial thoughts that giving Palin any real power would be disastrous.
Fo real, fucking Matt Damon put it best.

"I really need to know, does she believe Dinosaurs were around 4,000 years ago? Because she's gonna have access to the launch codes.":lol

Seriously, just run a campaign ad from now till november - 5 seconds, easy money.

*A shot of Palin grinning liek an idiot*

*fade in* ".....she's gonna have access to the launch codes." - Will Hunting, just about the smartest fictional character of our time.

I;m Barack Obama and I approve this message.


Professional Schmuck
^^ :lol

Byakuya769 said:
Or just beat the drum of "I don't know who Sarah Palin is, the media hasn't gotten the opportunity to know her either". I mean the fact that she hasn't done a real interview should be a pretty big deal. Not to mention she has been repeating the same speech since the rnc. Some ppl want to make Barack out to be an empty suit, but she's the one that fits that bill.

did you just make a pantsuit joke? kinda sexist if you ask me.
PantherLotus said:
Has anybody commented on the idea that the Obama camp knew exactly what it was doing when they had him drop the lipstick bomb? I think they were goading the Right into attacking so they could spring the GOTCHA trap.

Amazingly, it worked.

No one cares.

Sarah Palin is fucking teflon.
Damn . . . where did the AP find these balls?

Palin family was ordered not to disparage trooper
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Sarah Palin's family was ordered by a judge three years ago not to disparage her sister's ex-husband, the Alaska state trooper at the center of an investigation into whether the governor abused her power trying to get him fired.

A custody investigator appointed concluded that Molly McCann, Palin's sister, had disparaged Mike Wooten in front of their children, Judge John Suddock said during an October 2005 hearing. The judge warned her and her relatives not to disparage Wooten in front of the kids.

"Disparaging is not to be tolerated — it's a form of child abuse," Suddock said, according to notes on the hearing included in the divorce file.

The Alaska Legislature is investigating whether Palin, the Republican candidate for vice president, fired former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan because he would not dismiss Wooten, a probe known as "Troopergate." Monegan has said he believes Wooten's continued employment was the reason for his dismissal, but Palin has denied that was the reason.

Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow did not immediately return a call from The Associated Press on Wednesday.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Fo real, fucking Matt Damon put it best.

"I really need to know, does she believe Dinosaurs were around 4,000 years ago? Because she's gonna have access to the launch codes.":lol

Seriously, just run a campaign ad from now till november - 5 seconds, easy money.

*A shot of Palin grinning liek an idiot*

*fade in* ".....she's gonna have access to the launch codes." - Will Hunting, just about the smartest fictional character of our time.

I;m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

god yes
Sirpopopop said:
No one cares.

Sarah Palin is fucking teflon.
Well, she kind of is right now. However, the acceptance of the GOP's definition of her alone is not going to be enough to carry her popularity through the the election.

That's not to say that she's definitely going to flounder, or that she will get grilled extensively. I'm just saying that at some point, the narrative alone isn't going to serve as her basis for having proven herself.


Wow, just watched tonight's Hardball. Matthews destroyed that chump.

I don't get it, why not just admit you're wrong? It's better than looking like a complete tool...


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Fo real, fucking Matt Damon put it best.

"I really need to know, does she believe Dinosaurs were around 4,000 years ago? Because she's gonna have access to the launch codes.":lol

Seriously, just run a campaign ad from now till november - 5 seconds, easy money.

*A shot of Palin grinning liek an idiot*

*fade in* ".....she's gonna have access to the launch codes." - Will Hunting, just about the smartest fictional character of our time.

I;m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Seriously, why not? You could just make youtube videos of that in all sorts of different ways, splice some footage in there.

- Palin grinning like an idiot
- "She's gonna have access to the launch codes."
- Terminators walking around and shooting stuff
To me, the phrase of the day has been: DRILL DRILL DRILL
Its such an defective mentality that I honestly don't know how to react. Seriously, I can't decide if its extreme stupidity or monumental selfishness. If they honestly think we can just drill drill drill and everything will be ok, then its stupidity. Now, I know people are dumb but I refuse to believe there exists that level of obliviousness to the simple fact of a NON-renewable resource. So, IMO the majority know but just don't give a shit and want as much comfort now without regard to the future of humanity.

