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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
deadbeef said:
Okay, so woman gets restraining order against husband when he is gone. When he returns, she changes her story. I am sure that this has never happened before.

You'll be surprised to know it's never happened to a VP candidate before.


OuterWorldVoice said:
You'll be surprised to know it's never happened to a VP candidate before.

It happened to her sister.

This is silly - they need to lay off the family stuff. If she used the powers of the governor to do some rotten stuff that's one thing, but if the family was ganging up on the ex-husband that's another. Divorces aren't like birthday parties or anything - things get messy and heated, especially when kids are involved.
Steve Youngblood said:
Enter the drilling argument. At face value, it seems plausible that drilling here will bring down gas prices, thus saving us until true renewables come to fruition. Unfortunately, the discussion has been far from transparent, as nobody is really arguing for or against drilling in the following concise terms:
Drilling as a temp solution UNTIL renewable sources are viable I could see, but the time line is really the key factor. I suppose I'm very cynical and I assume that once we 'help' the crisis with more oil, the majority of people will go right back where they were mentally: "what, it's ok now. We don't need renewable sources" We've had so many chances to reduce our use of oil already, how long will it take once we really ALL try? How long until any NEW drilling become useful? The people wanting us to drill seem to be taking the path that requires the least thought and sacrifice, and the fact the the republicans have been inter-twined with the oil industry for so long makes it seem self serving.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Ether_Snake said:
Seriously, why not? You could just make youtube videos of that in all sorts of different ways, splice some footage in there.

- Palin grinning like an idiot
- "She's gonna have access to the launch codes."
- Terminators walking around and shooting stuff
Brilliant! you could throw all kinds of shit in there.

*bodies jacked into the Matrix*
*a field of dead moose, obilterated by an aerial palin attack*
*the Levi Johnston story starring Shia Lebouef*
*footage of snakes on a plane*
*BttF footage dubbed with an explanation of why they have to stop Palin presidency from ever happening*
*howard hughes crashing his plane in The Aviator*
*footage of the purple light going off on Lost*
*Wall-E building garbage piles*

list goes on


Deus Ex Machina said:
Barack Obama on O'Reilly Factor - Part 4 of 4






These are genuinely good interviews. I hope that everyone who reads this thread has watched these.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
deadbeef said:
It happened to her sister.

This is silly - they need to lay off the family stuff. If she used the powers of the governor to do some rotten stuff that's one thing, but if the family was ganging up on the ex-husband that's another. Divorces aren't like birthday parties or anything - things get messy and heated, especially when kids are involved.

Dude, she was the fucking governor. Using state resources for this shit. If you don't see a problem, then I don't know what to tell you.


Guts Of Thor said:
For the past two days there has been no discussion of policy and any day where policy is not the focus is a good day for McCain.
Well, all the days prior to this, Obama just talked about policy, and those were not good days for him. And when Kerry ran into trouble, he just kept talking about policy, and that didn't turn out well.

Elections aren't about policy, we all just need to accept it and move on.


Looking at the EC map, I don't see how Obama can win if he doesn't take CO. Yeah, it's been trending Dem lately but are we really counting on that after Bush won comfortably there in 00 and 04?


DrEvil said:
Obama just finished a very lengthy interview on Letterman, it was really great - he made a crack about the lipstick again, called palin the lipstick, and mccain's policy the pig...

in the context of the 'flawed logic' it was funny, but it COULD come back at him,,,
ehhh ... that doesn't sound like a smart thing to say.

I guess we know what tomorrow's news cycle is going to be all about.


Setec Astronomer
Cloudy said:
Looking at the EC map, I don't see how Obama can win if he doesn't take CO. Yeah, it's been trending Dem lately but are we really counting on that after Bush won comfortably there in 00 and 04?
Ohio, Virginia, or Florida.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
deadbeef said:
It happened to her sister.

This is silly - they need to lay off the family stuff. If she used the powers of the governor to do some rotten stuff that's one thing, but if the family was ganging up on the ex-husband that's another. Divorces aren't like birthday parties or anything - things get messy and heated, especially when kids are involved.

um. she might be going to trial. all of this is relevant since it sets up motive, and gives a larger picture to the situation.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Dude, she was the fucking governor. Using state resources for this shit. If you don't see a problem, then I don't know what to tell you.

From the Newsweek story linked above:
Court records obtained by NEWSWEEK show that during the course of divorce hearings three years ago, Judge John Suddock heard testimony from an official of the Alaska State Troopers' union about how Sarah Palin—then a private citizen—and members of her family, including her father and daughter, lodged up to a dozen complaints against Wooten with the state police. The union official told the judge that he had never before been asked to appear as a divorce-case witness, that the union believed family complaints against Wooten were "not job-related," and that Wooten was being "harassed" by Palin and other family members.

She wasn't the governor when the quotes being used for this new story were generated.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Rhindle said:
ehhh ... that doesn't sound like a smart thing to say.

I guess we know what tomorrow's news cycle is going to be all about.
"The joke - or should we say, THE LIPSTICK? - is on Senator McCain as Obama locks up election with rock solid Letterman interview."

in a dream world, fantasies come true.


Cloudy said:
Looking at the EC map, I don't see how Obama can win if he doesn't take CO. Yeah, it's been trending Dem lately but are we really counting on that after Bush won comfortably there in 00 and 04?
Obama's road to victory is Kerry states + New Mexico + Iowa + Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Florida, or a few other long-shots.
BobTheFork said:
Drilling as a temp solution UNTIL renewable sources are viable I could see, but the time line is really the key factor. I suppose I'm very cynical and I assume that once we 'help' the crisis with more oil, the majority of people will go right back where they were mentally: "what, it's ok now. We don't need renewable sources" We've had so many chances to reduce our use of oil already, how long will it take once we really ALL try? How long until any NEW drilling become useful? The people wanting us to drill seem to be taking the path that requires the least thought and sacrifice, and the fact the the republicans have been inter-twined with the oil industry for so long makes it seem self serving.
The key thing, to me, is that even that isn't as viable as it sounds on its face. The fact of the matter is that, to my knowledge (and I welcome being corrected), there simply isn't enough there, and what we do have available won't be able to be pumped out at sufficient levels to make a real difference.

Honestly, I favor a greener tomorrow. But I'm pragmatic enough to cave under two conditions:

1. There's enough oil domestically that can be pumped to help the energy problem in the near term.
2. We'll simultaneously invest heavily in alternatives for when this supply runs out.

When I hear Republicans shouting "drill baby drill," I'm not convinced of either of these preconditions that would get me on board. They aren't proving to me the merits of drilling today, nor are they convincing me that they're serious about other fuel sources when all of the enthusiasm is for drilling, and other ideas come off as an afterthought.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
deadbeef said:
She wasn't the governor when the quotes being used for this new story were generated.

That's a hell of a qualifier. She is being investigated for these antics as Governor. It's not some civil suit. You know the facts, I have no idea why you're parsing bits of the story.

Full Recovery said:
craig ferguson is ranting on US politics and the media, making some great points.

That's because he's Scottish and therefore automatically awesome.

FunFact: He got his US Citizenship a couple of months before me. And we both ge to vote in November.
Steve Youngblood said:
The key thing, to me, is that even that isn't as viable as it sounds on its face. The fact of the matter is that, to my knowledge (and I welcome being corrected), there simply isn't enough there, and what we do have available won't be able to be pumped out at sufficient levels to make a real difference.
This was my understanding as well. The most talked about source is The wild life reserves in Alaska (honestly its the ONLY one I hear about) and even then it would take ~10 years and only amount to around %5 of our total usage anyway (please correct me someone if you should), which makes the argument for drilling ever more pointless IMO.



Oh good, let's freak out again.

...Man, I can't for next week, when the convention bump is behind us, Obama's up in all the polls again, and all of you are discussing the possibility of Obama winning Georgia, and Obama winning in the biggest blowout ever...