I go to bed now wondering which is worse and which pisses me off the most.
Lipstick gate is disappointing, this was just sad.
random thoughts on how to take down palin...

the troopergate and like scams are incriminating, but won't stick. the problem is, and this is why she's so daunting, because any attack will be rebutted with "she's a strong independent woman, with five kids. five." *picture of her with dead moose* that shit is political dynamite

so, first things first - put her in her in her place. reinforce her position as a *VP* candidate. the GOP wants you to think this is Palin-McCain, not McCain-Palin. how exactly that can be done, who knows. but luckily with the debates will help people remember that she's not running for president. the GOP would want nothing more than a Palin Vs. Obama debate, even though she'd get considerably slaughtered, because that's what they want this to be about. so, yes, the debates really will help.


speculawyer said:
And by 'your base', do you mean McCain's base: The Media?

deadbeef said:
So the judge told her sister not to talk down to her ex-husband in front of the kids? And that relates to Palin how, besides the on-going trooper investigation, of which there is no new information in there.

They're digging deep on this aren't they?
There's a LOT more to it than that. They are just lifting from a Newsweek article from yesterday. (Mentioned it here.)

deadbeef said:
So the judge told her sister not to talk down to her ex-husband in front of the kids? And that relates to Palin how, besides the on-going trooper investigation, of which there is no new information in there.

They're digging deep on this aren't they?
Oh . . . you appear to be ignorant on what happened. Let me enlighten you:

In 2005, Palin and her sister Molly went to the Palmer Courthouse while Mike Wooten was in Portland with his stepson. They convinced a judge to grant Molly a domestic violence restraining order against Wooten. This was done so Molly could retain full custody of the children.
When Wooten returned from Portland, he realized that there was a order prohibiting him from seeing his kids. Three weeks later, Wooten was granted an appearance in front of the couple's divorce judge.

In front of Judge Suddock, Molly testified that Wooten never hit her or never physically abused her or ever touched the children. She told the judge she was feeling pressure from her family to file the order.

Suddock immediately dissolved the order because there was no proof of any domestic violence and called the order an abuse of the legal system. He then scolded Palin's sister for keeping Wooten's kids away from him.

The October suprise was determined by McCain when he selected Palin.


not a medical professional
Obama just finished a very lengthy interview on Letterman, it was really great - he made a crack about the lipstick again, called palin the lipstick, and mccain's policy the pig...

in the context of the 'flawed logic' it was funny, but it COULD come back at him,,,


Connoisseur Of Tedium
BobTheFork said:
To me, the phrase of the day has been: DRILL DRILL DRILL
Its such an defective mentality that I honestly don't know how to react. Seriously, I can't decide if its extreme stupidity or monumental selfishness. If they honestly think we can just drill drill drill and everything will be ok, then its stupidity. Now, I know people are dumb but I refuse to believe there exists that level of obliviousness to the simple fact of a NON-renewable resource. So, IMO the majority know but just don't give a shit and want as much comfort now without regard to the future of humanity.

I go to bed now wondering which is worse and which pisses me off the most.
Lipstick gate is disappointing, this was just sad.

Lipstick gate was disappointing but I just watched Chris Matthews vid and he utterly destroyed it. It brought a smile to my face.
BobTheFork said:
Now, I know people are dumb but I refuse to believe there exists that level of obliviousness to the simple fact of a NON-renewable resource.
I don't think that people are dumb so much as there just is not enough debate on the merits. The fact of the matter is that, this summer, gas prices shocked people out of complacency. They're scared that someday in the near future, they might not be able to easily afford to drive to work. And while alternatives sound great for some undisclosed time in the future, we want something, anything, that will alleviate our fears about gas prices today.

Enter the drilling argument. At face value, it seems plausible that drilling here will bring down gas prices, thus saving us until true renewables come to fruition. Unfortunately, the discussion has been far from transparent, as nobody is really arguing for or against drilling in the following concise terms:

1. How much oil is there to be drilled domestically?
2. When will we see it?
3. How much will be pumped out daily?
4. How much does that represent on a national and global production scale?
5. How will this affect supply?
6. What realistic impact can this have on speculation?
7. For that matter, define the role of speculation to begin with.