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Steve Youngblood said:
The key thing, to me, is that even that isn't as viable as it sounds on its face. The fact of the matter is that, to my knowledge (and I welcome being corrected), there simply isn't enough there, and what we do have available won't be able to be pumped out at sufficient levels to make a real difference.

Honestly, I favor a greener tomorrow. But I'm pragmatic enough to cave under two conditions:

1. There's enough oil domestically that can be pumped to help the energy problem in the near term.
2. We'll simultaneously invest heavily in alternatives for when this supply runs out.

When I hear Republicans shouting "drill baby drill," I'm not convinced of either of these preconditions that would get me on board. They aren't proving to me the merits of drilling today, nor are they convincing me that they're serious about other fuel sources when all of the enthusiasm is for drilling, and other ideas come off as an afterthought.

even if there was enough there.. it would still take about 10 years before we would start to see any difference at all. so.. the whole temp solution thing is bogus.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
It'll forever be on my "not gonna happen period" list. But the current polling is definitely moving in the right direction. I just don't see him winning that state.

See here's the truth. Bush beat Kerry by 14% in Florida in the Latino vote. Obama and McCain are tied in the Latino vote.

Obama is out performing Kerry in the Latino vote in Florida and all over the country. And this year we are suppose to have the highest Latino vote in history. WTF doesn't anybody care about this vote any more?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
mckmas8808 said:
See here's the truth. Bush beat Kerry by 14% in Florida in the Latino vote. Obama and McCain are tied in the Latino vote.

Obama is out performing Kerry in the Latino vote in Florida and all over the country. And this year we are suppose to have the highest Latino vote in history. WTF doesn't anybody care about this vote any more?

I love Latinos. Especially Mayans. Especially Chac Mool. Plz don't eat the world in 2012.
Steve Youngblood said:
It HAS stuck. However, again, that alone will not be sufficient to carry her through two months of general election campaigning.

It is...

You are falling into the trap of actually believing that people have sense. Cognitive Dissonance. The bitter Hillary Supporters (Read: The majority of them who just want to support a woman regardless of her views.) and McCainiacs already approved and now everything is going to be spun by their minds to support this candidate through thick and thin.


BobTheFork said:
Drilling as a temp solution UNTIL renewable sources are viable I could see, but the time line is really the key factor. I suppose I'm very cynical and I assume that once we 'help' the crisis with more oil, the majority of people will go right back where they were mentally: "what, it's ok now. We don't need renewable sources" We've had so many chances to reduce our use of oil already, how long will it take once we really ALL try? How long until any NEW drilling become useful? The people wanting us to drill seem to be taking the path that requires the least thought and sacrifice, and the fact the the republicans have been inter-twined with the oil industry for so long makes it seem self serving.

I don't even see it as a viable temp or stop-gap solution. It would be 10 years before it even started producing oil, and its peak output would be around 700k barrels per day, compared to the 25 million or so that we consume each day.


OuterWorldVoice said:
That's a hell of a qualifier. She is being investigated for these antics as Governor. It's not some civil suit. You know the fact, I have no idea why you're parsing bits of the story.

That's because he's Scottish and therefore automatically awesome.

FunFact: He got his US Citizenship a couple of months before me. And we both ge to vote in November.

I'm parsing it because I don't see how it is relevant to any supposed misconduct on the part of Sarah Palin as governor, when the court records that were used to source the new angle on this story were taken from a time before Sarah Palin was governor.

I also don't see how it proves that the AP has any sort of balls, which was the original comment that went along with the story.

All I've seen for the past two weeks online and on TV is the media trying to nail her to the wall for umpteen different reasons, and all in all, none of it seems very bad to me. Except of course, if she ends up being guilty of using the office of governor to purse a personal vendetta against her sister's ex-husband.

But that's gonna wash out in October anyway, so time will tell there, but until then, to try and.. well I don't know what they were trying to do with that story really - seems like a fairly typical kind of comment a judge would make in a nasty divorce case.