Once you start looking at it in these terms, it doesn't seem all that promising even to the people who aren't opposing this on environmental grounds. Unfortunately, this debate is non-existent.
Steve Youngblood said:
Well, she kind of is right now. However, the acceptance of the GOP's definition alone is not going to be enough to carry her popularity through the the election.

That's not to say that she's definitely going to flounder, or that she will get grilled extensively. I'm just saying that at some point, the narrative alone is going to serve as her basis for having proven herself.

The GOP definition has stuck. Deal with it.

Now it's rant time:

Hillary supporters are supporting her because the only thing they care about is endorsing a woman. The evangelicals are supporting her, because, well she believes in the same anti-intellectual, anti-progressive, anti-science, anti-technology to keep America at the forefront of the world economy. The same type of regressive policies that have helped America start to lag the world instead of retaining our position at the forefront.

No one cares about what McCain said regarding "lipstick on a pig." He's clearly not a sexist according to America.

Obama is...

Once again, GAF continues to delude itself about Obama, and his ability to get himself out of his jams.

People are looking for Obama to fall.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Sirpopopop said:
Once again, GAF needs to deal with McCain-Palin. The Americans here need to accept mediocrity, and get their passports in order so they can move elsewhere.

I has two passports. Lol.


GhaleonEB said:

There's a LOT more to it than that. They are just lifting from a Newsweek article from yesterday. (Mentioned it here.)


No there's not, other than the fact that Palin's sister's family was included in the judge's warnings. Otherwise, it's just a rehash of the whole trooper fiasco as we know it today. They dug up like 3 quotes from the judge out of court records, peppered them through the existing copy, and tried another angle.

speculawyer said:
Oh . . . you appear to be ignorant on what happened. Let me enlighten you:


The October suprise was determined by McCain when he selected Palin.

Okay, so woman gets restraining order against husband when he is gone. When he returns, she changes her story. I am sure that this has never happened before.


Why don't they just call Palin Mrs. I don't know

asked about freddie mac and fannie mae? I don't know

do you dknow what the vp does palin? I don't know

what is your opinion on the iraq war? I dont know

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
DrEvil said:
Obama just finished a very lengthy interview on Letterman, it was really great - he made a crack about the lipstick again, called palin the lipstick, and mccain's policy the pig...

in the context of the 'flawed logic' it was funny, but it COULD come back at him,,,

He really needs to stop mentioning it. For the past two days there has been no discussion of policy and any day where policy is not the focus is a good day for McCain.
Guts Of Thor said:
He really needs to stop mentioning it. For the past two days there has been no discussion of policy and any day where policy is not the focus is a good day for McCain.
He's simultaneously attacking policy and taking jabs at their feigned outrage. It might prove effective.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
Joe for god's sake, you don't have to do all this--you're not Hillary but that's ok, you don't have to pretend you are we'll still vote for Senator Rainbows and Candy


not as bad as hillary. he didnt say why it was forced down. ;)


Guts Of Thor said:
He really needs to stop mentioning it. For the past two days there has been no discussion of policy and any day where policy is not the focus is a good day for McCain.
Exactly. All this talk of Obama walking the Republicans into a trap is nonesense.

If anything Republicans keep walking the Democrats into traps. Every day they backtrack and defend themselves over silly comments etc is a day for McCain and company to push as the good guys and for the democrats to not get to be on topic.

Off Topic means Republicans push a topic that sways voters to them.


Obama is doing good by going on the attack... He should maybe say somethign along the lines of Joe and I are change you can believe in. McCain Palin's definition of change is putting it in the pocket of the rich.


formerly sane
DrEvil said:
Obama just finished a very lengthy interview on Letterman, it was really great - he made a crack about the lipstick again, called palin the lipstick, and mccain's policy the pig...

in the context of the 'flawed logic' it was funny, but it COULD come back at him,,,

How could it come back anymore than it already has. The GOP distorted it despite the fact mccain has said the phrase himself. Until yesterday I was ready to believe this country could move forward but as I talk to midwest friends in ohio and other bigot places obama is having problems with I really wonder at times.
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