/Off to bed - can't respond again
quadriplegicjon said:
even if there was enough there.. it would still take about 10 years before we would start to see any difference at all. so.. the whole temp solution thing is bogus.
It is. But when you argue this, it just causes backtracking that amounts to "all the more reason to start now" or "that's still sooner than we'll have the technology and infrastructure in place to utilize alternatives like we do gas."

Personally, I think the entire thing is so bogus that I'm willing to play devil's advocate. Okay, assume we'll have that oil tomorrow. It still isn't enough.


Cloudy said:
Looking at the EC map, I don't see how Obama can win if he doesn't take CO. Yeah, it's been trending Dem lately but are we really counting on that after Bush won comfortably there in 00 and 04?

My dad lives there, and I can't really say I have a lot of faith for it to go blue. Most of the people I met leaned heavily right or were just 'simple folk' or were "scared of Obama."

I believe that all of the rural areas will vote red and most the big cities may vote blue.. I just hope it's enough.


quadriplegicjon said:
fuck. i thought mccain's bounce had leveled off?

Fivethirtyeight lags their model so it doesn't respond to movements right away, in case they are short-lived shifts. McCain's bounce appears to have peaked - no movment for a few days - and so their model has caught up to the polls over the past week. And state polls from the same period are trickling in.

This too shall pass. But it's going to be close.


Steve Youngblood said:
1. How much oil is there to be drilled domestically?
2. When will we see it?
3. How much will be pumped out daily?
4. How much does that represent on a national and global production scale?
5. How will this affect supply?
6. What realistic impact can this have on speculation?
7. For that matter, define the role of speculation to begin with.

1. Not non-significant. Exploratory drilling needs to be done though to get a more approximate number.
2. Depends on the red tape and nimby, some say 1 year some say 10.
3. Same as 1.
4. Same as 1.
5. Same as 1.
6. Will have a pretty significant impact. The supply and demand of oil is pretty inelastic in the short run, little changes in supply or demand will have vast effects on price.
7. 70-140-100 In a year.

www.theoildrum.com if you have any interest in energy issues

Don't forget the natural gas that comes from these new drilling areas as well.

Drilling is just a wedge issue that the GOP is trying to use to paint the DEM as the party of tree huggers, to alienate them from moderates.

Obama still hasn't supported nuclear power plants yet, any energy plan without the support of nuclear power is laughable naive and I can't take him seriously, not to mention the bio fuel mandates he believes in.

Not opposing nuclear power != supporting because it's going to take tremendous political will to push nuclear power with our NIMBY attitude.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Deus Ex Machina said:
Barack did a great job on Letterman tonight.


He might reach a lot more people here casually than on the news channels.

I'm betting a lot of people who are just now getting into the election might be seeing him in-depth for the first time.
wow, great interview. very charismatic, lively. the more they contrast his personality with mccain's crotchedy style, the better off they'll be.
Huzah said:
Drilling is just a wedge issue that the GOP is trying to use to paint the DEM as the party of tree huggers, to alienate them from moderates.
And that is why it bugs me so.

As for the rest of what you mentioned, I'm not entirely convinced of the stuff you mentioned about oil, though I will read any links you have on the subject, as I strive to be as educated as possible. And I do support nuclear. Honestly, I support any solution that seeks to actually solve the energy problems of tomorrow. That can include drilling. I just want it all to be under a comprehensive plan that is both realistic and keeping in mind the needs of tomorrow, and not just the here and now.

And everytime I here "drill baby drill," it tells me that this party doesn't really care about the energy problem, despite McCain clinging to his "all of the above" mandate.
PantherLotus said:
^^ :lol

did you just make a pantsuit joke? kinda sexist if you ask me.

I actually thought about doing so but I feared hearing this on the cable news -

"Known Obama campaign volunteer, donator, and surrogate(surrogate definition provided by NeoGaf poster Gaborn), Byakuya769 from the Neogaf message board made this sexist comment about Palin..."

"How will Obama be able to reign in the sexism rampant in his campaign?"
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